# NAME Serge::Sync::Plugin::TranslationService::mojito - [Mojito](http://www.mojito.global/) synchronization plugin for [Serge](https://serge.io/) # SYNOPSIS ts { plugin mojito data { project_id MojitoProjectId application_properties ./files/config/mojito.properties source_files_path ./files/source localized_files_path ./files/target destination_locales de es fr-ca } } # DESCRIPTION Integration between Serge (Free, Open Source Solution for Continuous Localization) and Mojito (Open source automation platform that enables continuous localization). # ATTRIBUTES - _project\_id_ Mojito project id - _application\_properties_ Mojito configuration file # INSTALLATION cpanm Serge::Sync::Plugin::TranslationService::mojito # AUTHOR Dragos Varovici # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018-2019 by Dragos Varovici. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.