NAME Test::EOF - Check correct end of files in your project. SYNOPSIS use Test::EOF; all_perl_files_ok('lib/Test::EOF', { minimum_newlines => 2 }); done_testing(); DESCRIPTION Deprecated. Renamed Test::EOF. This distribution will soon be removed. This module is used to check the end of files of Perl modules and scripts. It is a way to make sure that files and with (at least) one line break. It assumes that only "\n" are used as line breaks. You might want to check if your files contains any faulty line breaks, use Test::EOL for that first. There is only one function: all_perl_files_ok all_perl_files_ok(@directories, { minimum_newlines => 1, maximum_newlines => 2 }); all_perl_files_ok(@directories, { strict => 1 }); Checks all Perl files (basically "*.pm" and "*.pl") in @directories and sub-directories. If @directories is empty the default is the parent of the current directory. "minimum_newlines => $minimum" Default: 1 Sets the number of consecutive newlines that files checked at least should end with. "maximum_newlines => $maximum" Default: "mininum_newlines" Sets the number of consecutive newlines that files checked at most should end with. If "maximum_newlines" is less than "minimum_newlines" it gets set to "minimum_newlines". "strict" If "strict" is given a true value, both "minimum_newlines" and "maximum_newlines" will be set to 1. This option has precedence over the other two. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Test::EOL was used as an inspiration. SEE ALSO * Test::EOL * Test::NoTabs * Test::More AUTHOR Erik Carlsson COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014- Erik Carlsson LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.