NAME Data::Random::Structure::UTF8 - Produce nested data structures with unicode keys, values, elements. VERSION Version 0.02 SYNOPSIS This module produces random, arbitrarily deep or long, nested Perl data structures with unicode content: keys, values, array elements, scalar content. This is an object-oriented module which inherits from Data::Random::Structure and extends its functionality by providing for unicode keys and values for hashtables and unicode content for array elements or scalars, randomly mixed with the usual repertoire of Data::Random::Structure, which is non-unicode strings, numerical, boolean values and the assorted entourage to the court of Emperor Computer, post-Turing. For example, it produces these: unicode scalars: e.g. "αβγ", mixed arrays: e.g. ["αβγ", "123", "xyz"] hashtables with some/all keys and/or values as unicode: e.g. {"αβγ" = "123", "xyz" => "αβγ"}> This is accomplised by adding an extra type string-UTF8 (invisible to the user) and the respective generator method. All these are invisible to the user which will get the old functionality plus some (or maybe none because this is a random process which does not eliminate non-unicode strings, at the moment) unicode strings. use Data::Random::Structure::UTF8; my $randomiser = Data::Random::Structure::UTF8->new( max_depth => 5, max_elements => 20, ); my $perl_var = $randomiser->generate() or die; print pp($perl_var); # which prints the usual escape mess of Dump and Dumper [ "\x{7D5A}\x{4EC1}\x{6AE}\x{1F9A}\x{190}\x{72D9}\x{2EE2}\x{4C54}\x{ED71}\x{8161}\x{161E}", "\x{E6E2}\x{75A4}\x{194B}\x{678D}\x{B522}\x{B06F}\x{FFAA}\x{10733}\x{C35F}\x{8B77}\x{FF25}\x{14C8}\x{843A}\x{E2EE}\x{10360}\x{C108}\x{3E55}", 329076, 0.255759160148987, "RZY}A+3Q%`J/Oonu7xEHV)z-<", 1, "\x{A847}\x{6E7E}\x{47A5}\x{7D6}\x{F6C1}\x{7315}\x{7B94}\x{AD5B}\x{F87C}\x{7FCB}\x{1FEB}\x{D1EA}\x{6B65}\x{10635}\x{1287}\x{5466}\x{F66E}\x{F501}\x{5D8B}\x{FA87}\x{3E03}\x{9279}", "\x{FBEE}\x{66C9}\x{5880}\x{F861}\x{B0FB}\x{18BF}\x{1B8}\x{EFD9}\x{3448}\x{F39C}9\x{85AF}\x{97D3}\x{A2D1}\x{61C}\x{BC54}\x{3012}\x{963F}\x{EA46}\x{B0C7}\x{CF89}\x{8C3F}\x{1062F}\x{50D7}\x{F6AB}\x{8261}", 150763, 0.995195566715751, 540387, "n^h%KIOdtl?v8(bCXkPNjx74R", 0.659785029547361, "\x{54AA}\x{F0DE}\x{35F7}\x{CEF3}\x{E3BE}\x{2AEE}", 0.0238308786033095, 59973, [ "TEb97qJt", 1, "_ow|J\@~=6%*N;52?W3Y\$S1", 0.931256396568543, 0.466393020781872, 0.400670775469877, "\x{EABE}\x{22E8}\x{F8C7}\x{2E99}\x{3A55}\x{F3A2}\x{C5BA}", 0.113700689106214, "1-M&B/", "\x{82D0}\x{7AB0}\x{9BDC}\x{3A08}\x{F236}\x{DBC2}\x{2093}\x{1608}\x{A16F}\x{A2D2}\x{4FE8}\x{2780}\x{8625}\x{11A1}\x{2F8}\x{92FA}\x{B10D}\x{EF1C}\x{1008C}\x{C5FE}\x{48D7}\x{A081}\x{B8B5}\x{5F88}\x{16F6}\x{F44E}\x{EB52}\x{3CE4}\x{3780}\x{6AB6}\x{59F5}", 0.941029056924428, 0.27890646290453, "\x{3EFA}\x{5C5A}\x{EF74}\x{FB2F}\x{A663}\x{9E55}\x{2AAA}\x{CC77}\x{5C41}", "\\Rz.U<\"yD,qMu~lN", 305433, "A#W&V\"", 1, ], METHODS This is an object oriented module which has exactly the same API as Data::Random::Structure. new Constructor. See Data::Random::Structure::new for the API. In short, it takes 2 optional arguments, max_depth and max_elements. generate Constructor with these optional parameters: max_depth max_elements This method is inherited from the parent as is. See Data::Random::Structure::new for the exact API. SEE ALSO The parent class Data::Random::Structure. Data::Roundtrip for stringifying possibly-unicode Perl data structures. AUTHOR Andreas Hadjiprocopis, BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-data-random-structure-utf8 at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. CAVEATS There are 3 issues. The first issue is that the unicode produced can make Data::Dump to complain with Operation "lc" returns its argument for UTF-16 surrogate U+DA4B at /usr/local/share/perl5/Data/ line 302. This, I have found, can be fixed with the following workaround (from github user iafan , thank you): # Suppress `Operation "lc" returns its argument for UTF-16 surrogate 0xNNNN` warning # for the `lc()` call below; use 'utf8' instead of a more appropriate 'surrogate' pragma # since the latter is not available in until Perl 5.14 no warnings 'utf8'; The second issue is that this class inherits from Data::Random::Structure and relies on it complaining about not being able to handle certain types which are our own extensions (the string-UTF8 extension). We have no way to know that except from catching its croak'ing and parsing it with the following code my $rc = eval { $self->SUPER::generate_scalar(@_) }; if( $@ || ! defined($rc) ){ # parent doesn't know what to do, can we handle this? if( $@ !~ /how to generate (.+?)\R/ ){ ... ... } else { print "type is $1" } ... in order to extract the type which can not be handled and handle it ourselves. So whenever the parent class (Data::Random::Structure) changes its croak song, we will have to adopt this code accordingly (in Data::Random::Structure::UTF8::generate_scalar). For the moment, I have placed a catch-all, fall-back condition to handle this but it will be called for all kind of types and not only the types we have added. So, this issue is not going to make the module die but may make it to skew the random results in favour of unicode strings (which is the fallback, default action when can't parse the type). The third issue escapes me right now. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Data::Random::Structure::UTF8 You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN SEE ALSO Data::Random::Structure ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mark Allen who created Data::Random::Structure which is our parent class. DEDICATIONS AND HUGS !Almaz! LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Andreas Hadjiprocopis. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)