NAME SQL::Easy - extremely easy access to sql data DESCRIPTION On cpan there are a lot of ORMs. The problem is that sometimes ORM are too complex. You don't need ORM in a simple script with couple requests. ORM is sometimes difficult to use, you need to learn its syntax. From the other hand you already knows SQL language. SQL::Easy give you easy access to data stored in databases using well known SQL language. SYNOPSIS use SQL::Easy; use Data::Dumper; # this is only for example, you don't need it in real script # create object my $se = SQL::Easy->new( { database => 'my_blog', user => 'user', password => 'secret', host => 'localhost' # default 'localhost' port => 3306, # default 3306 connection_check_threshold => 30, # default 30 debug => 0, } ); # or, if you already have dbh: # ( example how to you can use SQL::Easy with Dancer::Plugin::Database ) my $dbh = database(); my $se2 = SQL::Easy->new( { dbh=>$dbh } ); # let's find out how many blog posts do I have: my $posts_count = $se->return_one('select count(id) from posts'); print Dumper $posts_count; # will print $VAR1 = 42; # some data about post with id 1 my @a = $se->return_row("select dt_post, title from posts where id = ?", 1); print Dumper @a; # will print: =head2 $VAR1 = '2010-07-14 18:30:31'; $VAR2 = 'Hello, World!'; =cut # some data about 2 posts: print Dumper $se->return_data("select dt_post, title from posts order by id limit 2"); =head2 $VAR1 = [ { 'dt_post' => '2010-07-14 18:30:31', 'title' => 'Hello, World!' }, { 'dt_post' => '2010-08-02 17:13:35', 'title' => 'use perl or die' } ]; =cut # Next. Let add new post: print Dumper $se->insert("insert into images ( dt_post, title ) values ( now(), ? )", "My new idea"); # It will print # $VAR1 = 43; # and 43 is the id of the new row in table # Sometimes you don't need the any return value (when you delete or update rows), # you only need to execute some sql. You can do it by $se->execute("update posts set title = ? where id = ?", "JFDI", 2); # If it passed more than 'connection_check_threshold' seconds between requests # the module will check that db connection is alive and reconnect if it went away GENERAL FUNCTIONS =cut new * Get: 1) hash with connection information * Return: 1) object Sub creates an object return_dbh * Get: - * Return: 1) $ with dbi handler return_one * Get: 1) $ sql 2) @ bind variables * Return: 1) $ with first value of request result return_row * Get: 1) $ sql 2) @ bind variables * Return: 1) @ with first row in result table return_col * Get: 1) $ sql 2) @ bind variables * Return: 1) @ with first column in result table return_data * Get: 1) $ sql 2) @ bind variables * Return: 1) $ with array of hashes with the result of the query Sample usage: my $a = $se->return_data('select * from t1'); print scalar @{$a}; # quantity of returned rows print $a->[0]{filename}; # element 'filename' in the first row for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$a}; $i++) { print $a->[$i]{filename}, "\n"; } insert * Get: 1) $ sql 2) @ bind variables * Return: 1) $ with id of inserted record Sub executes sql with bind variables and returns id of inseted record execute * Get: 1) $ sql 2) @ bind variables * Return: - Sub just executes sql that it recieves and returns noting interesting log_debug * Get: 1) $ with debug text * Return: - If the debug is turned on sub prints sql queries that are executed AUTHOR Ivan Bessarabov, `' SOURCE CODE The source code for this module is hosted on GitHub