NAME Validation::Class::Plugin::JavascriptObjects - Javascript Object Rendering for Validation::Class VERSION version 7.900021 SYNOPSIS # this plugin is in working condition but untested!!! use Validation::Class::Simple; use Validation::Class::Plugin::JavascriptObjects; # given my $rules = Validation::Class::Simple->new( fields => { username => { required => 1 }, password => { required => 1 }, } ); # when my $objects = $rules->plugin('javascript_objects'); print $objects->render(namespace => 'form.signup', include => [qw/errors/]); # then, output should be ... var form.signup = { "password": { "errors": ["password is required"] }, "username": { "errors": ["username is required"] } }; DESCRIPTION Validation::Class::Plugin::JavascriptObjects is a plugin for Validation::Class which can leverage your validation class field definitions to render JavaScript objects for the purpose of introspection. METHODS render The render method converts the attached validation class into a javascript object for introspection purposes. This method accepts a list of key/value pairs as options. $self->render; # or $self->render( namespace => 'Foo.Bar', exclude => [qw/pattern/] ); # or $self->render( namespace => 'Foo.Baz', include => [qw/minlength maxlength required/] ); # or, to also limit the fields output $self->render( namespace => 'Foo.Baz', fields => [qw/this that/], include => [qw/minlength maxlength required/] ); AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Al Newkirk. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.