NAME Validation::Class::Deep - Data Validation for Hierarchical Data VERSION version 0.000006 SYNOPSIS package MyApp::Person; use Validation::Class::Deep; field 'id' => { mixin => [':str'], filters => ['numeric'], max_length => 2, }; field 'name' => { mixin => [':str'], pattern => qr/^[A-Za-z ]+$/, max_length => 20, }; field 'rating' => { mixin => [':str'], pattern => qr/^\-?\d+$/, }; field 'tag' => { mixin => [':str'], pattern => qr/^(?!evil)\w+/, max_length => 20, }; domain 'person' => { 'id' => 'id', 'name' => 'name', '' => 'name', '' => 'name', 'company.supervisor.rating.@.*' => 'rating', 'company.tags.@' => 'name' }; package main; my $data = { "id" => "1234-ABC", "name" => "Anita Campbell-Green", "title" => "Designer", "company" => { "name" => "House of de Vil", "supervisor" => { "name" => "Cruella de Vil", "rating" => [ { "support" => -9, "guidance" => -9 } ] }, "tags" => [ "evil", "cruelty", "dogs" ] }, }; my $person = MyApp::Person->new; unless ($person->validate_domain(person => $data)) { warn $person->errors_to_string if $person->error_count; } DESCRIPTION This module allows you to validate hierarchical structures using the Validation::Class framework. This is an experimental yet highly promising approach toward the consistent processing of nested structures. The current interface is not expected to change. This module was inspired by MooseX::Validation::Doctypes. Gone are the days of data submitted to an application in key/value form and especially in regards to the increasing demand for communication between applications, serializing and transmitting structured data over a network connection. AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Al Newkirk. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.