NAME Plack::Test::Simple - Object-Oriented PSGI Application Testing VERSION version 0.000002 SYNOPSIS Plack::Test::Simple is a collection of testing helpers for anyone developing Plack applications. This module is a wrapper around Plack::Test, based on the design of Test::Mojo, providing a unified interface to test PSGI applications using HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response objects. Typically a Plack web application's deployment stack includes various middlewares and utilities which are now even easier to test along-side the actual web application code. SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use Plack::Test::Simple; my $t = Plack::Test::Simple->new('/path/to/app.psgi'); my $req = $t->request; my $res = $t->response; # setup $req->headers->authorization_basic('h@cker', 's3cret'); $req->headers->content_type('application/json'); $req->content(''); # text GET request $t->can_get('/')->status_is(200); $t->content_like(qr/hello world/i); # json POST request $t->can_post('/search')->status_is(200); $t->data_has('/results/4/title'); done_testing; ATTRIBUTES data The data attribute contains a hashref corresponding to the UTF-8 decoded JSON string found in the HTTP response body. psgi The psgi attribute contains a coderef containing the PSGI compliant application code. request The request attribute contains the HTTP::Request object which will be used to process the HTTP requests. This attribute is never reset. response The response attribute contains the HTTP::Response object which will be automatically set upon issuing an HTTP requests. This attribute is reset upon each request. METHODS can_get The can_get method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->can_get('/users'); $self->can_get('/users' => 'http get /users ok'); cant_get The cant_get method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->cant_get('/'); $self->cant_get('/users' => 'http get /users not ok'); can_post The can_post method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->can_post('/users'); $self->can_post('/users' => 'http post /users ok'); cant_post The cant_post method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->cant_post('/users'); $self->cant_post('/users' => 'http post /users not ok'); can_put The can_put method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->can_put('/users'); $self->can_put('/users' => 'http put /users ok'); cant_put The cant_put method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->cant_put('/users'); $self->cant_put('/users' => 'http put /users not ok'); can_delete The can_delete method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->can_delete('/users'); $self->can_delete('/users' => 'http delete /users ok'); cant_delete The cant_delete method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->cant_delete('/users'); $self->cant_delete('/users' => 'http delete /users not ok'); can_head The can_head method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->can_head('/users'); $self->can_head('/users' => 'http head /users ok'); cant_head The cant_head method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->cant_head('/users'); $self->cant_head('/users' => 'http head /users ok'); can_options The can_options method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->can_options('/users'); $self->can_options('/users' => 'http options /users ok'); cant_options The cant_options method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->cant_options('/users'); $self->cant_options('/users' => 'http options /users not ok'); can_trace The can_trace method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->can_trace('/users'); $self->can_trace('/users' => 'http trace /users ok'); cant_trace The cant_trace method tests whether an HTTP request to the supplied path is a success. $self->cant_trace('/users'); $self->cant_trace('/users' => 'http trace /users not ok'); content_is The content_is method tests if the HTTP::Response decoded body matches the value specified. $self->content_is($value); $self->content_is($value => 'body ok'); content_isnt The content_isnt method tests if the HTTP::Response decoded body does not match the value specified. $self->content_isnt($value); $self->content_isnt($value => 'body not ok'); content_like The content_like method tests if the HTTP::Response decoded body contains matches for the regex value specified. $self->content_like(qr/body/); $self->content_like(qr/body/ => 'body found'); content_unlike The content_unlike method tests if the HTTP::Response decoded body does not contain matches for the regex value specified. $self->content_isnt(qr/body/); $self->content_is(qr/body/ => 'body not found'); content_type_is The content_type_is method tests if the HTTP::Response Content-Type header matches the value specified. $self->content_type_is('application/json'); $self->content_type_is('application/json' => 'json data returned'); content_type_isnt The content_type_isnt method tests if the HTTP::Response Content-Type header does not match the value specified. $self->content_type_isnt('application/json'); $self->content_type_isnt('application/json' => 'json data not returned'); content_type_like The content_type_like method tests if the HTTP::Response Content-Type header contains matches for the regex value specified. $self->content_type_like(qr/json/); $self->content_type_like(qr/json/ => 'json data returned'); content_type_unlike The content_type_unlike method tests if the HTTP::Response Content-Type header does not contain matches for the regex value specified. $self->content_type_unlike(qr/json/); $self->content_type_unlike(qr/json/ => 'json data not returned'); header_is The header_is method tests if the HTTP::Response header specified matches the value specified. $self->header_is('Server', 'nginx'); $self->header_is('Server', 'nginx' => 'server header ok'); header_isnt The header_isnt method tests if the HTTP::Response header specified does not match the value specified. $self->header_isnt('Server', 'nginx'); $self->header_isnt('Server', 'nginx' => 'server header not ok'); header_like The header_like method tests if the HTTP::Response header specified contains matches for the regex value specified. $self->header_like('Server', qr/nginx/); $self->header_like('Server', qr/nginx/ => 'server header ok'); header_unlike The header_unlike method tests if the HTTP::Response header specified does not contain matches for the regex value specified. $self->header_unlike('Server', qr/nginx/); $self->header_unlike('Server', qr/nginx/ => 'server header not ok'); data_has The data_has method tests if the HTTP::Response decoded JSON structure contains matches for the Data::DPath path value specified. $self->data_has('/results'); $self->data_has('/results' => 'json results returned'); data_hasnt The data_hasnt method tests if the HTTP::Response decoded JSON structure does not contain matches for the Data::DPath path value specified. $self->data_hasnt('/results'); $self->data_hasnt('/results' => 'json results were not returned'); data_is_deeply The data_is_deeply method tests if the HTTP::Response decoded JSON structure contains matches for the Data::DPath path value specified, then tests if the first match matches the supplied Perl data structure exactly. $self->data_is_deeply('/results', $data); $self->data_is_deeply('/results', $data => 'data structure exact match'); data_match The data_match method is an alias for the data_is_deeply method which tests if the HTTP::Response decoded JSON structure contains matches for the Data::DPath path value specified, then tests if the first match matches the supplied Perl data structure exactly. $self->data_match('/results', $data); $self->data_match('/results', $data => 'data structure exact match'); status_is The status_is method tests if the HTTP::Response code matches the value specified. $self->status_is(404); $self->status_is(404 => 'page not found'); status_isnt The status_isnt method tests if the HTTP::Response code does not match the value specified. $self->status_isnt(404); $self->status_isnt(404 => 'page found'); AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Al Newkirk. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.