NAME Object::Serializer - General Purpose Object Serializer VERSION version 0.000002 SYNOPSIS package Point; use Moo; use parent 'Object::Serializer'; has 'x' => (is => 'rw'); has 'y' => (is => 'rw'); package main; my $p = Point->new(x => 10, y => 10); # serialize the class into a hash my $p1 = $p->serialize; # returns { __CLASS__ => 'Point', x => 10, y => 10 } # deserialize the hash into a class my $p2 = $p->deserialize($p1); DESCRIPTION Formatting data structures into an ideal format for passing representations in and out of applications can be a real pain. Object::Serializer is a fast and simple pure-perl framework-agnostic type-less none-opinionated light-weight primitive general purpose object serializer. While module should be considered experimental, I don't anticipate the interface changing, much. METHODS serialize The serialize method expects an object and returns a serialized (hashified) version of that object. my $hash = $self->serialize($object); deserialize The deserialize method expects an object, preferably a pre-serialized one, and returns a serialized version of that object. my $object = $self->deserialize($object); serialize::object The serialize::object method expects a reftype and a list of key/value pairs having the keys expand and/or collapse. This method registers a custom serializer to be used during the expansion and/or collapsing occurrences. CLASS->serialize::object( TYPE => ( expand => sub { ... }, collapse => sub { ... } ) ); EXTENSION Object::Serializer can be used as a serializer independently, however, it is primarily designed to be used as a base class for your own classes or roles. By default, Object::Serializer doesn't do anything special for you in the way of serialization, however, you can easily hook into the serialization process by defining your own custom serialization routines. The following syntax is what you might use to register your own custom serializers: Object::Serializer->serialize::object( DateTime => ( collapse => sub { pop->iso8601 } ) ); This method call registers a custom serializer that is executed globally whenever a DateTime object if found. The expand and collapse coderefs suggest what will happen on deserialization and serialization respectively, additionally, you can register custom serializers to only be used when invoked by a specific class. The following syntax is what you might use to register a custom serializer with a specific class: Point->serialize::object( DateTime => ( collapse => sub { pop->iso8601 } ) ); CAVEATS Circular references are specifically disallowed, however if you can break the cycles yourself then re-assemble them later you can get around this. Custom serializers must match the object's reftype exactly to be enacted. Extending the serialization process with custom serializers usually means losing the ability to recreate the serialized objects. AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Al Newkirk. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.