NAME MooX::Validate - Minimalist Data Validation for Moo VERSION version 0.000002 SYNOPSIS package Cat::Food; use Moo; use MooX::Validate; has brand => ( is => 'ro', validate => { options => ['SWEET-TREATZ', 'TREATZ-THATR-SWEET', 'NOM-NOMS'], filters => ['trim', 'strip'], } ); has pounds => ( is => 'rw', validate => { error => "less than 15 pounds, are you nuts?", filters => ['trim','strip', 'numeric'], min_sum => 15, } ); package main; my $food = Cat::Food->new(brand => 'NOM-NOMS', pounds => 20); $food->pounds(' p1oy5 '); # YIPPEE $food->pounds(10); # KABOOM 1; DESCRIPTION MooX::Validate is mashup between Validation::Class::Simple and Moo which provides minimalist validation and filtering automation. Validation::Class ships with a complete set of pre-defined validations and filters referred to as directives. Moo is an extremely light-weight subset of Moose optimised for rapid startup and "pay only for what you use". It also avoids depending on any XS modules to allow simple deployments. The name "Moo" is based on the idea that it provides almost but not quite two thirds of Moose. This is marked as experimental due to the lack of unit/use-case tests. AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Al Newkirk. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.