NAME MongoDBI - A proper ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for MongoDB VERSION version 0.02 SYNOPSIS ... in package CDDB; use MongoDBI; app { # shared mongodb connection database => { name => 'mongodbi_cddb', host => 'mongodb://localhost:27017' }, # load child doc classes classes => { self => 1, # loads CDDB::* load => ['Other::Namespace'] } }; 1; ... in CDDB/ package CDDB::Album; use MongoDBI::Document; # collection name store 'albums'; # required fields key 'title', is_str, is_req; key 'released', is_date, is_req; # optional fields key 'rating', is_int, default => 1; # embedded documents embed 'tracks', class => 'CDDB::Track', type => 'multiple'; # related artist document has_one 'band', class => 'CDDB::Artist'; # stored query filter 'top_rated' => sub { my ($filter, $self, @args) = @_; $filter->where('rating$gte' => 5 ) }; 1; ... and finally in your use DateTime; my $cddb = CDDB->new; my $cds = $cddb->class('album'); # grabs CDDB::Album my $cd = $cds->new( title => 'Just doin my job boss', released => DateTime->now ); $cd->insert; # search using stored query (aka filter) and loop $cds->search('top_rated')->foreach_document(sub{ print shift->{title}, "\n" }); DESCRIPTION NOTE: This librrary is scheduled for a complete rewrite in the comming months. Why a document database, why MongoDB? "MongoDB has the best features of document, key/value and relational databases, and is designed to be web-scale". Why not an RDBMS? "Use the right tool for the job, there are no silver bullets, one-size does not fit all, variety is good, TIMTOWTDI, etc, etc.", additionally, if an RDBMS fits your use-case better as-a-whole, then thats the tool you should use, and likewise, if an RDBMS only partially solves your problem, then you should use it partially. The point is, implement what makes sense. MongoDBI is an Object-Document-Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB. It allows you to create Moose-based classes to interact with MongoDB databases. Born out of the frustration of waiting for someone else to create a proper MongoDB modeling framework, I decided to bite-the-bullet and try my hand at it. At-a-glance, most will enjoy MongoDBI for its ability to easily model classes while leveraging the power of MongoDB's schemaless and expeditious document-based design, dynamic queries, and atomic modifier operations. Also noteworthy is MongoDBI's ease-of-use, chainable search facilities (filters), automated indexing, moose-integration (inheritance support, etc), lean document updates via dirty field tracking, and ability for each class to be configured to use a different database and connection, etc. This class, MongoDBI, sub-classes MongoDBI::Application, please review that module for more usage information. AUTHORS * Al Newkirk * Robert Grimes COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by awncorp. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.