NAME Do ABSTRACT Modern Perl Development Framework SYNOPSIS package User; use Do 'Class'; extends 'Identity'; has 'name'; method hello(Str $name) { say join ", ", "Hi", $name, "I'm " . $self->name; } 1; DESCRIPTION Do is a robust development framework for modern Perl development, embracing Perl's multi-paradigm programming nature, flexibility and vast ecosystem that many of engineers already know and love. This framework aims to provide a standardized and cohesive set of classes, types, objects, functions, patterns, and tools for jump-starting application development with modern conventions and best practices. The power of this framework comes from the extendable (yet fully optional) type library which is integrated into the object system and type-constrainable subroutine signatures (supporting functions, methods and method modifiers). We also provide classes which wrap Perl 5 native data types and provides methods for operating on the data. Contrary to the opinion of some, modern Perl programming can be extremely well-structured and beautiful, leveraging many advanced concepts found on other languages, and some which aren't. Abilities like method modification also referred to as augmenting, reflection, advanced object-orientation, type-constrainable object attributes, type-constrainable subroutine signatures (with named and positional arguments), as well roles (similar to mixins or interfaces in other languages). use Do; The "Do" package is an alias and subclass of the Data::Object package. It encapsulates all of the framework's features, is minimalist, and is meant to be the first import in a new class or module. This is what's enabled whenever you import the "Do" or "Data::Object" package into your namespace. # basics use strict; use warnings; # loads say, state, switch, unicode_strings, array_base use feature ':5.14'; # loads types and signatures use Data::Object::Library; use Data::Object::Signatures; # load super "do" function, etc use Data::Object::Export; To explain by way of example: The following creates a class representing a user which has the ability to greet user person. package User; use Do 'Class', 'App'; has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', req => 1 ); method hello(User $user) { return 'Hello '. $user->name .'. How are you?'; } 1; The following is a script that creates a function that returns how one user greets another user. #!/usr/bin/perl use User; use Do 'Core', 'App'; fun greetings(User $u1, User $u2) { return $u1->hello($u2); } my $u1 = User->new(name => 'Jane'); my $u2 = User->new(name => 'June'); say(greetings($u1, $u2)); # Hey June This demonstrates much of the power of this framework in one simple example. If you're new to Perl, the code above creates a class with a single (read-only string) attribute called name and a single method called hello, then registers the class in a user-defined type-library called App where all user-defined type constraints will be stored and retrieved (and reified). The main program (namespace) initializes the framework and specifies the user-defined type library to use in the creation of a single function greetings which takes two arguments which must both be instances of the class we just created. It's important to note that in order for the code above to execute, the App type library must exist. This could be as simple as: package App; use Do 'Library'; 1; That having been explained, it's also important to note that while this example showcases much of what's possible with this framework, all of the sophistication is totally optional. For example, method and function signatures are optionally typed, so the declarations would work just as well without the types specified. In fact, you could then remove the App type library declarations from both packages and even resort rewriting the method and function as plain-old Perl subroutines. This flexibility to be able to enable more advanced capabilities is common in the Perl ecosystem and is one of the things we love most. The wiring-up of things! If you're familiar with Perl, this framework is in-part the wiring up of Moo (with Moose support), Type::Tiny, Function::Parameters, Try::Tiny and data objects in a cooperative and cohesive way that feels like it's native to the language. INSTALLATION If you have cpanm, you only need one line: $ cpanm -qn Do If you don't have cpanm, get it! It takes less than a minute, otherwise: $ curl -L | perl - -qn Do Add Do to the list of dependencies in cpanfile: requires "Do" => "1.00"; # 1.00 or newer If cpanm doesn't have permission to install modules in the current Perl installation, it will automatically set up and install to a local::lib in your home directory. See the local::lib documentation for details on enabling it in your environment. We recommend using a Perlbrew or Plenv environment. These tools will help you manage multiple Perl installations in your $HOME directory. They are completely isolated Perl installations.