NAME Dancer::Plugin::ValidationClass - Centralized Input Validation For Dancer VERSION version 0.110280 SYNOPSIS use Dancer; use Dancer::Plugin::ValidationClass; post '/authenticate/:login' => sub { unless (validate 'login', 'password') { return validation->errors; } }; dance; DESCRIPTION This plugin provides a convenient wrapper around the Validation::Class module for easy, reusable data validation for your Dancer applications. You don't even need to configure it unless your environment isn't a typical one. ADVANCED SYNOPSIS use Dancer; use Dancer::Plugin::ValidationClass; post '/authenticate/:login' => sub { # set params manually (append, not overwrite) my $input = validation; $input->params(login => 'demo'); unless ($input->validate 'login', 'password') { return $input->errors; } }; dance; CONFIGURATION Connection details will be optionally grabbed from your Dancer config file. For example: plugins: ValidationClass: class: Foo::Bar or plugins: ValidationClass: class: lib/Foo/ If no configuration information is given, this plugin will attempt to use the application's name, as set in the configuration file, and assume the class is $AppName::Validation under the lib directory. METHODS validate This method return true or false based on whether or not the user-input has passed the validation rules. 1 if validate 'login', 'password'; 1 if validate { login => 'users:login', passw => 'users:password' }; validation This method returns the current Validation::Class instance if one exists. Please note, once validation is called, the current global validation instance will be reset. unless ( validate 'login', 'password' ) { return validation->errors; } If you need to use validation (current global validation instance) more than once, please assign it to a variable. e.g. unless ( validate 'login', 'password' ) { my $instance = validation; warn join "\n", @{ $instance->errors }; return $instance->error_fields; } AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by awncorp. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.