[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/atroxaper/p6-TimeUnit.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/atroxaper/p6-TimeUnit) TimeUnit ======== Library for conversion a time unit to another. Purpose ------- * Add possibility to use different time units in code - not only seconds: sub beep-after($time, TimeUnit:D $unit) { ... } beep-after(5, hours); beep-after(3, seconds); * Add a simple way for conversion time units from one to another without any 'magic numbers' in code: say 'In 36 hours contains ', seconds.from(:36hours), ' seconds.'; Exported constants ------------------ **nanos** - just nanoseconds; **micros** - is a thousand of nanoseconds; **millis** - is a thousand of microseconds; **seconds** - is a thousand of milliseconds; **minutes** - is sixty seconds; **hours** - is sixty minutes; **days** - is twenty four hours; Available methods ----------------- With any constants you can use methods **from**, **to-nanos**, **to-micros**, **to-millis**, **to-seconds**, **to-minutes**, **to-hours**, **to-days** for conversion numbers from one unit to another like this: nanos.to-hours(432); # convert 432 nanosecons to 0.00000000012 hour hours.from(90, minutes); # retrieve 1.5 hours from 90 minutes seconds.from(:17minutes); # retrieve 1020 seconds 17 minutes in short named form minutes.from(hours => 3.6); # retrieve 216 minutes from 3.6 (3:36) hours in full named form Sources ------- [GitHub](https://github.com/atroxaper/p6-TimeUnit/blob/master/README.md) Author ------ Mikhail Khorkov License ------- See [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for the details of the license of the code in this repository.