IWF Metadata Harvester Manual

Short Contents

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This is the IWF Metadata Harvester User and Reference Manual, edition 1.0 for the IWF Metadata Harvester 1.0. This manual was last updated on 18 October 2006. IWF Metadata Harvester is a package for metadata harvesting. The author is Laurence D. Finston.

Copyright © 2006, 2007 IWF Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”.

Next: , Previous: Top, Up: Top

1 Introduction

The IWF Metadata Harvester is a package for extracting data from servers, writing it to databases, and displaying it.

Numerous libraries, archives, and other institutions provide data publically or on a restricted basis on servers dedicated to this purpose. For example, many libraries make bibliographic data on their collections available on a server, for use by other libraries. Another institution or private person who wishes to access this data does so by means of a client application or client. Such a client initiates a connection to a server over a computer network and requests that the server send it particular data by means of one or more queries. If the data is available, the server then responds by sending the data over the network to the client. After the client has received the data, and has no further requests to make, it terminates the connection with the server.

Next: , Previous: Introduction, Up: Introduction

1.1 Standards and Protocols

In order for the communication between client and server to function, both must adhere to a common set of standards and protocols. There are many standards governing the communication of clients and servers over computer networks, old and new, for various purposes, and development in this area continues apace.

These standards and protocols and their implementation is a complex subject, and different standards and protocols are not always directly comparable. It often useful to speak of the “kind” or “type” of a server, but it can be difficult to define precisely what this means.

Currently, the IWF Metadata Harvester can access two “types” of server: “OAI servers”, i.e., ones using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), and “Z39.50 Servers”, i.e., ones using the Z39.50 protocol.

The IWF Metadata Harvester contains two programs, ATest and ZTest, whereby ATest accesses OAI servers and ZTest accesses Z39.50 servers. Of the two protocols, the OAI-PMH is much simpler, more straightforward, and more modern than Z39.50, which seems unnecessarily complex and old-fashioned in comparison. Nonetheless, Z39.50 does have some advantages over OAI-PMH, and is still widely used, especially by libraries.

Next: , Previous: Standards and Protocols Introduction, Up: Introduction

1.2 Retrieving Data

Next: , Previous: Retrieving Data Introduction, Up: Retrieving Data Introduction

1.2.1 OAI

Retrieving data from an OAI server is no problem, because one simply uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used in the World Wide Web (WWW) for transferring data in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format, such as web pages. Microsoft Visual C++ provides library functions for accessing servers using HTTP, as do other implementations of C++ libraries.

Previous: Retrieving Data OAI Introduction, Up: Retrieving Data Introduction

1.2.2 Z39.50

Ultimately, data is retrieved from a Z39.50 server using TCP/IP, but ZTest does not use these protocols directly. Instead, it uses the YAZ library supplied by the Danish company Index Data.

Previous: Retrieving Data Introduction, Up: Introduction

1.3 Data Formats

Next: , Previous: Data Formats Introduction, Up: Data Formats Introduction

1.3.1 OAI

The data supplied by an OAI server is in XML format. XML has become a popular format for exchanging data in several different areas within the field of computer and database programming. It is a very clearly structured format and allows for a hierarchical organization of data. Because of its popularity, documentation is easily accessible, code samples and software for processing XML data is widely available, and the relevant standards committees are active. The use of such a popular and well-supported format for data exchange makes it easier to use OAI interfaces, because established methods can be used for accessing and manipulating the data. In fact, it was unnecessary to program an XML parser in ATest, because Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides a system stored procedure for representing XML data in tabular form.

Previous: Data Formats OAI Introduction, Up: Data Formats Introduction

1.3.2 Z39.50

Z39.50 servers, on the other hand, can provide data in several different formats. The most popular is USMARC, formerly known as MARC. However, the IWF Metadata Harvester currently cannot process records in USMARC format. It does process records in PICA format, which is used by the GBV in Germany. The PICA format is much more concise than the rather verbose XML format, and Pica records are correspondingly more compact. However, it is very complex, with nearly 400 categories, each of which has at least one, and possibly several, fields. Since PICA format is little-used, outside of Germany and the Netherlands, ZTest includes a specially-written parser for parsing PICA records. However, it does not yet process all of the categories and fields, and the PICA database does not yet have database tables and columns to correspond to all of the PICA categories and fields.

Next: , Previous: Introduction, Up: Top

2 About This Manual

Previous: About This Manual, Up: About This Manual

2.1 Copying Conditions

See GNU Free Documentation License, (a.k.a. GNU FDL) for copying conditions. The code is contained in the file fdl.texi, which should have been included in the in the distribution. If you haven't received a copy of the GNU Free Documentation License, you can obtain one from this address:

     The Free Software Foundation
     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor
     Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

Next: , Previous: About This Manual, Up: Top

3 Databases

Next: , Previous: Databases General, Up: Databases General

3.1 Association Tables

The databases which are included in the IWF Metadata Harvester make heavy use of “association tables”. These are database tables that associate entries of two or more other database tables.

Association tables are needed when a data record can contain multiple items of information of the same type. For example, a book may have more than one author. It would be possible to define a “Book” database table with a column “author_name”, but then it would only be possible to store the name of a single author in a line of of the Books table.

A better approach is to define a second table “Authors”. Both the Books table and the Authors table should have a column containing a unique, numeric identifier, book_id, and author_id, respectively. These columns should each be associated with primary key constraints for their table. Let us further assume that the Authors table has a column “author_name”.

Now, a third table, “Records_Authors” can be defined with the two columns “book_id” and “author_id”. These columns should be associated with foreign key constraints referencing the Books table and the Authors table, respectively.

Consider the case that a book has three authors. First, an entry is created in the Books table, and it is assigned a book_id, say 1. Then, three entries are created in the Authors table, and they are assigned author_ids, for example, with the values 1, 2, and 3. Then, three entries are created in the Books_Authors table as follows:

book_id author_id
1 1
1 2
1 3

Now, the names of all of the authors associated with this book can be found by using the following Transact-SQL query:

     select A.author_name
     from Authors as A, Books as B, Books_Authors as BA
     A.author_id = BA.author_id
     B.book_id = BA.book_id
     B.book_id = 1

Previous: Association Tables, Up: Databases General

3.2 “Continuation” Columns

When strings are too long, they are not written to the database correctly, but no error is signalled. However, CDatabase::ExecuteSQL or CRecordset::Open throws and exception, when trying to read the string out of the database: Error Code 1021 ``Daten abgeschnitten'' (``Data truncated'').

This shouldn't happen, because enough space should have been allocated in the database table definitions. However, one never knows what a record might contain, so it's entirely possible that one might contain more text than expected. In order to account for this possibility, some of the tables in the PICA database have continuation columns. !! TODO: Explain.

Next: , Previous: Databases General, Up: Top

4 Multi-Threading

Currently, neither ATest nor ZTest uses multi-threading. However, I have made an effort to ensure that it will be possible to do so, if need arises. I avoid the use of static non-constant variables in functions, and static variables local to files, in order to ensure that all functions are thread-safe. There are still some static variables left, but I am in the process of eliminating them.

Next: , Previous: Multi-Threading General, Up: Top

5 Present Tasks

Next: , Previous: Present Tasks, Up: Top

6 Future Tasks

Next: , Previous: Future Tasks, Up: Top

7 Special Character Encodings.

See also UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters and Universal Character Set — Wikipedia; the free encyclopedia.

%% 93 == C2 93 == . %% Hexadecimal 93, Octal 223, Decimal 147.

Hexadecimal Octal Decimal UTF-8 Encoding (Hexadecimal) UTF-8 Encoding (Symbolic) Symbol Unicode Name
#80 °200 128 #C2 80 Â \200 \200 <control>
#81 °201 129 #C2 81 Â \201 \201 <control>
#82 °202 130 #C2 82 Â \202 \202 <control>
#83 °203 131 #C2 83 Â \203 \203 <control>
#84 °204 132 #C2 84 Â \204 \204 <control>
#85 °205 133 #C2 85 Â \205 \205 <control>
#86 °206 134 #C2 86 Â \206 \206 <control>
#87 °207 135 #C2 87 Â \207 \207 <control>
#88 °210 136 #C2 88 Â \210 \210 <control>
#89 °211 137 #C2 89 Â \211 \211 <control>
#8A °212 138 #C2 8A Â \212 \212 <control>
#8B °213 139 #C2 8B Â \213 \213 <control>
#8C °214 140 #C2 8C Â \214 \214 <control>
#8D °215 141 #C2 8D Â \215 \215 <control>
#8E °216 142 #C2 8E Â \216 \216 <control>
#8F °217 143 #C2 8F Â \217 \217 <control>
#93 °223 147 #C2 93 Â \223 \223 <control>
#96 °226 150 #C2 96 Â \226 \226 <control>
#97 °227 151 #C2 97 Â \227 \227 <control>
#9B °233 155 #C2 9B Â \233 \233 <control>
#9C °234 156 #C2 9C Â \234 \234 <control>
#9C °234 156 #C2 9F Â \237 \234 <control>
#A0 °240 160 #C2 A0 Â \240 \240 No-Break Space
#A1 °241 161 #C2 A1 Â ¡ ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark
#A4 °244 164 #C2 A4 Â ¤ ¤ Currency Sign
#A7 °247 167 #C2 A7 Â § § Section Sign
#A8 °250 168 #C2 A8 Â ¨ ¨ Diaeresis
#A9 °251 169 #C2 A9 Â © © Copyright Sign
#AD °255 173 #C2 AD Â \255 \255 Soft Hyphen
#AE °256 174 #C2 AE Â ® ® Registered Sign
#AF °257 175 #C2 AF Â ¯ ¯ Macron
#B0 °260 176 #C2 B0 Â ° ° Degree Sign
#B1 °261 177 #C2 B1 Â ± ± Plus-Minus Sign
#B3 °263 179 #C2 B3 Â ³ ³ Superscript Three
#B4 °264 180 #C2 B4 Â ´ ´ Acute Accent
#B5 °265 181 #C2 B5 Â µ µ Micro Sign
#B6 °266 182 #C2 B6 Â ¶ Pilcrow Sign
#B7 °267 183 #C2 B7 Â · · Middle Dot

#B8 °270 184 #C2 B8 Â ¸ ¸ Cedilla
#BC °274 188 #C2 BC Â ¼ ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
#BD °275 189 #C2 BD Â ½ ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half
#BF °277 191 #C2 BF Â¿ ¿ Inverted Question Mark
#C2 °302 194 #C3 82 Ã \202 Â Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex
#C3 °303 195 #C3 83 Ã \203 Ã Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde
#C4 °304 196 #C3 84 Ã \204 Ä Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
#C7 °307 199 #C3 87 Ã \207 Ç Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
#C8 °310 200 #C3 88 Ã \210 È Latin Capital Letter E With Grave
#C9 °311 201 #C3 89 Ã \211 É Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
#CA °312 202 #C3 8A Ã \212 Ê Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex
#CB °313 203 #C3 8B Ã \213 Ë Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis
#CE °316 206 #C3 83 Ã \203 Î Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex
#D6 °326 214 #C3 96 Ã \226 Ö Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
#D7 °327 215 #C3 97 Ã \227 × Multiplication Sign
#DB °333 219 #C3 9B Ã \233 Û Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex
#DC °334 220 #C3 9C Ã \234 Ü Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
#DF °337 223 #C3 9F Ã \237 ß Latin Small Letter Sharp S
#E0 °340 224 #C3 A0 Ã \240 à Latin Small Letter A With Grave
#E1 °341 225 #C3 A1 Ã ¡ á Latin Small Letter A With Acute
#E4 °344 228 #C3 A4 Ã ¤ ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
#E7 °347 231 #C3 A7 Ã § ç Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla
#E8 °350 232 #C3 A8 Ã ¨ è Latin Small Letter E With Grave
#E9 °351 233 #C3 A9 Ã © é Latin Small Letter E With Acute
#ED °355 237 #C3 AD Ã \255 í Latin Small Letter I With Acute
#EE °356 238 #C3 AE Ã ® î Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex
#EF °357 239 #C3 AF Ã ¯ ï Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis
#F1 °361 241 #C3 B1 Ã ± ñ Latin Small Letter N With Tilde
#F3 °363 243 #C3 B3 Ã ³ ó Latin Small Letter O With Acute
#F6 °366 246 #C3 B6 Ã ¶ ö Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis
#FC °374 252 #C3 BC Ã ¼ ü Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis
#FD °375 253 #C3 BD Ã ½ ý Latin Small Letter Y With Acute
#FF °377 255 #C3 BF Ã ¿ ÿ Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis

Next: , Previous: Special Character Encodings., Up: Top

8 ATest

ATest is a package that retrieves records from servers using the OAI (Open Archives Initiative) interface. The Open Archives Initiative is a body that develops and publishes standards, protocols, etc., for the interchange of data. One such protocol is the OAI–PMH (Open Archives Initiative–Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).

Institutions that wish to make their archives publically available may set up an OAI server. Users can connect to the servers using The records are transmitted over the internet using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in XML format. The OAI–PMH specifies the XML tags that can be used in the metadata made available via the OAI interface. They are based on the Dublin Core fields.

These are the steps that ATest performs:

  1. Connect with an OAI server and send it a query. If the query is successful, the OAI server responds by returning an HTTP packet containing a set of metadata records in an XML structure.
  2. Write the information returned by the query to a file. Special characters are converted to a coding that Microsoft SQL Server 2000 can handle.
  3. Process the file of XML code. Extraneous information is discarded, and individual records are extracted and processed sequentially. Information is extracted and Transact-SQL commands are executed, in order to write this information to the appropriate tables in the dc_test database.
  4. Once the data have been written to the database, other functions can be called to search the database and display its contents using various options.

Next: , Previous: Atest, Up: Top

9 Dialog_1

Class Dialog_1 is declared in dialog1a.web.

Next: , Previous: Dialog_1 ATest, Up: Dialog_1 ATest

9.1 Downloading

Group “Download Records”
Radio Button “Yesterday”
Radio Button “This week”
Radio Button “Last week”
Radio Button “This month”
Radio Button “Last month”
Radio Button “Last six months”
Radio Button “This year”
Radio Button “Last year”
Radio Button “Last two years”
Radio Button “Last five years”
Radio Button “Last 10 years”
Radio Button “Last 20 years”
Radio Button “All records”

The following radio buttons are used to determine from which OAI server the records should be downloaded. At present, ATest can only download records from these two servers.
Radio Button “TIMMS (Tübingen)”
Radio Button “DBT (Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen)”

Edit Box
Contains messages for the user. The user doesn't enter text into it.
Check Box “Delete Old Records”.
If checked, then the old records in the dc_test database are deleted before the data from the newly-downloaded records is written to it. This is useful for testing purposes, but will not be done in production.
Button “Download”
ATest begins downloading records according to the options specified by the user, or the default settings. No further actions are possible until downloading is completed, and the data from the records are stored in the database.
Button “Continue”
The current dialog box is closed. Clicking the right mouse button in the empty view window that remains causes the second dialog box to appear.
Button “Cancel”
ATest exits.

Next: , Previous: Downloading Dialog1 ATest, Up: Dialog_1 ATest

9.2 Data Members

— Protected Variable: unsigned short timespan

— Protected Variable: CString edit_1_str

— Protected Variable: unsigned short metadata_source

— Protected Variable: int day_of_month

— Protected Variable: int day_of_week

— Protected Variable: int month_of_year

— Protected Variable: CTime t0

Previous: Dialog_1 Data Members, Up: Dialog_1 ATest

9.3 Functions

Next: , Previous: Dialog_1 Functions, Up: Dialog_1 Functions

9.3.1 Constructor

— Constructor: void Dialog_1 ([CWnd* pParent = NULL])

Next: , Previous: Constructor Dialog_1, Up: Dialog_1 Functions

9.3.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~Dialog_1 (void)

Next: , Previous: Destructor Dialog_1, Up: Dialog_1 Functions

9.3.3 Data Exchange

— Virtual Protected Function: void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange* pDX)

Next: , Previous: Data Exchange Dialog_1, Up: Dialog_1 Functions

9.3.4 Downloading Records

— Function: int download_records (
const unsigned short metadata_source,
const unsigned short ttimespan,
const CTime* ctime,
char* resumption_token,
char* records_file_name)

Previous: Downloading Records Dialog_1, Up: Dialog_1 Functions

9.3.5 Event Handlers

— Virtual Function: BOOL OnInitDialog (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedOk (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedCancel (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedDownload (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedAllRecords (void)

— Functions: afx_msg void OnBnClickedTimms (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedDbt (void)

— Functions: afx_msg void OnBnClickedToday (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedYesterday (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedThisWeek (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLastWeek (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedThisMonth (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLastMonth (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLast6Months (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedThisYear (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLastYear (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLast2Years (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLast5Years (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLast10Years (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedLast20Years (void)

Next: , Previous: Dialog_1 ATest, Up: Top

10 Dialog_2

Class Dialog_2 is declared in dialog2a.web.

Next: , Previous: Dialog_2 ATest, Up: Dialog_2 ATest

10.1 Searching

The top half of the second dialog box is used for searching the dc_test database. It contains, from left-to-right, the following items:

Edit Box “Search String”
Caption: “Search for string:”. The user enters the string to be searched for in the database.
List Box “Tables”
Caption: “in tables:”. The user can choose from a list of database tables, and/or combinations of database tables, which will be searched for the specified string. It is possible to choose more than one entry from the list.
Group “Search Options”
This group contains a set of radio buttons and a check box for controlling the way in which the search is performed.
Radio Button “Beginning of word or whole word”
Radio Button “Whole word only”
Radio Button “Whole or partial word”
Radio Button “Exact match”
Check Box “Ignore case”

Next: , Previous: Searching Dialog2 ATest, Up: Dialog_2 ATest

10.2 Listing

The bottom half of the second dialog box contains items used for listing the contents of the dc_test database in various ways. The listings are stored in files of HTML code. The following table describes these items, as they appear from left-to-right, and from top-to-bottom:

Static Text “List all records”
List Box “Sorted by”
Check Box “Descending”
Check Box “No duplicates”
Group “Timespan”
Group (Specifier)
No caption.
Radio Button “No limit”
Radio Button “Last Year and This Year”
Radio Button “This Year Only”
Radio Button “Last Six Months”
Radio Button “Last Month and This Month”
Radio Button “This Month Only”
Radio Button “This Week”

Group (Date type)
No caption.
Radio Button “Use dc:date”
Radio Button “Use header_datestamp”

Button “List Records”
Group (List Fields)
No caption
Button “Titles”
The output is written to titles.html.
Button “Creators”
The output is written to creators.html.
Button “Contributors”
The output is written to contributors.html.
Button “Subjects”
The output is written to subjects.html.

Edit Box “Messages”
Button “OK”
Button “Cancel”

Next: , Previous: Listing Dialog2 ATest, Up: Dialog_2 ATest

10.3 Data Members

— Protected Variable: unsigned int select_value

— Protected Variable: CString results_str

— Protected Variable: CString search_str

— Protected Variable: BOOL ignore_case

— Protected Variable: unsigned int search_options

— Protected Variable: unsigned short timespan

— Protected Variable: unsigned short sort_order

— Protected Variable: unsigned short sort_field

— Protected Variable: unsigned short use_date_type

— Protected Variable: BOOL suppress_duplicate_records

Previous: Dialog_2 Data Members, Up: Dialog_2 ATest

10.4 Functions

Next: , Previous: Dialog_2 Functions, Up: Dialog_2 Functions

10.4.1 Constructor

— Constructor: void Dialog_2 ([CWnd* pParent = NULL])

Next: , Previous: Constructor Dialog_2, Up: Dialog_2 Functions

10.4.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~Dialog_2 (void)

Next: , Previous: Destructor Dialog_2, Up: Dialog_2 Functions

10.4.3 Exchanging Data

— Protected virtual function: void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange* pDX)

Previous: Exchanging Data Dialog_2, Up: Dialog_2 Functions

10.4.4 Event Handlers

— Virtual function: BOOL OnInitDialog (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedOk (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedCancel (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedSearch (void)

— Functions: afx_msg void OnBnClickedBegOrWholeWord (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedWholeWordOnly (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedWholeOrPartialWord (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedCaseIgnore (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedExactMatch (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedAllDates (void)

— Functions: afx_msg void OnBnClickedSinceLastYear (void)
— : afx_msg void OnBnClickedThisYear (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedLast6Months (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedLastMonth (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedThisMonth (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedThisWeek (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedListRecords (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedDescending (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedUseDcDate (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedUseHeaderDatestamp (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedListTitles (void)

— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedCreators (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedContributors (void)
— Function: afx_msg void OnBnClickedSubjects (void)

Next: , Previous: Dialog_2 ATest, Up: Top

11 Global Functions

— Function: int get_http_file (LPCTSTR pszURL)

Next: , Previous: Global Functions ATest, Up: Top

12 MetadataSource

Class MetadataSource is declared in mtdtsrc.web.

Next: , Previous: MetadataSource ATest, Up: MetadataSource ATest

12.1 Data Members

— Public static constants: unsigned short NULL_METADATA_SOURCE
— : unsigned short TIMMS
— : unsigned short DBT

— Public static constant: unsigned short MAX_TAG_LENGTH

— Public static constant: unsigned short MAX_RESUMPTION_TOKEN

Previous: MetadataSource Data Members, Up: MetadataSource ATest

12.2 Functions

— Protected variable: unsigned short id

Next: , Previous: MetadataSource Functions, Up: MetadataSource Functions

12.2.1 Constructor

— Default Constructor: void MetadataSource (void)

— Constructor: void MetadataSource (const unsigned short iid)

Next: , Previous: Constructor MetadataSource, Up: MetadataSource Functions

12.2.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~MetadataSource (void)

Next: , Previous: Destructor MetadataSource, Up: MetadataSource Functions

12.2.3 Parsing Records

— Function: int parse_record (ifstream* in_strm, string* out_str, char* resumption_token)

Previous: Parsing Records MetadataSource, Up: MetadataSource Functions

12.2.4 Updating the Database

— Function: int update_database (
BOOL delete_tables,
char* resumption_token,
char* records_file_name)

— Function: int sub_update_database_dbt (
CDatabase* cdb,
CRecords& curr_record,
char* resumption_token,
char* records_file_name)

— Function: int sub_update_database_timms (
CDatabase* cdb,
CRecords& curr_record,
char* resumption_token,
char* records_file_name)

Next: , Previous: MetadataSource ATest, Up: Top

13 Selector

Class Selector is declared in selector.web.

Next: , Previous: Selector ATest, Up: Selector ATest

13.1 Data Members

Next: , Previous: Selector Data Members, Up: Selector Data Members

13.1.1 Constants

— Public Static Constants: unsigned short QUERY_NULL_TYPE
— : unsigned short QUERY_SEARCH
— : unsigned short QUERY_LISTING

— Public Static Constants: unsigned short NULL_TIMESPAN
— : unsigned short TODAY
— : unsigned short YESTERDAY
— : unsigned short THIS_WEEK
— : unsigned short LAST_WEEK
— : unsigned short THIS_MONTH
— : unsigned short LAST_MONTH
— : unsigned short LAST_6_MONTHS
— : unsigned short THIS_YEAR
— : unsigned short LAST_YEAR
— : unsigned short LAST_2_YEARS
— : unsigned short LAST_5_YEARS
— : unsigned short LAST_10_YEARS
— : unsigned short LAST_20_YEARS
— : unsigned short ALL_RECORDS

— Public Static Constants: unsigned short USE_DC_DATE
— : unsigned short USE_HEADER_DATESTAMP

— Public Static Constants: unsigned short SORT_ASCENDING
— : unsigned short SORT_DESCENDING

— Public Static Constants: unsigned short SORT_FIELD_RECORD_ID
— : unsigned short SORT_FIELD_CREATOR
— : unsigned short SORT_FIELD_TITLE
— : unsigned short SORT_FIELD_DC_DATE

— Public Static Constants: unsigned int CONTRIBUTORS
— : unsigned int CREATORS
— : unsigned int DC_DATES
— : unsigned int DESCRIPTIONS
— : unsigned int DESCRIPTIONS
— : unsigned int HEADER_DATESTAMPS
— : unsigned int IDENTIFIERS
— : unsigned int LANGUAGES
— : unsigned int PUBLISHERS
— : unsigned int RIGHTS
— : unsigned int SUBJECTS
— : unsigned int TITLES
— : unsigned int TYPES

— Public Static Constants: unsigned int BEG_OR_WHOLE_WORD
— : unsigned short WHOLE_WORD_ONLY
— : unsigned short WHOLE_OR_PARTIAL_WORD
— : unsigned short EXACT_MATCH

— Public Static Constants: unsigned int IGNORE_CASE

Previous: Constants Selector, Up: Selector Data Members

13.1.2 Variables

— Protected Variable: CRecords curr_record

— Variable: CDatabase* cdb

— Variables: CRecords records
— : CContributors contributors
— : CCreators creators
— : CSubjects subjects
— : CTitles titles
— : CTemp_IDs temp_ids
— : CTemp_IDs_1 temp_ids_1
— : CRecords_Temp records_temp
— : CContributors_Temp contributors_temp
— : CCreators_Temp creators_temp
— : CDescriptions_Temp descriptions_temp
— : CIdentifiers_Temp identifiers_temp
— : CLanguages_Temp languages_temp
— : CPublishers_Temp publishers_temp
— : CRights_Temp rights_temp
— : CSubjects_Temp subjects_temp
— : CTitles_Temp titles_temp
— : CTypes_Temp types_temp

These variables reference database tables.

— Variables: stringstream contributor_strm
— : stringstream creator_strm
— : stringstream dc_date_strm
— : stringstream description_strm
— : stringstream header_datestamp_strm
— : stringstream identifier_strm
— : stringstream language_strm
— : stringstream publisher_strm
— : stringstream rights_strm
— : stringstream subject_strm
— : stringstream title_strm
— : stringstream type_strm
— : stringstream temp_strm

— Variable: unsigned short use_date_type

— Variable: unsigned short query_type

— Variable: ofstream html_strm

— Variable: map<unsigned short, string> sort_field_map

— Variable: map<unsigned short, string> timespan_map

Previous: Selector Data Members, Up: Selector ATest

13.2 Functions

Next: , Previous: Selector Functions, Up: Selector Functions

13.2.1 Constructor

— Constructor: void Selector (void)

Next: , Previous: Constructor Selector, Up: Selector Functions

13.2.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~Selector (void)

Next: , Previous: Destructor Selector, Up: Selector Functions

13.2.3 Selecting Records

— Function: int select_from_database (const unsigned int select_value, CString& search_str, const unsigned int search_options)

— : int fill_table_streams (CDatabase* cdb)

Previous: Selecting Records Selector, Up: Selector Functions

13.2.4 Listing Records

— Function: int list_records (unsigned short sort_field, unsigned short sort_order, unsigned short timespan, BOOL suppress_duplicate_records)

— Function: int write_html_from_streams (unsigned short query_type, [unsigned int select_value = 0, [CString* search_str = 0]])

— Function: int list_table (unsigned short table, unsigned short timespan, unsigned short sort_order)

Next: , Previous: Selector ATest, Up: Top

14 ODBC Classes for ATest

Next: , Previous: ODBC Classes ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.1 Records

Class Records is declared in records.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Records table in the dc_test database. See Records (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Records ODBC ATest, Up: Records ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : CStringA m_header_identifier
— : CTime m_header_datestamp
— : CStringA m_header_status
— : CTime m_dc_date

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records table in the dc_test database. See Records (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Records ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.2 Records_Temp

Class Records_Temp is declared in rcrdstmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Records_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Records_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Records_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Records_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : CStringA m_header_identifier
— : CTime m_header_datestamp
— : CStringA m_header_status
— : CTime m_dc_date

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Records_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Records_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.3 Creators

Class Creators is declared in creators.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Creators table in the dc_test database. See Creators (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Creators ODBC ATest, Up: Creators ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_creator_id
— : CStringA m_dc_creator
— : long m_institution_id
— : long m_person_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Creators table in the dc_test database. See Creators (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Creators ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.4 Creators_Temp

Class Creators_Temp is declared in crtrstmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Creators_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Creators_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Creators_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Creators_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_creator_id
— : CStringA m_dc_creator
— : long m_institution_id
— : long m_person_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Creators_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Creators_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Creators_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.5 Contributors

Class Contributors is declared in cntrbtrs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Contributors table in the dc_test database. See Contributors (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Contributors ODBC ATest, Up: Contributors ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variable: long m_contributor_id
— : CStringA m_dc_contributor
— : long m_institution_id
— : long m_person_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Contributors table in the dc_test database. See Contributors (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Contributors ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.6 Contributors_Temp

Class Contributors_Temp is declared in cntrbtmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Contributors_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Contributors_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Contributors_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Contributors_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_contributor_id
— : CStringA m_dc_contributor
— : long m_institution_id
— : long m_person_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Contributors_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Contributors_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Contributors_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.7 Titles

Class Titles is declared in titles.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Titles table in the dc_test database. See Titles (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Titles ODBC ATest, Up: Titles ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_title_id
— : long m_record_id
— : CStringA m_dc_title

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Titles table in the dc_test database. See Titles (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Titles ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.8 Titles_Temp

Class Titles_Temp is declared in ttlstmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Titles_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Titles_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Titles_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Titles_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_title_id
— : long m_record_id
— : CStringA m_dc_title

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Titles_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Titles_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Titles_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.9 Descriptions_Temp

Class Descriptions_Temp is declared in dscrptmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Descriptions_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Descriptions_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Descriptions_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_description_id
— : long m_record_id
— : CStringA m_dc_description

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Descriptions_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Descriptions_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Descriptions_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.10 Subjects

Class Subjects is declared in subjects.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Subjects (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Subjects ODBC ATest, Up: Subjects ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_subject_id
— : CStringA m_dc_subject

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Subjects table in the dc_test database. See Subjects (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Subjects ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.11 Subjects_Temp

Class Subjects_Temp is declared in sbjcttmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Subjects_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Subjects_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Subjects_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Subjects_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_subject_id
— : CStringA m_dc_subject

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Subjects_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Subjects_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Subjects_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.12 Identifiers_Temp

Class Identifiers_Temp is declared in identtmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Identifiers_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Identifiers_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Identifiers_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_identifier_id
— : CStringA m_dc_identifier

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Identifiers_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Identifiers_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Identifiers_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.13 Languages_Temp

Class Languages_Temp is declared in langtmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Languages_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Languages_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Languages_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_language_id
— : CStringA m_dc_language

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Languages_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Languages_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Languages_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.14 Publishers_Temp

Class Publishers_Temp is declared in pblshtmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Publishers_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Publishers_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Publishers_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_publisher_id
— : CStringA m_dc_publisher
— : long m_person_id
— : long m_institution_id
— : long m_company_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Publishers_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Publishers_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Publishers_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.15 Rights_Temp

Class Rights_Temp is declared in rghtstmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Rights_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Rights_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Rights_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_rights_id
— : CStringA m_dc_rights

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Rights_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Rights_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Rights_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.16 Types_Temp

Class Types_Temp is declared in typestmp.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Types_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Types_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: Types_Temp ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_type_id
— : CStringA m_dc_type

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Types_Temp table in the dc_test database. See Types_Temp (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: Types_Temp ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.17 Temp_IDs

Class Temp_IDs is declared in tempids.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Temp_IDs (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Temp_IDs ODBC ATest, Up: Temp_IDs ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variable: long m_temp_id

This variable references the corresponding column in the Temp_IDs table in the dc_test database. See Temp_IDs (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Temp_IDs ODBC ATest, Up: ODBC Classes ATest

14.18 Temp_IDs_1

Class Temp_IDs_1 is declared in tempids1.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. See Temp_IDs_1 (ATest Database Tables).

Previous: Temp_IDs_1 ODBC ATest, Up: Temp_IDs_1 ODBC ATest

Data Members

— Variable: long m_temp_id

This variable references the corresponding column in the Temp_IDs_1 table in the dc_test database. See Temp_IDs_1 (ATest Database Tables).

Next: , Previous: ODBC Classes ATest, Up: Top

15 Database Tables for ATest

The database tables for ATest are defined in the file dc_test/create_tables.sql.

!! TODO: Write about temporary tables.

Next: , Previous: Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.1 Records

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Records. See Records (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int identity not null record_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Records

The values stored in the record_id column are the unique identifiers for the records stored in the Records table. These values are used in other tables, including association tables, for associating data from other tables with particular records.

— Column: varchar(512) not null header_identifier

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: datetime not null header_datestamp

— Column: varchar(128) not null header_status

The default value is 'normal'.

— Column: datetime null dc_date

— Column: int not null source_id

References Sources(source_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Records Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.2 Records_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Records_Temp. See Records_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null record_id

— Column: varchar(512) not null header_identifier

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: datetime not null header_datestamp

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(128) not null header_status

The default value is 'normal'.

— Column: datetime null dc_date

— Column: int not null source_id

Next: , Previous: Records_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.3 Creators

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Creators. See Creators (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int identity (0, 1) not null creator_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Creators

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_creator

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null institution_id

References Institutions(institution_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null person_id

References Persons(person_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Creators Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.4 Creators_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Creators_Temp. See Creators_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null creator_id

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_creator

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null institution_id

— Column: int not null person_id

Next: , Previous: Creators_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.5 Contributors

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Contributors. See Contributors (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int identity not null contributor_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Contributors

— Column: varchar(512) not null dc_contributor

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null institution_id

References Institutions(institution_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null person_id

References Persons(institution_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Contributors Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.6 Contributors_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Contributors_Temp. See Contributors_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null person_id

The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null contributor_id

— Column: varchar(512) not null dc_contributor

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null institution_id

The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Contributors_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.7 Titles

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Titles. See Titles (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int identity not null title_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Titles

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id).

— Column: varchar(512) dc_title

Next: , Previous: Titles Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.8 Titles_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Titles_Temp. See Titles_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null title_id

— Column: int not null record_id

— Column: varchar(512) dc_title

Next: , Previous: Titles_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.9 Descriptions

— Column: int identity not null description_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Descriptions

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id).

— Column: varchar(2048) not null dc_description

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Descriptions Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.10 Descriptions_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Descriptions_Temp. See Descriptions_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null description_id

— Column: int not null record_id

— Column: varchar(2048) not null dc_description

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Descriptions_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.11 Subjects

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Subjects. See Subjects (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int identity not null subject_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Subjects

— Column: varchar(512) unique not null dc_subject

Next: , Previous: Subjects Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.12 Subjects_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Subjects_Temp. See Subjects_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null subject_id

— Column: varchar(512) not null dc_subject

Next: , Previous: Subjects_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.13 Identifiers

— Column: int identity not null identifier_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Identifiers

— Column: varchar(1024) not null dc_identifier

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Identifiers Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.14 Identifiers_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Identifiers_Temp. See Identifiers_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null identifier_id

— Column: varchar(1024) not null dc_identifier

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Identifiers_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.15 Languages

— Column: int identity not null language_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Languages

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_language

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Languages Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.16 Languages_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Languages_Temp. See Languages_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null language_id

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_language

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Languages_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.17 Publishers

— Column: int identity not null publisher_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Publishers

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_publisher

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null person_id

References Persons(person_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null institution_id

References Institutions(institution_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null company_id

References Companies(company_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Publishers Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.18 Publishers_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Publishers_Temp. See Publishers_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null publisher_id

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_publisher

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null person_id

The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null institution_id

The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null company_id

The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Publishers_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.19 Rights

— Column: int identity not null rights_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Rights

— Column: varchar(1024) not null dc_rights

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Rights Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.20 Rights_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Rights_Temp. See Rights_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null rights_id

— Column: varchar(1024) not null dc_rights

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Rights_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.21 Types

— Column: int identity (0,1) not null type_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Types

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_type

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Types Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.22 Types_Temp

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Types_Temp. See Types_Temp (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int not null type_id

— Column: varchar(64) not null dc_type

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Types_Temp Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.23 Temp_IDs

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Temp_IDs. See Temp_IDs (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int temp_id

Previous: Temp_IDs Database Tables ATest, Up: Database Tables ATest

15.24 Temp_IDs_1

This database table is referenced by the ODBC class Temp_IDs_1. See Temp_IDs_1 (ATest; ODBC Classes).

— Column: int temp_id

Next: , Previous: Database Tables ATest, Up: Top

16 Database Stored Procedures

— Stored Procedure: create_catalogues

— Stored Procedure: create_tables

— Stored Procedure: delete_tables

— Stored Procedure: drop_tables

— Stored Procedure: fill_catalogues

— Stored Procedure: list_records (
int @sort_field ,
int @sort_order,
bit @timespan)

— Stored Procedure: search_for_records (
nvarchar(128) @search_str,
int @search_options,
bit @contributor_value,
bit @creator_value,
bit @description_value,
bit @identifier_value,
bit @language_value,
bit @publisher_value,
bit @rights_value,
bit @subject_value,
bit @title_value,
bit @type_value)

— Stored Procedure: store_in_temp_tables (int @temp_record_id)

— Stored Procedure: write_to_tables (
int @source_number,
bigint @record_ctr,
ntext @XML_data,
nvarchar(4000) @namespace_data)

Next: , Previous: Database Stored Procedures ATest, Up: Top

17 ZTest: Z39.50

ZTest is a package that retrieves records from servers using the Z39.50 interface, extracts information from these records, writes it to a database. It also provides various ways of searching and displaying this information.

Z39.50 is a set of standards, protocols, etc. It is used by many institutions throughout the world, especially libraries. It is a rather old set of standards, and quite complex.

!! TODO: Check the information in this paragraph. A Z39.50 interface can provide data in a number of different formats. Currently, ZTest can only process data in the PICA format. This format is widely used in Germany and the Netherlands, but not much elsewhere. The most commonly-used format is USMARC (formerly known as “MARC”). It would be desirable for ZTest to be able to process USMARC data as well.

The term PICA actually refers to a a pair of formats, Pica+ and Pica3. Librarians who catalogue data and prepare it to be made available via a Z39.50 interface use Pica3. This data is then converted by a computer program to Pica+ format. Pica+ is thus the format of the data retrieved from the Z39.50 interface and is what ZTest processes.

Next: , Previous: ZTest, Up: ZTest

17.1 Global Variables

— Global Variable: CMutex time_mutex

Declared in ztest.web and declared extern in stdafx.web.

Next: , Previous: Global Variables ZTest, Up: ZTest

17.2 Global Functions

— Global Function: int zoomtst2 (
unsigned short server_selector,
CString search_command,
[bool perform_search = true,
[bool write_records_file = true,
[bool clear_database = true,
[bool parse_records = true,
[bool display_records = true]]]]])

Defined in ztstzoom.web.

Previous: Global Functions ZTest, Up: ZTest

17.3 Adding Category and Field Functions ZTest

  1. Add code to ZClient::init_category_map.
  2. Add declarations and definitions of f_ functions to sbctgcnt.web.
  3. Add declarations and definitions of F_ functions, if any, to ctgcntnr.web.

Next: , Previous: ZTest, Up: Top

18 How ZTest Works

When ZTest is started, a dialog box is displayed. This dialog box is associated with the class Dialog_Z_1, which is described in Dialog_Z_1 ZTest. Clicking the “OK” button will cause the event handler Dialog_Z_1::OnOK to be called. See Event Handlers. Dialog_Z_1::OnOK, in turn, calls the global function zoomtst2. See Global Functions. Assuming all of the options are checked, zoomtst2 performs the following actions:

  1. Create a ZClient object.

    An identification number, the name of the server, and, optionally, a port number, are passed to the ZClient constructor, e.g.,

              ZClient z(ZClient::GBV_GVK_ID, "z3950.gbv.de:20010/GVK");

    See ZClient; Constructors. ZClient::GBV_GVK_ID is the identifier for the the German Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog (GVK, engl. Union Catalogue) of the Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund (GBV, engl. Common Library Network). See ZClient; Static Constants. The corresponding server, i.e., z3950.gbv.de:20010/GVK, is so far the only one addressed by ZTest.

  2. Initialize ZClient::category_map

    ZClient::category_map is a protected data member of ZClient, and is of type Category_Map_Type. The latter is a type definition (or “typedef”) for map<string, Category_Container*>. See Category_Container.

    Initialization is performed by the function ZClient::init_category_map. See ZClient Initialization.

  3. Search

    The search query in the edit box will be sent to the Z39.50 interface.

  4. Write records file

    If the search is successful, the Z39.50 interface returns a stream of data containing bibliographic records in Pica+ format. This data is written to the file records.txt.

  5. Clear database (only if parsing)

    The function ZClient::clear_database causes the Transact-SQL stored procedures delete_tables and regenerate_tables to be executed in the PICA database. See ZTest; Database Stored Procedures.

  6. Parse records

    The function ZClient::parse_records is called with the string "records.txt" as its argument. Parsing is somewhat complex. ZClient::parse_records is described in ZClient; Parsing.

  7. Display records

    An object of type DB_Display called db_display is created. See Displaying Database Contents (DB_Display). Then, the functions DB_Display::open_html_file and DB_Display::display_records are called on it. See DB_Display; Output. They cause HTML code to be written to the file whose name is passed as an argument to DB_Display::open_html_file, currently, "records.html".

  8. Clean up and exit

    Call ZOOM_resultset_destroy and ZOOM_connection_destroy to clean up. !! TODO: Document these functions! LDF 2006.09.11.

Next: , Previous: How ZTest Works, Up: Top

19 Dialog_Z_1

Class Dialog_Z_1 is declared in dialogz1.web. It is derived from the MFC class CDialog using public derivation.

Next: , Previous: Dialog_Z_1 ZTest, Up: Dialog_Z_1 ZTest

19.1 Dialog Box 1

Edit Box “Enter search string:”
Contains a search query. The default is currently “@and @and @attr 1=59 Clausthal @attr 1=1031 @attr 4=1 "Elektronische Ressource" @attr 1=31 @attr 2=4 @attr 4=4 2006”.
Group “Options”
Check Box “Perform search”
Check Box “Write records file”
Check Box “Clear database (only if parsing)”
Check Box “Parse Records”
Check Box “Display Records”
If checked, output is written to records.html.
Group (Display Options)
Radio Button “All records”
Radio Button (Range)
Edit Box “From:”
Record number at low end of range.
Edit Box “To:”
Record number at high end of range.

Group “Search Options”
List Box “Servers”
List of servers to which connections should be made.

Button “OK”
Press to perform actions.
Button “Cancel”
ZTest exits.

Next: , Previous: Dialog Box Dialog_Z_1 ZTest, Up: Dialog_Z_1 ZTest

19.2 Data Members

— Public Variable: CString search_command

— Public Variable: BOOL perform_search

— Public Variable: BOOL parse_records

— Public Variable: BOOL display_records

— Public Variable: BOOL write_records_file

Previous: Dialog_Z_1 Data Members, Up: Dialog_Z_1 ZTest

19.3 Functions

Next: , Previous: Dialog_Z_1 Functions, Up: Dialog_Z_1 Functions

19.3.1 Constructor

— Constructor: void Dialog_Z_1 ([CWnd* pParent = NULL])

Next: , Previous: Constructor Dialog_Z_1, Up: Dialog_Z_1 Functions

19.3.2 Destructor

— Virtual Destructor: void ~Dialog_Z_1 (void)

Next: , Previous: Destructor Dialog_Z_1, Up: Dialog_Z_1 Functions

19.3.3 Event Handlers

— Public Virtual Function: BOOL OnInitDialog (void)

— Public Virtual Function: BOOL OnBnClickedPerformSearch (void)

— Public Virtual Function: BOOL OnBnClickedParseRecords (void)

— Public Virtual Function: BOOL OnBnClickedDisplayRecords (void)

— Public Virtual Function: BOOL OnBnClickedWriteRecordsFile (void)

— Public Virtual Function: BOOL OnBnClickedClearDatabase (void)

— Public Virtual Function: BOOL OnBnClickedDisplayAll (void)

— Protected Virtual Function: void OnOK (void)

— Protected Virtual Function: void OnCancel (void)

Previous: Event Handlers Dialog_Z_1, Up: Dialog_Z_1 Functions

19.3.4 Exchanging Data

— Protected Virtual Function: void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange* pDX)

Next: , Previous: Dialog_Z_1 ZTest, Up: Top

20 ZClient

Class ZClient is declared in zclient.web. Pica_Record is friend of ZClient.

Next: , Previous: ZClient, Up: ZClient

20.1 Data Members

Next: , Previous: ZClient Data Members, Up: ZClient Data Members

20.1.1 Static Constants

— Static constant: unsigned short MAX_ZOOM_CONNECTION

Initialized to 16 in zclient.web.

— Static constant: unsigned short MAX_ZOOM_RESULTSET

Initialized to 16 in zclient.web.

— Static constant: unsigned short GBV_GVK_ID

Initialized to 1 in zclient.web.

Previous: Static Constants ZClient, Up: ZClient Data Members

20.1.2 Protected Variables

— Protected variable: vector<ZOOM_connection*> connections


— Protected variable: vector<ZOOM_resultset*> resultsets

— Protected variable: Category_Map_Type category_map

— Protected variable: Output_Stream_Type log_strm

— Protected variable: CSources source_recordset

— Protected variable: CDatabase* database

— Protected variable: unsigned short source_id

Previous: ZClient Data Members, Up: ZClient

20.2 Functions

Next: , Previous: ZClient Functions, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.1 Constructors

— Default constructor: void ZClient (void)

— Constructor: void ZClient (unsigned short ssource_id, char* server_name, [int port_num = 0])

Next: , Previous: ZClient Constructors, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~ZClient (void)

Next: , Previous: ZClient Destructor, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.3 Initialization

— Function: int init_category_map (void)

Initializes category_map.

Next: , Previous: Initialization ZClient, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.4 Connections

— Function: ZOOM_connection* get_connection (void)

— Function: ZOOM_connection* get_last_connection (vector<ZOOM_connection*>::size_type connection_ctr)

Next: , Previous: Connections ZClient, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.5 Resultsets

— Function: ZOOM_resultset* get_resultset (void)

— Function: ZOOM_resultset* get_last_resultset (vector<ZOOM_resultset*>::size_type resultset_ctr)

— Function: size_t get_resultset_size (vector<ZOOM_resultset*>::size_type resultset_ctr)

— Function: size_t get_last_resultset_size (void)

Next: , Previous: Resultsets ZClient, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.6 Searching

— Function: int search_pqf (char* curr_query_str, [ZOOM_connection* curr_connection = 0])

Next: , Previous: Searching ZClient, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.7 Parsing

— Public Functions: int parse_records (const char* in_filename)
— : int write_field_data (string& category_id, string& repeat_code, char field_id, string& field_value, Pica_Record* pica_record)

Together with Pica_Record::write_to_database and other functions mentioned below, they implement a lexical scanner a.k.a. a low-level parser. See Pica_Record; Writing to Database.

parse_records first opens the file whose name is passed as the in_filename argument for reading. Assuming this file exists, it then reads its contents character-by-character. It thus uses the “category code” approach to scanning, as in Donald Knuth's TeX and METAFONT packages, and in the author's GNU 3DLDF package. A more common approach to lexical scanning uses regular expressions. Lexical scanners using regular expressions are often programmed using the lex or Flex packages.

Assuming a successful search, the input file will consist of one or more records in Pica+ format. (If the search was not successful, it will contain an error message). A record consists of one or more non-blank lines. A blank line marks the end of a record. Each line begins with a category id, which consists of four characters. These may be letter, digits, or the commercial “at”-character: @. Typical category ids are “001@”, “021A”, or “045G”.

A category id may be followed directly, i.e., with no intervening whitespace, by a repeat code consisting of a slash, followed by two digits. Typical category ids with repeat codes are “029F/01”, “045Q/02”, or “028C/03”.

A single space character follows the repeat code, if if present, or the category id otherwise. The rest of the line is occupied by one or more field ids followed by their associated field values or arguments. A field id consists of the special character octal 237 (decimal 159) followed directly by a single letter or digit. Octal 237 isn't a seven-bit ASCII character, so there's no universal standard for representing it. It is displayed as “$” in the GBV online-catalogue. However, the dollar sign is represented by a seven-bit ASCII character, namely octal 44 (decimal 36), and this character may also occur in field values, so this convention is potentially confusing.

The field value is at this point simply treated as text. It is terminated by the next field id, if any, or the end of the line. The end of the line also indicates the end of the list of fields associated with the category id at the beginning of the line.

A given category id may be occur multiple times within a single record. Sometimes, subsequent occurrences are marked by using a repeat code, but not always. On the other hand, a repeat code doesn't always indicate multiple occurence of a category id within a record: Some category ids are always used with a particular repeat code, or one of a number of repeat codes. Within a line, a given field id may occur multiple times. There is no repeat code for fields.

parse_records can be in one of four states. It keeps track of this in an unsigned short variable called state. The values are constant unsigned shorts called OUTSIDE_RECORD, COLLECTING_CATEGORY_ID, and COLLECTING_FIELD.

Before it starts reading characters, state is OUTSIDE_RECORD. That is, the state variable has the value OUTSIDE_RECORD. It so happens that OUTSIDE_RECORD = 1, COLLECTING_CATEGORY_ID = 2, and COLLECTING_FIELD = 3, but the actual values don't matter, as long as they differ.

Characters are read within a “while” loop. Before the loop starts, the variable Pica_Record* curr_pica_record is declared and initialized to 0. That is, curr_pica_record is a pointer to a Pica_Record object, but starts out pointing to 0.

At the beginning of each iteration of the loop, a character is read from the input file. The actions performed in the loop are determined by what character it is, and the value of the state variable. This is controlled by a fairly complex conditional construction using if, else if, and else. Much of the complexity is to ensure that all characters are processed correctly under all circumstances, even if the structure of the input file differs from what we expect. However, parsing Pica+ records is usually straightforward.

  1. Skip Whitespace
    There is normally no whitespace at the beginning of an input file, but if there is, it's skipped.
  2. Collect Category ID
    A line always begins with a category id, so the first non-blank character at the beginning of the input file, or at the beginning of a line, is interpreted as the first character in a category id. state has the value OUTSIDE_RECORD; it is now set to COLLECTING_CATEGORY_ID. Memory is now allocated for a new Pica_Record object, and curr_pica_record is pointed at it. In addition, a counter called record_ctr, that keeps track of the number of records we process, is incremented. It will now have the value 1.

    The current character (curr_char) is placed onto the empty string curr_category_id. parse_records now continues to collect characters and add them to curr_category_id until it reads a whitespace character. The category id is now complete. It should consist of four characters, optionally followed by a repeat code. A repeat code consists of a slash followed by two digits, e.g., /01, /02, etc.

    If a repeat code is present, it is now removed from the category id and stored in the string curr_repeat_code. state is now set to COLLECTING_FIELD.

  3. Collect Fields
    The first character following the whitespace that follows a category id or a repeat code should be octal 237, which should be followed by a letter or digit. Each category has a set of valid fields associated with it. These are documented in the cataloguing guidelines (germ. Katagorisierungsrichtlinien) of the GBV: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/inhalt.shtml Field ids are only unique with respect to a given category id! That is, the same field id may have a completely different interpretation with respect to two different category ids.

    An arbitrary number of characters, including whitespace, may following the field id. These characters comprise the field value. The field value is terminated by a new field id, or the end of the line.

  4. Write Field Data
    When a field value has been collected, parse_records calls the function ZClient::write_field_data, passing the current category id (curr_category_id), the (possibly non-existent) repeat code (curr_repeat_code), the (possibly non-existent) previous field id (prev_field_id), the current field value (curr_field_value), and the pointer to the current Pica_Record object (curr_pica_record) as arguments.

    write_field_data checks whether the current category is one which is handled for this particular ZClient object. Whether a ZClient object handles any given category is determined by the function ZClient::init_category_map. See ZClient; Initialization. Currently, there is only one version of this function, and it is designed for use with the Z39.50 server for the GVK database of the GBV. When ZTest is adapted for use with other servers, it may be possible to use init_category_map unchanged or it may have to be modified. Alternatively, other, similar functions may be defined for use with other servers.

    If a category is “unknown” to this instance of ZClient, the field id and field value we've collected is simply discarded. Otherwise, write_field_data checks to see whether a Category_Container object for the present combination of category id and repeat code has already been created and placed onto the Category_Multimap_Type categories data member of the current Pica_Record object. If so, it will be used for any further actions. Otherwise, it will create a new Category_Container object, if the current field id is also known.

    The next step is to check whether this is the case. If the field id is unknown to this instance of ZClient, no further action is taken, and write_field_data exits. Otherwise, a new Subcategory_Container object is created, and it together with the current field id are placed onto the Subcategory_Vector_Type subcategory_vector data member of the current Category_Container object. (Subcategory_Vector_Type is a type definition for vector<pair<char, Subcategory_Container*> > Subcategory_Vector_Type). Please note that a new Subcategory_Vector_Type is always added to Category_Container::subcategory_vector; A given field often occurs more than once within a record line.

  5. Write Record Data
    A record ends with a blank line, or an EOF (end-of-file), which also indicates that the current record is the last one. parse_records now calls the function Pica_Record::write_to_database on *curr_pica_record, i.e., the Pica_Record object referenced by the pointer curr_pica_record. At this point, the Category_Multimap_Type categories data member of *curr_pica_record contains all of the information for the categories and fields that parse_records has collected in the previous steps. Category_Multimap_Type is a type definition or “typedef” for multimap<string, Category_Container*>.

    A pointer to the current ZClient object is passed to Pica_Record::write_to_database, along with a pointer to a CDatabase object that references the PICA database. See Database Tables for ZTest, and a reference to Output_Stream_Type used for accessing a log file. write_to_database now iterates through the Category_Multimap_Type Pica_Records::categories data member, referencing each Category_Multimap_Type (i.e., pair<string, Category_Container*>) object on categories in turn. categories is a multimap rather than a map, because there can be multiple lines for the same category within a single record. It's convenient to use a multimap in ZClient::write_field_data, but in Pica_Record::write_to_database, the order of the categories doesn't matter, so it just iterates through them from beginning to end, as though it were a vector.

    write_to_database now extracts the category id from the current Category_Multimap_Type object, and looks it up in the Category_Map_Type category_map data member of our ZClient object. This is the map that's initialized by ZClient::init_category_map. If a Category_Map_Type (i.e., pair<string, Category_Container*>, just like Category_Multimap_Type) object correspoding to the current category id is found on ZClient::category_map, then write_to_database exits. Otherwise, it iterates through the pair<char, Subcategory_Container*> objects the Subcategory_Vector_Type subcategory_vector data member of the Category_Container objects referenced by the pointers to Category_Container in the current Category_Multimap_Type object. (Subcategory_Vector_Type is a type definition for vector<pair<char, Subcategory_Container*> >.)

    Now, write_to_database extracts the field id from the current <pair<char, Subcategory_Container*> > and looks it up in the Subcategory_Map_Type subcategory_map data member of the current reference Category_Container from the ZClient object. If no corresponding <pair<char, Subcategory_Container*> > is found, then write_to_database ignores this field and continues. Otherwise, it cycles through the vector<Database_Command*> database_commands data member of the Subcategory_Container pointed to by the Subcategory_Container pointer in the pair returned. If Subcategory_Container::database_commands isn't empty, it will contain pointers to objects of type Database_Command. A Database_Command object contains a data member called function, which is a pointer to a function taking the following arguments:

    1. CDatabase* database
    2. long record_id
    3. Category_Container* category
    4. Subcategory_Container* subcategory
    5. Output_Stream_Type& log_strm
    When write_to_database cycles through the database_commands vector, it calls the function referenced by the function data member belonging to each Database_Command object. These Database_Command objects are on the reference Subcategory_Container object, which is on the reference Category_Container object, which, in turn, is on the ZClient object. In other words, they have no connection with the current Pica_Record object that contains the Category_Container objects that contain the Subcategory_Container objects that contain the field ids and values that we've collected from the records in the input file. Therefore, pointers to the current Category_Container and Subcategory_Container from the current Pica_Record are passed to function as arguments.

    These functions are all static member functions of Subcategory_Container and have names corresponding to the Pica+ category and field ids, e.g., f_001A_0, f_011_AT_b, f_047I_a, etc. They all have the same return type and arguments (otherwise it wouldn't be possible to refer to them all using Database_Command::function). However, they fall into two different types, according to the way they function. Where the information in a field value conceptually “stands alone” and can be processed without reference to the values of other fields, the function can simply cause the appropriate Transact-SQL code to be executed in the database. Sometimes, however, fields are related, and the way they're processed depends on their order, what other fields are present, or other conditions. In this case, the current field id and value are pushed onto the vector<pair<char, string> > database_command_arguments data member of the current Category_Container to be processed in the next step.

    Once all the Subcategory_Container objects for the current Category_Container object have been processed, write_to_database checks the database_commands vector on the current reference Category_Container object. Since many fields are processed by the corresponding Subcategory_Container functions alone, not every category requires database commands for the Category_Container. Some do, however, and these have non-empty database_command and database_command_arguments vectors. The latter contain the field ids and values from the Subcategory_Container objects from the current Category_Container object's subcategory_vector data member, as explained above. The Database_Command objects referenced by the pointers on Category_Container::database_commands are just like the ones on Subcategory_Container::database_commands, except that function points to a static member function of Category_Container. These functions are similar to the field-handling functions of Subcategory_Container, except that their names begin with F_ and are otherwise derived from the category ids alone, e.g., F_001B, F_041A, F_209A, etc. They take the same arguments as the Subcategory_Container::f_* functions, but the Subcategory_Container* subcategory argument is always 0 when they're called. Declaring them to have the same arguments makes it possible to use the Database_Command type both for Category_Container and Subcategory_Container. The Category_Container::f_* functions process the field data stored in Category_Container::database_command_arguments and cause the appropriate Transact-SQL commands to be executed in the database, like the Subcategory_Container::f_* functions.

    Category_Container::database_commands and Subcategory_Container::database_commands are vectors, so that any number of functions could be called for a given Category_Container or Subcategory_Container. However, currently, only one function is ever called for each Subcategory_Container, and either no functions, or only one function is ever called for each Category_Container.

Previous: Parsing ZClient, Up: ZClient Functions

20.2.8 Clearing the Database

— Public Function: int clear_database (void)

Next: , Previous: ZClient, Up: Top

21 Utility Types

Next: , Previous: Utility Types ZTest, Up: Utility Types ZTest

21.1 Output_Stream_Type

Struct Zutput_Stream_Type is declared in opstrmtp.web.

Next: , Previous: Output_Stream_Type ZTest, Up: Utility Types ZTest

21.2 Data Members

— Public variable: ofstream output_stream

— Public variable: CMutex mutex

Previous: Output_Stream_Type Data Members, Up: Utility Types ZTest

21.3 Functions

— Function: int lock (void)

— Function: int unlock (void)

Next: , Previous: Utility Types ZTest, Up: Top

22 Pica Formats and Records

The term “Pica” refers to a pair of formats used for library records, namely “Pica3” and “Pica+”. Pica is commonly used in Germany, in particular, by the Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund (Common Library Network) or GBV.

!! TODO: Write about Erfassungspraxis/Cataloguing practice Pica3 800 vs. Pica+ 5100–5199

Next: , Previous: Pica Formats and Records, Up: Pica Formats and Records

22.1 Parsing

Next: , Previous: Parsing Pica Records, Up: Pica Formats and Records

22.2 Categories and Fields

Next: , Previous: Categories and Fields, Up: Categories and Fields

22.2.1 Repeat Codes for Categories

Where consecutive lines belong to the same category, repeat codes may be used, but aren't always. Used in this way, any category code can be followed by a repeat code. 1

On the other hand, specific repeat codes change the meaning of the associated category. In this case, the Pica+ category code may correspond to different Pica3 categories, depending on the repeat code.

!! TODO: Add example.

Currently, in ZTest, an object of class Category_Container is created for each line in a Pica record, unless two or more lines within a group of lines of the same category either have no repeat code, or share the same one. The field codes and their associated values are stored in the same class Category_Container and they are processed as though they had all occurred on a single line. It would be possible to change this behavior, and force lines of fulfilling these criteria to be handled separately. Alternatively, it would be possible to continue to use a single Category_Container, but to handle the groups of fields belonging to each lines separately. One way of implementing doing this would be to push an ASCII null character ('\0') onto the list of field codes. This character isn't used as a Pica field code.

!! TODO: Add example and cross references.

!! TODO: Explain about

Previous: Repeat Codes for Categories, Up: Categories and Fields

22.2.2 Repeated Fields

!! TODO: Note the use of different field codes for additional items, as in Pica+ 041A/Pica3 5100–5199. Note, too, that in this case, I've found that a wasn't used, and that f was repeated. See 041A Subject, and 800; 5100–5199 Subject.

Previous: Categories and Fields, Up: Pica Formats and Records

22.3 Displaying

Next: , Previous: Pica Formats and Records, Up: Top

23 Pica+ Codes

Next: , Previous: Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.1 001A Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 0200 Pica3 Codes.
Kennung und Datum der Ersterfassung
Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Records. See ZTest; Database Tables; Records.
No Category_Container Functions.
Subcategory_Container Function:
f_001A_0. See Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry.

Previous: 001A Pica Plus Codes, Up: 001A Pica Plus Codes

23.1.1 001A Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 (Not present) Kennung und Datum der Ersterfassung
Position 01-04: Erfassungskennung,
Position 05-13: Datum (:TT-MM-JJ)
Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry
Position 01-04: Cataloguing identifier,
Position 05-13: Date (:DD-MM-YY)

Next: , Previous: 001A Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.2 009P Remote Access to Electronic Resources

!! TODO: Write about this. Add corresponding section to pica3cds.texi.

This is the first category for which I place Database_Command objects on the curr_category_container object and the curr_subcategory_container objects, where the function members point to functions belonging to another categories, namely Pica+ 209R, Pica3 7133 “Lokale Angaben zum Zugriff auf elektronische Ressourcen im Fernzugriff”, “Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources”. See 209R Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources, and 7133 Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources.

The fields are the same, and the data is written to the same tables, i.e., Remote_Access and Records_Remote_Access. See Remote_Access, and Records_Remote_Access.

Next: , Previous: 009P Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.3 010@ Code(s) for Languages

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 1500 Code(s) for Languages.
Code(s) für Sprachen
Code(s) for Languages
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Languages, Records_Languages. See Languages, and See Records_Languages.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_010@_a. See Code(s) for Languages.

Previous: 010_AT Pica Plus Codes, Up: 010_AT Pica Plus Codes

23.3.1 010@ Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a /1 1. Sprachencode für den vorliegenden Text First language code for the present text

a /1 jeder weitere Sprachencode für den vorliegenden Text each subsequent language code for the present text

b /2 1. Sprachencode der Intermediärsprache First language code for the intermediary language

b /2 jeder weitere Sprachencode für Intermediärsprachen Each subsequent language code for the intermediary language

c /3 1. Sprachencode für die Originalsprache First language code for the original language

c /3 jeder weitere Sprachencode für Originalsprachen Each subsequent language code for the original language

In data from external sources, the category Pica+ 010@/Pica3 1500 can contain additional fields.

Pica+ Pica3 German English

d /4 1. Sprachencode für die Zusammenfassung First language code for the abstract

d /4 jeder weitere Sprachencode für die Zusammenfassung Each subsequent language code for the abstract

Currently, ZTest only processes field a.

Next: , Previous: 010_AT Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.4 011@ Year of Appearance

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 1100 Year of Appearance.
Year of Appearance
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Records. See Records.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
f_011_AT_a, f_011_AT_b, f_011_AT_e, f_011_AT_n, and year_appearance_func. See Year of Appearance.

Previous: 011_AT Pica Plus Codes, Up: 011_AT Pica Plus Codes

23.4.1 011@ Fields

Next: , Previous: 011_AT Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.5 033A Place, Publisher

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 4030 Pica3 Codes.
Ort, Verlag
Place, Publisher
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Publishers, Records_Publishers See Publishers, and See Records_Publishers.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_033A, Category_Container::publishers_database_providers_func. See Place of Publication; Publisher.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_033A_n, Subcategory_Container::f_033A_p. See Place of Publication; Publisher.

Previous: 033A Pica Plus Codes, Up: 033A Pica Plus Codes

23.5.1 033A Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

n ¬:¬Verlag Publisher

p (None) Ort Place

Next: , Previous: 033A Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.6 034D Size or Range; Specification of Material; Technical System

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 4060 Pica3 Codes.
Umfangsangabe, spezifische Materialbenennung, technisches System
Size or Range, Specification of Material, Technical System
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Physical_Descriptions, Records_Physical_Descriptions. See Physical_Descriptions, and Records_Physical_Descriptions.
Subcategory_Container Function:
Subcategory_Container::f_034D_a. See Physical Description.

Previous: 034D Pica Plus Codes, Up: 034D Pica Plus Codes

23.6.1 034D Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not present) Text Text

Next: , Previous: 034D Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.7 041A Subject

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Codes:
800; 5100–5199
See 800; 5100–5199 Pica3 Codes.
Hauptschlagwort und Unterschlagwoerter (Schlagwortansetzung) (Pica3 800)
RSWK-Ketten (Pica3 5100–5199)
Main Subject and Subsidiary Subjects (Subject Assignment) (Pica3 800)
RSWK Chains (Pica3 5100–5199)
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Pica3 800: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/norm/800.pdf
Pica3 5100–5199: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/5100.pdf
Database Tables:
Subjects. See Subjects.
Records_Subjects. See Records_Subjects.
Permutation_Patterns. See Permutation_Patterns.
Category_Container Functions:
F_041A and sub_F_041A.
See Subject.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
See Subject.

Previous: 041A Pica Plus Codes, Up: 041A Pica Plus Codes

23.7.1 041A Fields

Pica3 800

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not Present) Haupt- bzw. Unterschlagwort Main or Subsidiary Subject

S |...|¬Indikator Indicator

The following table shows the values that the “Indikator” (“Indicator”) field can contain. Some are only used with Pica3 5100–5199.

Value German English Pica3 800

c Körperschaftsschlagwort (Ort) Entity Subject (Location) Yes

f Formschlagwort Form Subject No

g Geografisches/ethnografisches Schlagwort Geographical/Ethnographical Subject Yes

p Personenschlagwort Personal Subject Yes

s Sachschlagwort Material Subject Yes

t Titelschlagwort (800)/Werktitel (51xx) Title Subject (800)/Work Title (51xx) Yes

k Körperschaftsschlagwort (Name) Entity Subject (Name) Yes

z Zeitschlagwort Temporal Subject No

Pica3 5100–5199

Please note that the field a is ambiguous, and can have three different meanings.

Field Set 1:

Pica+ Pica3 German English

9 !...! Identifikationsnummer (PPN) Identification Number (PPN)

a (Not Present) Schlagwort Subject

S |...| Schlagwortindikator Subject Indicator

Field Set 2

Pica+ Pica3 German English

f <...>Permutationsmuster Permutation Pattern

a (Not Present) Zweites und weiteres Permutationsmuster Second and additional permutation pattern

Field Set 3

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not Present) Angaben zur Schlagwortkette Subject Chain Information

Next: , Previous: 041A Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.8 203@ Exemplar Production Number

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 7800 Exemplar Production Number.
Exemplar Production Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Not present.
Database Table:
Exemplar_Production_Numbers. See Exemplar_Production_Numbers.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_203@_S. See Exemplar Production Number.

Previous: 203_AT Pica Plus Codes, Up: 203_AT Pica Plus Codes

23.8.1 203@ Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 (Not present) Exemplar-Produktionsnummer Exemplar Production Number

Next: , Previous: 203_AT Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.9 209A Call Number

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Codes:
See 7100–7109 Call Number.
Call Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Call_Numbers. See Call_Numbers.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_209A and Category_Container::sub_F_209A. See Call Number.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_209A_a, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_b, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_f, and Subcategory_Container::f_209A_j. See Call Number.

Previous: 209A Pica Plus Codes, Up: 209A Pica Plus Codes

23.9.1 209A Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not present) Signatur Call Number

b, j .../...# Bibliotheksnummer / Abteilung der Bibliothek Library Number / Library Department

f !...! Sonderstandort Special Location

The Pica+ category 209A and the corresponding Pica3 categories 7100–7109 have additional fields, which ZTest currently doesn't use. See the cataloguing guidelines for more information: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/7100.pdf

Next: , Previous: 209A Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.10 209C Access Number

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Codes:
See 8100 Access Number.
Access Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Access_Numbers. See Access_Numbers.
Subcategory_Container Function:
Subcategory_Container::f_209C_a. See Access Number.

Previous: 209C Pica Plus Codes, Up: 209C Pica Plus Codes

23.10.1 209C Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not present) Zugangsnummer Access Number

Previous: 209C Pica Plus Codes, Up: Pica Plus Codes

23.11 209R Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 7133 Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources.
Lokale Angaben zum Zugriff auf elektronische Ressourcen im Fernzugriff
Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Remote_Access. See Remote_Access.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_209R and Category_Container::sub_F_209R.
See Functions for Specific Categories.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_209R_S. See Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources.

Previous: 209R Pica Plus Codes, Up: 209R Pica Plus Codes

23.11.1 209R Fields

The fields for Pica+ 209R/Pica3 7133 are the same as for Pica3 408x: “Angaben zum Zugriff auf elektronische Ressourcen im Fernzugriff”, “Information regarding remote to electronic resources”. “408x” currently refers to the follow Pica3 categories: 4083, 4085, 4086, 4087, 4088, and 4089.

See the cataloguing guidelines for Pica3 408x/Pica+ 009P for more information: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/408x.pdf.

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 Format Format

a ¬=A¬URL (Universal Resource Locator) URL (Universal Resource Locator)

g ¬=G¬URN (Universal Resource Name) URN (Universal Resource Name)

S < > Lizenzindikator License indicator

x ¬=X¬Interne Bemerkungen Internal Remarks

y ¬... Text für die Web-Anzeige Text for Web Display

Next: , Previous: Pica Plus Codes, Up: Top

24 Pica3 Codes

Next: , Previous: Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.1 800; 5100–5199 Subject

Pica3 Codes:
Pica+ Code:
See 041A Pica+ Codes.
Hauptschlagwort und Unterschlagwoerter (Schlagwortansetzung) (Pica3 800)
RSWK-Ketten (Pica3 5100–5199)
Main Subject and Subsidiary Subjects (Subject Assignment) (Pica3 800)
RSWK Chains (Pica3 5100–5199)
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Pica3 800: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/norm/800.pdf
Pica3 5100–5199: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/5100.pdf
Database Tables:
Subjects. See Subjects.
Records_Subjects. See Records_Subjects.
Permutation_Patterns. See Permutation_Patterns.
Category_Container Functions:
F_041A and sub_F_041A.
See Subject.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
See Subject.

Previous: 800; 5100--5199 Pica Three Codes, Up: 800; 5100--5199 Pica Three Codes

24.1.1 800; 5100–5199 Fields

Pica3 800

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not Present) Haupt- bzw. Unterschlagwort Main or Subsidiary Subject

S |...|¬Indikator Indicator

The following table shows the values that the “Indikator” (“Indicator”) field can contain. Some are only used with Pica3 5100–5199.

Value German English Pica3 800

c Körperschaftsschlagwort (Ort) Entity Subject (Location) Yes

f Formschlagwort Form Subject No

g Geografisches/ethnografisches Schlagwort Geographical/Ethnographical Subject Yes

p Personenschlagwort Personal Subject Yes

s Sachschlagwort Material Subject Yes

t Titelschlagwort (800)/Werktitel (51xx) Title Subject (800)/Work Title (51xx) Yes

k Körperschaftsschlagwort (Name) Entity Subject (Name) Yes

z Zeitschlagwort Temporal Subject No

Pica3 5100–5199

Please note that the field a is ambiguous, and can have three different meanings.

Field Set 1:

Pica+ Pica3 German English

9 !...! Identifikationsnummer (PPN) Identification Number (PPN)

a (Not Present) Schlagwort Subject

S |...| Schlagwortindikator Subject Indicator

Field Set 2

Pica+ Pica3 German English

f <...>Permutationsmuster Permutation Pattern

a (Not Present) Zweites und weiteres Permutationsmuster Second and additional permutation pattern

Field Set 3

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not Present) Angaben zur Schlagwortkette Subject Chain Information

Next: , Previous: 800; 5100--5199 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.2 0200 Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry

Pica+ Code:
Pica3 Code:
See 0200 Pica3 Codes.
Kennung und Datum der Ersterfassung
Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Records. See ZTest; Database Tables; Records.
No Category_Container Functions.
Subcategory_Container Function:
f_001A_0. See Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry.

Previous: 0200 Pica Three Codes, Up: 0200 Pica Three Codes

24.2.1 0200 Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 (Not present) Kennung und Datum der Ersterfassung
Position 01-04: Erfassungskennung,
Position 05-13: Datum (:TT-MM-JJ)
Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry
Position 01-04: Cataloguing identifier,
Position 05-13: Date (:DD-MM-YY)

Next: , Previous: 0200 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.3 1100 Year of Appearance

Pica3 Code:
Pica+ Code:
See 011@ Year of Appearance.
Year of Appearance
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Records. See Records.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
f_011_AT_a, f_011_AT_b, f_011_AT_e, f_011_AT_n, and year_appearance_func. See Year of Appearance.

Previous: 1100 Pica Three Codes, Up: 1100 Pica Three Codes

24.3.1 1100 Fields

Next: , Previous: 1100 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.4 1500 Code(s) for Languages

Pica3 Code:
Pica+ Code:
See 010@ Code(s) for Languages.
Code(s) für Sprachen
Code(s) for Languages
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Languages, Records_Languages. See Languages, and See Records_Languages.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_010@_a. See Code(s) for Languages.

Previous: 1500 Pica Three Codes, Up: 1500 Pica Three Codes

24.4.1 1500 Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a /1 1. Sprachencode für den vorliegenden Text First language code for the present text

a /1 jeder weitere Sprachencode für den vorliegenden Text each subsequent language code for the present text

b /2 1. Sprachencode der Intermediärsprache First language code for the intermediary language

b /2 jeder weitere Sprachencode für Intermediärsprachen Each subsequent language code for the intermediary language

c /3 1. Sprachencode für die Originalsprache First language code for the original language

c /3 jeder weitere Sprachencode für Originalsprachen Each subsequent language code for the original language

In data from external sources, the category Pica+ 010@/Pica3 1500 can contain additional fields.

Pica+ Pica3 German English

d /4 1. Sprachencode für die Zusammenfassung First language code for the abstract

d /4 jeder weitere Sprachencode für die Zusammenfassung Each subsequent language code for the abstract

Currently, ZTest only processes field a.

Next: , Previous: 1500 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.5 4030 Place, Publisher

Pica3 Code:
Pica+ Code:
See 033A Pica+ Codes.
Ort, Verlag
Place, Publisher
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Publishers, Records_Publishers See Publishers, and See Records_Publishers.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_033A, Category_Container::publishers_database_providers_func. See Place of Publication; Publisher.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_033A_n, Subcategory_Container::f_033A_p. See Place of Publication; Publisher.

Previous: 4030 Pica Three Codes, Up: 4030 Pica Three Codes

24.5.1 4030 Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

n ¬:¬Verlag Publisher

p (None) Ort Place

Next: , Previous: 4030 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.6 4060 Size or Range; Specification of Material; Technical System

Pica3 Code:
Pica+ Code:
See 034D Pica+ Codes.
Umfangsangabe, spezifische Materialbenennung, technisches System
Size or Range, Specification of Material, Technical System
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Physical_Descriptions, Records_Physical_Descriptions. See Physical_Descriptions, and Records_Physical_Descriptions.
Subcategory_Container Function:
Subcategory_Container::f_034D_a. See Physical Description.

Previous: 4060 Pica Three Codes, Up: 4060 Pica Three Codes

24.6.1 4060 Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not present) Text Text

Next: , Previous: 4060 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.7 5100–5199 Subject

See 800; 5100–5199 Subject.

Next: , Previous: 5100--5199 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.8 7100–7109 Call Number

Pica3 Codes:
Pica+ Code:
See 209A Call Number.
Call Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Call_Numbers. See Call_Numbers.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_209A and Category_Container::sub_F_209A. See Call Number.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_209A_a, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_b, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_f, and Subcategory_Container::f_209A_j. See Call Number.

Previous: 7100--7109 Pica Three Codes, Up: 7100--7109 Pica Three Codes

24.8.1 7100–7109 Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not present) Signatur Call Number

b, j .../...# Bibliotheksnummer / Abteilung der Bibliothek Library Number / Library Department

f !...! Sonderstandort Special Location

The Pica+ category 209A and the corresponding Pica3 categories 7100–7109 have additional fields, which ZTest currently doesn't use. See the cataloguing guidelines for more information: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/7100.pdf

Next: , Previous: 7100--7109 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.9 7133 Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources

Pica3 Code:
Pica+ Code:
See 209R Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources.
Lokale Angaben zum Zugriff auf elektronische Ressourcen im Fernzugriff
Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Remote_Access. See Remote_Access.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_209R and Category_Container::sub_F_209R.
See Functions for Specific Categories.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_209R_S. See Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources.

Previous: 7133 Pica Three Codes, Up: 7133 Pica Three Codes

24.9.1 7133 Fields

The fields for Pica+ 209R/Pica3 7133 are the same as for Pica3 408x: “Angaben zum Zugriff auf elektronische Ressourcen im Fernzugriff”, “Information regarding remote to electronic resources”. “408x” currently refers to the follow Pica3 categories: 4083, 4085, 4086, 4087, 4088, and 4089.

See the cataloguing guidelines for Pica3 408x/Pica+ 009P for more information: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/408x.pdf.

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 Format Format

a ¬=A¬URL (Universal Resource Locator) URL (Universal Resource Locator)

g ¬=G¬URN (Universal Resource Name) URN (Universal Resource Name)

S < > Lizenzindikator License indicator

x ¬=X¬Interne Bemerkungen Internal Remarks

y ¬... Text für die Web-Anzeige Text for Web Display

Next: , Previous: 7133 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.10 7800 Exemplar Production Number

Pica3 Code:
Pica+ Code:
See 203@ Exemplar Production Number.
Exemplar Production Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Not present.
Database Table:
Exemplar_Production_Numbers. See Exemplar_Production_Numbers.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_203@_S. See Exemplar Production Number.

Previous: 7800 Pica Three Codes, Up: 7800 Pica Three Codes

24.10.1 7800 Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 (Not present) Exemplar-Produktionsnummer Exemplar Production Number

Previous: 7800 Pica Three Codes, Up: Pica Three Codes

24.11 8100 Access Number

Pica3 Codes:
Pica+ Code:
See 209C Access Number.
Access Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Access_Numbers. See Access_Numbers.
Subcategory_Container Function:
Subcategory_Container::f_209C_a. See Access Number.

Previous: 8100 Pica Three Codes, Up: 8100 Pica Three Codes

24.11.1 8100 Fields

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not present) Zugangsnummer Access Number

Next: , Previous: Pica Three Codes, Up: Top

25 Pica_Record

Class Pica_Record is declared in picarcrd.web. class ZClient is a friend of Pica_Record.

Next: , Previous: Pica_Record, Up: Pica_Record

25.1 Data Members

— Protected variable: Category_Multimap_Type categories

Previous: Pica_Record Data Members, Up: Pica_Record

25.2 Functions

Next: , Previous: Pica_Record Functions, Up: Pica_Record Functions

25.2.1 Constructor

— Default Constructor: void Pica_Record (void)

Next: , Previous: Constructor Pica_Record, Up: Pica_Record Functions

25.2.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~Pica_Record (void)

Next: , Previous: Destructor Pica_Record, Up: Pica_Record Functions

25.2.3 Writing to Database

— Function: int write_to_database (ZClient* zclient, CDatabase* database, Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Previous: Writing to Database Pica_Record, Up: Pica_Record Functions

25.2.4 Showing

— Function: int show (stringstream& local_strm, [string s = ""])

Next: , Previous: Pica_Record, Up: Top

26 Category_Container

Class Category_Container is declared in ctgcntnr.web. The classes Pica_Record, ZClient, and Subcategory_Container are friends of Category_Container.

Next: , Previous: Category_Container, Up: Category_Container

26.1 Local Static Variables

These static variables are local to ctgcntnr.web. They are not members of class Category_Container.

— Static variable: long* subject_id

Initialized to 0. Used in Category_Container::F_041A and Category_Container::sub_F_041A. See Subject.

— Static variable: long* subject_id_start

Initialized to 0. Used in Category_Container::F_041A and Category_Container::sub_F_041A. See Subject.

— Static variable: unsigned short previous_repeat_code_ctr

Initialized to 0. Used in Category_Container::F_041A and Category_Container::sub_F_041A. See Subject.

Next: , Previous: Local Static Variables Category_Container, Up: Category_Container

26.2 Data Members

— Protected variable: string pica_plus_category_id

— Protected variable: string pica_3_category_id

— Protected variable: string content_description_english

— Protected variable: string content_description_german

— Protected variable: string repeat_code

— Protected variable: Subcategory_Map_Type subcategory_map

— Protected variable: Subcategory_Vector_Type subcategory_vector

— Protected variable: vector<Database_Command*> database_commands

— Protected variable: vector<pair<char, string> > database_command_arguments

Previous: Category_Container Data Members, Up: Category_Container

26.3 Functions

Next: , Previous: Category_Container Functions, Up: Category_Container Functions

26.3.1 Assignment

— Assignment Operator: void operator= (const Category_Container& c)

Next: , Previous: Assignment Category_Container, Up: Category_Container Functions

26.3.2 Showing

— Function: int show (stringstream& local_strm, [string prefix = ""])

Previous: Showing Category_Container, Up: Category_Container Functions

26.3.3 Category Functions

Next: , Previous: Category Functions Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Functions for Specific Categories

— Static Function: int F_001B (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int F_021A (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int F_028A (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Functions for Specific Categories Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Second and Additional Authors

— Static Function: int F_028B (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Second and Additional Authors Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Other Contributing Persons

— Static Function: int F_028C (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Other Contributing Persons Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Place of Publication; Publisher

— Static Function: int F_033A (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Code:
See 033A Pica+ Codes.
Pica3 Code:
See 4030 Pica3 Codes.
Ort, Verlag
Place, Publisher
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Publishers, Records_Publishers See Publishers, and See Records_Publishers.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_033A_n, Subcategory_Container::f_033A_p. See Place of Publication; Publisher.

See also 033A Fields, or 4030 Fields.

— Static Function: int publishers_database_providers_func (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
string column_str,
string place_str,
bool primary_switch,
bool table_switch,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Called in Category_Container::F_033A and Category_Container::F_033B (which doesn't yet exist).

Next: , Previous: Place of Publication; Publisher Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Subject

— Static Function: int F_041A (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Code:
See 041A Pica+ Codes.
Pica3 Codes:
800; 5100–5199
See 800; 5100–5199 Pica3 Codes.
Hauptschlagwort und Unterschlagwoerter (Schlagwortansetzung) (Pica3 800)
RSWK-Ketten (Pica3 5100–5199)
Main Subject and Subsidiary Subjects (Subject Assignment) (Pica3 800)
RSWK Chains (Pica3 5100–5199)
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Pica3 800: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/norm/800.pdf
Pica3 5100–5199: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/5100.pdf
Database Tables:
Subjects. See Subjects.
Records_Subjects. See Records_Subjects.
Permutation_Patterns. See Permutation_Patterns.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
See Subject.

See also 041A Fields, or 800; 5100–5199 Fields.

— Static Function: int sub_F_041A (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
unsigned short repeat_code_ctr,
char subject_type_char, string subject,
long id_number_ppn,
short chain_number,
short chain_link_number,
string chain_info,
string permutation_pattern,
bool permutation_switch,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

This function is called in F_041A. See above.

Next: , Previous: Subject Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Call Number

— Static Function: int F_209A (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Code:
See 209A Call Number.
Pica3 Codes:
See 7100–7109 Call Number.
Call Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Call_Numbers. See Call_Numbers.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_209A_a, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_b, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_f, and Subcategory_Container::f_209A_j. See Call Number.

See also 209A Fields, or 7100–7109 Fields.

— Static Function: int sub_F_209A (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
string call_number_str,
string library_number_str,
string library_department_str,
string special_location_str,
long* call_number_id,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

This function is called in Category_Container::F_209A.

Next: , Previous: Call Number Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources

— Static Function: int F_209R (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Code:
See 209R Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources.
Pica3 Code:
See 7133 Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources.
Lokale Angaben zum Zugriff auf elektronische Ressourcen im Fernzugriff
Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Remote_Access. See Remote_Access.
Subcategory_Container Functions:
Subcategory_Container::f_209R_S. See Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources.

See also 209R Fields, or 7133 Fields.

— Static Function: int sub_F_209R (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
string format_str,
string URL_str,
string URN_str,
string license_str,
string internal_str,
string web_str,
long* remote_access_id,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

This function is called in Category_Container::F_209R.

Previous: Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources Category_Container, Up: Category Functions Category_Container Functions for Groups of Categories

— Static Function: int personal_names_category_func (
string main_table_name,
string assoc_table_name,
string column_name,
CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category)

— Static Function: int sub_personal_names_category_func (
string main_table_name,
string assoc_table_name,
string column_name,
CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
string surname,
string given_name,
string prefix,
unsigned long id_number_ppn,
long table_ctr,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int titles_category_func (string main_table_name, string assoc_table_name, string column_name, CDatabase* database, long record_id, Category_Container* category)

— Static Function: int sub_titles_category_func (string main_table_name,
string assoc_table_name,
string column_name,
CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
long table_ctr,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm,
[string* main_canonical_title = 0,
[string* continuation_main_canonical_title = 0,
[string* additions_main = 0,
[string* continuation_additions_main = 0,
[string* authorship = 0,
[string* standard_text = 0,
[string* additional_creator_main = 0,
[string* parallel_canonical_title = 0,
[string* additions_parallel = 0,
[string* additional_creator_parallel = 0 ]]]]]]]]]])

Next: , Previous: Category_Container, Up: Top

27 Subcategory_Container

Class Subcategory_Container is declared in sbctgcnt.web. The classes Pica_Record and ZClient are friends of Subcategory_Container.

Next: , Previous: Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory_Container

27.1 Type Definitions

— Typedef: Subcategory_Map_Type

Subcategory_Map_Type is a synonym for map<char, Subcategory_Container*>

— Typedef: Subcategory_Vector_Type

Subcategory_Vector_Type is a synonym for vector<pair<char, Subcategory_Container*> >.

Next: , Previous: Type Definitions Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory_Container

27.2 Data Members

— Protected variable: char pica_plus_field_id

— Protected variable: string content_description_german

— Protected variable: string content_description_english

— Protected variable: string field_value

— Protected variable: vector<Database_Command*> database_commands

Previous: Subcategory_Container Data Members, Up: Subcategory_Container

27.3 Functions

Next: , Previous: Subcategory_Container Functions, Up: Subcategory_Container Functions

27.3.1 Assignment

— Assignment Operator: void operator= (const Subcategory_Container& s)

Next: , Previous: Assignment Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory_Container Functions

27.3.2 Showing

— Function: int show (stringstream& local_strm, [string prefix = ""])

Next: , Previous: Showing Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory_Container Functions

27.3.3 String Processing

— Static Function: int fix_string (const string& in_string, string& out_string)

Previous: String Processing Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory_Container Functions

27.3.4 Subcategory Functions

Next: , Previous: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry

Pica+ Code:
See 001A Pica+ Codes.
Pica3 Code:
See 0200 Pica3 Codes.
Kennung und Datum der Ersterfassung
Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Records. See ZTest; Database Tables; Records.
No Category_Container Functions.

See also 001A Fields, or 0200 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_001A_0 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)
Pica+ field:
Pica3 field:
No identifier.
Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry
Position 01-04: Cataloguing identifier,
Position 05-13: Date (:DD-MM-YY)
Kennung und Datum der Ersterfassung
Position 01-04: Erfassungskennung,
Position 05-13: Datum (:TT-MM-JJ)

Next: , Previous: Identifier and Date of the Original Catalogue Entry Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Other Subcategory_Container Functions

— Static Function: int f_001B_0 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_001B_t (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_002_AT_0 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_003_AT_0 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Other Subcategory_Container Functions Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Code(s) for Languages

Pica+ Code:
See 010@ Code(s) for Languages.
Pica3 Code:
See 1500 Code(s) for Languages.
Code(s) für Sprachen
Code(s) for Languages
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Languages, Records_Languages. See Languages, and See Records_Languages.

See also 010@ Fields, or 1500 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_010_AT_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)
Pica+ field:
Language Code for the Present Text
Sprachencode für den vorliegenden Text

Next: , Previous: Code(s) for Languages Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Year of Appearance

Pica+ Code:
See 011@ Year of Appearance.
Pica3 Code:
See 1100 Year of Appearance.
Year of Appearance
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Records. See Records.

See also 011@ Fields, or 1100 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_011_AT_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)
Pica+ field:
Year of Appearance (Beginning), Form for Sorting
Erscheinugsjahr (Beginn), Sortierform

— Static Function: int f_011_AT_b (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)
Pica+ field:
Year of Appearance (End), Form for Sorting
Erscheinugsjahr (Ende), Sortierform

— Static Function: int f_011_AT_e (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)
Pica+ field:
Original Year of Appearance
Ursprüngliches Erscheinugsjahr

— Static Function: int f_011_AT_n (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)
Pica+ field:
Year of Appearance (according to RAK-WB)
Erscheinugsjahr (nach RAK-WB)

— Static Function: int year_appearance_func (string column,
CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

This function is called by the other Subcategory_Container functions f_011_AT_a, f_011_AT_b, f_011_AT_e, and f_011_AT_n, which are described above.

Next: , Previous: Year of Appearance Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Main Canonical Title

— Static Function: int f_021A_1 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_021A_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_021A_d (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_021A_e (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_021A_f (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_021A_h (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Main Canonical Title Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container First Author

— Static Function: int f_028A_9 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028A_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028A_c (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028A_d (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: First Author Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Second and Additional Authors

— Static Function: int f_028B_9 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028B_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028B_d (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Second and Additional Authors Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Other Contributing Persons

— Static Function: int f_028C_9 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028C_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028C_c (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_028C_d (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Other Contributing Persons Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Place of Publication; Publisher

Pica+ Code:
See 033A Pica+ Codes.
Pica3 Code:
See 4030 Pica3 Codes.
Ort, Verlag
Place, Publisher
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Publishers, Records_Publishers See Publishers, and See Records_Publishers.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_033A, Category_Container::publishers_database_providers_func. See Place of Publication; Publisher.

See also 033A Fields, or 4030 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_033A_n (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

— Static Function: int f_033A_p (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Place of Publication; Publisher Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Physical Description

Pica+ Code:
See 034D Pica+ Codes.
Pica3 Code:
See 4060 Pica3 Codes.
Umfangsangabe, spezifische Materialbenennung, technisches System
Size or Range, Specification of Material, Technical System
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Tables:
Physical_Descriptions, Records_Physical_Descriptions. See Physical_Descriptions, and Records_Physical_Descriptions.

See also 034D Fields, or 4060 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_034D_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)
Pica+ field:

Next: , Previous: Physical Description Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Subject

Pica+ Code:
See 041A Pica+ Codes.
Pica3 Codes:
800; 5100–5199
See 800; 5100–5199 Pica3 Codes.
Hauptschlagwort und Unterschlagwoerter (Schlagwortansetzung) (Pica3 800)
RSWK-Ketten (Pica3 5100–5199)
Main Subject and Subsidiary Subjects (Subject Assignment) (Pica3 800)
RSWK Chains (Pica3 5100–5199)
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Pica3 800: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/norm/800.pdf
Pica3 5100–5199: http://www.gbv.de/vgm/info/mitglieder/02Verbund/01Erschliessung/02Richtlinien/01KatRicht/5100.pdf
Database Tables:
Subjects. See Subjects.
Records_Subjects. See Records_Subjects.
Permutation_Patterns. See Permutation_Patterns.
Category_Container Functions:
F_041A and sub_F_041A.
See Subject.

See also 041A Fields, or 800; 5100–5199 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_041A_9 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

9 !...! Identifikationsnummer (PPN) Identification Number (PPN)

See also 041A Fields.

— Static Function: int f_041A_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Field a of Pica+ 401A is ambiguous, and can have three different meanings.

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not Present) Schlagwort Subject
a (Not Present) Zweites und weiteres Permutationsmuster Second and additional permutation pattern
a (Not Present) Angaben zur Schlagwortkette Subject Chain Information

See also 041A Fields.

— Static Function: int f_041A_f (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

f <...>Permutationsmuster Permutation Pattern

See also 041A Fields.

— Static Function: int f_041A_S (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

S |...|¬Indikator Indicator

See also 041A Fields.

Next: , Previous: Subject Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Content Summary (Short)

— Static Function: int f_047I_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Next: , Previous: Content Summary (Short) Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Exemplar Production Number

Pica+ Code:
See 203@ Exemplar Production Number.
Pica3 Code:
See 7800 Exemplar Production Number.
Exemplar Production Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Not present.
Database Table:
Exemplar_Production_Numbers. See Exemplar_Production_Numbers.

See also 203@ Fields, or 7800 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_203_AT_0 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 Exemplar-Produktionnummer Exemplar Production Number

See also 203@ Fields.

Next: , Previous: Exemplar Production Number Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Call Number

Pica+ Code:
See 209A Call Number.
Pica3 Codes:
See 7100–7109 Call Number.
Call Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Call_Numbers. See Call_Numbers.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_209A and Category_Container::sub_F_209A. See Call Number.

See also 209A Fields, or 7100–7109 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209A_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not Present) Signatur Call Number

See also 209A Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209A_b (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

b ... Bibliotheksnummer Library Number

In Pica3, ... may be followed directly by /...#, which corresponds to Pica+ j. See the description of Subcategory_Container::f_209A_j below.
See also 209A Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209A_f (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

f !...! Sonderstandort Special Location

See also 209A Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209A_j (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

j /...# Abteilung der Bibliothek Library Department

In Pica3, /...# may directly follow ..., which corresponds to Pica+ b. See the description of Subcategory_Container::f_209A_b above.
See also 209A Fields.

Next: , Previous: Call Number Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Access Number

Pica+ Code:
See 209C Access Number.
Pica3 Codes:
See 8100 Access Number.
Access Number
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Access_Numbers. See Access_Numbers.

See also 209C Fields, or 8100 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209C_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a (Not Present) Zugangsnummer Access Number

See also 209C Fields.

Previous: Access Number Subcategory_Container, Up: Subcategory Functions Subcategory_Container Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources

Pica+ Code:
See 209R Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources.
Pica3 Code:
See 7133 Local Information Regarding Remote Access to Electronic Resources.
Lokale Angaben zum Zugriff auf elektronische Ressourcen im Fernzugriff
Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources
Cataloguing Guidelines:
Database Table:
Remote_Access. See Remote_Access.
Category_Container Functions:
Category_Container::F_209R and Category_Container::sub_F_209R.
See Functions for Specific Categories.

See also 209R Fields, or 7133 Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209R_0 (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

0 Format Format

See also 209R Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209R_a (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

a ¬=A¬URL (Universal Resource Locator) URL (Universal Resource Locator)

See also 209R Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209R_g (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

g ¬=G¬URN (Universal Resource Name) URN (Universal Resource Name)

See also 209R Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209R_S (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

S < > Lizenzindikator License indicator

See also 209R Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209R_x (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

x ¬=X¬Interne Bemerkungen Internal Remarks

See also 209R Fields.

— Static Function: int f_209R_y (CDatabase* database,
long record_id,
Category_Container* category,
Subcategory_Container* subcategory,
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm)

Pica+ Pica3 German English

y ¬... Text für die Web-Anzeige Text for Web Display

See also 209R Fields.

Next: , Previous: Subcategory_Container, Up: Top

28 Database_Command

struct Database_Command is declared in dbcmmnd.web.

Next: , Previous: Database_Command, Up: Database_Command

28.1 Data Members

— Public variable: (Pointer to function) function

function is a pointer to a function returning int and taking the following arguments: CDatabase* database
long record_id
Category_Container* category
Subcategory_Container* subcategory
Output_Stream_Type& log_strm

Previous: Database_Command Data Members, Up: Database_Command

28.2 Functions

Next: , Previous: Database_Command Functions, Up: Database_Command Functions

28.2.1 Constructor

— Default Constructor: void Database_Command (void)

Previous: Constructor Database_Command, Up: Database_Command Functions

28.2.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~Database_Command (void)

Next: , Previous: Database_Command, Up: Top

29 Displaying Database Contents (DB_Display)

class DB_Display is declared in dbdspl.web.

Next: , Previous: Displaying Database Contents DB_Display ZTest, Up: Displaying Database Contents DB_Display ZTest

29.1 Data Members

— Private variable: ofstream html_strm

Previous: DB_Display Data Members, Up: Displaying Database Contents DB_Display ZTest

29.2 Functions

Next: , Previous: DB_Display Functions, Up: DB_Display Functions

29.2.1 Constructor

— Default Constructor: void DB_Display (void)

Next: , Previous: Constructor DB_Display, Up: DB_Display Functions

29.2.2 Destructor

— Destructor: void ~DB_Display (void)

Next: , Previous: Destructor DB_Display, Up: DB_Display Functions

29.2.3 Counting Records

— Public Function: int count_records (unsigned int start, unsigned int end, [vector<long>* record_id_vector = 0])

Previous: Counting Records DB_Display, Up: DB_Display Functions

29.2.4 Output

— Public Function: int open_html_file (const char* html_filename)

— Public Function: int display_single_record (
const unsigned int record_number,
const unsigned int record_ctr)

Some of the field values in a Pica+ record contain information that should be unique for that record. For example, a record should have only one Pica Production Number, only one Year of Appearance, etc. The Records table in the PICA database contains columns for this information.

However, many other categories and fields can occur in a Pica+ record multiple times. It is therefore not possible to store all of the information for a ZTest record in a single table in the PICA database. For example, a resource may have one, two, three, or any number of authors. On the other hand, a resource may have no author at all. This is frequently the case for audio-visual media, where other categories, such as “contributor” are used for the names of the creators of the resource. If the Records table contained a single author_name column, only one author's name could be stored in a line of the Records table. If the resource referred to by this record had no author, the column would have to contain NULL or a default value. On the other hand, if it had two authors, one would have to be left out. Nor would redefining the Records table with multiple columns for authors, e.g., author_name_1, author_name_2, etc., solve the problem. With this approach, there would always a fixed limit for the number of authors' names that could be accommodated, and space would always be wasted, if fewer authors were present in a record.

For categories and fields where a variable number of entries are possible, the PICA database uses a combination of foreign key constraints and association tables, as explained in Association Tables.

This implies that the data for a given record will be distributed over a number of different tables in the PICA database. Therefore, display_single_record must first find all of this information in order to display it.

Once the information is gathered, there are many possible ways of displaying it. The form of display performed by display_single_record is designed to be simple and complete, and reflect the structure of the PICA database. The code in display_single_record could be used as the basis for fancier and more complicated displays.

display_single_record writes HTML code to the output file. Each table which contains entries for the current record is represented by a ruled HTML table with fields for the names of the columns and their contents. If the database table has too many columns to be displayed comfortably across the breadth of a browser window, the names of the database columns may appear in a column on the left of the HTML table, with the values in fields to the right. If a database table contains more than one row for the current record, an additional HTML table will be created for each database row. Otherwise, display_single_record will create a single HTML table with the names of the database columns names in a row of the HTML table with the corresponding values in one or more rows beneath them.

The first table displayed is Records table. There is no difficulty in extracting this information from the database, since there will only ever be one row in this table for a record by definition. For the subsequent HTML tables, the entries that correspond to the current record must be extracted from the corresponding database table. This is done in one of two ways, depending on whether the connection between the database table and the entry for the record in the Records table is created by means of an association table or a foreign key constraint in the current database table.

The database table Content_Summaries uses a foreign key constraint. For example, Record 23 may have a content summary, which is stored in the Contents_Summaries table. The value in the content_summary_id column for the entry in the Contents_Summaries table may have the value 92. The Contents_Summaries table also has a column record_id, which references the column record_id in the Records table. Its value will therefore be 23 in this entry. The following Transact-SQL query will return this row from the Contents_Summaries table:

          select * from Content_Summaries where record_id = 23 order by content_summary_id

The Authors database, on the other hand, doesn't have a record_id column with an associated foreign key constraint, but uses an association table, Records_Authors, instead. For example, Record 48 may have three authors, and the entries for these authors in the Authors table may the values of 104, 105, and 210 in their author_id columns. The Records_Authors table has only two columns, record_id and author_id, whereby the former references the record_id column in the Records table, and the latter references the author_id column in the Authors table. The following Transact-SQL query will return the data from all the rows in the Authors table that correspond to authors of the resource referenced by Record 48. Please note that select * cannot be used in this query, and that the columns of the Authors table must be named explicitly, because the Records_Authors and Records are both named in the “from” clause of the “select” query.

          select A.given_name, A.surname, A.prefix, A.id_number_ppn
          from Authors as A, Records_Authors as RA, Records as R
          A.author_id = RA.author_id
          R.record_id = RA.record_id
          R.record_id = 48
          order by A.author_id

Whether a column with a foreign key constraint or a separate association table is used, Transact-SQL queries similar to the ones described above are used to extract the information for a given record from the various database tables in the PICA database where this information is stored. The Transact-SQL query is passed to the Open function of an object whose type is an class derived from CRecordset (an ODBC class) that corresponds to one of the database tables. See ODBC Classes for ZTest.

ZTest contains an ODBC class corresponding to each of the database tables in the PICA database. For example, class Records corresponds to the Records table, class Authors corresponds to the Authors table, etc. display_single_record declares an object of each of these types. When its Open function is called with a Transact-SQL query, and this query is successful, i.e., it returns one or more rows of data from the database table, the data members of the ODBC class object are “filled” with the data from the first row from the set of rows returned by the Transact-SQL query. That is, the data members of the ODBC class object are assigned the values from the corresponding columns of the first row of data. The order by clause in the Transact-SQl queries ensures that the rows are ordered correctly. display_single_record now uses the “navigation functions” CRecordset to iterate through the rows. Each time CRecordset::MoveNext is invoked on an ODBC class object, the data members are assigned values from the next row of data from the database, until there are no more rows. display_single_record then writes this data to the output file, along with the appropriate “boilerplate” HTML code to format it.

— Public Function: int display_records (
[CString search_command_str = "",
[const unsigned int start = 1,
[const unsigned int end = 0 ]]])

display_records displays a range of records from record number start to record number end. Both of these arguments have default values. The default for start is 1 and the default for end is 0.

If end = 0, either because it was passed by the caller explicitly, or because the default is being used, then display_records starts with record start and continues until display_single_record returns unsuccessfully (return value 1).

Otherwise, if end > 0 and end < start, then a warning is issued, end is set to 0, and display_records proceeds as above.

Otherwise, display_records starts displaying records from record number start, and continues up to and including record number end. It will continue to call display_single_record, even if the latter returns unsuccessfully for some record number. This is because there may be gaps in the sequence of record numbers because of deletions, or for some other reason. This isn't likely, but it is possible.

These rules imply that a call to display_records with no arguments will display all of the records in the PICA_DB database.

— Public Function: int close_html_file (void)

Next: , Previous: Displaying Database Contents DB_Display ZTest, Up: Top

30 ODBC Classes for ZTest

Next: , Previous: ODBC Classes ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.1 PICA_Categories

Class PICA_Categories is declared in picacats.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the PICA_Categories table in the PICA database. See PICA_Categories.

Previous: PICA_Categories ODBC ZTest, Up: PICA_Categories ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_pica_category_id
— : CStringA m_pica_plus_category_code
— : int m_pica_3_category_code
— : CStringA m_description_german
— : CStringA m_description_english

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the PICA_Categories table in the PICA database. See PICA_Categories.

Next: , Previous: PICA_Categories ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.2 PICA_Fields

Class PICA_Fields is declared in picaflds.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the PICA_Fields table in the PICA database. See PICA_Fields.

Previous: PICA_Fields ODBC ZTest, Up: PICA_Fields ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_pica_field_id
— : CStringA m_pica_plus_field_code
— : int m_pica_3_field_code
— : CStringA m_description_german
— : CStringA m_description_english

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the PICA_Fields table in the PICA database. See PICA_Fields.

Next: , Previous: PICA_Fields ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.3 PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields

Class PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields is declared in pccatfld.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the association table PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields in the PICA database. See PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields.

Previous: PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields ODBC ZTest, Up: PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_pica_category_id
— : long m_pica_field_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields table in the PICA database. See PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields.

Next: , Previous: PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.4 Sources

Class Sources is declared in sources.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Sources table in the PICA database. See Sources.

Previous: Sources ODBC ZTest, Up: Sources ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_source_id
— : CStringA m_source_name
— : CStringA m_source_abbrev
— : CStringA m_source_address

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Sources table in the PICA database. See Sources.

Next: , Previous: Sources ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.5 Records

Class Records is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It is declared in records.web.

!! TODO: Note the fact that the member functions of classes derived from CRecordset are all generated by Visual Studio .NET and are not documented here. LDF 2006.08.28.

Class Records references the Records table in the PICA database. See Records.

Previous: Records ODBC ZTest, Up: Records ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : int m_eln_original_entry
— : int m_eln_most_recent_change
— : int m_eln_status_change
— : CStringA m_identification_number
— : CTime m_date_original_entry
— : CTime m_date_most_recent_change
— : CTime m_date_status_change
— : long m_source_id
— : int m_year_appearance_begin
— : int m_year_appearance_end
— : int m_year_appearance_rak_wb
— : int m_year_appearance_original

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records table in the PICA database. See Records.

Next: , Previous: Records ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.6 Access_Numbers

Class Access_Numbers is declared in accnums.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Access_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Access_Numbers.

Previous: Access_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: Access_Numbers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_access_number_id
— : CStringA m_access_number
— : long m_record_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Access_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Access_Numbers.

Next: , Previous: Access_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.7 Call_Numbers

Class Call_Numbers is declared in callnums.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Call_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Call_Numbers.

Previous: Call_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: Call_Numbers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_call_number_id
— : CStringA m_call_number
— : int m_library_number
— : CStringA m_library_department
— : CStringA m_special_location

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Call_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Call_Numbers.

Next: , Previous: Call_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.8 Records_Call_Numbers

Class Records_Call_Numbers is declared in rccllnms.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Records_Call_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Records_Call_Numbers.

Previous: Records_Call_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Call_Numbers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_call_number_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Call_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Records_Call_Numbers.

Next: , Previous: Records_Call_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.9 Exemplar_Production_Numbers

Class Exemplar_Production_Numbers is declared in exprnums.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Exemplar_Production_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Exemplar_Production_Numbers.

Previous: Exemplar_Production_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: Exemplar_Production_Numbers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_exemplar_production_number_id
— : LONGLONG m_exemplar_production_number_numeric
— : CStringA m_exemplar_production_number_text
— : long m_record_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Exemplar_Production_Numbers table in the PICA database. See Exemplar_Production_Numbers.

Next: , Previous: Exemplar_Production_Numbers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.10 Bibliographic_Type_Codes

Class Bibliographic_Type_Codes is declared in bbtpcds.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Bibliographic_Type_Codes table in the PICA database. See Bibliographic_Type_Codes.

Previous: Bibliographic_Type_Codes ODBC ZTest, Up: Bibliographic_Type_Codes ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_bibliographic_type_code_id
— : CStringA m_physical_form_code
— : CStringA m_physical_form_material_name_english
— : CStringA m_physical_form_material_name_german
— : CStringA m_bibliographic_representation_code
— : CStringA m_bibliographic_representation_description_english
— : CStringA m_bibliographic_representation_description_german
— : CStringA m_description_status_code
— : CStringA m_description_status_description_english
— : CStringA m_description_status_description_german

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Bibliographic_Type_Codes table in the PICA database. See Bibliographic_Type_Codes.

Next: , Previous: Bibliographic_Type_Codes ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.11 Bibliographic_Types

Class Bibliographic_Types is declared in bibtyps.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Bibliographic_Types table in the PICA database. See Bibliographic_Types.

Previous: Bibliographic_Types ODBC ZTest, Up: Bibliographic_Types ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_bibliographic_type_id
— : CStringA m_physical_form;
— : CStringA m_bibliographic_representation;
— : CStringA m_description_status;
— : CStringA m_miscellaneous;
— : CStringA m_bibliographic_representation_refinement;
— : CStringA m_transliteration_code;

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Bibliographic_Types table in the PICA database. See Bibliographic_Types.

Next: , Previous: Bibliographic_Types ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.12 Records_Bibliographic_Types

Class Records_Bibliographic_Types is declared in rcbbtyps.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Records_Bibliographic_Types table in the PICA database. See Records_Bibliographic_Types.

Previous: Records_Bibliographic_Types ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Bibliographic_Types ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_bibliographic_type_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Bibliographic_Types table in the PICA database. See Records_Bibliographic_Types.

Next: , Previous: Records_Bibliographic_Types ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.13 Physical_Descriptions

Class Physical_Descriptions is declared in physdesc.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Physical_Descriptions table in the PICA database. See Physical_Descriptions.

Previous: Physical_Descriptions ODBC ZTest, Up: Physical_Descriptions ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_physical_description_id
— : CStringA m_text
— : long m_pica_category_id
— : long m_pica_field_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Physical_Descriptions table in the PICA database. See Physical_Descriptions.

Next: , Previous: Physical_Descriptions ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.14 Records_Physical_Descriptions

Class Records_Physical_Descriptions is declared in rcphsdsc.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the association table Records_Physical_Descriptions in the PICA database. See Records_Physical_Descriptions.

Previous: Records_Physical_Descriptions ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Physical_Descriptions ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_physical_description_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Physical_Descriptions table in the PICA database. See Records_Physical_Descriptions.

Next: , Previous: Records_Physical_Descriptions ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.15 Authors

Class Authors is declared in authors.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Authors table in the PICA database. See Authors.

Previous: Authors ODBC ZTest, Up: Authors ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_author_id
— : CStringA m_given_name
— : CStringA m_surname
— : CStringA m_prefix

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Authors table in the PICA database. See Authors.

Next: , Previous: Authors ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.16 Records_Authors

Class Records_Authors is declared in recathrs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the association table Records_Authors in the PICA database. See Records_Authors.

Previous: Records_Authors ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Authors ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_author_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Authors table in the PICA database. See Records_Authors.

Next: , Previous: Records_Authors ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.17 Contributors

Class Contributors is declared in cntrbtrs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Contributors table in the PICA database. See Contributors.

Previous: Contributors ODBC ZTest, Up: Contributors ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_contributor_id
— : CStringA m_given_name
— : CStringA m_surname
— : CStringA m_prefix
— : LONGLONG m_id_number_ppn

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Contributors table in the PICA database. See Contributors.

Next: , Previous: Contributors ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.18 Records_Contributors

Class Records_Contributors is declared in rccntrbt.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the association table Records_Contributors in the PICA database. See Records_Contributors.

Previous: Records_Contributors ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Contributors ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_contributor_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Contributors table in the PICA database. See Records_Contributors.

Next: , Previous: Records_Contributors ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.19 Main_Titles

Class Main_Titles is declared in mnttls.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Main_Titles table in the PICA database. See Main_Titles.

Previous: Main_Titles ODBC ZTest, Up: Main_Titles ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_main_title_id
— : CStringA m_standard_text
— : CStringA m_main_canonical_title
— : long m_continuation_main_canonical_title
— : CStringA m_additions_main
— : long m_continuation_additions_main
— : CStringA m_additional_creator_main
— : CStringA m_parallel_canonical_title
— : CStringA m_additions_parallel
— : CStringA m_additional_creator_parallel
— : CStringA m_authorship

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Main_Titles table in the PICA database. See Main_Titles.

Next: , Previous: Main_Titles ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.20 Records_Main_Titles

Class Records_Main_Titles is declared in rcmnttls.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the association table Records_Main_Titles in the PICA database. See Records_Main_Titles.

Previous: Records_Main_Titles ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Main_Titles ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_main_title_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Main_Titles table in the PICA database. See Records_Main_Titles.

Next: , Previous: Records_Main_Titles ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.21 Content_Summaries

Class Content_Summaries is declared in contsums.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Content_Summaries table in the PICA database. See Content_Summaries.

Previous: Content_Summaries ODBC ZTest, Up: Content_Summaries ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_content_summary_id
— : long m_record_id
— : long m_continuation
— : CStringA m_content_summary

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Content_Summaries table in the PICA database. See Content_Summaries.

Next: , Previous: Content_Summaries ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.22 Languages

Class Languages is declared in language.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Languages table in the PICA database. See Languages.

Previous: Languages ODBC ZTest, Up: Languages ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_language_id
— : CStringA m_language_name_english
— : CStringA m_language_name_german
— : CStringA m_language_abbrev

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Languages table in the PICA database. See Languages.

Next: , Previous: Languages ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.23 Records_Languages

Class Records_Languages is declared in reclang.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. Its references the association table Records_Languages in the PICA database. See Records_Languages.

Previous: Records_Languages ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Languages ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_language_id
— : CStringA m_association_type
— : CStringA m_association_type_name

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Languages table in the PICA database. See Records_Languages.

Next: , Previous: Records_Languages ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.24 Subject_Types

Class Subject_Types is declared in subjtyps.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Subject_Types table in the PICA database. See Subject_Types.

Previous: Subject_Types ODBC ZTest, Up: Subject_Types ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_subject_type_id
— : CStringA m_indicator
— : CStringA m_description_german
— : CStringA m_description_english
— : BOOL m_pica3_800
— : BOOL m_pica3_51xx

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Subject_Types table in the PICA database. See Subject_Types.

Next: , Previous: Subject_Types ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.25 Subjects

Class Subjects is declared in subjects.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Subjects table in the PICA database. See Subjects.

Previous: Subjects ODBC ZTest, Up: Subjects ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_subject_id
— : long m_subject_type_id
— : CStringA m_subject
— : LONGLONG m_id_number_ppn
— : int m_chain_number
— : int m_chain_link_number
— : CStringA m_chain_info

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Subjects table in the PICA database. See Subjects.

Next: , Previous: Subjects ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.26 Records_Subjects

Class Records_Subjects is declared in recsubjs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the association table Records_Subjects in the PICA database. See Records_Subjects.

Previous: Records_Subjects ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Subjects ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_subject_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Subjects table in the PICA database. See Records_Subjects.

Next: , Previous: Records_Subjects ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.27 Permutation_Patterns

Class Permutation_Patterns is declared in prmpttrn.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Permutation_Patterns table in the PICA database. See Permutation_Patterns.

Previous: Permutation_Patterns ODBC ZTest, Up: Permutation_Patterns ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_permutation_pattern_id
— : long m_record_id
— : long m_subject_id_start
— : long m_subject_id_end
— : long m_chain_number
— : CStringA m_permutation_pattern

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Permutation_Patterns table in the PICA database. See Permutation_Patterns.

Next: , Previous: Permutation_Patterns ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.28 Remote_Access

Class Remote_Access is declared in rmaccess.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Remote_Access table in the PICA database. See Remote_Access.

Previous: Remote_Access ODBC ZTest, Up: Remote_Access ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_remote_access_id
— : long m_remote_access_id
— : BOOL m_license_indicator
— : CStringA m_format_type
— : CStringA m_web_display_text
— : CStringA m_URL
— : CStringA m_URN
— : CStringA m_internal_remarks

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Remote_Access table in the PICA database. See Remote_Access.

Next: , Previous: Remote_Access ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.29 Records_Remote_Access

Class Records_Remote_Access is declared in rcrmaccs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the association table Records_Remote_Access in the PICA database. See Records_Remote_Access.

Previous: Records_Remote_Access ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Remote_Access ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_remote_access_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Remote_Access table in the PICA database. See Records_Remote_Access.

Next: , Previous: Records_Remote_Access ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.30 Publishers

Class Publishers is declared in publshrs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Publishers table in the PICA database. See Publishers.

Previous: Publishers ODBC ZTest, Up: Publishers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_publisher_id
— : CStringA m_publisher_name
— : CStringA m_place
— : BOOL m_primary_info_source

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Publishers table in the PICA database. See Publishers.

Next: , Previous: Publishers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.31 Records_Publishers

Class Records_Publishers is declared in recpubs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. Its references the association table Records_Publishers in the PICA database. See Records_Publishers.

Previous: Records_Publishers ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Publishers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_publisher_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Publishers table in the PICA database. See Records_Publishers.

Next: , Previous: Records_Publishers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.32 Database_Providers

Class Database_Providers is declared in dbprovs.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Database_Providers table in the PICA database. See Database_Providers.

Previous: Database_Providers ODBC ZTest, Up: Database_Providers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_database_provider_id
— : CStringA m_database_provider_name
— : CStringA m_place

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Database_Providers table in the PICA database. See Database_Providers.

Next: , Previous: Database_Providers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.33 Records_Database_Providers

Class Records_Database_Providers is declared in rcdbprov.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. Its references the association table Records_Database_Providers in the PICA database. See Records_Database_Providers.

Previous: Records_Database_Providers ODBC ZTest, Up: Records_Database_Providers ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variables: long m_record_id
— : long m_database_provider_id

These variables reference the corresponding columns in the Records_Database_Providers table in the PICA database. See Records_Database_Providers.

Previous: Records_Database_Providers ODBC ZTest, Up: ODBC Classes ZTest

30.34 Temp_IDs

Class Temp_IDs is declared in tempids.web. It is derived from the MFC class CRecordset using public derivation. It references the Temp_IDs table in the PICA database. See Temp_IDs.

Previous: Temp_IDs ODBC ZTest, Up: Temp_IDs ODBC ZTest

Data Members

— Variable: long m_temp_id

This variable references the corresponding column in the Temp_IDs table in the PICA database. See Temp_IDs.

Next: , Previous: ODBC Classes ZTest, Up: Top

31 Database Tables for ZTest

Next: , Previous: Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.1 Sources

— Column: int identity (0, 1) not null source_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Sources

— Column: varchar(128) not null source_name

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(32) not null source_abbrev

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar (1024) not null source_address

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Sources Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.2 PICA_Categories

— Column: int identity (0, 1) not null pica_category_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_PICA_Categories

— Column: char(7) not null pica_plus_category_code

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: smallint null pica_3_category_code

— Column: varchar(128) not null description_german

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(128) not null description_english

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: PICA_Categories Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.3 PICA_Fields

— Column: int identity (0, 1) not null pica_field_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_PICA_Fields

— Column: char(7) not null pica_plus_field_code

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: char(4) not null pica_3_field_code

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(128) not null description_german

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(128) not null description_english

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: PICA_Fields Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.4 PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields

Association table.

— Column: int not null pica_category_id

References PICA_Categories(pica_category_id).
See PICA_Categories.
The default is 0.

— Column: int not null pica_field_id

References PICA_Fields(pica_field_id).
See PICA_Fields.
The default is 0.

Next: , Previous: PICA_Categories_PICA_Fields Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.5 Records

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null record_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Records

— Column: varchar(512) not null identification_number

Can contain non-numerals! The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: datetime date_original_entry

TO DO: Change to “not null” after testing!

— Column: datetime date_most_recent_change

TO DO: Change to “not null” after testing!

— Column: datetime date_status_change

TO DO: Change to “not null” after testing!

— Column: smallint eln_original_entry

TO DO: Change to “not null” after testing!

— Column: smallint eln_most_recent_change

TO DO: Change to “not null” after testing!

— Column: smallint eln_status_change

TO DO: Change to “not null” after testing!

— Column: smallint null year_appearance_begin

— Column: smallint null year_appearance_end

— Column: smallint null year_appearance_rak_wb

— Column: smallint null year_appearance_original

— Column: int not null source_id

References Sources(source_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Records Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.6 Bibliographic_Type_Codes

This table is filled by the stored procedure regenerate_tables. See Database Stored Procedures. It is not changed when ZTest is run.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null bibliographic_type_code_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Bibliographic_Type_Codes

— Column: char(1) null physical_form_code

— Column: varchar(128) null physical_form_material_name_english

— Column: varchar(128) null physical_form_material_name_german

— Column: char(1) null bibliographic_representation_code

— Column: varchar(128) null bibliographic_representation_description_english

— Column: varchar(128) null bibliographic_representation_description_german

— Column: char(1) null description_status_code

— Column: varchar(64) null description_status_description_english

— Column: varchar(64) null description_status_description_german

Next: , Previous: Bibliographic_Type_Codes Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.7 Bibliographic_Types

— Column: int identity not null bibliographic_type_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Bibliographic_Types

— Column: char(1) not null physical_form

— Column: char(1) not null bibliographic_representation

— Column: char(1) not null description_status

— Column: char(1) null miscellaneous

— Column: char(1) null bibliographic_representation_refinement

— Column: char(1) null transliteration_code

Next: , Previous: Bibliographic_Types Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.8 Records_Bibliographic_Types

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null bibliographic_type_id

References Bibliographic_Types(bibliographic_type_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Records_Bibliographic_Types Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.9 Main_Titles

— Column: int identity not null main_title_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Main_Titles

— Column: varchar(512) not null standard_text

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null main_canonical_title

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null continuation_main_canonical_title

The default value is 0.

— Column: varchar(512) not null additions_main

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null continuation_additions_main

The default value is 0.

— Column: varchar(512) not null additional_creator_main

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null parallel_canonical_title

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null additions_parallel

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null additional_creator_parallel

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null authorship

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Main_Titles Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.10 Records_Main_Titles

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null main_title_id

References Main_Titles(main_title_id).

Next: , Previous: Records_Main_Titles Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.11 Content_Summaries

The Content_Summaries table is referenced by the ODBC class Content_Summaries. See Content_Summaries.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null content_summary_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Content_Summaries

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id). See Records.

— Column: int not null continuation

The default value is 0.

— Column: varchar(1024) not null content_summary

Next: , Previous: Content_Summaries Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.12 Authors

— Column: int identity not null author_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Authors

— Column: varchar(128) not null given_name

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(128) not null surname

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(16) not null prefix

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: bigint not null id_number_ppn

The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Authors Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.13 Records_Authors

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null author_id

References Authors(author_id).

Next: , Previous: Records_Authors Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.14 Contributors

— Column: int identity not null contributor_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Contributors

— Column: varchar(128) not null given_name

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(128) not null surname

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(16) not null prefix

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: bigint not null id_number_ppn

The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Contributors Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.15 Records_Contributors

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null contributor_id

References Contributors(contributor_id).

Next: , Previous: Records_Contributors Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.16 Publishers

— Column: int identity not null publisher_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Publishers

— Columns: varchar(256) not null publisher_name

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Columns: varchar(256) not null place

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Columns: bit not null primary_info_source

The default value is 1.

Next: , Previous: Publishers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.17 Records_Publishers

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null publisher_id

References Publishers(publisher_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Records_Publishers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.18 Database_Providers

— Column: int identity not null database_provider_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Database_Providers

— Columns: varchar(256) not null database_provider_name

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Columns: varchar(256) not null place

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Database_Providers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.19 Records_Database_Providers

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id). The default value is 0.

— Column: int not null database_provider_id

References Database_Providers(database_provider_id). The default value is 0.

Next: , Previous: Records_Database_Providers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.20 Languages

— Column: int identity not null language_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Languages

— Columns: varchar(64) not null language_name_english
— : varchar(64) not null language_name_german

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: char(3) not null language_abbrev

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Languages Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.21 Records_Languages

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id).

— Column: int not null language_id

References Languages(language_id).

— Column: char(1) null association_type

— Column: varchar(32) not null association_type_name

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Records_Languages Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.22 Physical_Descriptions

The following PICA categories used all used for the physical descriptions of resources. Unfortunately, some are used for more than one physical feature, so they are ambiguous. For example, the English description of the PICA3 4060 category is “Size or Range, Specification of Material, Technical System”. In addition, these categories all have only a single field, namely “Text”, so that unlike other categories, the ambiguity cannot be resolved by the use of fields.

4060 034D
4061 034M
4062 034I
4063 034K

!! TODO: Add cross-references and index entries!

The number of different features that can be described using these classifications is large enough to make it impracticable to have a column for each one in the Physical_Descriptions table. Due to the above-mentioned ambiguity, it would also be impossible for a program to determine which column would be appropriate for a given entry. The Physical_Descriptions table therefore includes a pica_category_id column, so that users may at least see how the data was categorized in the PICA source.

With respect to these categories, the pica_field_id in the Physical_Descriptions table is redundant. I have added it in case other categories are used for physical descriptions.

— Column: int identity not null physical_description_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Physical_Descriptions

— Column: varchar(256) not null text

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null pica_category_id

References PICA_Categories(pica_category_id).
See PICA_Categories.

— Column: int not null pica_field_id

References PICA_Fields(pica_field_id).
See PICA_Fields.

Next: , Previous: Physical_Descriptions Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.23 Records_Physical_Descriptions

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id).
See Records.

— Column: int not null physical_description_id

References Physical_Descriptions(physical_description_id).
See Physical_Descriptions.

Next: , Previous: Records_Physical_Descriptions Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.24 Remote_Access

The Remote_Access table stores information from entries of the category Pica+ 209R/Pica3 7133. See 209R Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources, and 7133 Local information regarding remote access to electronic resources.

The function Category_Container::sub_F_209R, which is called by Category_Container::F_209R, writes to this table. See Functions for Specific Categories.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null remote_access_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Remote_Access

— Column: bit not null license_indicator

— Column: varchar(64) not null format_type

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null web_display_text

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null URL

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null URN

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(512) not null internal_remarks

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Remote_Access Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.25 Records_Remote_Access

Association table. See Records, and Remote_Access.

The function Category_Container::sub_F_209R, which is called by Category_Container::F_209R, writes to this table. See Functions for Specific Categories.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id).
See Records.

— Column: int not null remote_access_id

References Remote_Access(remote_access_id).
See Remote_Access.

Next: , Previous: Records_Remote_Access Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.26 Exemplar_Production_Numbers

The Exemplar_Production_Numbers table stores information from entries of the category Pica+ 203@/Pica3 7800. See 203@ Exemplar Production Number, and 7800 Exemplar Production Number.

Since so little information is stored in this table, it includes a column record_id which references Records::record_id. This makes it possible to do without an association table.

The function Subcategory_Container::f_203_AT_0 writes to this table. See Exemplar Production Number.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null exemplar_production_number_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Exemplar_Production_Number

— Column: bigint null exemplar_production_number_numeric

— Column: varchar(64) exemplar_production_number_text

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records::record_id. See Records.

Next: , Previous: Exemplar_Production_Numbers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.27 Call_Numbers

The Call_Numbers table stores information from entries of the categories Pica+ 209A/Pica3 7100–7109. See 209A Call Number, and 7100–7109 Call Number.

The functions Category_Container::F_209A, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_a, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_b, Subcategory_Container::f_209A_f, and Subcategory_Container::f_209A_j are used to write to this table. See Call Number, and Call Number.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null call_number_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Call_Numbers

— Column: varchar(128) call_number

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: smallint not null library_number

The default value is 0.

— Column: varchar(64) library_department

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: varchar(128) special_location

The default value is 'N/A'.

Next: , Previous: Call_Numbers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.28 Records_Call_Numbers

Association table. See Records, and Call_Numbers.

The function Category_Container::F_209A writes to this table. See Functions for Specific Categories.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records(record_id).
See Records.

— Column: int not null call_number_id

References Call_Numbers(call_number_id).
See Call_Numbers.

Next: , Previous: Records_Call_Numbers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.29 Access_Numbers

The Access_Numbers table stores information from entries of the category Pica+ 209C/Pica3 8100. See 209C Access Number, and 8100 Access Number.

Since so little information is stored in this table, it includes a column record_id which references Records::record_id. This makes it possible to do without an association table.

The function Subcategory_Container::f_209C_a writes to this table. See Access Number.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null access_number_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Access_Numbers

— Column: varchar(128) not null access_number

The default value is 'N/A'.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records::record_id.

Next: , Previous: Access_Numbers Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.30 Subject_Types

This table stores information about the classes of subjects specified in the “Indikator/Indicator” field of Pica+ 041A/Pica3 800; 5100–5199. This is the S field in Pica+ 041A. See 041A Subject, 041A Fields, and 800; 5100–5199 Subject.

The Subject_Types table is referenced by the ODBC class Subject_Types. See Subject_Types (ODBC Class).

The indicator column (see below) must contain one of the characters used as values in this field.

The following table shows these values. Some are only used with Pica3 5100–5199.

Value German English Pica3 800

c Körperschaftsschlagwort (Ort) Entity Subject (Location) Yes

f Formschlagwort Form Subject No

g Geografisches/ethnografisches Schlagwort Geographical/Ethnographical Subject Yes

p Personenschlagwort Personal Subject Yes

s Sachschlagwort Material Subject Yes

t Titelschlagwort (800)/Werktitel (51xx) Title Subject (800)/Work Title (51xx) Yes

k Körperschaftsschlagwort (Name) Entity Subject (Name) Yes

z Zeitschlagwort Temporal Subject No

The Subject_Types table is completely filled by the stored procedure regenerate_tables. No entries are added when ZTest is run. Therefore, no default values are needed. See Database Stored Procedures.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null subject_type_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Subject_Types

— Column: char(1) null indicator

— Column: varchar(64) not null description

— Column: bit not null pica3_800

— Column: bit not null pica3_51xx

Next: , Previous: Subject_Types Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.31 Subjects

This table stores information from entries of the categories Pica+ 041A/Pica3 800; 5100–5199. See 041A Subject, and 800; 5100–5199 Subject.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null subject_type_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Subjects

— Column: int not null subject_type_id

References Subject_Types::subject_type_id. See Subject_Types.

— Column: varchar(128) not null default 'N/A' subject

— Column: bigint not null id_number_ppn

The default value is 0.

— Column: smallint null chain_number

— Column: smallint null chain_link_number

— Column: varchar(256) not null default 'N/A' chain_info

Next: , Previous: Subjects Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.32 Records_Subjects

Association table.

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records::record_id. The default is 0.

— Column: int not null subject_id

References Subjects::subject_id. The default is 0.

Next: , Previous: Records_Subjects Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.33 Permutation_Patterns

This table stores information from entries of the categories Pica+ 041A/Pica3 5100–5199. Permutation patterns (German Permutationsmuster) aren't used in Pica3 800. See 041A Subject, and 800; 5100–5199 Subject.

This table has a column record_id, which references the record_id column in the Records table, and columns subject_id_start and subject_id_end, which reference the subject_id column in the Subjects table (see below). It is therefore an association table. See Records, and Subjects.

— Column: int identity(0, 1) not null permutation_pattern_id
— Constraint: primary key PK_Permutation_Patterns

— Column: int not null record_id

References Records::record_id. See Records.

— Column: int not null subject_id_start

References Subjects::subject_id. See Subjects.

— Column: int not null subject_id_end

References Subjects::subject_id. See Subjects.

— Column: int not null chain_number

— Column: varchar(64) not null permutation_pattern

Previous: Permutation_Patterns Database Tables ZTest, Up: Database Tables ZTest

31.34 Temp_IDs

— Column: int temp_id

Next: , Previous: Database Tables ZTest, Up: Top

32 Database Stored Procedures

— Stored Procedure: create_tables

Creates the database tables.

— Stored Procedure: regenerate_tables

Initializes the database tables. Some of them contain entries that must be present before data is read from the input file.

— Stored Procedure: delete_tables

Deletes the entries in the database tables, without dropping the tables.

— Stored Procedure: drop_tables

Drops the database tables.

— Stored Procedure: create_catalogs

Creates the fulltext catalogs.

— Stored Procedure: fill_catalogs

Fills the fulltext catalogs.

Next: , Previous: Database Stored Procedures ZTest, Up: Top


Next: , Previous: Glossary, Up: Glossary


Bib-1. “The Bib-1 attribute set is part of the Z39.50 client server protocol.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bib-1).

Next: , Previous: Glossary B, Up: Glossary


ELN: See “External Library Number”.

External Library Number: Abbreviation: ELN. See Abbreviations E.

Next: , Previous: Glossary E, Up: Glossary


MFC: See “Microsoft Foundation Classes”.

Microsoft Foundation Classes: Abbreviation: MFC. See Abbreviations M.

Next: , Previous: Glossary M, Up: Glossary


ODBC: See “Open Database Connectivity”.

Open Database Connectivity.

Next: , Previous: Glossary O, Up: Glossary


PPN: See “Pica Production Number”.

PQF: See “Prefix Query Format”.

Pica Production Number: Abbreviation: PPN. See Abbreviations P.

Prefix Query Format.

Pica: See “Project for Integrated Catalogue Automation”.

Project for Integrated Catalogue Automation: Abbreviation: Pica.

Next: , Previous: Glossary P, Up: Glossary


RPN: See “Reverse Polish Notation”.

RSWK: See “Rules for the Subject Catalogue” (“Regeln fuer den Schlagwortkatalog”).

Regeln fuer den Schlagwortkatalog (RSWK): Rules for the Subject Catalogue. See 041A Subject, and 800; 5100–5199 Subject.

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).

Rules for the Subject Catalogue: Regeln fuer den Schlagwortkatalog (RSWK) See 041A Subject, and 800; 5100–5199 Subject.

Next: , Previous: Glossary R, Up: Glossary



Previous: Glossary Y, Up: Glossary



Next: , Previous: Glossary, Up: Top


Next: , Previous: Abbreviations, Up: Abbreviations


ELN: External Library Number
See Glossary E.

EOF: end-of-file character

engl: English

Next: , Previous: Abbreviations E, Up: Abbreviations


germ: German

Next: , Previous: Abbreviations G, Up: Abbreviations


MFC: Microsoft Foundation Classes
See Glossary M.

Next: , Previous: Abbreviations M, Up: Abbreviations


ODBC: Open Database Connectivity
See Glossary O.

Next: , Previous: Abbreviations O, Up: Abbreviations


Pica: Project for Integrated Catalogue Automation See Glossary P.

PPN: Pica Production Number
See Glossary P.

PQF: Prefix Query Format
See Glossary P.

Previous: Abbreviations P, Up: Abbreviations


RPN: Reverse Polish Notation
See Glossary R.

RSWK: Regeln fuer den Schlagwortkatalog (Rules for the Subject Catalogue)
See 041A Subject, 800; 5100–5199 Subject, and Glossary R.

Next: , Previous: Abbreviations, Up: Top


Michael, James J. and Mark Hinnebusch. From A to Z39.50. A Networking Primer. Mecklermedia Corporation. Westport, London 1995. ISBN 0-88736-766-6.

Next: , Previous: Bibliography, Up: Top

Concept Index

Next: , Previous: Concept Index, Up: Top

Variable Index

Next: , Previous: Variable Index, Up: Top

Data Type Index

Next: , Previous: Data Type Index, Up: Top

Function Index

Next: , Previous: Function Index, Up: Top

Database Table Index

Next: , Previous: Database Table Index, Up: Top

Database Stored Procedure Index

Next: , Previous: Database Stored Procedure Index, Up: Top

Filename Index

Next: , Previous: Filename Index, Up: Top

Pica+ Index

Next: , Previous: Pica Plus Index, Up: Top

Pica3 Index

Next: , Previous: Pica Three Index, Up: Top

Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.2, November 2002
     Copyright © 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.

    A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language.

    A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.

    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

    The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

    A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”.

    Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ascii without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for output purposes only.

    The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

    The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License.


    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

    You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.


    If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

    If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

    If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.

    It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.
    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/.

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

A.0.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

       Copyright (C)  year  your name.
       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
       or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
       with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
       Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
       Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with...Texts.” line with this:

         with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
         the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
         being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.

Previous: GNU Free Documentation License, Up: Top

Appendix B GNU General Public License

Version 2, June 1991
     Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software—to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software.

Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations.

Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.


  1. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The “Program”, below, refers to any such program or work, and a “work based on the Program” means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term “modification”.) Each licensee is addressed as “you”.

    Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

  2. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program.

    You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

  3. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
    1. You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
    2. You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
    3. If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

    These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

    Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program.

    In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.

  4. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
    1. Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
    2. Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
    3. Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

    The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

    If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

  5. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
  6. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it.
  7. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License.
  8. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

    If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

    It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.

    This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.

  9. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
  10. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

    Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and “any later version”, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

  11. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyright” line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

     one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.
     Copyright (C) yyyy  name of author
     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.
     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:

     Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands show w and show c should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than show w and show c; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items—whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a “copyright disclaimer” for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:

     Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
     `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
     signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989
     Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License.


[1] I believe this to be true, but there may be categories for which repeat codes don't make sense, or for which the cataloguing guidelines (Katalogisierungsrichtlinien) forbid their use.