3,190 packages indexed
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Top > Science > Astronomy |
Astro::Catalog - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-01-30 Object-oriented astronomical catalogue |
Astroconst - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-05-07 Makes header files that define astrophysical constants |
avsomat - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-29 Autoschedules and manages astronomical observation data |
Celestia - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-04-17 Visual simulation of space |
Ephemeris - [LGPLv2.1] - 2004-05-25 Reads, writes and interpolates planetary positions using JPL's ephemeris files |
EPICS - [EPICS License] - 2004-05-13 Distributed Process Control Tool Kit Components |
GNUSkies - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-05-07 Project to create a free version of the xephem program |
Hitchhiker 2000 - [GPL] - 2004-02-26 Astronomy simulation program |
Kstars - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-05-07 Desktop planetarium for KDE |
libnova - [LGPLv2orlater] - 2004-01-26 Celestial mechanics and astronomical calculation library |
LibRadtran - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-06-07 Calculates solar and thermal radiation |
Nightfall - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-04-15 Simulate eclipsing binary stars |
Planet Finder - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-02-25 Shows the location of planetary bodies |
Qastrocam - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-01-05 Video capture program |
SImg - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-05-08 Astronomical image processing software |
Space Chart - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-12-06 Displays the stars in space in 3D |
Sunclock - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-05-07 Clock for the X Window System |
Xplanet - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-05-24 Draws the earth or other planets |
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