3,190 packages indexed
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Aapl - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-01 Library of C++ programming tools |
ACDK - [LGPL] - 2003-07-01 Java-like C++ framework with scripting and distributed components |
App - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-31 Algebraic typing & pattern matching preprocessor for C++ |
Botan - [a 2-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-05-17 Library of cryptographic algorithms |
cgixx - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-02-09 C++ CGI class library |
Common C++ - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-05-24 Highly portable C++ class library |
Database Template Library - [an X11-style license] - 2004-01-30 Makes ODBC recordsets look like STL containers |
dbg - [LGPLv2] - 2003-09-16 C++ debugging utilities |
Dimnum - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-07-05 C++ library for storage and conversion of dimensionful values |
Epeios - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-02-26 A group of C++ libraries |
Epeios CGI libraries - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-03-28 C library to help create CGI-based Web applications |
Epeios CGI libraries - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-05-13 C library to help create CGI-based Web applications |
Ferriscreate - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-02-11 Creates new objects in the filesystem |
FXT - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-04-15 Code for fast transforms and low level algorithms |
GLTT - [LGPL] - 2002-08-06 Library for reading and drawing TrueType fonts in OpenGL |
Goblin Graph Library - [LGPL] - 2004-04-22 Graph optimization package |
Goose - [LGPL] - 2002-05-07 Statistical computation library |
Graphics3D - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-05-27 3D graphics library written in C++ |
hfloat - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-04-15 Library for computation with very long floating point numbers |
ImLib3D - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-08-27 Library and visualization system for 3D image processing |
IT++ - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-07-16 C++ library for mathematics, signal processing, speech processing, and communications |
Leg - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-22 Game engines and libraries |
Libcwd - [QPL] - 2003-05-13 Library for C++ debugging |
libDS - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-09-30 Library to support simple networking, threads, and data structures |
libds - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-05-11 Library that supports simple networking, threads, and data structures |
libDSP - [GPL] - 2004-04-28 Library of digital signal processing functions |
libQGLViewer - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-02 Library for development of 3D applications |
Libtour - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-05-11 Generic tournament processing library |
libxml++ - [LGPL] - 2004-05-10 C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library |
Loopess - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-04-07 Loop library |
LTI-Lib - [LGPL] - 2003-12-17 Library for image processing and computer vision |
Mimetic - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-04-29 MIME library written in C++ |
MODEL - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-05-07 Analyzes and simulates rate equations |
OpenCL - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2002-07-31 Library of cryptographic algorithms |
OpenVRML - [LGPL] - 2003-09-29 VRML97 runtime library |
Parma Polyhedra Library - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-04-28 C++ library for the manipulation of convex polyhedra |
PME - [PCRE] - 2004-05-25 Wrapper for the PCRE library |
Pspell - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-08-01 Generic interface for spell checker libraries |
PTypes - [Zlib] - 2004-05-17 Alternative to STL with multithreading and networking |
slln - [Public Domain, LGPLv2orlater] - 2004-06-01 Generic object serialization library for C++ |
TBCI - [LGPL] - 2004-05-10 Template C++ library providing classes for vectors, matrices, etc., and for defining operations on them |
TinyQ - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-10-28 Stripped down version of QT for C++ development |
TOAD C++ GUI Library - [LGPL] - 2004-04-27 Classes for creating GUI interfaces |
Tree.hh - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-07-10 Templated tree class for C++ |
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