Top > Database > Database applications > FormEntry

FormEntry - Generates an HTML interface for an SQL table.

'FormEntry' generates an HTML
which shows some (or all) database columns as TEXT input areas, drop downs, radio boxes etc. The user sees/modifies only those parts of the database you want.

'FormEntry' generate the form directly from the tables. It controls the behavior and access of each column of data - not showing some, allowing only read-only viewing for others, and allowing full modification for others. It also provides the CGI scripts to deal with the action of the , so you don't need to write them.


Web page
Source tarball
Source information
Version 1.6 (stable) released on 2004-01-14
Licensed under The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later.
This is not a GNU package.

Support contacts

Help List<>
Developer List<>
Bug List<>

Project contacts

  • Dmitriy Katsman
  • University of Michigan

Related information

Source languagesPHP
Use requirementsPHP 4.0 or later, MySQL, Sybase, Postgres, PEAR::DB

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <> on 2004-01-15
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <>


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