2013/10/08 06:29:30 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 0 (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=32.00075&mlon=-106.58292&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Style uses tag 'display_name' which is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use the new tag 'mkgmap:display_name' instead. 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Roundabout 157967535 direction is wrong - reversing it (see http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=27.01474&mlon=-109.43194&zoom=17) 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Splitting looped way (OSM id 29999872) would make a zero length arc, so it will have to be pruned at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=29.09615&mlon=-110.95288&zoom=17 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Pruning point[3] 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Roundabout 168814862 direction is wrong - reversing it (see http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=27.06342&mlon=-109.43707&zoom=17) 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Roundabout 185448830 has reverse oneway tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=28.16768&mlon=-105.49302&zoom=17) 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Splitting looped way Avenida Mayo (OSM id 172704169) would make a zero length arc, so it will have to be pruned at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=27.50558&mlon=-109.94993&zoom=17 2013/10/08 06:29:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013029.osm.pbf: Pruning point[40]