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Re: [usb] crc algorithm

Hello Bo...

On 21 Feb 2002 at 17:55, Bo wrote:

> Hi Tambuna,
> 	Thanks for your example.
Your welcome...

> 	It calculates one byte at a time
> instead of one bit. That can be used for
> hardward acceleration. Actually, there are
> several ways to do it, depends on how you
> compare your result to check weather the CRC check
> sum is correct or not.
You're right :-)... that's the purpose of discussion...

> 	Did you try your code with different
> input (using random input), and come out the
> same result?
I've checked it only with examples from the whitepaper
because it will give me reference results. Do you have
any specific examples?..

> 	If you like I can write a small verilog
> code for you.
Yes... I'd like that ... besides... it will benefit the other,
doesn't it ?...

> regards
> bo
Best regard,

RE Tambunan
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