The Project Gutenberg EBook of The First Printed Translations into English of the Great Foreign Classics, by William J. Harris This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: The First Printed Translations into English of the Great Foreign Classics A Supplement to Text-Books of English Literature Author: William J. Harris Release Date: June 1, 2015 [EBook #49103] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK PRINTED TRANSLATIONS *** Produced by David Starner, John Campbell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Italic text is denoted by _underscores_. Bold text is denoted by =equal signs=. Superscripts are denoted by ^ eg S^r. E.E.T.S. stands for Early English Text Society. Footnotes are all positioned within a specific section as in the original text. One section uses [*] to denote a multiple-reference footnote. All other footnotes are denoted by (1) in the original, and are denoted here by [1] for clarity. Obvious punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. More detail can be found at the end of the book. The First Printed Translations into English of the Great Foreign Classics _A SUPPLEMENT TO TEXT-BOOKS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE_ By WILLIAM J. HARRIS, A.R.S.I. BOROUGH LIBRARIAN, BROMLEY LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, LIMITED NEW YORK: E. P. DUTTON & CO To my Wife THE FIRST PRINTED TRANSLATIONS INTO ENGLISH PREFACE This bibliography has been compiled with the view of supplementing existing text books on English literary history, and assisting students in preparing for examinations in Bibliography and Literature. It will also be found of service to those who are working for the professional examinations of the Library Association. Students of literature, more particularly of English literature, experience much difficulty in tracing the outside influences which at various periods, or, perhaps, speaking more correctly, at all periods, have affected or moulded our literature. The great foreign classics have exercised a direct and decided influence upon English literature and the object of this bibliography is to give in concise form the authors and titles, translations and dates of the first English translations of the chief foreign authors, and incidentally to enable students to note the effect of such translations on the works of many of our great imaginative writers. So far as it has been possible to discover, no work of this kind exists in this country. Students are frequently reminded of the special need for such a bibliography as this, and to all interested in the subject it should serve a useful purpose, and perhaps help to fill a gap in literary bibliography. Students have been asked such questions as--give the date of the first translation into English of _Don Quixote_, of _The Arabian Nights_, Boccaccio's _Decameron_, or of Homer. Such questions as these naturally involve some inquiry and research on the part of the student, and occupy a larger amount of time than is necessary for the purpose. Hence the necessity for a brief bibliography of this nature, which will show at a glance the first translations into English of the most important foreign classics, and save inquirers the fatigue of searching catalogues, bibliographies and similar works. The dictionary form of arrangement has been adopted with the authors in alphabetical order. In some instances a work has been noticed twice, in which case the first entry will generally be found to be an edition, either issued in an incomplete form, or with a doubtful date. It has also been found necessary to enumerate in nearly all cases the separate works of each author; the complete works not appearing till a much later time. The date of original publication has occasionally been given in brackets, and where a date is seen in square brackets [ ], it denotes the approximate date of publication. The anthologies, collections, folk and fairy tales, poetical and traditional literature have been placed in their national order under French, German, etc., many important minor works have been published in these forms, and many important poems have been first translated in these anthologies, often long before they have appeared in the author's translated works. The most important of the Anglo-Saxon, etc., romances have been included in this Bibliography and appear generally under their titles. These have played a very important part in the development of our literature, and many may be considered as foreign, having derived their origin from foreign sources. No one is more conscious than the compiler of the difficulties this little work has entailed, and no one is more conscious of its imperfections. As far as possible each entry has been verified at least three times, and from different sources, yet inaccuracies may have crept in, and any corrections, additions or suggestions will be thankfully acknowledged. This bibliography could have been much enlarged, but the endeavour has been to include only those authors whose work has gone to the making of English literature, or who stand pre-eminent as introducing a special school, class or form. I desire to offer to Mr. James D. Brown my best thanks for his suggestions in the early stages of this compilation, and to Dr. Baker for his kindly criticism, and also for going through the proofs. WILLIAM JAMES HARRIS. _April, 1909._ FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS =ABOUT, EDMOND.= _b_. 1828, _d_. 1885. =French Writer.= COLONEL FOUGAS' MISTAKE. _Tr_. J. E. Maitland. 2 v. 1878. FELLAH, THE: Story of an Honest Man. _Tr_. Sir R. Roberts, 1870. KING OF THE MOUNTAINS. _Tr_. L. Wraxall. 1862. LAWYER'S NOSE. _Tr_. J. E. Maitland, 1878. MAN WITH THE BROKEN EAR. _Tr_. H. Holt, 1867. NEW LEASE OF LIFE AND SAVING A DAUGHTER'S DOWRY. _Tr_. 1860. ROMAN QUESTION. _Tr_. H. C. Coape, 1859. ROUND OF WRONG. _Tr_. L. Wraxall, 1861. SOLDIER LOVER. _Tr_. Elton Locke, 1886. TOLLA: a Tale of Modern Rome. _Tr_. L. C. C. Constable's Miscellany of For. Lit., 1854. =ACHILLES TATIUS. Fourth Century. Greek writer.= CLEITOPHON AND LEUCIPPE. _Tr_. by Rev. R. Smith, 1855. One of the decadent Greek novelists. An erotic novel of a conventional type. =ÆLFRIC=. _c_. 1006. THE CATHOLIC HOMILIES. _Ed_. with _tr_. B. Thorpe, Ælfric Soc., 1844-46. LIVES OF SAINTS. _Ed. Text_ and _Tr_. W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1881. Eminent Saxon prelate, one of the most learned of his time. His works, upwards of eighty in number, have been republished by the Ælfric Soc. (London, 1844-46). =ÆSCHINES.= B.C. _b._ 389, _d._ 314. =Greek orator=. THE ORATIONS OF ÆSCHINES AGAINST CTESIPHON AND DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. _Tr._ with notes, Andrew Portal, 1755. Only three orations of A. are extant, and they relate to charges of 'malversation and corruption against Demosthenes'. The 'De Corona of D.' (330 B.C.) is in reply to Æschines. =ÆSCHYLUS.= _b._ 525, _d._ 456 B.C. =The first of the three great tragic poets of Greece.= THE TRAGEDIES. _Tr._ by R. Potter, 1777-8. The tragedies of Æschylus have affected English drama chiefly through French and Italian dramatists. 'Samson Agonistes,' by Milton, and 'Prometheus Unbound,' by Shelley, are unmistakable echoes, and the latter was intended to be a sequel to Æschylus' 'Prometheus Bound'. 'Manfred' and 'Cain', by Byron, are modelled upon A. Influenced also Racine and Corneille. The most famous speech in Swinburne's 'Atalanta in Calydon' is a translation from A. =ÆSOP.= 6th century B.C. =Fabulist.= Here begynneth the book of the Subtyl Historyes and Fables of Esope.... Translated out of the French into Englysshe by William Caxton, 1484. The fables of Æsop are among the very earliest of their kind, and probably have never been surpassed for point and brevity. Nearly all subsequent fables are based upon Æsop. Has affected all European literature. All educated or even intelligent Greeks were supposed to know Æsop, hence their important influence. =ALAMANNI, LUIGI=, _The Elder_. _b._ 1495, _d._ 1556. =Italian poet.= LA COLTIVAZIONE (1546). [Didactic poem on agriculture.] _See 'Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of the Century'._ =ALCAEUS.= _b._ 610 B.C., _d._ 580 B.C. =Greek lyric poet.= The purest text of this poet will be found in the 'Museum Criticum', vol. i. pp. 421-44. Edited by Bishop Blomfield. 'Museum Criticum, or Cambridge Classical Researches,' 1814-25, 2v. Said to have invented the metre called 'Alcaic'. The style has been much imitated. =ALCORAN.= See =Koran=. =ALEMAN, MATEO.= _b._ 1550 (?) _d._ 1610. S=panish Writer.= THE LIFE OF GUZMAN D'ALFARACHE, or THE SPANISH ROGUE (1599), to which is added the celebrated tragi-comedy Celestina. Done into English ... By several hands. 2 v., 1708. 1_st_ _Tr._ 1623. THE ROGUE; or, THE LIFE OF GUZMAN DE ALFARACHE. [_Tr._ I. Mabbe]. 1623. =ALEMBERT, JEAN D'.= _b._ 1717, _d._ 1783. =French philosopher, litterateur and mathematician.= ACCOUNT OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE JESUITS IN FRANCE. _Tr._ 1766. MISCELLANEOUS PIECES IN LIT. HIST., AND PHILOSOPHY. 1746. SPIRIT OF LAWS. _Tr._ 1846. =ALEXANDER.= For a summary of the growth of the saga of Alexander, see Ten Brink, Hist. of Eng. Lit. v.i. In England, the adaptation by Thomas or Eustace of Kent (Roman de toute chevalerie) led the way to the alliterative romance of King Alisaunder. _See also_ ALEXANDER AND DINDIMUS. _Ed._ W. W. Skeat. E.E.T.S. WARS OF A. _Ed._ Stevenson, 1849. THE BUIK OF THE MOST NOBLE AND VAILZEAND CONQUEROUR, A. THE GREAT. Bannatyne Club, 1834. KING ALEXANDER. A Greek romance upon him had been written in 1060 by Simon Seth. This romance was _tr._ into Latin and became the groundwork of many French and English poems. In 1200 Gaultier de Chatillon turned it into an 'Alexandreis' which was one of the best Latin poems of the Middle Ages. At about the beginning of the reign of John the great French romance was composed in nine books, containing altogether about 20,000 of the twelve-syllabled lines since known, from their use in that poem, as 'Alexandrines'. =ALEXANDER=, Wars of. _Ed._ Prof. W. W. Skeat. E.E.T.S., 1886. =ALISAUNDER.= _Ed._ Skeat. E.E.T.S. ALEXANDER AND DINDIMUS. Letters of A. to D., King of the Brahmans, and his replies. _Tr._ from Latin, cir. 1340-50. (Skeat). _Ed._ Stevenson, 1849. =ALEXANDER.= LIFE OF ALISAUNDER. _Ed._ Weber. METRICAL ROMANCES, 1810. =ALFIERI, VITTORIO, COUNT.= _b._ 1749, _d._ 1803. =Italian Poet.= TRAGEDIES. _Tr._ by Charles Lloyd, 1815. _Contents_: 'Cleopatra', 'Phillipo II', 'Virginia', 'Orestes', 'Mary Stuart', 'Octavia', 'Merope', 'Saul'. =ALFRED.= _b._ 849, _d._ 901. =King.= GREGORY'S CURA PASTORALIS. _Ed. Text_ and _Tr._ H. Sweet, E.E.T.S., 1871-72. BAEDA'S HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA. _Ed._ Miller, E.E.T.S., 1890. OROSII HISTORIA. A History of the World to 410. _Ed._ H. Sweet, E.E.T.S., 1883. BOETHIUS. DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIÆ. _Ed. Text_ and _Tr._ Fox, 1864. LAWS. _Ed._ 'Legal Code of Alfred the Great', Milton Haigh Turk, 1893. _Works ascribed to Alfred._ PROSE VERSION OF PSALMS. _Ed._ Thorpe, 1835. A MARTYROLOGY. _Ed._ J. Herzfeld, E.E.T.S., 1900. =AMADIS DE GAULA.= (End of 14th century.) =The hero of the famous romance of chivalry.= THE FIRST BOOK OF A. OF GAULE [By V. de Lobeira. Translated from the French version, by A. Munday.] MS. note [by Dr. Farmer]. [1590?] THE SECOND BOOKE OF A. DE GAULE [By V. de Lobeira. Englished by L(azarus) P(yote).] [Pseud. i.e. Anthony Munday.] 1595. THE ANCIENT ... AND HONOURABLE HISTORY OF A. DE GAULE. (The First-fourth Booke.) _Tr._ from the Spanish ... by Lord of Essaro, N. de Herberay, etc. _Tr._ into English by (Anthony Munday), 1619. AMADIS OF GAUL. _Tr._ R. Southey, 1872. An imitation of the Arthurian romances. These extravagant chivalric romances, with their even more phantastic descendants dating from thirteenth century, had a great vogue for about 300 years, but were ridiculed out of existence by Cervantes. 'Like the Arthurian and Carlovingian romances, portrays the manners, the religion, and the ideas of love, honour and morality that prevailed when it was written. The "Amadis", says Ticknor, is admitted by general consent to be the best of all the old romances of chivalry'. =AMBROGINI, ANGELO.= _See_ =Poliziana=. =AMIEL, H. F.= =French Writer.= JOURNAL IN TIME. _Tr._ Mrs. H. Ward. 2 v. 1885. =AMIS AND AMILOUN.= =Thirteenth century.= _Ed._ Weber. METRICAL ROMANCES, vol. 2. 1810. OF THE FRIENDSHIP OF AMIS AND AMILE. _Tr._ Wm. Morris, 1894. [Kelmscott Pr.]. =AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS.= _b._ 320, _d._ 390. =Greek-Latin historian.= THE ROMAN HISTORIE. _Tr._ Philemon Holland, 1609. =ANACREON, BION, MOSCHUS.= ... _Tr._ T. Stanley, 1651. ANACRAEON DONE INTO ENGLISH OUT OF THE ORIGINAL GREEK. By T. Wood, A. Cowley, J. Oldham and Francis Willis, 1683. The influence of Anacreon on English literature was chiefly through Horace; Waller, Lovelace, Herrick and Suckling imitated the lyrics of A. to a great extent. =ANCREN RIWLE.= =Assigned to Richard le Poor.= _d._ 1237. _Ed._ J. Morton, Camden Soc., 1853. =ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN=, _b._ 1805, _d._ 1875. FAIRY TALES. DANISH FAIRY LEGENDS AND TALES. _Tr._ 1846. ONLY A FIDDLER, and O. T., OR LIFE IN DENMARK. _Tr._ by Howitt, 1845. =ANDERSEN, HANS C.= DANISH FAIRY LEGENDS AND TALES. _Tr._ 1846. IMPROVISATORE: or LIFE IN ITALY. _Tr._ M. Howitt, 1845. NIGHTINGALE AND OTHER TALES. _Tr._ C. Boner, 1846. PICTURES OF TRAVEL IN SWEDEN.... _Tr._ 1871. SHOES OF FORTUNE. _Tr._ 1847. TALES. Selected. _Tr._ 1875. TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE. _Tr._ M. Howitt, 1847. THE TWO BARONESSES. 2 v. _Tr._ 1848. TO BE, or NOT TO BE? _Tr._ Mrs. Bushby, 1857. THE UGLY DUCK. _Tr._ 1851. THE WHITE SWANS. _Tr._ [1863]. WILL O' THE WISP, etc. _Tr._ H. W. DULCKEN [1867]. WONDERFUL STORIES FOR CHILDREN. _Tr._ M. Howitt, 1846. One of the great story-tellers of the world. His original genius is most conspicuous in his fairy tales. His numerous works have been translated into most of the European languages. =ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE.= A national record of events, which is said to have been begun at the instance of King Alfred the Great (849-901). Its last record is of the accession of Henry II, 1154. It is the oldest historical work written in any Germanic language, and is the basis of most of our knowledge of Anglo-Saxon History. THE SAXON CHRONICLE, with an English translation. _Ed._ by James Ingram, 1823. THE ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE, with a translation. _Ed._ by Benjamin Thorpe. _Rolls Series_, 1861. THE ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE. _Tr._ by J. A. Giles, 1847, and by J. Stevenson, 1853. =ANGLO-SAXON ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= _See_ =Anthologies, etc.= =ANTHOLOGIES: ANGLO-SAXON, AND GENERAL COLLECTIONS. Poetical, Fairy Tales, Folk-Tales and Traditional Literature.= ASHTON, JOHN. THE ROMANCES OF CHIVALRY, TOLD AND ILLUSTRATED IN FACSIMILE. 1886-89. [Sir Isumbras, Sir Degore, Sir Bevis, Squyr of Lowe Degre, Valentyne and Orson, Guy of Warwick, etc.] BOWRING, SIR J. _Tr._ SERVIAN POETRY. 1827. CHILD, F. J. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POPULAR BALLADS. 5 v. 1882. CLOUSTON, W. A. POPULAR TALES AND FICTIONS. 2 v. 1887. COX, SIR G. W. _and_ E. H. JONES. POPULAR ROMANCES OF THE MIDDLE AGES. 1871-72. [Arthur, Merlin, Sir Tristram, Bevis, Guy, Roland, Beowulf, Volsungs, Nibelungs, Walter of Aquitaine, Godrun, Fritheof, Burnt Njal, etc.] CROXALL, S. A SELECT COLLECTION OF NOVELS, written by the most celebrated authors in several languages ... and all now translated from the originals by several eminent hands. 6 v. 1720-2. [Contains: Cervantes's Exemplary Novels; La Fayette's 'Princess of Cleves', and 'Zaide'; Machiavelli's 'Marriage of Belphegor'; Scarron's 'Innocent Adultery'; 'Historical Tales of the Abbé Réal'; and various anonymous tales from the French.] ELLIS, G. _Ed._ SPECIMENS OF EARLY ENGLISH METRICAL ROMANCES. _Ed._ J. O. Halliwell [Phillips]. 1805. Revised by Halliwell, J. O., 1848. Contains analysis of the following: Peter Alphonsus, Marie's Lays, Merlin, Guy of Warwick, Morte Arthur, Sir Bevis, Richard C. de L., Roland and Ferragus, Sir Otuel, Sir Ferumbras, The Seven Wise Masters, Florice and Blancheflour. Robert of Cysille, Sir Isumbras, Sir Triamour, Ipomydon, Sir Eglamour, Lay le Fraine, Sir Eger, Sir Grahame and Sir Graysteel, Sir Degoré, Roswal and Lillian, and Amys and Amylion. GIBB, J. GUDRUN, BEOWULF, THE SONG OF ROLAND AND OTHER MEDIEVAL TALES. 1881. GOULART, SIMON. ADMIRABLE AND MEMORABLE HISTORIES, CONTAINING THE WONDERS OF OUR TIME. Collected into French out of the best authors.... _Tr._ by Edw. Grimstone. 1607. [To this work our early dramatists were much indebted.] GROUP OF EASTERN ROMANCES AND STORIES. 1889. HALLIWELL, J. O. THORNTON ROMANCES. Camden Soc., 1844. Percival, Isumbras, Eglamour, Degravant. HARTSHORNE, C. H. ANCIENT METRICAL TALES. 1829. Athelston, King Edward and Shepherd, Floris, William the Werwolf, etc. JOYCE, P. W. _Tr._ OLD CELTIC ROMANCES. [Eng. _tr._ from Celtic MSS.]. 1879. KEMBLE, J. M. _Ed._ CODEX VERCELLENSIS, ANGLO-SAXON POETRY OF THE. _Aelfric Soc._ 1843-56. [1. Legend of St. Andrew. 2. Cynewulf's Elene, and Minor Poems.] LABOULAYE, EDWARD R. L. 1. FAIRY TALES OF ALL NATIONS. _Tr._ 1867. 2. LAST FAIRY TALES. _Tr._ by M. L. Booth, 1884. 3. OLD WIVES FABLES. _Tr._ [1883]. 4. MORE OLD WIVES FABLES. _Tr._ [1884]. LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. _Ed._ and _tr._ POETS AND POETRY OF EUROPE. With Intro. and Biographical notes. 1838. LUDLOW, JOHN MALCOLM. POPULAR EPICS OF THE MIDDLE AGES OF THE NORSE-GERMAN AND CARLOVINGIAN CYCLES. 2 v. 1865. MARRIOTT, DR. W. _Ed._ COLLECTION OF ENGLISH MIRACLE PLAYS. 1838. Ten dramas from the Chester, Coventry, and Towneley series, with two of later date. 'MEREDITH, OWEN'. [Ld. Lytton]. _Tr._ SERBSKI PESME: the National Songs of Servia. 1861. MORLEY, Prof. H. _Ed._ EARLY PROSE ROMANCES. 1889. Specimens of 1. Reynard, 2. Fryer Bacon, 3. Robert the Devil, 4. Guy of Warwick, 5. Hamlet, 6. Virgilius, 7. Friar Rush. MORRIS, Dr. H. _Ed._ EARLY ENGLISH METRICAL POEMS, _c._ 1360. E.E.T.S., 1864. MORRIS, DR. R. OLD ENGLISH MISCELLANY. [A Bestiary, Kentish sermons, 'Prov. of Alfred', Relig. Poem, 13th century]. E.E.T.S., 1872. MULOCK, D. M. _Tr._ THE FAIRY BOOK. 1863. PABKE, MARIE _and_ M. J. PITMAN. WONDER-WORLD STORIES FROM THE CHINESE, FRENCH, GERMAN, HEBREW, HINDOOSTANI, HUNGARIAN, IRISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, SWEDISH AND TURKISH. 1877. PAINTER, WILLIAM. PALACE OF PLEASURE. Beautified, adorned and well furnished with pleasant histories and excellent novels, selected out of divers good and commendable authors. 1566-69. [A collection of tales, chiefly by Boccaccio and Bandello, on which many of the Elizabethan writers founded their plots.] RITCHIE, LEITCH. Editor of the Library of Romance. 15 v. 1833-35. [Contains stories by Galt, Banim, Victor Hugo, Pichler, etc.] THORPE, BENJ., _Ed._ CODEX EXONIENSIS. Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, with _Tr._ in par. cols. 1842. [Another edition by I. Gollancz has been issued by the _Early English Text Soc._] RITSON, J. ANCIENT ENGLISH METRICAL ROMANCES. 3 v. 1802. The Wedding of Sir Gawain, Ywaine and Gawin, Launfal, Lybeaus Disconus, The Geste of King Horn, The Kyng of Tars and the Sudan of Damas, Emare, Sir Orpheo, Chronicle of Engleland, Le bone Florence of Rome, The Erle of Tolous, The Squyer of Lowe Degree, The Knight of Curtesy, and the Fair Lady of Faguell, (Appendix) Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild. ROBSON, J. THREE EARLY ENGLISH METRICAL ROMANCES. Camden Soc. No. 18. 1842. Anturs of Arther, Sir Amadace, The Avowynge of King Arther, Sir Gowan, Sir Kaye and Sir Bawdewyn of Bretan. SKENE, W. F. _Ed._ THE FOUR ANCIENT BOOKS OF WALES. 2 v. 1868. Contains the Cymric poems attributed to the bards of the sixth century. SWEET, H. _Ed._ THE OLDEST ENGLISH TEXTS. E.E.T.Soc. 1885. Including all the extant oldest English texts up to about 900, which are preserved in contemporary MSS., with the exception of the 'Chronicle' and the works of Alfred. THOMS, WM. J. _Ed._ EARLY PROSE ROMANCES. 3 v. 1828. Vol. 1. 'Robert the Devyll'; Deloney's 'Thomas of Reading'; 'The History of Friar Bacon'; 'The Pleasant History of Friar Rush'; 'The Lyfe of Virgilius'; vol. 2. 'Robin Hood'; 'George à Green'; 'Tom à Lincolne'; vol. 3. The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. The History of the Life and Death of Dr. John Faustus. The second Report of Dr. John Faustus. UTTERSON, R. SELECT PIECES OF EARLY POPULAR POETRY. 2 v. 1817. Syr Tryamoure, Syr Isenbras, Syr Degore, Syr Gowghter. WAGNER, WILHELM. EPICS AND ROMANCES OF THE MIDDLE AGES. _Tr._ from the German by M. W. Macdonald and _Ed._ by W. S. W. Anson 1882. WEBER, HENRY W. ILLUSTRATIONS OF NORTHERN ANTIQUITIES FROM THE EARLIEST TEUTONIC AND SCANDINAVIAN ROMANCES. With Translations of Metrical Tales, notes and illustrations by H. W. Jamieson and Sir W. Scott. 1811. METRICAL ROMANCES OF THE 13TH, 14TH AND 15TH CENTURIES, published from original MSS. With an Introduction, 3 v. 1810. TALES OF THE EAST. 3 v. 1811. _See also_ under various countries as =Spanish=, etc. =APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. Greek Romance.= KYNGE APPOLYN OF THYRE. _Tr._ by Rob. Copland, 1510. This romance forms the 153rd chapter of an edition of the 'Gesta Romanorum', printed in 1488, and is considered as the probable original of the play of 'Pericles'. It was rendered into Anglo-Saxon. [_Tr._ by Thorpe.] =APOLLONIUS RHODIUS.= B.C. _b_. 235. =Greek poet.= ARGONAUTICS, in four books, by Francis Fawkes, 1780. =APPIAN.= _b._ 138, _d._ 161. =Greek historian.= THE ANCIENT HISTORIE AND EXQUISITE CHRONICLE OF THE ROMAN WARRES.... 1578. The history is a compilation. Of the twenty-four books only eleven are extant. =APULEIUS.= _b._ 125. =Latin writer and Pagan Philosopher of the Platonic School.= FABLE OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. (Verse translation) by Thos. Taylor. 1795. THE XI. BOOKES OF THE GOLDEN ASSE, CONTEININGE THE METAMORPHOSIE OF L. A. _Tr._ by W. Adlington. 1566. [Supposed by some to be a satire on magicians, priests and debauchees. Has often been imitated.] =AQUINAS, THOMAS.= _Saint_, _b._ 1226, _d._ 1274. =Eminent scholastic teacher. The greatest of the 'Schoolmen'.= MEDITATIONS OF ST. THOMAS ON THE PURGATIVE, ILLUMINATIVE AND UNITIVE WAYS FOR A RETREAT OF TEN DAYS. _Tr._ 1869. MEMORANDA OF ANGELICAL DOCTRINE, FROM LADY DAY TO THE ASCENTION: digested and done into English ... by W. Humphrey. 1866. SUMMA THEOLOGIA. Compendium. _Tr._ by E. O'Donnell. 2 v. 1859. =ARABIAN ANTHOLOGY: COLLECTIONS.= CARLYLE, J. D. _Tr._ SPECIMENS OF ARABIAN POETRY, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE EXTINCTION OF THE KALIFAT. 1796. CLOUSTON, W. A. ARABIAN POETRY FOR ENGLISH READERS. 1881. LYALL, SIR C. J. TRANSLATIONS OF ANCIENT ARABIAN POETRY, with an introduction and notes. 1885. PRIDEAUX, W. F. THE LAY OF THE HIMYARITES. 1879. =ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT:= consisting of one thousand and one stories.... Translated into French from the Arabian MSS. by M. Galland (1704) ... and now done into English [1710]. 2nd edition, 1712; 4th edition, 1713-15. 6 vols. 'The most famous product of Arabian literature: a large collection of entertaining tales of unknown origin. The stories of Aladdin, of Sindbad the Sailor, of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and many others, are as well known to English people of every age as any stories from their native literature.' The influence of these stories on English literature is incalculable. =ARANY, JOHN.= _b._ 1819, _d._ 1882. =Hungarian poet.= LEGEND OF THE WONDROUS HUNT. _Tr._ E. D. Butler, 1881. =ARETINO, PIETRO.= _b._ 1492, _d._ 1557. =Satirical Italian Writer, surnamed 'The Scourge of Princes'.= DIALOGUES, COMEDIES, LETTERS. 1538-57. SONNETS AND OTHER POEMS. (No translation given). Imitated largely by Nash, ('The English Aretino',) and the Elizabethan pamphleteers. =ARIOSTO, LODOVICO.= _b._ 1474, _d._ 1533. =Italian poet.= ORLANDO FURIOSO IN ENGLISH HEROICAL VERSE. By J. Harrington. (1516). [Allegorie of Orlando Furioso,--Life of Ariosto]. 1591. ORLANDO FURIOSO. _Tr._ by Thos. Carew [1st five books only]. 1594. SATYRES, IN SEVEN FAMOUS DISCOURSES, shewing the State, (1) of the Court, and Courtiers. (2) Of Libertie, and the Clergie in generall. (3) Of the Romance Clergie. (4) Of Marriage. (5) Of Soldiers, Musitians, and Lovers. (6) Of Schoolmasters and Scholes. (7) Of Honour, and the Happiest Life. _Tr._ In English by Gervase Markham [or rather by R. T.(ofte)]. 1608. THE SUPPOSES (I Suppositi): A comedie written in the Italian Tongue by A. and Englisshed by G. Gascoygne. In. ('A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers, etc.') [1572]. TWO TALES. _Tr._ by R[obert] T[ofte]. 1597. 'Ariosto', says Hallam, 'has been, after Homer, the favourite poet of Europe.' A. based his epics on the writings of Virgil. He was Spenser's favourite poet, who suggested the style and form used in the 'Faerie Queene'. 'Orlando Furioso' is closely imitated from Boiardo's 'Orlando Innamorato.' His 'Satyres' are written in the Horatian manner. =ARISTOPHANES=, _b._ 448, _d._ 380 B.C. =The most famous comic poet of Greece.= THE BIRDS OF A. From the Text of Dindorf. With notes by H. P. Cookesley, 1834. THE CLOUDS: a comedy (423) _Tr._ by Mr. Theobald, 1715. COMEDIES (5). _Tr._ by T. Mitchell, 1820-3. THE FROGS: a comedy. _Tr._ by C. Dunster, [1780]. A PLEASANT COMEDY ENTITLED HEY FOR HONESTY, DOWN WITH KNAVERY. Tr. by Thos. Randorph, 1651. THE WORLD'S IDOL; or, PLUTUS THE GOD OF WEALTH. From the Greek by H. H. B. 1659. The comedies of A. bear a close resemblance to the work of our comic playwriters to-day. =ARISTOTLE=, _b._ 384, _d._ 322 B.C. =Greek philosopher.= ARISTOTLE'S RHETORIC ... MADE ENGLISH ... [with a preface subscribed H. C.] In four books. 1656. THE ART OF LOGIC.... _Tr._ from the Latin of the Dialectica of P. de La Ramée, 1626. THE ART OF POETRY. With Dacier's notes. 1705. DE ANIMA. The History of Animals and Treatise on Physiognomy. _Tr._ 1809. _The Same._ With notes and _tr._ by E. Wallace, 1882. ARISTOTLE ON THE ATHENIAN CONSTITUTION. _Tr._ F. G. Kenyon, 1891. THE ETHICS OF ARISTOTLE, THAT IS TO SAYE, PRECEPTS OF GOOD BEHAVIOURE, AND PERFIGHTE HONESTIE. _Tr._ [by J. Wilkinson]. 1547. TREATISE ON GOVERNMENT. _Tr._ by W. Ellis, 1776. POLITIQUES, translated out of Greek into French, with Expositions, by Loys le Roy, called Regius. _Tr._ out of French into English, 1597. THE PROBLEMS OF ARISTOTLE, WITH OTHER PHILOSOPHERS AND PHISITIONS.... 1597. WORKS OF ARISTOTLE, translated and illustrated with copious Elucidations. By Thomas Taylor, 10 v. 1806-12. 'In the history of Western civilization there is no example of any other philosopher having exerted so great an influence on the minds of men as Aristotle'. 'A. dominated the thinking of the Middle Ages' (Schoolmen). Puttenham's 'Art of English Poesie', Sidney's 'Defence of Poesie', and Dryden's 'Of Dramatic Poesie', all influenced by A. =ARRIAN.= _b._ 146, _d._ 170. =Greek historian.= ARRIAN'S HISTORY OF ALEXANDER'S EXPEDITION.... By John Rooke, Arrian's Indian-History.... 2 v. 1729. =ARTHOUR AND MERLIN.= _Ed._ Turnbull, Abbotsford Club, 1838. _Ed._ Wheatley. E.E.T.S., 1869-99. =ARTHUR.= ARTHUR, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN. A Book of the Noble Hystoryes of Kynge Arthur, and of Certeyn of his knyghtes, reduced into Englysshe by Syr Thomas Malory, Kynght and by me William Caxton. 1485. Tennyson's 'Idylls of the King' and Arnold's 'Tristram and Iseult' are taken from the above legends. (Also noticed under Anglo-Saxon collections.) 'In 1155 the Jersey Norman, Robert Wace, converts and amplifies Geoffrey's work into the French romance "Brut d'Engleterre" or "Geste des Bretons", introducing for the first time the Table Round. This again is developed in English verse by Layamon in his "Brut" of 1205. From various sources and by various hands, the Arthurian legends are increased. Milton for a time was strongly attached to this subject, and in his "Epitaphium Damonis" he shows the hold which the Arthurian legends had taken upon him, and he explicitly proposed to make Arthur and the British knights the subject of an epic'. =ARTHUR. 14th century.= _Ed._ Furnivall, E.E.T.S., 1864. =ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN.= THE HYSTORY OF ARTHUR OF LYTELL BRYTAYNE, translated out of Frensshe in to Englishe, by the noble Johan Bourghcher, Knyght, Lord Berners. 1493. Not the Arthurian legend, but irresponsible adventures like the Amadis. Said to have had a great influence on Spenser's Faerie Queene. Arthur and Charlemagne are among the first and original heroes of romance, in whose chronicles are displayed the characters, the leading subjects, and the fundamental fictions which have supplied such ample matter to this form of composition. 'As Geoffrey's history is the grand repository of the acts of Arthur, so a fabulous history, ascribed to Archbishop Turpin, is the groundwork of all the legends told of the conquest of Charlemagne and his twelve peers'. =AUCASSIN AND NICOLETTE=, a love story, edited in old French and rendered in modern English ... by F. W. Bourdillon. _Fr. and Eng._ 1887. =AUCASSIN AND NICOLETTE=: done into English by A. Lang, 1887. [A quaint and naïve little Provençal chante fable of the 12th century.] =AUERBACH, BERTHOLD.= _b._ 1812, _d._ 1882. =German-Jewish writer and poet.= BAREFOOTED MAIDEN. _Tr._ E. H. Wehnert. 1857. BLACK FOREST TALES. (1843). _Tr._ J. E. Taylor, 1849. A faithful record of German conditions in the early half of 19th century. BRIGITTA. _Tr._ C. Bell, 1880. CINDERELLA OF THE BLACK FOREST. _Tr._ 1861. CHRISTIAN GELLERT, etc. _Tr._ 1858. COUNTRY HOUSE ON THE RHINE. (1870). 3 v. 1870. EDELWEISS. _Tr._ 1869. FLORIAN AND CRESCENY. _Tr._ M. Taylor, 1853. [GELLERT THE STEPMOTHER]. _Tr._ 1882. GOOD HOUR, THE. _Tr._ H. W. Dulcken. [1876]. JOSEPH IN THE SNOW AND THE CLOCKMAKER. _Tr._ Lady Wallace. 3 v. 1861. LITTLE BAREFOOT. _Tr._ 1872. ON THE HEIGHTS. _Tr._ 1867. PROFESSOR'S WIFE. _Tr._ 1851. TALES OF THE BLACK FOREST. _Tr._ 1890. TWO STORIES. _Tr._ [1869]. VILLAGE TALES, FROM THE BLACK FOREST. _Tr._ M. Taylor. 2 v. 1846-47. =AUGUSTINE, ST.= _b._ 353, _d._ 430. =The most illustrious Latin Father of the Church.= THE CONFESSIONS ... OF S. AUGUSTINE (397). _Tr._ [by Sir. T. Matthew], together with a large preface, etc. 1620. THE MYRROUR OF THE CHURCH, MADE BY SAYNT AUSTYN OF ABYNDON. _Tr._ 1521. THE RULE OF ST. AUGUSTINE, BOTH IN LATYN AND ENGLYSSHE, WITH TWO EXPOSYCYONS. By Rycharde Whytforde, 1525. ST. AUGUSTINE OF THE CITIE OF GOD: with the learned comments of J. L. Vives. (413-26) Englished by J. Healey, 1610. A WORKE OF THE PREDESTINATION OF SAINTS, wrytten by the famous doctor S. Augustine, and translated ... by N. Lesse, Londoner. Item. Another worke of the sayde Augustyne, entytuled. OF THE VERTUE OF PERSEVERANCE TO THE END _Tr._ by N. L[esse]. 1550. The 'City of God' was influenced by Plato's 'Republic', as also was Bacon's 'Atlantis' and More's 'Utopia'. =AURELIUS, MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS.= _See under_ =Marcus Aurelius Antoninus=. =AULUS GELLIUS.= _See_ =Gellius, Aulus.= =AUNGERVYLE, RICHARD.= _See_ =Richard de Bury.= =AUSTRIAN AND HUNGARIAN ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= BOWRING, Sir J. POETRY OF THE MAGYARS. 1830. BUTLER, E. D. _Tr._ HUNGARIAN POEMS AND FABLES FOR ENGLISH READERS. 1877. LOEW, W. N. _Editor._ GEMS FROM PETOFI AND OTHER HUNGARIAN POETS. 1881. [Enlarged and revised as Magyar Poetry, 1899]. VERNALAKEN, FRIEDRICH T. _Tr._ IN THE LAND OF MARVELS: Folk Tales of Austria and Bohemia. _Tr._ by Johnson. 1884-8. =AVESTA.= _See_ ZEND AVESTA. =BACON, ROGER=, _b._ 1214, _d._ 1294. =Franciscan Friar, philosopher, mathematician.= DISCOVERY OF THE MIRACLES OF ART AND NATURE, AND MAGIC. _Tr._ 1597. THE CURE OF OLD AGE AND PRESERVATION OF YOUTH. _Tr._ 1683. MIRROR OF ALCHEMY. _Tr._ 1597. INEDITED WORKS. _Ed._ by J. S. Brewer. 1859. THE FAMOUS HISTORIE OF FRYER BACON. 16th Century. 'Containing the Wonderful Things that he did in his life: also the manner of his death; with the lives and deaths of the two Coniurers, Bungye and Vandermast. An Elizabethan version of an earlier story of the great Franciscan (1214-92) and his achievements, which are after the manner of the time ascribed to necromantic powers. Notable as the story on which Greene based his finest play'. =BALBO, CESARE.= _b._ 1789, _d._ 1853. =Italian writer and statesman.= TONIOTTO AND MARIA; A TALE OF THE CONSCRIPTION. _Tr._ [1872]. LIFE AND TIMES OF DANTE ALIGHIERI.... _Tr._ F. J. Bunbury. 2 v. 1852. =BALZAC, HONORÉ DE.= _b._ 1799, _d._ 1850. =French novelist.= AFTER DINNER STORIES. _Tr._ 1885. BUREAUCRACY. _Tr._ by K. P. Wormeley. 1889. CESAR BITTOREAU. (1838.) _Tr._ by J. H. Simpson, 1860. [_Vol. 1. of the Balzac Series_]. CHOUANS, THE. (1829.) _Tr._ 1889. COMEDY OF HUMAN LIFE. _Tr._ by K. P. Wormeley. 1885. COUNTRY DOCTOR. (1833.) _Tr._ 1887. COUSIN PONS. (1846.) _Tr._ 1885. DUCHESSE DE LANGEAIS. (1834). _Tr._ 1885. EUGENE GRANDET. (1833.) _Tr._ 1886. GREAT MEN OF THE PROVINCES. _Tr._ 1893. HOUSE OF CLAES. _Tr._ 1887. HUMAN COMEDY. _Tr._ E. Sedgwick, etc., 1895. LOUIS LAMBERT. (1832.) _Tr._ by K. P. Wormeley, 1889. MAGIC SKIN. _Tr._ 1888. MODESTE MIGNON. (1844.) _Tr._ 1888. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER: or, LA MARANA. _Tr._ 1842. [1st Series of 'Scènes de la Vie Parisienne'.] PERE GORIOT: _or_, UNREQUITED AFFECTION. _Tr._ 1860. SERAPHITA. (1831-3.) _Tr._ by G. F. Parsons, 1889. TWO BROTHERS. 1888. His acuteness of observation and brilliant fancy, often unnatural and extravagant, has largely influenced modern English romancists. =BANDELLO, MATTEO.= _b._ 1480, _d._ 1561. =Italian novelist and Dominican monk.= CERTAIN DISCOURSES. _Tr._ by Geffrie Fenton, 1567. THE TRAGICAL HISTORYE OF ROMEUS AND JULIET, written first in Italian by Bandello, and now in Englishe by Ar.[thur] Br.[oke]. 1562. A MOST LAMENTABLE AND TRAGICAL HISTORIE, WHICH A SPANISH GENTLEWOMAN NAMED VIOLENTA EXECUTED UPON HER LOVER DIDACO.... Newly translated into English meeter by T. A. [Thomas Acheley]. 1576. 'The Bishop of Agen, was the most important of the Italian _novellieri_. His "Novello" is a popular story, derived from the French _fabliau_, full of spirited action, and true to the life of his time'. Shakespeare, Massinger and other English dramatists derived some of their plots from B. Thus 'Romeo and Juliet', 'Measure for Measure', 'Othello', etc., are all from the 'Novello'. The Elizabethans also imitated B. largely. The stories of Bandello enjoyed a wide vogue in France and England, and formed matter for the exploitation of every class of our Elizabethan dramatists and writers of fiction. =BARBADILLO, DON ALONSO GERONIMO DE SALAS= _b._ 1580, _d._ 1630. =Spanish poet and dramatist.= FORTUNATE FOOL. _Tr._ from the Spanish by Philip Ayres. 1670. =BARBOUR, JOHN.= _b._ 1316, _d._ 1396. THE BRUCE. _Ed._ Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1870-77. The Bruce is a history in verse of the life and deeds of Robert Bruce. =BARCLAY, JOHN.= _b._ 1582, _d._ 1621. ARGENIS; or THE LOVES OF POLIARCHUS AND ARGENIS. 1611. 'A political allegory, written originally in Latin. B. reconstructs the map of Europe, and, giving classical names to the important personages of the era of the religious wars, weaves an elaborate and perplexing romance full of surprises and of double meanings'. =BARON MUNCHAUSEN.= (German, 16th century.) Falsely reputed to be the work of Bürger, the ballad-writer and author of 'Lenore'. 'Perhaps the most perfectly ridiculous set of impossible lies ever invented'. GULLIVER REVIVED; or THE SINGULAR TRAVELS, CAMPAIGNS, VOYAGES, AND ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNIKHOUSEN, COMMONLY CALLED MUNCKHAUSEN. _Tr._ 1785. =BATTLE OF FINNSBURG.= Fragment only. Text with _Tr._ by Thorpe, 1855. =BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES P.= _b._ 1821, _d._ 1867. =French poet and critic.= ECHOES FROM THE FRENCH POETS. An Anthology from Baudelaire, etc. _Tr._ 1870. TRANSLATIONS FROM C. B. _Tr._ R. H. Shepherd, 1869. =BAUMBACH, RUDOLPH.= _b._ 1841. =German poet.= SUMMER LEGENDS. _Tr._ 1889. TALES FROM WONDERLAND. _Tr._ Mrs. H. B. Dole. [1890]. =BAYLE, PIERRE.= _b._ 1647, _d._ 1706. =French philosopher and critic.= AN HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL DICTIONARY, [1696] by Monsieur Bayle. Translated with corrections ... by the Author. 4 v. 1710. This work exerted a great influence over the literature and philosophy of Europe before the French Revolution. =BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE AUGUSTIN CARON DE.= _b._ 1732, _d._ 1799. =French dramatist.= THE BARBER OF SEVILLE; or, THE USELESS PRECAUTION: a comedy in four acts [in prose] with songs, etc. [1775]. [_Tr._ by E. Griffith] 1776. THE FOLLIES OF A DAY; or THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO. (1784.) A comedy [in five acts and in prose]. _Tr._ by T. Holcroft, 1785. THE SCHOOL FOR RAKES: a comedy [in five acts and in prose]. _Tr._ by E. Griffiths. 1769. =BEDE. SURNAMED 'THE VENERABLE'.= _b._ 673, _d._ 735. =English monk and ecclesiastical writer.= BEDE'S HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLANDE. _Tr._ by Thomas Stapleton. 1565. [_King Alfred Tr. this work into Anglo-Saxon._] COMPLETE WORKS OF BEDE. _Tr._ by J. A. Giles, 12 v. 1843-44. v. 1: Letters, etc. v. 2-3, Historia Ecclesiastica. v. 4, Historical Tracts. v. 5, Homilies. v. 6, Scientific Tracts. v. 7-12, Commentaries on Scriptures. =BENYOVSZKY, MAURICE A.= _b._ 1741, _d._ 1786. =Hungarian writer.= MEMOIRS AND TRAVELS.... 2 v. _Tr._ [W. Nicholson] 1789. =BEOWULF.= _A semi-fabulous hero of Denmark, who forms the subject of a celebrated epic poem in West Saxon supposed to have been written in the ninth century._ THE POEM OF BEOWULF. _Tr._ by J. M. Kemble, 1837. The MS. is in the Cottonian Library in the British Museum (Codex Vitellius, A. xv.). Grímr Jónsson Thorkelin, an Icelandic scholar, had two copies made of it in 1815. Through this edition the poem became known in England, Germany and Denmark, but Sharon Turner gave the first account of it in 1805. In 1833 (2nd edition, 1835) J. M. Kemble issued a complete edition of the text of Beowulf, and in 1837 translated the whole of it into English. =BERANGER, PIERRE JEAN DE.= _b._ 1780, _d._ 1857. French lyric poet. ONE HUNDRED SONGS, with translations by W. Young, 1847. SONGS OF BERANGER, _translated_ by the author of the 'Exile of Idria', 1837. =BERGERAC, SAVINIEN CYRANO DE.= _b._ 1620, _d._ 1655. =French litterateur and dramatic author.= SATYRICAL CHARACTERS AND HANDSOME DESCRIPTIONS IN LETTERS. _Tr._ from the French, by a Person of Honour. 1658. HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN THE SUN AND MOON, done into English by Tho., St. Serf, Gent. 1659. COMICAL HISTORY OF THE STATES AND EMPIRES OF THE WORLD OF THE MOON AND SUN; newly Englished by A. Lovell, 1687. 1st _Tr._ 1638. VOYAGE TO THE MOON WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE SOLAR WORLD, done from the French by S. Derrick. 1753. To this philosophical romance on the system of Descartes, Swift is supposed to have been greatly indebted: the journey to the moon being the origin of Swift's Brobdignag, and that to the sun suggesting the voyage to Laputa. =BERGSOL, WILHELM GORGEN.= _b._ 1835. =Danish author.= BRIDE OF ROERVIG. _Tr._ N. Francis, 1877. =BERNARD, CHARLES DE.= _Pseud._ (Charles Bernard D. de La Villette). _b._ 1805, _d._ 1850. =French novelist.= LION'S SKIN AND THE LOVER HUNT. _Tr._ 1853. LOVER AND THE HUSBAND. _Tr._ 1841. =BERNI, FRANCESCO.= _b._ 1610, _d._ 1673. =Italian orator, poet, and dramatic author.= THE ORLANDO INNAMORATO. _Tr._ W. S. Rose, 1823. THE ENCHANTED LAKE OF THE FAIRY MORGANA, from O. I. _Tr._ 1806. =BEYLE, MARIE-HENRI.= [=H. B. DE STENDHAL.= =L. A. C. BOMBET.=] _b._ 1783, _d._ 1842. =Versatile French litterateur.= THE CHARTREUSE OF PARMA (1839). _Tr._ 1895. RED AND BLACK: a story of provincial France. (Le Rouge et le Noire 1830). _Tr._ 1898. =BÈZE, THEODORE.= _b._ 1519, _d._ 1605. =French Calvinistic theologian and scholar=. A BOOKE OF CHRISTIAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Wherein are set forth the cheefe points of the Christian Religion. _Tr._ by A. Golding, 1574. A BRIEFE AND PITHIE [_sic_] SUMME OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, MADE IN FORME OF A CONFESSION.... _Tr._ by R(obert) F(yll), 1565. A BRIEFE DECLARATION OF THE CHIEFE POYNTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. _Tr._ 1556. A DISCOURSE by M. T. DE BEZA, CONTAINING THE LIFE AND DEATH OF M. JOHN CALVIN, ... _Tr._ by I. S., [1570]. AN ORATION MADE BY MASTER T. DE BEZE.... ACCOMPANIED WITH XI OTHER MINISTERS AND XX DEPUTIES OF THE REFOURMED CHURCHES OF THE REALM OF FRAUNCE.... 1562. PROPOSITIONS AND PRINCIPLES OF DEVINITIE.... _Tr._ by John Penry, 1591. THE TREASURE OF TRUETH.... _Tr._ by J. Stockwood. Whereunto are added, These Godly Treatyses, etc.... 1576. [_Note._ Herbert in his edition of Ames's 'Typographical Antiquities' notices a former edition entitled 'Treatise of Truth'. _Tr._ by Whittingham, Geneva, about 1556.] B. was profoundly versed in ancient literature, and contributed most to the great movement of the renaissance. =BIBLE, THE.= The first English translation was made by John Wycliffe in 1383. The first Protestant translation of the whole Bible is considered as the joint production of Tyndale and Coverdale. E.g. BIBLIA. The Bible, that is, the holy Testament of the Olde and Newe Testament, faithfully and truly translated out of the Douche and Latyn into English, 1535. [Ordered by Henry VIII to be laid in the choir of every church 'for every man that will to look and read therein'.] BIBLE. [MATTHEW]. The Byble, which is all the holy Scripture: in which are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament truely and purely translated into Englyssh by Thomas Matthew, 1537. BIBLE. [THE BISHOP'S]. The Holie Bible conteyning the Olde Testament and the newe. 1568. BIBLE. [AUTHORISED VERSION]. The holy Bible, conteyning the old Testament and the new: newly translated out of the originall Tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his maiesties speciall commandment. 1611. 'If we were to take our greatest authors and read them through, pencil in hand; if we were to mark those words and images and turns of expression which we feel to be derived consciously or unconsciously from the English version of the Hebrew Bible, we should be amazed to find how much of purely literary strength and dignity that one book has added to our tongue'.--T. G. Tucker. A TABULAR VIEW OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. _The Bible before the invention of Printing._ I. A.D. 597-1382--The Middle Ages: Metrical Paraphrases, Glosses, and Translations from the Latin Vulgate and from the so-called 'Old Latin'. II. A.D. 1382--The Wycliffe-Hereford Bible. A.D. 1388--A Revision of the above Bible, by Purvey and Others. _The Printed Bible of the Sixteenth Century._ III. A.D. 1525--Tyndale New Testament. A.D. 1530--Tyndales (part of the) Old Testament. The last two are from the Original Greek and Hebrew. A.D. 1535 and 1537 Coverdale's Bible (the first complete Bible in English) [_Not_ from the Greek and Hebrew.] A.D. 1537--Matthew's Bible [mainly from a compilation from Tyndale and Coverdale.] A.D. 1539--Taverner's Bible [A private revision of Matthew's, and comparatively unimportant.] A.D. 1539 [The first edition of the Great Bible; the second edition of which (with Cranmer's Preface) is dated 1540.] A.D. 1560--The Genevan Bible. A.D. 1568--The Bishop's Bible. A.D. 1582--The Rheims New Testament (from the Vulgate). _The Seventeenth Century._ IV. A.D. 1610--The Douai Old Testament (from the Vulgate). A.D. 1611--The Authorised Version. _The Nineteenth Century._ V. A.D. 1881--The Revised New Testament. A.D. 1885--The Revised Old Testament. A.D. 1895--The Apocrypha. From 'The Evolution of the English Bible', by H. W. Hoare. =BIDPAI.= _See_ =PILPAY.= =BION.= B.C. =Greek poet.= _See_ =Anacreon.= =BJÖRNSON, B.= _b._ 1832. =Norwegian author.= ARNE. _Tr._ A. Plesner and S. Rugeley-Powers. 1866. BRIDAL MARCH, etc. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson, 1882. CAPTAIN MANSANA. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson, 1882. FISHER-MAIDEN. _Tr._ M. E. Niles, 1869. HAPPY BOY. _Tr._ H. R. G., 1870. HERITAGE OF THE KURTS. _Tr._ C. Fairfax, 1892. LIFE BY THE FELLS AND FIORDS. _Tr._ 1879. LOVE AND LIFE IN NORWAY. _Tr._ Hon. A. Bethell and A. Plesner. [1870]. MAGNHILD. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson, 1883. NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE. _Tr._ S. and E. Hjerleid, 1870. NORSE TALES. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson, 1883. OVIND. _Tr._ E. Hjerleid, 1869. THE RAILROAD AND THE CHURCHYARD, etc. _Tr._ C. Larsen, 1870. SIGURD SLEMBE. _Tr._ W. M. Payne, 1888. =BLANCHARDIN AND EGLANTINE.= THE HISTORYE OF KYNGE BLANCHARDYN AND QUEEN EGLANTYNE. Impr. by Wm. Caxton, 1485. _Ed._ by Dr. Leon Kellner, E.E.T.S., 1889. =BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI.= _b._ 1313, _d._ 1375. =The most famous of the Italian novelists.= DECAMERON [1358]. The modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conversation. Framed in ten dayes, of an hundred curious pieces by seven Honourable Ladies and three Noble Gentlemen. Preserved to posterity by the renowned J. B.... and now _Tr._ in English, 1625. [Written in 1348-58. First printed in 1470. Vol. 1 only. The Edition of this translation, published in 1620, was anonymous]. THE BOKE CALLED DE JOHN BOCHAS DESCRIUINGE THE FALLE OF PRINCIS, PRINCESSIS AND OTHER NOBLES, translated into Englissh, by John Lydgate, etc., 1494. NOVELS AND TALES. _Tr._ 1684. Boccaccio directly borrowed his 'Teseide' from Statius' 'Thebaid', A.D. 70. Introduced the octave stanza. The 'Knight's Tale' and 'Troilus and Cressida' of Chaucer are from the 'Teseide' of B., as also is Shakespeare's 'Troilus and Cressida' from the 'Filostrato.' 'All's Well that Ends Well' is also from B. Chaucer borrowed very freely from him. The 'Decameron' suggested to Chaucer his plan for the 'Canterbury Tales', and also some of the 'Tales' themselves, and its influence on the development of the English novel was enormous. 'The "Decameron" consists of a hundred stories supposed to be related in ten consecutive days, by a party of ten ladies and gentlemen, who had retreated to a charming asylum from plague-stricken Florence in the year 1348. Some of the stories are tragedies, some are comic, some idylls. B. took most of his plots from the current fiction of his time, from the popular French _fabliaux_, from Oriental and classical sources, from actual history, and from tradition'. For other copyings from B. it may be enough to mention Lydgate's 'Falls of Princes' and the 'Mirror for Magistrates' (1559) based on the 'De Casibus Illustrium Virorum' of the Italian. =BODIN, JEAN.= _b._ 1530, _d._ 1596. =French representative and political writer.= THE SIX BOOKES OF A COMMONWEALE, OUT OF THE FRENCH AND LATINE COPIES. Done into English by Richard Knolles, 1606. This work was once read at our universities. =BOETHIUS.= _b._ 470, _d._ 525. =Roman philosopher and statesman.= THE BOKE OF CONSOLACION OF PHILOSOPHIE. _Tr._ by Geoffrey Chaucer. [1490]. Printed by Caxton. [This work was first translated by King Alfred into Anglo-Saxon.] 'Boethius stood to the Dark Ages for the exemplar of the philosopher. His place in mediaeval reading was very high, and may be gauged from the fact that in England Alfred the Great translated his "Consolations" into Anglo-Saxon. To Chaucer, as to all the mediaeval world, "Boece" was part of the staple library'. =BOIARDO, MATTIO MARIA.= _b._ 1434, _d._ 1494. =Italian poet.= ORLANDO INNAMORATO. [Charlemagne Romances]. The three first Bookes done into English Heroical Verse (1480). _Tr._ by R(obert) T(ofte). 1598. Milton was influenced by B. in his 'Paradise Regained'. 'Orlando Innamorato' was left unfinished by B., and was afterwards finished by Ariosto under the title of 'Orlando Furioso'. =BOILEAU= (_or_, =BOILEAU DESPRÉAUX=) =NICOLAS= _b._ 1636, _d._ 1711. =French poet and satirist.= THE ART OF POETRY (1674). [In verse.] _Tr._ 1683. A DISCOURSE OF SATIRES ARRAIGNING PERSONS BY NAME. _Tr._ 1730. LUTRIN. A mock heroic poem. _Tr._ by N. O. 1682. POSTHUMOUS WORKS. _Tr._ 1713. A SATIRE [Translation of the Eighth Satire of B. on man]. 1801. SATIRES. _Tr._ 1808. THE WORKS OF MONSIEUR BOILEAU MADE ENGLISH BY SEVERAL HANDS. To which is prefixed his life by Mr. Des Maizeaux. (_Tr._ by J. Ozell) and some account of this translation by N. Rowe. 1712-13. Roscommon's 'Essay on Translated Verse' is derived from Boileau's French 'Art de Poetique'. One of the 'correct' school. Pope and Addison were largely influenced by B. The former's 'Essay on Criticism' is inspired by him. Boileau himself was influenced by the 'De Arte Poetica' of Horace. =BONNOT DE CONDILLAC (ÉTIENNE).= _See_ =Condillac.= =BOOK OF THE DEAD. (PER-EM-HRU.)= 'A collection of prayers and exorcisms composed at various times for the benefit of the pilgrim-soul in his journeys through Amente (the Egyptian Hades)'. _See_ Birch, Dr. Egypt's Place in Universal History. Vol. v. 1867. [Based on Lepsius' imperfect Turin Text. 1842.] _See also Article_ in Budge, E. A. Wallis. Dwellers on the Nile (chapter 9) 1885. This work has been printed in full from MSS. in the British Museum. _Ed_. by E. A. W. Budge, with facsimiles _trs_. by Budge. =BOSSUET, JACQUES BENIGNE.= _b._ 1612, _d._ 1704. =French divine and eminent pulpit orator.= A DISCOURSE ON THE HISTORY OF THE WHOLE WORLD ... EXPLICATING THE CONTINUANCE OF RELIGION WITH THE CHANGES OF STATES AND EMPIRES, FROM THE CREATION TILL THE REIGN OF CHARLES THE GREAT. Faithfully Englished (1679). 1686. AN EXPOSITION OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE CATHOLIQUE CHURCH, IN THE POINTS OF CONTROVERSIE WITH THOSE OF THE PRETENDED REFORMATION. _Tr_. by W. M.(ontague). 1672. HISTORY OF FRANCE, FROM PHARAMOND TO CHARLES IX. _Tr_. 1762. THE HISTORY OF THE VARIATIONS OF THE PROTESTANT CHURCHES.... _Tr_. 2 v. 1742. QUAKERISM A-LA-MODE: or HISTORY OF QUIETISM.... _Tr_. 1698. VIEW OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY. _Tr_. by James Elphinston, 1778. =BOTTA, CARLO=. b. 1766, d. 1837. =Italian poet and historian.= HISTORY OF THE WAR OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. _Tr_. G. A. Otis. 3 v. 1820-21. HISTORY OF ITALY DURING THE CONSULATE AND EMPIRE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE. 2 v. _Tr_. 1828. =BOURDEILLES (PIERRE DE) SEIGNEUR DE BRANTÔME.= _See_ =Brantôme.= =BOURGET, PAUL C. J.= _b._ 1852. =French novelist.= LAND OF PROMISE. _Tr_. 1895. A LOVE CRIME. _Tr_. [1887]. A CRUEL ENIGMA. _Tr_. J. Cray, 1887. A TRAGIC IDYLL. _Tr_. 1896. A LIVING LIE. _Tr_. J. de Villiers, 1896. OUTRE-MER. Impressions of America. _Tr_. 1895. A SAINT AND OTHERS. _Tr_. J. Gray, 1892. =BRANDES, GEORGE MAURICE COHEN.= _b._ 1842. =One of the most brilliant of modern writers.= EMINENT AUTHORS OF THE 19TH CENTURY. _Tr_. by R. B. Anderson, 1886. IMPRESSIONS OF RUSSIA. _Tr_. by S. C. Eastman, 1889. LORD BEACONSFIELD. A Study.... Authorised _translation_ by Mrs. G. Sturge, 1880. MAIN CURRENTS IN NINETEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE. 6 v. _Tr_. 1890, etc. SHAKESPEARE: A critical study. _Tr_. by Wm. Archer, M. Morison and D. White, 1898. His thorough criticism has given rise to what may be called a new school of criticism in the North of Europe. =BRANDT, SEBASTIAN.= _b._ 1458, _d._ 1521. =German satirist.= SHYP OF FOLYS OF THE WORLDE (Narrenschiff, 1494). _Tr_. out of Laten, French and Doche into the Englysshe Tonge. By Alexander B. Preste [Barclay]. 1509. '"The Narrenschiff" or "Ship of Fools" was imitated in the sixteenth century by the English Barclay, and was the parent of a considerable satirical progeny during the century.' =BRANTÔME, PIERRE DE BOURDEILLES, SEIGNEUR DE.= _b._ 1540, _d._ 1614. =French historian and litterateur.= SPANISH RHODOMONTADES, AS ALSO ... PROOFS OF A TRUE HEROISM. _Tr._ M. Ozell, 1741. =BREMER, FREDERIKA.= _b._ 1801, _d._ 1865. =Swedish novelist.= BROTHERS AND SISTERS: a tale of Domestic Life. _Tr._ 1848. THE H-- FAMILY, ETC. (1831.) _Tr._ 1844. THE NEIGHBOURS, ETC. (1837.) _Tr._ 1842. THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTERS. _Tr._ 1843. =BRENTANO, CLEMENS.= _b._ 1778, _d._ 1842. =German novelist and poet.= HONOR ... _Tr._ 1847. THE WONDROUS TALE OF COCKY, CLUCKY, AND CACKLE. _Tr._ C. W. Heckethorn. [1889]. FAIRY TALES FROM B. _Tr._ K. F. Kroeker. [1884]. =BRUNETIÈRE, FERDINAND.= _b._ 1849. =French critic.= MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF FRENCH LITERATURE. _Tr._ R. Derechef, 1898. =BRUNO, GIORDANO.= _b._ 1548, _d._ 1600. =Eminent Italian philosopher.= THE EXPULSION OF THE TRIUMPHANT BEAST. (Spaccio della Bestia Trionfante.) _Tr._ by Wm. Morehead, 1713. =BUFFON, GEORGE LOUIS LECLERC, COMTE DE.= _b._ 1707, _d._ 1788. =French naturalist and philosopher.= NATURAL HISTORY, GENERAL AND PARTICULAR, illustrated, and with occasional notes and observations by the Translator William Smellie. (1749-67) 1781. (The Edition of 1812 is the only complete English Translation.) An extraordinary impulse was given by Buffon to the study of natural history in his own country, and his work had a great influence upon English naturalists. =BURGER, GOTTFRIED AUGUST.= _b._ 1747, _d._ 1794. =German poet.= THE CHASE, AND WILLIAM AND HELEN: two ballads from the German of G. A. B. [By Sir W. Scott.] 1796. LEONORA (with the Text). _Tr._ by W. R. Spencer, 1796. SPECIMENS OF GERMAN LYRICS: consisting of translations from ... Burger, 1823. _B. is the reputed author of 'Baron Munchausen.'_ '=CABALLERO, FERNAN='. _b._ 1800, _d._ 1876. =Spanish statesman and journalist.= SEA GULL. _Tr._ A. Bethell, 1867. ELIA; or SPAIN FIFTY YEARS AGO. _Tr._ 1868. AIR BUILT CASTLES, etc. _Tr._ 1887. BIRD OF TRUTH. _Tr._ 1881. SILENCE IN LIFE, AND FORGIVENESS IN DEATH. _Tr._ J. J. Kelly, 1883. CASTLE AND THE COTTAGE IN SPAIN. _Tr._ Lady Wallace. 2 v. 1861. THE ALVAREDA FAMILY. _Tr._ Viscount Pollington, 1872. =CAEDMON.= _d._ 680. ='The father of English song'=. DREAM OF THE HOLY ROOD. [With _Trs._ in parallel columns.] _Ed._ by J. M. Kemble. In Codex Vercellensis. _Aelfric Soc. 1843-56._ HYMN IN PRAISE OF THE CREATOR. _Ed._ Napier, 'mod. lang. notes', 1889. POETICAL PARAPHRASE OF PARTS OF SCRIPTURE. _Ed._ Thorpe (with Eng. _tr._), 1832. JUDITH. _Ed._ Prf. A. S. Cook. _Tr._ Lib. Anglo-Saxon Poetry. 1888. RUTHWELL CROSS. _Ed._ H. Sweet. In the Oldest Eng. Texts. 1885. HOLY ROOD, DREAM OF THE. _Ed._ J. M. Kemble, with _tr._ _In_ Cod. Vercell. 1843-56. METRICAL PARAPHRASE OF SCRIPTURE. _Tr._ by B. Thorpe, 1832. =CÆSAR, CAIUS JULIUS.= _b._ 100, _d._ 44 B.C. =Roman general, statesman and historian.= COMMENTARIES, NEWLY TRANSLATYD OWTE OF LATIN IN TO ENGLYSHE AS MUCH AS CONCERNED THYS REALME OF ENGLAND SUMTYME CALLYD BRYTAYNE. By J. Tiptoft, 1530. THE EYGHT BOOKES OF CAIUS JULIUS CÆSAR, CONTEYNING HIS MARTIALL EXPLOYTES IN THE REALME OF GALLIA AND THE COUNTRIES BORDERING UPON THE SAME. _Tr._ by A. Goldinge. [With an Epistle Dedicatory] ... 1565. =CALDERON, DE LA BARCA, PEDRO.= _b._ 1600, _d._ 1681. =Spanish dramatist.= DRAMAS OF CALDERON: Tragic, Comic, and Legendary.... _Tr._ by D. F. McCarthy, 2 v. 1853. THE FAIRY LADY ... KEEP YOUR OWN SECRET. _Tr._ by Lord Holland, 1807. FORTUNE MENDS: a comedy. _Tr._ by F. Holcroft, 1805. JUSTINIA: a play. _Tr._ by F. Holcroft, 1805. SIX DRAMAS OF CALDERON. _Tr._ by E. Fitzgerald, 1853. Calderon was the great religious dramatist of Spain. His numerous plays are of a lofty theological and idealistic order, and are inspired by an intense religious fervour. =CALIDAS.= _See_ =Kalidasa.= =CALILAH I DIMNAH.= DONI. The morall philosophie of Doni, englished out of Italian by Sir Tho. North, 1570. [This celebrated fable book is best known in Europe as 'Pilpay's Fables'; _see also under Indian_.] =CALPRENÈDE, G. DE COSTES DE LA.= _See_ =Costes. Gautier de.= =CALVIN, JOHN.= _b._ 1509, _d._ 1533. =The greatest of the Protestant reformers.= COMMENTARIES OF J. C. UPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF SAINT JHON AND UPON THE EPISTLE OF JUDE. [1560.] COMMENTARY OF JOHN CALVINE UPON THE PROPHET DANIELL. _Tr._ by A. G. i.e. A. Golding, 1570. THE EPISTLE OF JHON CALVYNE (whether it be lawfull for a chrysten man to communicate or be partaker of the masse of the Papystes, etc.) [1549]. A FAYTHFUL AND MOSTE GODLY TREATYSE CONCERNYNGE THE MOST SACRED SACRAMENT OF THE BLESSED BODY AND BLOUDE OF OUR SAVIOUR CHRIST, compiled by J. Calvine ... translated into Englisshe by a faythful brother.... Wher unto is added the order that the Church and congregatiõ of Christe in Denmarke doth use. (Set forth by N. Coverdale). 1550. THE INSTITUTION OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION (Christianæ Religionis Institutio, 1536), translated according to the Author's last Edition (by Thomas Norton), 1561. THE MYNDE OF M. JHON CALVYNE; what a faithful man, whiche is instructe in Worde of God, ought to do, dwellinge amongest the Papistes. (_Tr._ by R. G.), 1548. OF THE LIFE OR CONVERSATION OF A CHRISTEN MAN; a right godly treatise, wyrtten [sic] in the latyn tonge by Maister J. Calvyne. _Tr._ by T. Brooke, etc. [1549]. A VERY PROFITABLE TREATISE ... DECLARYNGE WHAT GREAT PROFIT MIGHT COME TO AL CHRISTENDOME, YF THERE WERE A REGESTER MADE. _Tr._ by S. Wythers [1561.] Influence tremendous, but indefinable. Has affected all religious writers, directly or indirectly. =CAMOENS, LUIZ DE.= _b._ 1524, _d._ 1558. =Portuguese poet.= LUSIADS, OR PORTUGALLS HISTORICALL POEM. _Tr._ by Richard Fanshaw, 1655. =CAMPE, JOACHIM H.= _See_ =Kampe, J. H.= =CANTÙ, CESARE.= _b._ 1805, _d._ 1895. =Italian historian.= LORD BYRON AND HIS WORKS. _Tr._ [1883]. THE REFORMATION IN EUROPE. _Tr._ F. Prandi. Vol. 1. 1847. =CARDUCCI, GIOSUE.= _b._ 1836, _d._ 1907. Italian poet. POEMS. _Tr._ F. Sewall, 1892. =CARLEN, B. F.= _b._ 1807, _d._ 1892. =Swedish novel writer.= THE BROTHER'S BET. _Tr._ 1867. THE GUARDIAN. _Tr._ 1865. =CARLOVINGIAN ROMANCES.= _See under_: SIR FERUMBRAS, FOUR SONS OF AYMON. HUON OF BORDEAUX, CHARLES THE GREAT, etc. =CAROVÉ, F. W.= _b._ 1789, _d._ 1852. =German critic.= STORY WITHOUT AN END. _Tr._ S. Austen, 1834. STORY OF GOTTFRIED AND BEATA. _Tr._ A. Moline, 1844. CHILD AND THE HERMIT. _Tr._ [1840?]. =CASTIGLIONE, BALDASSARE.=. _b._ 1487, _d._ 1529. =Italian writer.= CORTIGIANO. THE BOOK OF THE COURTIER, (1518). Done into English by Sir T. Hoby, 1561. Influenced English court ideals. =CATO, DIONYSIUS.= 4th century. =Latin moralist.= Here begynneth the prologue or prohemye of the book called Caton, etc. Here fynysshed this present book, whiche is called Cathon translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe by W. Caxton. 1483. =CATULLUS, CAIUS VALERIUS.= _b._ 84, _d._ 54 B.C. =Latin poet.= THE ADVENTURES OF CATULLUS, AND HISTORY OF HIS AMOURS WITH LESBIA. Intermixt with translations of his choicest poems. By several hands. 1707. The most passionate and lyrical of all the Latin poets. Catullus was very largely influenced by Sappho's 'Odes of Love', 610 B.C. Catullus and Horace combined form type for English odes, such as Ben Jonson wrote, addressed to 'Lesbia', 'Celia', 'Delia', etc. =CAXTON, WM.= _b._ 1422, _d._ 1491. =Scholar and printer.= THE CRONICLES OF ENGLOND. Westmynstre, 10 June 1480. The Discripcion of Britayne, Westmynstre, 18 August, 1480. [This work is sometimes called the 'Chronicle of St. Alban's', and sometimes 'Caxton's Chronicle', also 'Fructus Temporum'.] Mentioned here as England's first printer. Translated and printed many books, but mostly of a popular nature. =CELESTINA.= THE SPANISH BAWD REPRESENTED BY CELESTINA; OR THE TRAGICK COMEDY OF CALISTO AND MELIBEA. _Tr._ [by James Mabbe] 1631. CELESTINA, THE FAIR ... DAUGHTER TO THE KING OF THESSALIE. Done out of French into English [by W. Barley?]. 1596. =CELLINI, BENVENUTO.= b. 1500, d. 1571. =Italian artist.= THE LIFE OF B. C.... AND THE HISTORY OF HIS OWN TIME. Written by himself (1558) and ... _translated_ by T. Nugent. 1771. =CELTIC, ETC., ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= CAMPBELL, J. F. _Ed. and Tr._ POPULAR TALES OF THE WEST HIGHLANDS. [4 v. 1860-62.] 1890-91. [Orally collected, with _trs._ One of the most important collections of folk-tales in the whole literature of folk-lore, ranking with Grimm's German collections.] CROKER, T. CROFTON. _Ed._ FAIRY LEGENDS AND TRADITIONS OF IRELAND. 1825. [Still the best collection for the south of Ireland.] CURTIN, JEREM. _Tr._ MYTHS AND FOLKLORE OF IRELAND. 1890. [Orally collected from Gaelic lips.] JOYCE, P. W. _Tr._ OLD CELTIC ROMANCES [_Tr._ from Gaelic MSS.] 1879. LAING, D. SELECT REMAINS OF THE ANCIENT POPULAR POETRY OF SCOTLAND. 1822. LAING, D. EARLY SCOTTISH METRICAL TALES. 1826. NASH, D. W. TALIESIN: _trs._ of Remains of Welsh Bards. 1857. MENZIES, LOUISA. _Tr._ LEGENDARY TALES OF ANCIENT BRITONS. 1864. [_Trs._ from the chronicles.] O'GRADY, STANDISH H. _Ed._ and _Tr._ SILVA GADELICA. 2 v. 1892. [A collection of tales in Irish, with English trs.] RHYS, JNO. _and_ J. G. EVANS. OLD WELSH TEXTS. v. 1-4, 1887. 1. 'Red Book of Hergest': Mabinogion, 1887. 2. 'Black Book of Carmarthen', 1888. 3. 'Red Book of Hergest': II. Y Llyvyr Coch o Hergest, 1889. 4. 'Book of Llan Dâv', 1893. 5. 'Book of Aneurin' [Anc. Welsh Poetry, 12th-13th cent.] SKENE, W. F. _Ed._ THE FOUR ANCIENT BOOKS OF WALES. 2 v. 1868. [Contains the Cymric Poems attributed to the bards of the 6th cent.] WAIFS AND STRAYS OF CELTIC TRADITION. 1889. V. 1. 'Craignish Tales', collected by J. MacDougall, with notes, 1889. V. 2. 'Folk and Hero Tales', _ed._ and _tr._ by D. McInnes, 1890. V. 3. 'Folk and Hero Tales', _ed._ by J. MacDougall [collected from a roadman, 1891]. V. 4. 'The Friars', collected by J. G. Campbell, 1891. =CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE.= _b._ 1547, _d._ 1616. =Spanish novelist.= DON QUIXOTE (1605). _Tr._ by Thomas Shelton, 1612-20. A COLLECTION OF SELECT NOVELS, written originally in Castilian by Don M. C. S. made English by H. Bridges, 1728. Butler's 'Hudibras' is a palpable metrical imitation of 'Don Quixote'. Beaumont and Fletcher's 'Knight of the Burning Pestle' is a still closer imitation. The tremendous influence of 'Don Quixote' upon English literature is difficult to define. He was imitated by the Elizabethans, e.g. Middleton's 'Spanish Gipsy' and Fletcher's 'Fair Maid of the Inn' are both taken from his 'Novellas Exemplares'. For 'Exemplary Novels,' _see also under Anthologies._ Croxall, S. Select Collection of Novels. _Tr._ 1720-22. =CHAMISSO, A. VON.= _b._ 1781, _d._ 1838. =French poet and naturalist.= THE SHADOWLESS MAN: or THE WONDERFUL HISTORY OF PETER SCHLEMIHL. [1845.] =CHANSONS DE GESTES,= 12th and 13th centuries. A series of long narrative poems dealing with warfare and adventure. The principal poems of the Carlovingian Cycle are The Song of Roland, Ogier le Danois, Renaud de Montauban, Raoul de Cambrai, Huon de Bordeaux, Les Saisnes, Doon de Mayence, Gerard de Viane and Hugues Capet. These were of vast importance in the metrical paraphrases that occupied the chief period of English Literature in the Middle Ages, had a very great influence upon the Italian romancers, affected English literature through Spenser and others, and influenced more particularly the Elizabethan period. =CHARLEMAGNE ROMANCES.= BOIARDO, MATTIO M. ORLANDO INNAMORATO. The three first Bookes done into English Heroical Verse (1480). _Tr._ by R(obert) T(ofte). 1598. CAXTON, WILLIAM. THE LYF OF THE NOBLE AND CRYSTEN PRINCE CHARLES THE GRETE, _translated_ by Wm. Caxton. 1485. (Reissued by the Early English Text Society, 1880-1.) CAXTON, WILLIAM. THE RIGHT PLEASANT AND GOODLY HISTORY OF THE FOUR SONNES OF AYMON. 1489. (Reissued by the Early English Text Society, 1884-5.) BOURCHIER, SIR JOHN, _Lord Berners_. THE BOKE OF DUKE HUON OF BURDEUX. 1534. (Also 1601, and Early English Text Society, 1882-7. Abridged edition by Robert Steele, 1895. Also Valentine and Orson, newly corrected and amended, 1637. Original French edition, Lyons, 1489.) =CHARRON, PIERRE.= _b._ 1541, _d._ 1603. =French advocate, philosopher, and author.= OF WISDOME, THREE BOOKES. _Tr._ S. Lennard. [1615?]. ON WISDOM. _Tr._ Geo. Stanhope, 1697. =CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANÇOIS RENÉ, VICOMTE DE=. _b._ 1768, _d._ 1848. =French writer.= ATALA, or THE LOVE AND CONSTANCY OF TWO SAVAGES IN THE DESERT. _Translated_ from the French of F. A. C., by C. Bingham. 1802. RENÉ: a tale. _Tr._ 1813. TRAVELS IN GREECE, PALESTINE, EGYPT AND BARBARY, 1806-7. _Tr._ by F. Shobert, 1811. =CHERBULIEZ, CHARLES VICTOR.= _b._ 1826, =French novelist.= BLUE-EYED META HOLDENIS, AND A STROKE OF DIPLOMACY. _Tr._ 1881. LOW-BORN LOVER'S REVENGE. _Tr._ 1881. MISS ROVEL. _Tr._ 1875. A PHIDIAN HORSE. _Tr._ E. H. B. Roberts, 1893. TRIALS OF JETTA MALAUBRET. _Tr._ 1886. TUTOR'S SECRET. _Tr._ [P. Derecheff] 1893. WISH OF HIS LIFE. 2 v. _Tr._ 1878. WITH FORTUNE MADE. _Tr._ M. L. Simkins, 1896. =CHESTER MYSTERIES.= _Cir._ 1268. Ed. Thomas Wright, Shakespeare Soc., 1843-47. T. H. Markland, Roxburghe Club, 1818 (two plays). =CHEVELERE ASSIGNE.= _Ed._ Utterson, Roxburghe Club, 1820, and Lord Aldenham, E.E.T.S., Ex. Ser. vi. A prose version of the tale of the Knight of the Swan will be found in Thoms. See also p. 81. =CHINESE ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= =Poetical. Fairy Tales. Folk-Tales and Traditional Literature.= DAVIS, SIR JOHN F. _Tr._ CHINESE NOVELS translated from the Originals. 1822. DOUGLAS, ROB. K. _Tr._ CHINESE STORIES. 1892. FIELDE, ADELE W. _Tr._ CHINESE NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS. 1893. GILES, H. A. _Tr._ GEMS OF CHINESE LITERATURE. 1884. GILES, H. A. STRANGE STORIES FROM A CHINESE STUDIO. 2 v. 1880. [164 tales.] STENT, G. C. Tr. THE JADE CHAPLET, in 24 beads, 1874. [Chinese songs, ballads, etc.] =CHRYSOSTOM, ST. JOHN.= _b._ 347, _d._ 407. =Eminent Greek father.= A COMPANION FOR THE SINCERE PENITENT.... _Tr._ by J. Veneer, 1728. THE GOLDEN BOOK OF ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM CONCERNING THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN. _Tr._ by J. E(velyn). 1659. HIS SIX BOOKS CONCERNING THE PRIESTHOOD. _Tr._ by H. Hollier. [1728.] AN HOMILIE OF SAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM UPON THE SAYINGS OF ST. PAUL.... [Part of] THE FIFT HOMELIE AGAYNST THE JEWS. _Tr._ by T. Chaloner, 1544. [1574.] A SERMON OF SAINT CHRYSOSTOME WHERIN ... HE WONDERFULLY PROVETH THAT NO MAN IS HURTED BUT OF HYM SELFE. _Tr._ by T. Supsette, 1542. =CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS.= _b._ 106, _d._ 43 B.C. =Roman orator, statesman and philosopher. Often called Tully by English writers.= THE BOKE OF TULLE OF OLDE AGE. [_Tr._ into English by W. Worcester] etc. TULLIUS DE AMICICIA. _Tr._ by [John Tiptoft], Earl of Worcester. THE ARGUMENT OF THE DECLAMACYON ... [a Tr. by J. Tiptoft of two Orations, etc. The whole edited by Wm. Caxton. 1481.] THE BOKE OF FRIENDSHIP, _see the above_, Tullius de Amicicia. THE CHOSEN ELOQUENT ORATIONS FOR THE POET ARCHAIS, selected from his Orations and now first published in English, 1571. DE ORATORE. _Tr._ by G. P(arry), 1723. DE REPUBLICA. Scipio's Dream, or the Statesman's Extasie. Tending to prove the immortalitie of the Soul as the proper merit of Justice. [_Tr._ by E.G.S.] 1627. THE FAMILIAR EPISTLES. (Epistolæ ad Familiares). _Tr._ by J. Webbe, 1570. LETTERS: SELECTIONS. A very necessary entrance to speaking and writing the Latin Tongue. _Tr._ by T. W. 1575. ORATIONS ... Pro M. MARCELLO. The oration which Cicero made to Cæsar giving thanks to him for pardoning M. Marcellus. _Tr._ 1555. THE ORATIONS OF M. TULLIUS CICERO. _Tr._ ... with notes ... 1745-52. THE THREE BOOKES OF TULLYES OFFYCES, BOTHE IN LATYNGE TONGE AND IN ENGLYSSHE, lately translated by Roberte Whytinton, 1534. THOSE FYUE QUESTIONS WHICH MARKE TULLYE CICERO DISPUTED IN HIS MANOR AT TUSCULANUM. _Tr._ by John Dolman, 1561. TULLY'S FIVE BOOKS DE FINIBUS. Translated by S. P. Gent. (Saml. Parker), revised by J. Collier ... with an apology for the Philosophical Writings of Cicero, by Henry Dodwell. 1702. TULLY'S THREE BOOKS TOUCHING THE NATURE OF THE GODS. (De Natura Deorum.) 1683. Orators and preachers of the 17th and 18th centuries based their style upon Cicero. He formed what is known as the 'Johnsonian' style. Burke, Fox, Pitt and Gladstone modelled themselves on Cicero. 'It is not too much to say that the highest eloquence of Italy, France and England has at all times striven to be Ciceronian.' =CID.= _b._ 1040, _d._ 1099. =Spanish hero.= The Moorish appellation of a celebrated Castilian hero, who was born at Burgos about 1040, and whose proper name was Rodrigo or Ruy Diaz de Bivar. He was also surnamed Campeador ('the Champion'). A poem of which the Cid is the subject, composed by 'the Homer of Spain', an author whose name is unknown. =CID ROMANCES.= The most important of the Cid literature is the poem written about the 12th cent., and probably the oldest document in the Spanish language. GIBSON, J. YOUNG. _Tr._ THE CID BALLADS, [AND OTHER POEMS]. _Ed._ Margaret D. Gibson. 2 v. 1887. LEWIS, G. _Tr._ THE CID BALLADS. 1883. LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON. _Tr._ ANCIENT SPANISH BALLADS. Historical and Romantic. 1823. [Contains ballads afterwards omitted.] ORMSBY, JOHN. _Tr._ POEMS OF THE CID. 1879. SOUTHEY, R. _Tr._ AMADIS OF GAUL. 1872. SOUTHEY, R. _Tr._ CHRONICLES OF THE CID. [Prose.] 1808. Translated from three books, (1) 'Chronica del Cid', (2) 'Chronica Genera de España', (3) 'Poema del Cid' (composed, c. 1135-75). =CODEX EXONIENSIS=: Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. _Ed._ Benj. Thorpe, with _tr._, 1842. Also under =Anthologies, General=, and =Exeter Book=. =CODEX VERCELLENSIS=, Anglo-Saxon Poetry of the. Ed. J. M. Kemble, 2 pts., with _tr._, 1843-56. Also under =Anthologies, General= and =Vercelli Book=. =COMENIUS (KOMENSKÝ) JOHANNES AMOS.= _b._1592, _d._ 1671. =Slavic educator and bishop.= A CONTINUATION OF J. A. COMENIUS, SCHOOL ENDEAVOURS; or, A SUMMARY DELINEATION OF DR. CYPRIAN KINNER, Etc. _Translated_ out of the original Latine, transmitted to Sam. Hartlibb, and by him published. 1648. THE GATE OF TONGUES UNLOCKED AND OPENED, or else A SEMINARY or SEED PLOT OF ALL TONGUES AND SCIENCES. In Latin, English and French, by J. Anchoran. 1639. NATURALL PHILOSOPHIE REFORMED BY DIVINE LIGHT; or, A SYNOPSIS OF PHYSICS, etc. _Translated_ from the Latin, 1651. A PATTERNE OF UNIVERSALL KNOWLEDGE, IN A PLAINE AND TRUE DRAUGHT, etc. _Tr._ into English by J. Collier, 1651. A REFORMATION OF SCHOOLES, designed in two treatises, etc. And now _translated_ into English by S. Hartlibb. 1642. He was invited to several foreign countries for the purpose of reforming the methods of public instruction. =COMMINES, PHILIPPE DE.= _b._ 1445, _d._ 1509. =French historian.= HISTORY. (1523). Englished by Sir T. Danet, 1596. 'This most judicious and able history, which comprises a period of thirty-four years during the reigns of Lewis XI and Charles VIII of France, was said by Catherine de Medicis to have made as many heretics in politics, as Luther's works had done in religion'. Highly praised for its fidelity, candour, and deep insight into men and things. =COMTE. ISIDORE AUGUSTA MARIE FRANÇOIS XAVIER.= _b._ 1798, _d._ 1857. =French philosopher.= APPEAL TO CONSERVATIVES. _Tr._ T. C. Donkin and R. Congreve, 1889. THE PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS. _Tr._ from the Cours de Philosophie Positive of A. C. (1822) by W. M. Gillespie. _Tr._ 1851. THE POSITIVIST LIBRARY (IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY) OF AUGUSTE COMTE. _Tr._ and _Ed._ F. Harrison, 1886. THE POSITIVE PHILOSOPHY OF AUGUSTE COMTE, freely translated and condensed ... by Harriet Martineau, 3 v. 1852. COMTE'S PHILOSOPHY OF THE SCIENCES. _Tr._ by G. H. Lewes, 1847. RELIGION OF HUMANITY ... SUBJECTIVE SYNTHESIS, OR UNIVERSAL STATE OF HUMANITY, etc. [_Tr._ R. Congreve]. Vol. 1. 1891. =CONDILLAC, ETIENNE BONNOT DE.= _b._ 1715, _d._ 1780. =French philosopher and metaphysician.= AN ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. Being a supplement to Mr. Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding. _Tr._ by Thos. Nugent, 1756. =CONDORCET, JEAN ANTOINE NICOLAS DE CARITAT.= _b._ 1743, _d._ 1794. =French philosopher.= REFLECTIONS ON THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION, 1688, and that of August 10, 1792. _Tr._ 1792. LIFE OF VOLTAIRE. 2 v. _Tr._ 1790. =CONFUCIUS.= _b._ 551 B.C. =The most illustrious of the Chinese philosophers.= MORALS OF CONFUCIUS. _Tr._ 1691. WORKS, containing the original Text and a Dissertation on the Chinese Language and Character. By J. Marshman (vol. i. only published). 1809. =CONSCIENCE, HENDRIK.= _b._ 1812, _d._ 1883. =Flemish novelist.= COUNT HUGO OF CRAENHOVE. (1845.) _Tr._ 1867. THE DEMON OF GOLD. (De Geldduivel 1856.) _Tr._ 1857. THE GOOD MOTHER. (1844.) _Tr._ 1852. HAPPINESS OF BEING RICH. _Tr._ 1888. IRON TOMB. _Tr._ 1889. THE LION OF FLANDERS (De Leeuw von Vlaenderen 1838). _Tr._ 1838. OFF TO CALIFORNIA. _Tr._ by J. F. Cobb, 1884. THE PROGRESS OF A PAINTER. _Tr._ 1852. SKETCHES FROM FLEMISH LIFE, in three tales. _Tr._ 1846. TALES. 10 v. _Tr._ 1888-92. VEVA: or THE WAR OF THE PEASANTS: an historical tale. _Tr._ 1855. THE VILLAGE INNKEEPER. (1851) _Tr._ 1867. =CONSTANT DE REBECQUE, HENRI BENJAMIN DE.= _b._ 1767, _d._ 1830. =French orator, politician and litterateur.= ADOLPHE.... [_Tr._ A. Walker] 1816. ON THE POLITICAL DOCTRINE CALCULATED TO UNITE PARTIES IN FRANCE. _Tr._ T. E. Darby, 1817. =COPPÉE, FRANÇOIS,= _b_. 1842, _d_. 1908. =French poet.= TEN TALES. _Tr_. Walt. Learned, 1892. BLESSED ARE THE POOR. _Tr_. 1894. THE NEWSPAPER WOMAN. _Tr_. T. L. Oxley, 1880. THE WAIF. _Tr_. 1880. THE PASSER-BY. A comedy. _Tr_. 1885. FOR THE CROWN. A play. _Tr_. 1896. THE TREASURE. _Tr_. 1895. =CORNEILLE, PIERRE.= _b_. 1606, _d_. 1684. =French dramatist.= AMOROUS ORONTUS. _Tr_. by J. Bulteel, 1665. THE CID. (1636.) _Tr_. by J. Rutter, Part I. 1637. THE EXTRAVAGANT SHEPHERD. _Tr_. by T. R. 1653. HERACLIUS, EMPEROUR OF THE EAST. _Tr_. by L. Carlell, 1664. HORATIUS: a Roman Tragedy. _Tr_. by Wm. Lower, 1656. THE LABYRINTH, OR THE FATAL EMBARRASSMENT. _Tr. 1776_. MAXIMIAN. _Tr_. by Lady S. Burrell, 1800. MELITE (1629). _1776_. NICOMEDE. (1653.) _Tr_. by John Dancer, 1671. POMPEY. _Tr_. by Mrs. C. Philips, 1663. RODOGUNE, or THE RIVAL BROTHERS (1646). _Tr_. (by Sampson Aspinall), 1765. The French declamatory tragedy of Corneille takes as its type the drama of Seneca. The works of C. influenced the post-Restoration dramatists. =COSTES, GAUTIER DE, SEIGNEUR DE LA CALPRENÈDE.= _b_. 1616 (?), _d_. 1680 (?). =French writer of fiction.= CASSANDRA, THE FAM'D ROMANCE. (1642.) Rendred into English by Sir C. Cotterell, 1652. CLEOPATRA. Hymen's Præludia (1647) ... being the first part of that much admired romance, intituled Cleopatra. _Tr_. by R. Loveday, 1652. PHARAMOND; or THE HISTORY OF FRANCE. _Tr._ by J. Phillips, 1677. These works when translated into English were much read. Dryden's 'Secret Love' taken from the 'Grand Cyrus' and Settle's 'Ibrahim'. =COTTIN, MME.= _b._ 1773, _d._ 1807. =French novelist.= ELIZABETH: or THE EXILES OF SIBERIA. _Tr._ 1809. AMELIA MANSFIELD. _Tr._ 1803. CLARA. _Tr._ 2 v. 1808. MALVINA. _Tr._ 1810. MATILDA AND MALEK ADHEL. _Tr._ 1833. =COUSIN, VICTOR.= _b._ 1792, _d._ 1867. =French metaphysician, philosopher and author.= INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. _Tr._ H. G. Linberg, 1832. COURSE OF THE HISTORY OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY. _Tr._ G. W. Wight, 2 v. 1852. ELEMENTS OF PSYCHOLOGY. _Tr._ 1834. PHILOSOPHY OF THE BEAUTIFUL. _Tr._ J. C. Daniel, 1848. ON THE STATE OF EDUCATION IN HOLLAND. _Tr._ 1838. JUSTICE AND CHARITY. _Tr._ W. Hazlitt, 1848. =COVENTRY MYSTERIES.= _Cir._ 1392. Ed. Halliwell, Shakespeare Soc., 1841. =CRÉBILLON, C. PROSPER JOLYOT DE.= _b._ 1707, _d._ 1777. =French Novelist.= THE WANDERINGS OF THE HEART AND MIND.... _Tr._ M. Clancy, 1751. LETTERS FROM THE MARCHIONESS DE M. _Tr._ 1737. THE SOPHA: a moral tale. _Tr._ 1781. THE SKIMMER. _Tr._ 1735. =CURSOR MUNDI. A non-religious poem.= _Ed._ R. Morris, E.E.T.S., 1874-91. =CURTIUS, QUINTUS. Roman historian.= THE HISTORIE OF QUINTUS CURTIUS, CONTAINING THE ACTES OF THE GREATE ALEXANDER. _Tr_. John Brende, 1561. LIFE AND DEATH OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. _Tr_. Thos. Codrington, 1652. =CYNEWULF=. 8th century? JULIANA. _Ed_. W. Strunk. Belles Lettres Series. JULIANA, ST., Legend of. Pt. of Codex Exon. _Tr_. 1842. THE CHRIST. _Ed_., Text and Tr. J. Gollancz, 1892. ANDREAS, AND FATES OF THE APOSTLES. _Ed_. W. M. Baskervill, Albion Series. DESCENT INTO HELL. _Ed_. W. H. Hulme, with The Christ. Belles Lettres Series. DREAM OF THE ROOD, or, VISION OF THE CROSS. _Ed_. A. S. Cook, 1905. PHŒNIX. Pt. of Codex Exon. _Tr_. 1842. RIDDLES. Pt. of Codex Exon. _Tr_. 1842. ELENE. Pt. of Codex Vercell. _Tr_. 1843-56. GUTHLAC (Doubtful). Goodwin, C. W. _Ed_. The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Life of St. Guthlac. _Tr_. 1848. HARROWING OF HELL. Pt. of Codex Exon. _Tr_. 1842. =CYRANO DE BERGERAC (SAVINIEN)=. _See_ =Bergerac=. =D'ALEMBERT=. _See_ =ALEMBERT=. =DANTE ALIGHIERI=. _b_. 1265, _d_. 1321. =Italian poet=. THE DIVINA COMMEDIA, consisting of the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. _Tr_. by Rev. Henry Boyd. 1802. DIVINE COMEDY. INFERNO. A Literal Prose Translation by J. A. Carlyle, 1849. THE INFERNO. _Tr_. by Chas. Rogers, 1782. THE INFERNO OF DANTE. _Tr_. by Rev. Henry Cary. 1806. THE VISION OF HELL, PURGATORY AND PARADISE OF DANTE. _Tr_. by Rev. Henry Cary. 1814. [VITA NUOVA.] CANZONIERE, including the Poems of the Vita Nuova and the Convito, Italian and English. _Tr_. by Charles Lyall, 1835. Dante utilized the epic of Virgil as the basis for his poems. Influenced Milton's 'Paradise Lost'. 'House of Fame' and 'Parliament of Fowles' by Chaucer show borrowings and translations from D. 'Dante set modern Europe a great example, a model of sublimity in literature; though he did indeed supply English writers with many a thought and phrase, nevertheless his influence is chiefly indirect'. =DAUDET, ALPHONSE=. _b_. 1840, _d_. 1897. =French dramatist and novelist=. ARTISTS' WIVES. (1874.) _Tr_. 1889. BELLE NIVERNAISE. (1887.) _Tr_. 1888. EVANGELIST; or, PORT SALVATION. (1883). _Tr_. 2 v. 1885. KINGS IN EXILE. (1879). _Tr_. 1896. MY BROTHER JACK; or THE STORY OF WHAT-D'YE-CALL 'EM. Written by himself. _Tr_. by L. Ford (1873), 1877. THE NABOB. A story of Parisian life and Manners. _Tr_. by E. Clarequin (1877). 1878. THE NEW DON QUIXOTE; or, THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF TARTARIN OF TARASCON, (1872).... _Tr_. by C. Roland, 1875. NUMA ROUMESTAN; or, JOY ABROAD AND GRIEF AT HOME. (1881.) _Tr_. 1884-86. ONE OF THE FORTY (L'IMMORTAL). (1888.) _Tr_. by Verrall, 1888. PORT TARASCON. (1890). _Tr_. 1890. RECOLLECTIONS OF A LITERARY MAN. _Tr_. by Ensor, 1889. ROBERT HELMONT: Diary of a Recluse. (1871.) _Tr_. 1888. ROSE AND NINETTE. _Tr_. 1892. SAPPHO: a romance (1884). _Tr_. by J. and R. Maxwell, 1886. TARTARIN IN THE ALPS. (1885). _Tr_. 1886. THIRTY YEARS OF PARIS AND OF MY LITERARY LIFE. _Tr_. 1888. WORKS. _Tr_. H. Frith, L. Ensor, E. Barlow, etc. 9 v. 1896. =DELILLE, JACQUES=. _b_. 1738, _d_. 1813. =French poet and academician=. THE GARDENS; or THE ART OF LAYING OUT GROUNDS. _Tr_. 1789. THE RURAL PHILOSOPHER; or FRENCH GEORGICS. _Tr_. by John Maunde, 1801. =DEMOSTHENES=. _b_. 383, _d_. 322 B.C. =Greek orator=. THE THREE ORATIONS OF DEMOSTHENES, IN FAVOUR OF THE OLYNTHIANS. _Tr_. by Thos. Wylson, 1570. The influence of D., though considerable, is indirect through Latin literature. 'All Roman orators were avowed students of Greek methods'. 'That Demosthenes is the prince of orators everybody knows'. =DENINA, CARLO G. M.= _b_. 1731, _d_. 1813. =Italian historian=. AN ESSAY ON THE REVOLUTIONS OF LITERATURE. _Tr_. by John Murdoch. [1771.] A DISSERTATION, HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL, ON THE ANCIENT REPUBLICS OF ITALY. _Tr_. John Langhorne, 1773. =DESCARTES, RENÉ=. _b_. 1596, _d_. 1650. =French philosopher and mathematician=. DESCARTES' EXCELLENT COMPENDIUM OF MUSICK: WITH ANIMADVERSIONS THEREUPON. By a person of Honour (Lord Brounkes). 1653. A DISCOURSE OF A METHOD FOR THE WELL GUIDING OF REASON AND THE DISCOVERY OF TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES (Discours de la Méthode, 1637). _Tr_. 1649. LIFE OF R. DESCARTES, containing the History of His Philosophy and works. _Tr_. 1693. A NEW VOYAGE TO THE WORLD OF CARTESIUS. _Tr_. by Thos. Taylor, 1692. THE PASSIONS OF THE SOULE, in three books. _Translated_, with prefatory letters, 1650. His works manifest original, daring and independent genius, endowed with great force and subtlety of thought. Spinoza derived from him his pantheism, and Berkeley his pure idealism. His influence was almost universal in the seventeenth century. Newton demonstrated his more simple physical principles. =DIDEROT, DENIS=. _b_. 1713, _d_. 1784. _French philosopher and savant_. DORVAL, or THE TEST OF VIRTUE. A Comedy [in five acts and in prose]. _Tr_. 1767. AN ESSAY ON BLINDNESS, etc. Interspersed with several anecdotes of Sanderson, Milton, and others. _Tr_. [1750]. THE FAMILY PICTURE: a play (Père de Famille); with verses on different subjects. By a Lady, 1781. RAMEAU'S NEPHEW. [1805]. _Tr_. by S. M. Hill, 1897. THOUGHTS ON ART AND STYLE. _Tr_. 1893. A satire on Parisian society, as it was just before the Revolution, in the form of a dialogue, which gives a view of the world as seen through the eyes of a parasite. His reputation is founded upon the 'Encyclopædia, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et Métiers'. This was written in conjunction with d'Alembert. =DIGBY MIRACLE PLAYS=. _Ed_. W. Sharpe, 1835. =DIODORUS SICULUS=. B.C. 50. =Greek historian=. HISTORY OF THE SUCCESSORS OF ALEXANDER, SURNAMED THE GREAT. _Tr_. Thos. Stocker, 1569. HISTORY OF THE WORLD, done into English by G. Booth, 1700. =DOSTOIEFFSKY, FEDOR=. _b_. 1822, _d_. 1881. =Russian novelist=. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. _Tr_. 1886. THE IDIOT. _Tr_. 1887. INJURY AND INSULT. _Tr_. 1886. UNCLE'S DREAM AND PERMANENT HUSBAND. 1888. BURIED ALIVE. _Tr_. 1881. THE PERMANENT HUSBAND. _Tr_. 1888. THE GAMBLER. _Tr_. 1887. FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. _Tr_. 1887. POOR FOLK. _Tr_. L. Milman, 1894. =DU BARTAS, G. SALUSTE, SR.= _b_. 1544, _d_. 1590. =French Statesman and poet=. BARTAS HIS DIVINE WEEKES AND WORKES ... Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus, Josvah Sylvester, Gent. 1605-7. There are many selections from Sylvester's translation of Du B., a work to which Milton was evidently greatly indebted. BABILON.... _Tr_. by W. Lisle. 1596. A CANTICLE OF THE VICTORY OBTAINED BY THE FRENCH KING HENRIE THE FOURTH. At Yvry. _Tr_. by J. S. Marchant, 1590. COLONIES OF BARTAS, with the Commentary of S. G. S. _Tr_. by R. F., 1598. FIRST DAY OF THE WORLD'S CREATION. _Tr_. by J. Jackson, 1596. HISTORIE OF JUDITH.... _Tr_. by Tho. Hudson, 1584. MIRACLE OF THE PEACE IN FRANCE.... _Tr_ by J. Sylvester, 1599. SECOND DAY OF THE FIRST WEEK OF WILL. DE SALUSTE, LORD OF BARTAS, in English heroical verse, by Tho. Winter, 1603. SECONDE WEEKE, or THE CHILDHOOD OF THE WORLD. _Tr_. by J. Sylvester, 1598. THIRD DAYES CREATION. _Tr_. by Tho. Winter 1604. THE TRIUMPH OF FAITH. THE SACRIFICE OF ISAAC. THE SHIP-WRACKE OF JONAS. WITH A SONG OF VICTORIE OBTAINED BY THE FRENCH KING AT YVRY. _Tr_. by J. S. Marchant, 1590. =DU BELLAY, JOACHIM=. _b_. 1524, _d_. 1560. =Surnamed the 'French Ovid'=. A TREATISE WHEREIN HE REPRESENTED ... THE MISERIES ... THAT FOLLOW THE VOLUPTUOUS WORLDLINGS. [With Epigrams and Sonnets.] _Tr_. 1569. COMPLAINTS, Containing sundrie small poemes of the World's Vanitie. (The Ruines of Rome.) _Tr_. by Ed. Sp[enser], 1591. Du B. and Ronsard are the two most important names of the 'Pléiade'. The followers of Du B. and R., through the Italian school introduced the 'classical' style of verse into England. Du Bellay served as a pattern to English writers. =DUCLOS, CHARLES PINAUD=. _b_. 1704, _d_. 1772. =French historian and academician=. HISTORY OF LOUIS XI, KING OF FRANCE. 2 v. _Tr_. 1746. =DUKE ROWLAND AND SIR OTUELL=. 14th cent. _Ed_. S. J. Herrtage. E.E.T.S., 1885. =DUMAS, ALEXANDRE=. _b_. 1803, _d_. 1870. =French novelist and dramatist=. AMAURY. (1844.) _Tr_. 1845. BLACK TULIP. _Tr_. 1851. CAPTAIN PAUL. (The Sicilian Bandit.) _Tr_. 1859. CHEVALIER DE MAISON ROUGE: a tale of the Reign of Terror. (1846.) _Tr_. 1846. THE COMPANY OF JEHU. _Tr_. K. P. Wormeley. 2 v. 1895. THE CONSPIRATORS. _Tr_. 1847. COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. (1844.) _Tr_. 1846. COUNTESS DE CHARNY. (1853.) _Tr_. 1858. FORTY-FIVE GUARDSMEN. _Tr_. 1848. GOOD LADY BERTHA'S HONEY BROTH. _Tr_. 1846. THE HALF BROTHERS. _Tr_. by L. Lawford, 1858. MARGUÉRITE DE VALOIS. (1845.) _Tr_. 1846. MEMOIRS. 2 v. 1890. MEMOIRS. 6 v. _Tr_. 1908. MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN (1846). _Tr_. 1846. PASCAL BRUNO: a Cicilian story (1837). _Tr_. 1846. QUEEN'S NECKLACE (1847). _Tr_. 1849. REGENT'S DAUGHTER (1844). _Tr_. 1845. TAKING THE BASTILE; or, SIX YEARS LATER. 2 v. _Tr_. 1847. THREE MUSKETEERS (1844). _Tr_. 1846. TWENTY YEARS AFTER (1845). _Tr_. 1845. VIC. DE BRAGELONNE (1868). 2 v. _Tr_. 1868. In the 19th century Dumas exercised a vast influence on the English historical romancists. G. P. R. James was his literary offspring entirely. =EBERS, GEORGE MORITZ=. _b_. 1837, _d_. 1898. =German novelist=. ARACHNE: a historical romance. M. J. Safford. 2 v. [1898.] BARBARA BLOMBERG. _Tr_. M. J. Safford. 2 v. 1897. BRIDE OF THE NILE. _Tr_. by C. Bell. 2 v. 1887. THE BURGOMASTER'S WIFE; a tale of the Siege of Leyden. (1882.) _Tr_. 1882. CLEOPATRA. _Tr_. M. J. Safford. 2 v. 1894. EGYPT: Historical and Picturesque. _Tr_. by C. Bell, 1881-87. AN EGYPTIAN PRINCESS (Eine Aegyptische Königstochter, 1864.) _Tr_. 1870. THE ELIXIR, and other Tales. _Tr_. Mrs. E. H. Bell, 1890. THE EMPEROR. _Tr_. 1882. HOMO SUM. (1878.) _Tr_. 1878. IN THE BLUE PIKE. _Tr_. M. J. Safford. [1896.] IN THE FIRE OF THE FORGE. _Tr_. 1895. MARGERY: Tale of Old Nuremberg. _Tr_. by C. Bell. 2 v. 1889. ONLY A WORD. _Tr_. 1883. PER ASPERA. _Tr_. C. Bell. 2 v. 1892. SERAPIS. _Tr._ 1885. THE STORY OF MY LIFE. _Tr._ M. J. Safford, 1893. UARDA: a romance of Ancient Egypt. (1877.) _Tr._ 1877. =EMARE.= _Ed._ Ritson; Gough, A. B. OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH TEXTS, 1901. =ENGLISH ANTHOLOGIES.= _See_ =Anthologies, General, etc.= =EÖTVÖS, J. F.= _b._ 1813, _d._ 1871. =Hungarian novelist.= VILLAGE NOTARY. (1844-46.) _Tr._ 1850. =EPICTETUS.= 1st century A.D. =Stoic philosopher.= THE MANUELL OF EPICTETUS, translated out of Greeke into French, and now into English, conferred with two Latin translations. Hereunto are annexed annotations, and also the apothegms of the same author, by J. Sanford, 1567. He left no written books, but his doctrines were recorded by his disciple Arrian, in eight books, four of which have come down to us. =EPICURUS.= B.C. 342-270. =Greek philosopher.= MORALS. _Tr._ John Digby, with an Essay by John Johnson, 1712. EPICURUS MORALS. _Tr._ W. Charlton, 1656. [Collection]. =ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS.= _b._ 1466, _d._ 1536. =Dutch scholar and philosopher.= APOPHTHEGMES. _Tr._ by N. Udall. [1542.] A BOKE CALLED IN LATYN ENCHIRIDION MILITIS CHRISTIANI AND IN ENGLISH THE MANUELL OF THE CHRISTEN KNIGHT, replenished with most holsome precepts to ... the which is added a newe and mervaylous profytable preface. [This translation is attributed to Tyndale.] (1515.) 1533. AN EXHORTATION; or FAMILIAR DISCOURSE OF D. ERASMUS.... _Tr._ [by W. Roy?] 1529. LYFE OF SAYNT ERASMUS. Imp. by Julyan Notary. [1520.] A LYTTLE BOOKE OF GOOD MANNERS FOR CHYLDREN. _Tr._ by R. Whytynton. 1522. THE PARAPHRASE OF ERASMUS UPON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 1548. THE PRAISE OF FOLIE. (Moriæ Encomium). (1509.) Englisshed by Sir T. Chaloner, 1549. A PLAYNE AND GODLY EXPOSITION OR DECLARATIÕ OF THE CÕMUME CREDE (which in the Latyn tonge is called SYMBOLUM APOSTOLORUM) and OF THE X CÕMAUNDMENTES by GODDES LAW, newly made and put forth by the famouse clerke, Mayster E. of Roterdame, etc. [1533.] PREPARATION TO DEATH, a boke as devout as eloquent. 1543. A RYGHT FRUTEFULL EPYSTLE ... IN LAUDE AND PRAYSE OF MATRYMONY, translated in to Englishe by R. Tavenour, etc. [1530.] Pre-eminent as a restorer of learning. He is considered the greatest wit and most eminent scholar of the age in which he lived, and one of the most conspicuous and successful of those who laboured to restore classical learning and sound philosophy. =ERCKMANN, EMIL.= _b._ 1822, _d._ 1899. =CHATRIAN, ALEX.= 1826-90. =French novelists.= THE BLOCKADE. _Tr._ 1869. CONSCRIPT. _Tr._ 1865. DOCTOR MATTHEUS. _Tr._ 1868. MADAME THÉRÈSE (1863). _Tr._ 1868. POLISH JEW. _Tr._ 1870. STORY OF THE PLEBISCITE. _Tr._ 1872. WATERLOO. _Tr._ 1865. YEAR ONE OF THE REPUBLIC. _Tr._ [1873]. CITIZEN BONAPARTE. _Tr._ [1874]. ALSACIAN SCHOOLMASTER. _Tr._ [1872]. CONFESSIONS OF A CLARIONET PLAYER [_Tr._ 1874.] THE BELLS. _Tr._ 1872. THE WILD HUNTSMAN. _Tr._ [1877]. FRIEND FRITZ. _Tr._ [1873]. BRIGADIER FREDERIC. _Tr._ F. A. Malleson, 1875. THE BROTHERS RANTZAU. 2v. _Tr._ [1873]. THE GREAT INVASION OF 1813-14. _Tr._ [1870]. WAR. _Tr._ H. L. Williams. [1872]. MAN OF THE PEOPLE. _Tr._ 1871. STORY OF A PEASANT. _Tr._ [1871]. =ESPINEL, VINCENT.= _b._ 1544, _d._ 1634. =Spanish poet and novelist.= THE HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF THE SQUIRE MARCOS DE OBREGON. _Tr._ into English from the Madrid Ed. 1618, by Major Algernon Langton. 2 v. 1618. This novel is generally supposed to have served as a model for that of Gil Blas. =EUCLID.= 3rd century B.C. =Greek geometrician.= THE ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY [containing the xv. books] OF ... EUCLIDE ... now first translated into the Englishe Toung, by H. Billingsley. Whereunto are annexed certaine annotations of the best mathematiciens, etc. 1570. [The first printed Greek text was published in Basle in 1533.] =EULENSPIEGEL.= A half-mythical German jester, said to have died in 1350. His name is perpetuated in a famous chap-book, once very popular with the peasantry of many nations, and containing many ludicrous stories. The book was probably written by Thomas Murner. EULENSPIEGEL (TYLL OWLGLASS). Here beginneth a merye Jest of a man that was called Howleglass and of many marveylous things and Jestes that he dyd in his lyfe, in Eastlande and in many other places. [1528]. '"Eulenspiegel": a series of amusing trickeries which are reflected in the English Robin Goodfellow'. =EURIPIDES.= _b._ 480, _d._ 406 B.C. =Greek tragic dramatist.= JOCASTA: a Tragedie, translated [from the Phoenissæ] and digested into Acte by G. Gascoygne and F. Kinwelmershe [1575]. JOCASTA. _In_ a hundredth sundrie Flowers, etc. _Tr._ by Geo. Gascoigne [1572]. SELECT TRAGEDIES. _Tr._ [by G. James Bannister]. 1780. THE TRAGEDIES OF EURIPIDES, translated [by R. Potter]. 1781-3. Influenced Swinburne's 'Atalanta in Calydon', Milton's 'Samson Agonistes', Addison's 'Cato', Byron's 'Cain' and 'Manfred', and Shelley's 'Prometheus Unbound'. =EUTROPIUS, FLAVIUS.= 364. =Latin historian.= A BRIEFE CHRONICLE OF THE ROMAINE DE LA PUBLIQUE, etc., Englished by Nicholas Hawarde, 1564. =EXETER BOOK= (=CODEX EXONIENSIS=). 'This book was presented to his Cathedral by Leofric, the first Bishop of Exeter, about the middle of the 11th century. It is preserved in the Cathedral Library at Exeter; the first leaves are missing, and the last leaves are injured. The hand-writing of the MS. belongs probably to the first half of the 11th century'. Edited with _Tr._ by B. Thorpe, 1842. I. Gollancz, Poems i to viii, E.E.T.S., 1895. _Contents_: 1, The Christ. 2, Guthlac. 3, Azarias. 4, Phœnix. 5, Juliana. 6, Wanderer. 7, Gifts of Men. 8, The Father's Teaching. 9, Seafarer. 10, Spirit of Men. 11, Widsid (The Singer's Wandering). 12, Fates of Men. 13, Gnomic Verses. 14, Wonders of Creation. 15, Rhyme Song. 16, Panther. 17, Whale. 18, Partridge. 19, Address of the Soul to the Body. 20, Deor. 21, Riddles, 1-60. 22, The Wife's Complaint. 23, The Last Judgement. 24, A Prayer. 25. Descent into Hell. 26, Alms. 27, Pharaoh. 28, Fragments of a Paternoster. 29, Fragments of a Didactic Poem. 30, Another form of Riddle, 31, Riddle 61. 31, The Husband's Message. 32, The Ruin. 33, Riddles 62-89. =FARINI, LUIGI CARLO.= _b._ 1812, _d._ 1866. =Italian Statesman.= THE ROMAN STATE FROM 1815-50. Vols. 1-3. _Tr._ W. E. Gladstone. Vol. 4., _tr._ by a Lady 1851-54. =FAUSTUS, DR., STORIES OF.= 1587. [1] THE HISTORIE OF THE DAMNABLE LIFE, AND DESERVED DEATH OF DOCTOR JOHN FAUSTUS. Newly Printed, and in convenient places imperfect matter amended. _Tr._ by P. F. Gent, etc. 1592. THE SECOND REPORT OF DOCTOR JOHN FAUSTUS, CONTEANING HIS APPEARANCES AND THE DEEDS OF WAGNER. _Tr._ 1594. [1] Of great interest as being the source of Marlowe's 'Dr. Faustus' (his greatest play). It is a translation from the German 'Faustbuch' published at Frankfort, 1587. 'The Second Report ... (a translation of the 'Wagnerbuch', 1593) is supposed to have been written by an English gentleman, student at Wittenberg. =FAVINE (FAVYN), ANDREW.= =French writer.= THE THEATER OF HONOUR AND KNIGHTHOOD: or A COMPENDIOUS CHRONICLE AND HISTOIRIE OF THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN WORLD, 2 v. _Tr._ 1623. 'This work, which is a translation of "Le Théâtre d'Honneur et de Chevalerie", comprises the most valuable treatise we have in English upon the foreign orders of knighthood; there are also discussions upon ceremonies, combats, precedence, etc., equally worthy the attention of the antiquary and historian'.--Sir M. M. Sykes. =FÉNELON, FRANÇOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE.= _b._ 1651, _d._ 1715. =French prelate and author.= THE ADVENTURES OF TELEMACHUS. (Télémaque, 1699.) _Tr._ 1703. DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD DEDUCED FROM THE KNOWLEDGE OF NATURE (Traité sur l'Existence de Dieu.) _Tr._ 1754. DIALOGUES OF THE DEAD. (Dialogues des Morts.) _Tr._ 1757. DIALOGUES CONCERNING ELOQUENCE IN GENERAL. (Dialogues sur l'Eloquence.) _Tr._ with quotations and notes by W. Stevenson. 1722. LIVES OF THE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHERS ... illustrated with notes and preceded by a life of F. by John Cormack. 1803. TREATISE ON THE EDUCATION OF DAUGHTERS. (De l'Education des Filles.) _Tr._ and adapted to English Readers, with an original Chapter on Religious Studies. By T. F. Dibdin, 1805. =FERUMBRAS.= _See_ =Sir Ferumbras=. =FEUILLET, OCTAVE.= _b._ 1821, _d._ 1890. =French litterateur.= A WOMAN'S DIARY AND THE LITTLE COUNTESS. _Tr._ 1881. JOURNAL OF A WOMAN. _Tr._ [1885]. CAMORS; or, LIFE UNDER THE NEW EMPIRE. _Tr._ 1868. THE DISGUISED NOBLEMAN. _Tr._ 1860. HONOUR BEFORE WEALTH. A drama. _Tr._ [1850.] A PARISIAN ROMANCE. A Play. _Tr._ 1883. ROMANCE OF A POOR YOUNG MAN. _Tr._ 1888. =FEYJOO, REV. FATHER B. J.= _b._ 1676, _d._ 1764. =Spanish critic and moralist.= ESSAYS OR DISCOURSES (29). _Tr._ from the Spanish by ... (John Brett), 1777. AN ESSAY ON THE LEARNING, GENIUS, AND ABILITIES OF THE FAIR SEX.... _Tr._ 1774. THE HONOUR AND ADVANTAGE OF AGRICULTURE. _Tr._ 1764. RULES FOR PRESERVING HEALTH. _Tr._ [1800]. =FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB.= _b._ 1762, _d._ 1814. =German Philosopher.= THE DESTINATION OF MAN. _Tr._ by Mrs. P. Sinnett, 1846. THE POPULAR WORKS OF J. G. F. _Tr._ ['The Vocation of the Scholar,' 'The Nature of the Scholar,' 'The Vocation of Man,' 'Characteristics of the Present Age,' 'The Way towards the Blessed Life', Etc.]. With a memoir of the author by W. Smith. 1848-49. THE VOCATION OF MAN. _Tr._ by W. Smith, 1844. =FIRDUSI= _or_ =FERDUSI= (=ABU KASIM MANSUR=). _b._ 940, _d._ 1020. =Persian poet.= THE POEMS OF FERDOSI. _Tr._ from the Persian by Joseph Champion, 1785. SHAH NÁMA. _Tr._ and abridged by J. Atkinson, 1832. Sir William Jones styles the 'Shah-námeh' 'a glorious monument of Eastern genius and learning, which ... will contest the merit of invention of Homer himself.' =FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE.= _b._ 1821, _d._ 1880. =French novelist.= BOUVARD AND PECUCHET. (1880.) _Tr._ 1896. MADAME BOVARY. (Mœurs de province, 1857.) _Tr._ 1886. SALAMMBÔ (1862). _Tr._ by M. French Sheldon [with an Introduction by E. King]. 1886. THE TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHONY. _Tr._ D. F. Hannigan, 1895. =FLORIZ AND BLAUNCHEFLUR.= _Cir._ 1250. Ed. J. R. Lumby, E.E.T.S., 1866. Ed. Hartshorne. Laing, Abbotsford Club, 1857. =FLORUS, LUCIUS ANNÆUS.= 2nd century. =Roman historian.= ROMAN HISTORIES. _Tr._ [Edmund Bolton], 1618. =FONTENELLE, BERNARD LE BOUYER DE.= _b._ 1657, _d._ 1757. =French litterateur, mathematician and philosopher.= CONVERSATIONS ON THE PLURALITY OF WORLDS. _Tr._ [W. Gardiner]. 1715. HISTORY OF ORACLES. _Tr._ 1688. NEW DIALOGUES OF THE DEAD. _Tr._ 1692. NORTHERN WORTHIES; or THE LIVES OF PETER THE GREAT.... _Tr._ 1730. A PLURALITY OF WORLDS. _Tr._ Mr. Glanvil, 1695. THE THEORY OR SYSTEM OF SEVERAL NEW INHABITED WORLDS.... _Tr._ Mrs. Behn, 1700. DIALOGUES OF THE DEAD. _Tr._ J. Hughes, 1754. THE PRIZE OF WISDOM. _Tr._ 1713. =FORTUNATUS.= 15th century. =German folk tales.= FORTUNATUS. THE RIGHT PLEASANT AND VARIABLE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF FORTUNATUS. Now first of all published in English by T. C. [Thomas Churchyard]. 1612. 'One of the best "people's" books (Volksbücher) ever written'. Thomas Dekker founded his 'Pleasant Comedie of Old Fortunatus' (1600) upon this work. =FOSCOLO, N. UGO.= _b._ 1777, _d._ 1827. =Italian poet.= ESSAY ON THE LOVE, THE POETRY AND CHARACTER OF PETRARCH, comprising numerous translations by the Author's Friends, Lady Barberina Dacre, and others. 1823. NARRATIVE OF THE EVENTS ILLUSTRATING THE VICISSITUDES AND THE CESSION OF PARGA, AND THE IONIAN ISLANDS. _Tr._ 1820. =FOUQUÉ, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH KARL, BARON DE LA MOTTE.= _b._ 1777, _d._ 1843. =German poet and romance-writer.= AN ESSAY OF THREE TALES, i.e. The Cypress Crown, etc. _Tr._ 1820. THE MAGIC RING. _Tr._ 1825. MINSTREL LOVE. _Tr._ by G. Soane, 1821. RED MANTLE. _Tr._ 1845. SINTRAM AND HIS COMPANIONS. _Tr._ [by J. C. Hare]. 1820. UNDINE; a romance. _Tr._ 1818. =FOUR SONS OF AYMON=. 1490-91. By Caxton. Known and tr. as Renaud de Montauban, see p. 36. _Ed._ [Miss] O. Richardson. 2 pts. E.E.T.S. 1884. =FOX AND THE WOLF.= _Ed._ T. Wright and Halliwell in their Reliqueae Antiquae, v. 1, 1841. This is the first English poem connected with the animal saga. Probably written during reign of Edward I and based on the Roman du Reynard. =FRANCE, ANATOLE.= _b._ 1844. =French poet, novelist and critic.= COMPLETE WORKS. _Ed._ F. Chapman. 1908. 1. THE RED LILY. _Tr._ W. Stephens, 1908. 2. MOTHER OF PEARL. _Tr._ T. Chapman, 1908. 3. GARDEN OF EPICURUS. _Tr._ A. Allinson, 1908. 4. CRIME OF SYLVESTRE BONNARD. _Tr._ L. Hearn, 1891. =FRANZOS, KARL EMIL.= _b._ 1848. =Austrian Jewish novelist.= THE JEWS OF BARNOW. _Tr._ M. W. Macdowall, 1882. THE CHIEF JUSTICE. _Tr._ M. Corbet, 1890. FOR THE RIGHT. _Tr._ 1887. JUDITH TRACHTENBERG. _Tr._ Mrs. L. P. and C. T. Lewis, 1891. =FRENCH ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS. Poetical, Fairy Tales, Folk-Tales, and Traditional Literature.= AULNOY, MME. D' (= _C'ess d'Anois_). _Ed._ FAIRY TALES. _Tr._ by Miss Lee and A. Macdonald. 1891. [The first English _Tr._ of all the twenty-four stories.] AULNOY, MME. D'. FAIRY TALES. _Tr._ by J. R. Planché, 1855. COSTELLO, LOUISA. SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY POETRY OF FRANCE, 1835. _See also under_ Oxenford, J. MORRIS, WM. _Tr._ OLD FRENCH ROMANCES, done into English. 1896. ('The Tale of King Constans the Emperor', 'The Friendship of Amis and Amile', 'The Story of King Florus and the Fair Jehane', 'The History of Over Seas'.) These four romances belong to the 13th century. O'HAGAN, J. _Tr._ THE SONG OF ROLAND. 1882. [The Chanson de Roland, _tr._ into English verse.] OXENFORD, JOHN. THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF FRENCH SONGS. _French-English._ _Tr._ by J. O. 1855. Contains most of the national songs and ballads of France, many of which have never been _tr._ before. ['Specimens of the Early Poetry of France' were added later by Louisa S. Costello.] TAYLOR, TOM. _Tr._ BALLADS AND SONGS OF BRITTANY. 1865. WAY, G. L. _and_ G. ELLIS. _Tr._ FABLIAUX: or TALES FROM THE FRENCH, 3 v. 1796-1800. ZIMMERN, HELEN. HALF HOURS WITH FRENCH NOVELISTS. 2 v. 1880. =FREYTAG, GUSTAV.= _b._ 1816. _d._ 1895. =German dramatist and novelist.= DEBIT AND CREDIT. (1855.) _Tr._ by Mrs. Malcolm, 1856. THE LOST MANUSCRIPT. (Die Verlorne Handschrift, 1864.) 1865. OUR FOREFATHERS. A novel. (1872.) _Tr._ 1873. PICTURES OF GERMAN LIFE. 2 Ser. _Tr._ 1862-63. The works of F. achieved a very wide popularity, and were translated into the principal modern languages. =FROISSART, JEAN.= _b._ 1313, _d._ 1419. =French historian and poet.= Here begynneth the First Volum of Sir J. Froissart: of the chronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flãunders: and other Places Adioynynge. _Translated_ by J. Bouchier, Knight, Lord Berners, 1523-25. Froissart's 'Chronicles' deals with the period between 1326-1400. It is mainly occupied with the affairs of France, England, Scotland and Flanders, and he also supplies much information in regard to Germany, Italy and Spain. The work has greatly influenced our literature. =FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS.= _b._ 40, _d._ 106. =Roman Statesman and tactician.= THE STRATEGEMS, SLEYGHTES, AND POLICIES OF WARRE. _Tr._ Rycharde Morysine, 1539. =FULK FITZ WARINE: The History of Fulk Fitz Warine, an outlawed baron in the reign of King John.= (_c._ 1320.) _Tr._ by Thomas Wright, 1855. 'The French paraphrase probably, of an Anglo-Norman _chanson de geste_, composed late in the 13th century, traces of poetic diction being legible in the prose. As interesting, and almost as natural, as a modern novel; the historical characters forcibly sketched in'. =GAMELYN,= Tale of. _Ed._ W. W. Skeat, 1893. =GARCILASCO DE LA VEGA.= _b._ 1503, _d._ 1536. =Spanish poet.= WORKS OF G. DE LA V., SURNAMED THE PRINCE OF CASTILIAN POETS. _Tr._ with a critical and historical Essay on Spanish Poetry and a life of the Author by J. H. Wiffen, 1823. ISABEL ... WITH OTHER POEMS. _Tr._ [by R. Walpole]. 1805. Acquired a wide and durable reputation by his pastoral and lyrical poems. Reformed, with Boscan, Spanish poetry by introducing the Italian measure, which forms an epoch in the literary history of Spain. G. has been styled the 'Spanish Petrarch'. =GARCILASCO DE LA VEGA.= _Surnamed_ 'The Inca'. _b._ 1530, _d._ 1568. =Spanish historian.= He is esteemed for his fidelity and accuracy. ROYAL COMMENTARIES OF PERU, in two Parts.... Rendered out of Spanish into English, by Sir P. Rycaut. Lond. 1688. (Commentarios Reales que tratan del Origen de los Incas. (1609).) OBSERVATIONS OF THINGS MOST REMARKABLE, collected out of the first part of the Commentaries Royall.... The Supplement of the History of the Incas, briefely collected out of the Author's second part. _Tr._ 1625. =GAUTIER, THÉOPHILE.= _b._ 1811, _d._ 1872. =French poet, critic, and novelist.= CAPTAIN FRACASSE. _Tr._ 1888. MDLLE. DE MAUPIN. _Tr._ 1887. ROMANCE OF A MUMMY. 1886. =GELLIUS, AULUS.= _b._ 117, _d._ 180. =Latin grammarian and critic.= THE ATTIC NIGHTS. _Tr._ Rev. W. Beloe. 3 v. 1795. =GENERIDES.= _Cir._ 1440. _Ed._ F. J. Furnival, Roxburghe Club, 1865. Ed. A. Wright, E.E.T.S., lv., lxx. 1873. =GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH.= _b._ 1100, _d._ 1154. =British historian.= THE BRITISH HISTORY. _Tr._ With a large commentary by Aaron Thomson, 1718. Historia Regum Brittaniæ, or Historia Britonum, based, as Geoffrey tells us, upon a very old book lent him by Archdeacon Walter (Galenius) of Oxford, probably a volume of Breton Legends. Geoffrey also drew from the older history of Nennius, but there still remains a large portion of his work which has not been traced beyond his own pen. The 'Historia' is looked upon as an epoch-making book, owing to the impulse it gave to the literature of Romance. Legends afloat among the natives of Wales and Bretagne were now given a literary garb which rendered them sufficiently attractive to awaken the interest of the world in general, and the imagination of the mediæval poet was aroused by the chivalric glamour which the historian threw over his descriptions of Arthur's Court. It was a main source, but not the exclusive one of Arthurian legend, for independent of the fact that many characteristic features of the latter are not mentioned by him, there is evidence of Welsh fables being extant in the 12th century, which supplied material for later romances apart from Geoffrey's history. This work is the fountain-head of medieval romance, the principal source of the legends of Merlin and Arthur, which were amplified by the romancers by material from Celtic tradition. Geoffrey's work is the basis of Wace's 'Roman de Brut' and of Layamon's 'Brut'. =GERMAN ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS. Poetical, Fairy Tales, Folk-Tales, and Traditional Literature.= AIKMAN, C. M. _Tr._ POEMS FROM THE GERMAN. 1892. [BECKFORD, WM.]. POPULAR TALES OF THE GERMANS. 1791. CARLYLE, THOS. _Tr._ GERMAN ROMANCES: specimens of the chief authors, with biographical and critical notices. 1827. CARLYLE, THOS. TRANSLATIONS FROM MUSAEUS, TIECK AND RICHTER. 2 v. 1858. CRAIGMYLE, ELIZ. _Tr._ GERMAN BALLADS. 1892. [A good collection of popular German poetry.] GILLIES, ROBERT P. GERMAN STORIES. Selected from the Works of Hoffman, De la Motte Fouqué, Pichler, Kruse and others, 3 v. 1826. GRIMM, JAKOB, K. L. GERMAN POPULAR STORIES. _Tr._ from the 'Kinder- und Haus-Märchen' by Edgar Taylor, 1823-26. HELLMAN, FRANCES. _Tr._ LYRICS AND BALLADS OF HEINE AND OTHER GERMAN POETS. 1892. HOLCROFT RICHARD. TALES FROM THE GERMAN. 1826. LEMON, MARK. _Tr._ LEGENDS OF NUMBER NIP. 1864. OXENFORD, JOHN _and_ C. A. FEILING. _Tr._ TALES FROM THE GERMAN, comprising specimens from the most celebrated authors. [1850.] ROSCOE. THOS. GERMAN NOVELISTS. 4 v. 1826. SANTINE, X. B. _Ed._ MYTHS OF THE RHINE. _Tr._ 1840. 'Gives a good sketch of primitive Teuton times, of the Druids, of Odinic worship, etc.'. SOANE, GEORGE. SPECIMENS OF GERMAN ROMANCES. 3 v. 1826. TAYLOR, W. HISTORIC SURVEY OF GERMAN POETRY, interspersed with various translations. 3 v. 1828-30. WESTALL, W. _Tr._ TALES AND LEGENDS OF SAXONY AND LUSATIA. 1877. =GERVASE, MONK OF CANTERBURY.= _C._ 1188. Chronicle of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. _Ed._ by Stubbs. v. 1-11. Rolls Ser. 1879-80. =GESTA ROMANORUM.= _C._ 1440. A collection of tales from various sources, written in Latin. Was the storehouse of material for many famous writers. English _Tr._ probably made in Henry VI's time. Printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1510-15. _Ed._ 'Early English Versions' in E.E.T.S., 1899. 'A collection of Stories translated from the Latin at end of 13th century. Many are of Eastern origin, others are anecdotes of Roman history; but all are more or less transformed by the mediæval imagination and usually endowed with a Christian moral. Stories of the Virgin, beast fables, miracles, germs of Shakespeare's plots and La Fontaine's stories, are among the multifarious contents'. =GIANNONE, PIETRO.= _b._ 1676, _d._ 1748. =Italian historian.= HISTORY OF NAPLES.... Translated by Capt. James Ogilvie. 2 v. 1729-31. =GIRALDI, CINZIO GIAMBATTISTA.= _b._ 1504, _d._ 1573. =Italian dramatist and littérateur.= GLI HECATOMITI (or The Hundred Novels). STORY OF THE MOOR OF VENICE. _Tr._ by G. B. G. C. 1795. These stories enjoyed a wide vogue in France and England, and formed matter for the exploitation of every class of our Elizabethan dramatists or writers of fiction. They have a particular interest to students of English literature as having furnished, whether directly or indirectly, the plots of 'Measure for Measure', and 'Othello'. That of the latter is said to have reached Shakespeare through the French translation, while that of the former is probably to be traced to Wheatstone's 'Promos and Cassandra' (1578), an adaptation of Cinthio's story, and to his 'Heptameron' (1582), which contains a direct English translation. To Giraldi must be also attributed Beaumont and Fletcher's 'Custom of the Country'. =GIRALDUS DE BARRI= (=CAMBRENSIS=). 12th cent. WORKS. 7 v. Vols. i-iv. _Ed._ by J. S. Brewer; vols. v-vii. _Ed._ J. F. Dimock. Rolls Ser. 1861-77. IRELAND AND WALES. _Tr._ Bohn Lbry. 1849. HISTORICAL WORKS. _Tr._ and _Ed._ by T. Wright, Bohn Lbry. 1863. =GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG.= _b._ 1749, _d._ 1832. 'The most illustrious name in German literature'. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. _Tr._ by Parke Godwin, 1847. CONVERSATIONS WITH ECKERMANN. _Tr._ by John Oxenford, 1850. ESSAYS ON ART. _Tr._ by S. G. Wood. [1840.] FAUSTUS, From the German of Goethe (1790). _Tr._ 1821. FAUSTUS: from the German of Goethe [The greater part of the 1st _trs._ in verse and connected by a prose narrative.] _Tr._ 1821. FAUST, a tragedy in two parts, rendered into English Verse (1790-1831). 1838. GOETZ OF BERLICHINGEN WITH THE IRON HAND. An historical drama (1771). _Tr._ by Rose D'Aguilar, 1795. HERMAN AND DOROTHEA: a Poem (1796-7). _Tr._ by Thos. Holcroft, 1801. IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS (1779). _Tr._ by W. Taylor, 1793. LYRICAL POEMS. _Tr._ by Edgar A. Bowring, 1853. NOVELLE. _Tr._ 1837. SHORT POEMS, (_c._ 1798.) _Tr._ 1823. SORROWS OF WERTHER: a German Story. _Tr._ 1780. STELLA: a drama. _Tr._ by B. Thompson, 1801. THE TALE. _Tr._ by Thos. Carlyle, 1877. THEORY OF COLOURS. _Tr._ by C. L. Eastlake, 1840. TRAVELS IN ITALY. _Tr._ by A. J. Morrison, 1846. WILHELM MEISTER'S APPRENTICESHIP: a novel (1777). _Tr._ by Thos. Carlyle, 1824. WILHELM MEISTER'S TRAVELS (1821). _Tr._ by Thos. Carlyle, 1827. 'The influence of Goethe is not calculable. The effect of his Faust begins most clearly in Byron's "Manfred"'. He has influenced English ballad and lyrical poetry, as is seen in Scott and Coleridge. 'The influence of such a man must be vast. Byron and Shelley owned it and showed it. Carlyle, as stern a critic as ever played the pedagogue, is unmixed in his admiration for the man Goethe, who is to him divine. In his own country his "Werther", despite its frequent morbidness and its longueurs, determined the feeling of every sentimentalist. Outside that country his "Wilhelm Meister" has become almost a textbook in æsthetic philosophy'. =GOGOL, N. V.= _b._ 1810, _d._ 1852. =Russian writer.= TARAS BULBA, St. John's Eve. _Tr._ 1887. COSSACK TALES. _Tr._ [1860]. HOME LIFE IN RUSSIA. _Tr._ 1854. TCHITCHIKOFF'S JOURNEYS: OR, DEAD SOULS. _Tr._ J. F. Hapgood. 2 v. 1886. THE INSPECTOR: A COMEDY. _Tr._ T. Hart-Davies, 1890. =GOLDONI, CARLO.= _b._ 1707, _d._ 1793. =Italian dramatist.= THE ACCOMPLISHED MAID: a comic opera. _Tr._ by E. Toms, 1767. TWO COMEDIES: The Father of a Family, and Pamela. _Tr._ into English with the Italian original, 1757. =GONCOURT, JULES DE.= _b._ 1830, _d._ 1870. =EDMOND.= _b._ 1822, _d._ 1896. =French miscellaneous writers.= RENÉE MAUPERIN. _Tr._ 1888. GERMINIE LACERTEUX. _Tr._ 1887. =GOTTHELF, J.= _Pseud._ [Albert Bitzius]. ULRIC THE FARM SERVANT. _Tr._ J. Firth, 1886. WEALTH AND WELFARE. _Tr._ 1866. =GREEK ANTHOLOGIES.= COLLECTIONS FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY AND FROM THE PASTORAL, ELEGIAC AND DRAMATIC POETS OF GREECE. By R. Bland and others, 1813. ANTHOLOGY. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY, with Tales and miscellaneous poems by Bland and Merivale, 1806. APPLETON, W. H. _Ed._ GREEK POETS IN ENGLISH VERSE, 1893. [175 selections from the Greek poets.] EDMONDS, E. M. _Tr._ GREEK LAYS, IDYLLS AND LEGENDS. 1886. GARNETT, LUCY M. _Tr._ GREEK FOLK SONGS. 1885. GELDART, REV. E. M. _Tr._ MODERN GREEK FOLKLORE. 1883. PALEY, Dr. F. A. _Tr._ FRAGMENTS OF THE GREEK COMIC POETS. 1888. NEAVES, LORD. _Ed._ GREEK ANTHOLOGY. 1874. TOMLINSON, GRAHAM, R. SELECTIONS FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY. 1889. WITT, C. _Tr._ MYTHS OF HELLAS. 1883. 'Contains translation of several not generally met with'. =GRIMM, JAKOB L. C.= _b._ 1785, _d._ 1863. =German jurist and philologist=; _and_ =Wilhelm C.= _b._ 1786, _d._ 1859. GERMAN POPULAR STORIES _translated_ (by Edgar Taylor) from the Kinder- und Haus-Märchen, collected by Grimm from Oral tradition. [With Illustrations by George Cruikshank, 1823-26.] _See also under_ German Anthologies. =GRINGOIRE, PIERRE.= _b._ 1478, _d._ 1544. =French poet and dramatist.= THE CASTELL OF LABOUR. _Tr._ [by P. G.] [1506]. =GROTIUS, HUGO DE= (_or_ =HUIG VAN GROOT=). _b._ 1583, _d._ 1645. =Dutch jurist and theologian.= THE ILLUSTRIOUS HUGO GROTIUS OF THE LAW OF WARRE AND PEACE (De Jure Belli et Pacis, 1625): with annotations, III. Parts, and memorials of the author's life and death. [_Translated_ by Clement Barksdale], 1654. H. GROTIUS OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE HIGHEST POWERS ABOUT SACRED THINGS; or THE RIGHT OF THE STATE IN THE CHURCH. Wherein are contained many judicious discourses, etc. Put into English by C. B. Larksdale, 1651. TRUE RELIGION EXPLAINED AND DEFENDED AGAINST YE ARCH ENEMIES THEREOF, etc. 1632. TWO DISCOURSES. (1) Of God, and his providence. (2) Of Christ, His miracles and doctrine. [A translation 'De Veritate Religionis Christianæ', books 1 and 2.] With annotations and the author's life. By (C. Barksdale) (1627). 1653. =GUARINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA.= _b._ 1538, _d._ 1612. =Italian poet.= IL PASTOR FIDO: or THE FAITHFULL SHEPHEARD. [A pastoral in five acts and in verse.] (1585.) _Tr._ out of Italian [by Dymock]. 1602. Suggested to Fletcher his 'Faithful Shepherdess'. =GUEVARA, ANTONIO DE.= _b._ 1490, _d._ 1544. =Spanish prelate and historian.= A CHRONICLE, CONTEYNING THE LIVES OF THE TEN EMPERORS OF ROME. _Tr._ ... by E. Hellowes, 1577. DIALL OF PRINCES ... Englished out of the French by T. North ... also a fourth booke entituled 'The Favoured Countess'. 1557. THE FAMILIAR EPISTLES OF A.G. _Tr._ by E. Hellowes [1574]. SPANISH LETTERS: HISTORICAL, SATYRICAL AND MORAL ... _Tr._ by Mr. Savage, 1697. GOLDEN EPISTLES ... gathered ... 1577. A LOOKING GLASS FOR THE COURT ... drawn into French by A. Alaygre; and out of French into English by Sir F. Briant, 1575. THE MOUNT OF CALVARIE. _Tr._ 1595. A DISPRAISE OF THE LIFE OF A COURTIER. _Tr._ by Sir F. Bryan, 1548. =GUICCIARDINI, FRANCESCO.= _b._ 1483, _d._ 1540. =Italian historian and diplomatist.= THE HISTORIE OF GUICCIARDINI (Storia d'Italia), conteining the Warres of Italie and other partes, etc. Reduced into English by G. Fenton, 1579. =GUIZOT, FRANÇOIS PIERRE GUILLAUME.= _b._ 1787, _d._ 1874. =French statesman and historian.= CORNEILLE AND HIS TIMES. _Tr._ 1852. DEMOCRACY IN FRANCE. _Tr._ 1849. ENGLISH REVOLUTION OF 1640. _Tr._ by W. HAZLITT, 1845. ESSAY ON THE CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE OF WASHINGTON IN THE REVOLUTION OF THE U.S.A. _Tr._ [G. S. Hillard] 1840. FRANCE UNDER LOUIS PHILIPPE. _Tr._ 1841-47. GENERAL HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN EUROPE, FROM THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. _Tr._ 1837. HISTORY OF ENGLAND TO ACCESSION OF QUEEN VICTORIA. _Tr._ 3 v., 1877-80. LAST DAYS OF THE REIGN OF LOUIS PHILIPPE. _Tr._ 1867. LECTURES ON EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION. _Tr._ by P. M. Beckwith, 1837. SHAKESPEARE AND HIS TIMES. _Tr._ 1852. =GUY OF WARWICK.= _Ed._ Turnbull, Abbotsford Club, 1840. Ed. E.E.T.S., 1883-91. Very popular among the Elizabethans, and is referred to by Beaumont in his 'Knight of the Burning Pestle'. Quoted by Chaucer as celebrated in his time, and fragments are preserved in Garrick's _Collection of Old Plays_. It appeared in French in 1525. =HAFIZ= (=SHEMS-ED-DÍN MUHAMMED=). _b._ 1300, _d._ 1388, or 9. =Persian poet.= A SPECIMEN OF PERSIAN POETRY: or, ODES OF HAFIZ; with an English translation and Paraphrase. By John Richardson, 1774. =HALLER, ALBRECHT VON.= _b._ 1708, _d._ 1777. =Swiss physiologist, botanist and poet.= PHYSIOLOGY. _Tr._ Samuel Mihlis. 2 v. 1754. FIRST LINES OF PHYSIOLOGY. _Tr._ 1779. THE MODERATE MONARCHY; or, PRINCIPLES OF THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION.... _Tr._ 1849. A DISSERTATION ON THE SENSIBLE AND IRRITABLE PARTS OF ANIMALS. _Tr._ 1755. =HAUFF, WILHELM.= _b._ 1802, _d._ 1827. =German novelist.= THE BANISHED; a Swabian historical tale. (Lichtenstein, 1826.) _Tr._ 1839. CARAVAN, THE. _Tr._ [1862]. COLD HEART, THE. NOSE, THE DWARF. THE SEVERED HAND. _Tr._ 1844. CONSTANT LOVER, THE. _Tr._ J. Nisbet, 1893. FALSE PRINCE. THE KING OF THE SWANS. _Tr._ 1846. JOSEPHINE, or THE BEGGAR OF THE PONT DES ARTS. _Tr._ 1844. LITTLE GLASS MAN. _Tr._ 1893. LONG NOSE, THE DWARF, AND OTHER TALES. _Tr._ 1881. LICHTENSTEIN: or, THE SWABIAN LEAGUE. _Tr._ F. Woodley and W. Lander, 1846. STORY OF A MANIKIN. _Tr._ 1845. STORKS, THE. FALSE PRINCE. _Tr._ 1875. SELECT POPULAR TALES. _Tr._ 1845. MÄRCHEN. _Tr._ 1876. TALES OF WONDER, or THE INN IN THE BLACK FOREST. 1861. TALES. THE CARAVAN. THE SHEIK OF ALEXANDRIA. THE INN OF THE SPESSART. _Tr._ 1886. THE WINE-GHOSTS OF BREMEN. (Phantasien im Bremer Rathskeller, 1827.) _Tr._ 1889. =HAVELOCK.= _Cir._ 1280. _Ed._ Prof. W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1868. HAVELOCK THE DANE. The hero of an Anglo-Danish legend, which was 'rhymed by a Norman into French not many years after the first crusade, and afterwards retaken for the English by a native poet'. 'The earliest shape' says Morley, 'in which we have the story is that of a French romance, which was abridged by Geoffroi Gaimar'. The French version and an English translation, found in the Bodleian, was published by Madden in 1828. =HEBREW TALES.= HURWITZ, HYMAN. HEBREW TALES, selected and Translated from the writings of the Ancient Hebrew Sages: to which is prefixed an Essay on the uninspired Literature of the Hebrews, 1826. =HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH.= _b._ 1770, _d._ 1831. =German philosopher.= HEGEL'S ÆSTHETICS. A critical exposition by J. S. Keaney, 1885. LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. 3 v. _Tr._ E. S. Haldane, 1892-96. LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY. _Tr._ by J. Sibree, 1852. LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION, TOGETHER WITH A WORK ON THE PROOFS OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD.... _Tr._ E. B. Speirs and J. B. Sanderson. 3 v. 1895. LOGIC OF HEGEL. (1812.) _Tr._ by W. Wallace, etc., 1874. THE PHILOSOPHY OF ART ... by Hegel and C. L. Michelet. _Tr._ by W. Hastie, 1886. [Summary of] HEGEL'S PHILOSOPHY OF RIGHT. By T. C. Sanders, 1855. =HEINE, HEINRICH.= _b._ 1800, _d._ 1856. =German poet and author.= THE POEMS OF HEINE. Complete. _Tr._ in the original metres, with a sketch of Heine's life. By E. A. Bowring, 1858. [Selections.] FOURTEEN POEMS ... from Heine. _Tr._ 1852. THE ROMANTIC SCHOOL. _Tr._ S. L. Fleishman. 1882. TRAVEL PICTURES. _Tr._ by F. Storr, 1846. =HELIODORUS.= _c._ 3rd century A.D. THEAGENES AND CHARICLEA (Æthiopica) written in Greeke by Heliodorus, no lesse wittie than pleasant. Englished by T. Underdoune, 1587. [First printed in Greek at Basle, 1534.] =HENRY OF HUNTINGDON.= _d._ 1155. =English historian.= HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH (Historia Anglorum B.C. 55 A.D. 1154). _Tr._ by T. Forester, 1853. =HERACLITUS EPHESII.= B.C. 500. =Greek philosopher.= THE RIDDLES OF HERACLITUS AND DEMOCRITUS. _Tr._ 1598. =HERDER, JOHANN GOTTFRIED.= _b._ 1744, _d._ 1803. =German writer.= THE CID. _Tr._ 1828. ORIENTAL DIALOGUES. _Tr._ 1801. OUTLINES OF A PHILOSOPHY OF THE HISTORY OF MEN. _Tr._ by T. Churchill, 1800. SPIRIT OF HEBREW POETRY. _Tr._ by J. Marsh, 1833. =HERODOTUS.= _b._ 484, _d._ 424 B.C. =Greek historian.= THE FAMOUS HYSTORY OF HERODOTUS. Conteyning the Discourse of Dyvers Countreys, etc. [_Tr._ by B. R. i.e. Barnaby Rich.] 1584. =HERTZ, HENRIK.= _b._ 1798, _d._ 1870. =Danish poet and dramatist.= KING RENE'S DAUGHTER. _Tr._ [Sir] Theodore Martin, 1850. KING RENE'S DAUGHTER. A Lyric Drama. _Tr._ J. F. Chapman, 1845. =HESIOD.= _b._ 735 B.C. =Greek didactic poet.= THE GEORGICS OF HESIOD. _Tr._ by George Chapman, 1618. WORKS AND DAYS. _Tr._ Geo. Chapman, 1618. WORKS OF HESIOD. _Tr._ (in verse) by Mr. Cooke, 1728. Hesiod was imitated by Virgil (Georgics). Served as model for Tusser's 'Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry', and Dyer and Green. =HEYSE, PAUL J. L.= _b._ 1830. =German poet and novelist.= BARBAROSSA AND OTHER TALES. _Tr._ L. C. S., 1867. CHILDREN OF THE WORLD. [1873.] _Tr._ 1882. THE DEAD LAKE. _Tr._ M. Wilson, 1867. INCURABLE. _Tr._ Mrs. H. W. Eve, 1890. THE LONELY ONES. _Tr._ 1870. LA MARCHESA, etc. _Tr._ J. Philips, 1887. ROMANCE OF A CANONESS. _Tr._ J. M. Percival, 1888. TWO PRISONERS. _Tr._ 1893. =HIGDEN, RANULF.= _d._ 1364. =English monk.= POLYCHRONICON. From the creation to 1352, with the English. _Tr._ of John Trevisa, 1387 ... v. 1-2 _Ed._ by C. Babington; v. 3-9 _Ed._ by J. R. Lumby. _Rolls Ser._ 9 v. 1865-86. [Printed by Caxton in 1482, with Caxton's continuation to 1460.] =HOFFMANN, ERNEST THEODOR WILHELM.= _b._ 1776, _d._ 1822. =German story-teller.= THE DEVIL'S ELIXIR. _Tr._ 1824. THE ELEMENTARY SPIRIT [_Tr._ from 'Der Elementargeist', by J. Oxenford], 1844. THE GOLDEN POT. _Tr._ by T. Carlyle, 1827. MASTER FLEA. _Tr._ by G. [1880.] THE SANDMAN. _Tr._ by J. Oxenford, 1844. WEIRD TALES. _Tr._ by J. T. Bealby, 2v. 1885. =HOLINSHED, RALPH.= _d._ 1580 (?). _English annalist._ CHRONICLES OF ENGLANDE, SCOTLANDE, AND IRELAND, by Raphaell Holinshed, 2 v., 1577. Modern historians have borrowed largely from him. =HOLY GRAIL.= _Cir._ 1450. English _tr._ [from de Borron] by Lonelich, pts. i-iv., _Ed._ F. J. Furnivall. E.E.T.S., 1874-77. ALLITERATIVE ROMANCE OF JOSEPH OF ARIMATHIE, OR THE HOLY GRAIL. _Ed._ J. R. Lumby. 1870. _Ed._ Furnivall, F. J. Roxburghe Club, 1861-63. A name given to the cup or vessel from which Christ drank the wine at the Last Supper. It was fabled to have been preserved by Joseph of Arimathæa. The 'quest of the graal' is the most fertile source of adventures to the Knights of the Round Table. _See also under_ ARTHUR. =HOMER.= _b._ _c._ 850 B.C. =Greek Epic poet.= TEN BOOKS OF HOMER'S ILIADES, _translated_ out of French, by A. Hall, 1581. SEAVEN BOOKES OF THE ILIADES OF HOMER, PRINCE OF POETES, _translated_ according to the Greeke Judgement of his best Commentaries. By Geo. Chapman, 1598. THE STRANGE, WONDERFULL AND BLOODY BATTEL BETWEEN FROGS AND MICE.... Paraphrastically done into English Heroycall Verse by W. F(owldes), 1603. HOMER, PRINCE OF POETS. _Translated_ according to the Greeke in twelve Bookes of his Iliads by Geo. Chapman. [1610.] THE WHOLE WORKS OF HOMER, PRINCE OF POETS, IN HIS ILIADES AND ODYSSES. _Translated_ by Geo. Chapman. [1612.] After the Bible, the works of Homer have had perhaps the most lasting influence upon our literature. =HORACE= (=QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS=). _b._ 65, _d._ 8 B.C. =Latin lyric and satiric poet.= ALL THE ODES AND EPODES OF HORACE. Translated into English Verse by H. Rider, etc., 1638. CERTAIN SELECTED ODES OF HORACE.... [by J. Ashmore], 1621. HORACE, HIS ARTE OF POETRIE, EPISTLES, AND SATYRS. _Tr._ by T. Drant, 1567. A MEDICINABLE MORALE, that is, the Two Bookes of Horace His Satires, Englished. The Wailyngs of the Prophet Hieremiah done into English verse. Also Epigrammes by T. Drant. 1566. ODES [AND FOUR EPODES] OF HORACE.... selected and translated by S^r. T[homas] H[awkins]. 1625. Influenced 'cavalier' poets of the 17th century, among whom was Herrick. His satiric verse largely influenced Pope in his 'Moral Essays' and 'Imitations of Horace', and Dryden in his satires. Jonson is an imitator of Horace in the way of poetical epistles and short lyrics. =HORN, KING.= _See_ KING HORN. =HUCHOWN.= Pystyl (Epistle) of Swete Susan. _Ed._ Armours, Scottish Allit. Verse, 1897. _See_ Morte Arthure, p. 107. =HUGO, VICTOR-MARIE.= _b._ 1802, _d._ 1885. =French lyric poet and novelist.= BY ORDER OF THE KING. (1869). _Tr._ [Mrs. A. C. Steele] 1870. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. _Tr._ D. Pyrke, 1865. CHRIST AT THE VATICAN. _Tr._ G. Schlatter, 1875. DRAMATIC WORKS OF VICTOR HUGO. _Tr._ by F. L. Slous and Mrs. N. Crosland, 1846. HANS OF ICELAND. (1823.) _Tr._ 1825. HERNANI. _Tr._ 1830. HISTORY OF A CRIME. _Tr._ T. H. Joyce and A. Locker. 4 v. 1877-78. THE HUNCH-BACK OF NOTRE-DAME. (1831.) _Tr._ with a sketch of the life and writings of the author by F. Schoberl, 1831. JARGAL. _Tr._ C. E. Wilbour, 1866. KING'S FOOL, THE. _Tr._ [H. T. Haley] 1842. LAST DAY OF A CONDEMNED. _Tr._ G. W. M. Reynolds, 1840. LAUGHING MAN. _Tr._ 1889. LES ORIENTALES; or, 'EASTERN LYRICS'. Fr. and Eng. versions, by J. N. Fazakerley, 1879. LES MISÉRABLES. (1862.) _Tr._ by Sir F. C. L. Wroxall, 1862. LUCRETIA BORGIA. _Tr._ W. T. Haley, 1842. NAPOLEON THE LITTLE. _Tr._ 1852. NINETY-THREE. (1872.) _Tr._ F. L. Benedict and J. H. Friswell. 3 v. 1874. NOBLE RIVAL; or, THE PRINCE OF THE CONGO. [A _Tr._ of the Bug-Jargal]. [1845.] NOTRE DAME DE PARIS. (1831.) _Tr._ W. Hazlitt. 3 v. 1833. MEMOIRS OF V. H. _Tr._ J. W. Harding, 1899. POLITICAL POEMS. _Tr._ E[dwin] A[rnold]. 1868. RUY BLAS; a dramatic drama. Adapted by E. O'Rouke, 1850. SELECTIONS, CHIEFLY LYRICAL, FROM THE POETICAL WORKS OF VICTOR HUGO. _Tr._ by various authors, now first collected by H. L. Williams. 1846. SLAVE-KING, THE, from the Bug-Jargal of V. H. _Tr._ 1833. SONGS OF TWILIGHT. _Tr._ G. W. M. Reynolds. 1836. THINGS SEEN. _Tr._ 2 v. 1887. TOILERS OF THE SEA. (1866). _Tr._ W. M. Thomas. 3 v. 1866. UNDER SENTENCE OF DEATH.... (1826-34.) _Tr._ Sir G. Campbell. [1886.] WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. _Tr._ 1864. [An Essay on his works.] =HUMBOLDT, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH A., BARON VON.= _b._ 1769, _d._ 1859. =German scientist and traveller.= AN ACCOUNT OF THE CINCHONA FORESTS OF SOUTH AMERICA. _Tr._ 1821. COSMOS (1845-8). _Tr._ by Prichard, 1845-8 [2 vols. only. Discontinued]. COSMOS. _Tr._ by Mrs. Sabine, 1845-6. 4 vols. OBSERVATIONS AND TRIGONOMETRICAL AND BAROMETRICAL MEASUREMENTS. _Tr._ by J. Black, 1811-12. POLITICAL ESSAY ON THE KINGDOM OF NEW SPAIN ... with physical sections and maps. _Tr._ by J. Black, 1811. =HUNGARIAN ANTHOLOGIES.= _See_ =Austrian=. =HUON OF BORDEAUX.= Here begynneth the Boke of duke Huon of Bordeuxe, and of them that issuyd fro hym. (_Tr._ by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners.) 1534. _Also under_ CHARLEMAGNE. HUON OF BURDEUX. Done into English by Lord Berners. _Ed._ S. L. Lee, pts. I-III. E.E.T.S. 1882-87. =HUSS= (_or_ =HUS=), =JOHN=. _b._ 1369, _d._ 1415. =Celebrated reformer of the Church.= A SEASONABLE VINDICATION OF THE SUPREAM AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION OF CHRISTIAN KINGS, LORDS, PARLIAMENTS AS WELL AS OVER POSSESSIONS, ETC. Transcribed out of the printed works of John Huss and Mr. John Fox his Acts and Monuments, by W. Prynne, 1660. =IBSEN, HENRIK.= _b._ 1828, _d._ 1907. =Norwegian poet and dramatist.= BRAND (1866). _Tr._ by Wm. Wilson, 1891. A DOLL'S HOUSE (Et Dukkehjem, 1879). _Tr._ by Wm. Archer, 1879. [Also as 'Nora.' _Tr._ by T. Weber, 1880.] THE EMPEROR AND THE GALILEAN. (1873.) A drama in two parts. _Tr._ by C. Ray, 1876. AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (En Folkefiende, 1882). _Tr._ by Mrs. E. Marx-Aveling, 1888. GHOSTS (Gengangere, 1881). _Tr._ 1888. HEDDA GABLER. _Tr._ by Edmund Gosse, 1891. JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN. _Tr._ by Wm. Archer, 1897. THE LADY FROM THE SEA (1888). _Tr._ by Mrs. E. Marx-Aveling, 1889. THE LEAGUE OF YOUTH (De Unges Forbund, 1869). _Tr._ by Wm. Archer, 1890. LITTLE EYOLF. _Tr._ W. Archer, 1894. LOVE'S COMEDY. _Tr._ C. H. Herford, 1900. THE MASTER BUILDER (Bygmester Solness, 1892). _Tr._ by Edmund Gosse and Wm. Archer, 1893. NORA. _Tr._ T. Weber, 1880. PEER GYNT. _Trs._ by Wm. and Charles Archer, 1892. THE PILLARS OF SOCIETY (Samfundets Stötter). _Tr._ 1888. ROSMERSHOLM. _Tr._ L. N. Parker, 1889. WHEN WE DEAD AWAKEN. _Tr._ W. Archer, 1900. THE WILD DUCK (Vildanen, 1884). _Tr._ by Mrs. F. Archer [1890]. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE NORSE (from Ibsen and Dass), by A.B.S.S. (member of the British Scandinavian Soc.). [1879.] =INDIAN: HINDU ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS, Poetical, Fairy Tales, Folk-Tales and Traditional Literature.= AMARYAN [= _F. F. Arbuthnot_]. _Tr._ EARLY IDEAS: a group of Hindu Stories, 1881. [Short selections from Bidpai, Pancha-Tantra, Hitopadesa, Kathasarit sagara, etc.] ARNOLD, SIR EDWIN. _Tr._ INDIAN POETRY. 1881. [Contains Indian 'Song of Songs' [Gita-Govinda], two books of the Mahabahrata, and other Oriental poems.] BURTON, SIR R. F. _Tr._ VIKRAM AND THE VAMPIRE: TALES OF HINDU DEVILRY. 1870. DAY, REV. L. B. _Tr._ FOLK TALES OF BENGAL, 1883. DUTT, ROMESH C. _Tr._ LAYS OF ANCIENT INDIA, 1894. EASTWICK, E. B. _Tr. Baital Pachisi. Text and Tr._ 1855. FORBES, D. _Tr._ BAGH-O-BAHAR. ['Tales of the Four Darweshes']. 1851. FRERE, M. _Tr._ OLD DECCAN DAYS: OR, OLD FAIRY LEGENDS, 1868. GOVER, C. E. _Tr._ FOLK-SONGS OF SOUTHERN INDIA, 1872. GRAY, JAMES. _Tr._ ANCIENT PROVERBS AND MAXIMS FROM BURMA. (Oriental Ser.) 1887. GRIFFITH, RALPH T. H. _Tr._ THE HYMNS OF THE RIG-VEDA, 4 v., 1889-92. JACOBS, JOS. _Ed._ INDIAN FAIRY TALES, 1892. [Contains useful analytic and comparative notes.] KINGSCOTE, MRS. H. _and_ N. SASTRI. _Tr._ TALES OF THE SUN, OR FOLK-LORE OF SOUTHERN INDIA, 1890. KNOWLES, J. H. _Tr._ FOLK-TALES OF BENGAL, 1868. [Fairy tales of South India.] KNOWLES, J. H. _Tr._ FOLK-TALES OF KASHMIR, 1888. MATHEWS, CORNELIUS. _Tr._ INDIAN FAIRY BOOK. From the original legends, 1869. MÜLLER, F. MAX. _Ed. Tr._ HITOPADESA. 1864-65. NATÊSA SÂSTRÎ, P. _Tr._ FOLKLORE OF SOUTHERN INDIA, 3 pts. in 1 v. [1890]. [Trs. of twenty-four Tamil Popular Tales.] RAJU RAMASWANI. _Tr._ INDIAN FABLES. 1888. RAVERTY, H. _Tr._ THE POETRY OF THE AFGHANS. 1863. SCHIEFNER, A. Tibetan Tales derived from Indian sources. _Tr._ W. R. S. Ralston, 1882. STOKES, MAIVE. _Tr._ INDIAN FAIRY TALES, 1869. SWYNNERTON, CHAS. _Tr._ INDIAN NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS, 1893. [A collection of eighty-five folk-tales from the Upper Indus.] TEMPLE, R. C. LEGENDS OF THE PUNJAB, 2 v., 1884-5. WILLIAMS, SIR MONIER. _Tr._ INDIAN WISDOM, 1875. [Forms a compendious and very interesting summary of Sansk. literature.] WILSON, H. H. _Tr._ SELECT SPECIMENS OF THE THEATRE OF THE HINDUS, 2 v., 1835. =ISAEUS.= 5th century B.C. =Greek orator.= The Speeches of Isaeus in causes concerning the Laws of Succession to Property at Athens.... _Tr._ Sir W. Jones, 1779. =ISLA, J. FATHER.= _b._ 1703, _d._ 1781. =Spanish author.= HISTORY OF THE FAMOUS PREACHER, FRIAR GERUND DE CAMPANZAS. [1758.] _Tr._ by [Thomas Nugent], 1772. 'The best picture of Spanish manners of the 18th century'. =ISOCRATES.= _b._ B.C. 436, _d._ 338. =Greek orator.= The Orations (21) and Epistles (9) of Isocrates. _Tr._ by Jos. Dinsdale. Revised by Rev. Mr. Young. 1752. THE DOCTRINE OF PRINCES.... _Tr._ Syr Thomas Eliot. [1534.] A PERFITE LOOKING GLASSE FOR ALL ESTATES AS CONTAINED IN THREE ORATIONS OF MORALL INSTRUCTIONS. _Tr._ [Tho. Forrest] 1580. THE GOOD ADMONISHION OF THE SAGE ISOCRATES TO YOUNG DEMONICUS. _Tr._ R. Nuttall, 1585. ARCHIDAMUS, or THE COUNCELL OF WARRE, being 2,000 years old. _Tr._ T. Barnes, 1624. =ISUMBRAS.= _See_ =Sir Isumbras=. =ITALIAN ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= CRANE, THOS. FREDERICK. ITALIAN POPULAR TALES, 1885. [An admirable collection, with bibliography.] BUSK, R. H. _Tr._ THE FOLK SONGS OF ITALY, with contributions by Comparetti, 1886. PAINTER, WILLIAM. 1540-94. PALACE OF PLEASURE. _Tr._ 1566-67. Stories translated from Boccaccio, Bandello, Ser Giovanni, Straparola, Guevara, Marguerite of Navarre, etc. The Elizabethan dramatists quarried many of their plots here, e.g. 'Romeo and Juliet', 'All's Well that Ends Well', and 'Measure for Measure', were founded on these stories. ROSCOE, THOS. ITALIAN NOVELISTS, 4 v., 1825. ITALIAN TALES, 1824. Selections from the _Novelle Antiche_, Boccaccio, Sacchetti, Ser Giovanni Fiorentino, Massuccio, Sabadino degli Arienti, Sozzini, Agnolo Firenzuola, Gentile Sermini, Giovanni Brevio, Girolamo Parabosco, Giovambattista Giraldi Cinthio, Anton-Francesco, Grazzini, Ortensio Lands, Straparola, Bandello, Sansovino, Anton-Francesco Doni, Erizzo, Ascanio Mori da Ceno, Malespini, Maiolino, Bisaccioni, Colombo, Bargagli, Bottari, Capacelli, Soave, Altanesi, Magalotti, Lodoli, Maria Manni, Girolamo, Padovani Luigi Sanvitale, Carlo Gozzi, Luigi Bramieri, Robustiano Gironi. STRETTELL, ALMA. _Tr._ SPANISH AND ITALIAN FOLK SONGS. 1837. =JAPANESE ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= =Poetical, Fairy Tales, Folk-Tales and Traditional Literature.= GRIFFIS, WM. E. _Tr._ JAPANESE FAIRY WORLD. Stories from the Wonder-lore of Japan, 1887. CHAMBERLAIN, B. H. THE CLASSICAL POETRY OF THE JAPANESE, 1880. DICKENS, F. V. _Tr._ THE OLD-BAMBOO-HEWER'S STORY, 1888. [The earliest of the Japanese romances, written in the 10th cent.] DICKENS, F. V. HYAK NIN FS'SHIM, 1866. [Selections of Japanese odes, with trs. and notes.] JAPANESE FAIRY TALES. _Tr._ 1888. MITFORD, ALGERNON B. F. _Tr._ TALES OF OLD JAPAN, 1871. =JEAN D'ARRAS, or JEHAN.= 1360. =French novelist.= MELUSINE, 1382-1394. _Tr._ A. K. Donald, E.E.T.S., 1895. English version in prose is of cir. 1500. =JOINVILLE, JEAN DE.= _b._ 1224, _d._ 1319. =French chronicler.= MEMOIRS OF JOHN LORD DE JOINVILLE ... containing a history of part of the life of Louis IX.... _Tr._ F. Johnes. 2 v. 1807. =JOKAI, MAURUS.= _b._ 1825, _d._ 1904. =Hungarian novelist and dramatist.= BLACK DIAMONDS (1870). _Tr._ 1896. DEBTS OF HONOUR. _Tr._ by A. B. Yollond, 1900. DOCTOR DUMANY'S WIFE. _Tr._ 1891. EYES LIKE THE SEA. (1890.) _Tr._ R. N. Bain, 1893. GREEN BOOK; FREEDOM UNDER THE SNOW. _Tr._ 1897. HALIL THE PEDLAR. A fehér rozsa (1854). _Tr._ 1901. HUNGARIAN NABOB (1856). _Tr._ 1898. LION OF JANINA (1852). 1897. MIDST THE WILD CARPATHIANS. _Tr._ 1894. NAMELESS CASTLE. _Tr._ 1898. PRETTY MICHAL (1877). _Tr._ 1892. TIMAR'S TWO WORLDS. _Tr._ 1880. TOWER OF DAGO. _Tr._ 1899. =JOLYOT DE CRÉBILLON= (=CLAUDE PROSPER=). _See_ =Crébillon=. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHIE. Alliterative Romance of, or Holy Grail: _Ed._ Prf. W. W. Skeat, 1871. _See also under_ HOLY GRAIL. =JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS.= _b._ 37, _d._ 95. =Jewish historian.= THE FAMOUS ... WORKES OF JOSEPHUS. _Tr._ by T. Lodge, 1602. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. _Tr._ by Thos. Lodge, 1602. =JOUBERT, JOSEPH.= _b._ 1754, _d._ 1824. =French pensée writer.= PENSÉES OF JOUBERT. _Tr._ H. Attwell, 1877. (Edited by Châteaubriand.) =JULIAN.= _b._ 331, _d._ 363. =Roman Emperor.= SELECT WORKS OF THE EMPEROR JULIAN AND SOME PIECES OF THE SOPHIST LIBANIUS. 2 v. _Tr._ 1784. TWO ORATIONS OF THE EMPEROR J., ONE OF THE SUN, AND THE OTHER OF THE MOTHER OF THE GODS. _Tr._ [T. Taylor] 1793. THE ARGUMENTS OF THE EMPEROR JULIAN AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS. _Tr._ T. Taylor, 1809. =JUSTINIAN.= _b._ 483, _d._ 565. =Emperor of the east.= JUSTINIAN. Englished by Sir Henry Holcroft, 1653. This work is based upon that of Gaius, and is familiar to lawyers under the name of Justinian's Institutes. =JUVENAL= (=DECIMUS JUNIUS JUVENALIS=). _b._ 55 A.D. =Latin satiric poet.= FIFTH SATYR. _Tr._ by Geo. Chapman, 1629. FIRST SIX SATYRS. _Tr._ by R. Stapylton, 1644. A PARAPHRASTICAL TRANSCRIPT OF JUVENAL'S TENTH SATYRE, TOGETHER WITH THE TRAGICAL NARRATION OF VIRGINIA'S DEATH, interserted by W. B. (arkstead), 1617. THE SATIRES OF D. J. JUVENALIS.... _Tr._ ... by Mr. Dryden, 1693. SIXTEEN SATYRS, OR A SURVEY OF THE MANNERS AND ACTIONS OF MANKIND. _Tr._ in verse by Sir R. Stapylton, 1647. TWO FIRST SATYRS OF JUVENAL. _Tr._ by John Biddle, 1634. Influenced Johnson in 'London' and 'Vanity of Human Wishes.' It is Juvenal and Horace who have served as models for Dryden and Pope for Hall and Butler, and for Byron in his 'English Bards and Scotch Reviewers'. Churchill's Satires are Juvenal's in spirit throughout. =KÁLIDÁSA.= B.C. 50 (?). =Hindu poet.= '=The Shakespeare of India='. BIRTH OF THE WAR GOD. A poem by K. _Tr._ by R. T. H. Griffith, 1853. KÁLIDÁSA'S SAKUNTALA. _Translated_ by Sir Wm. Jones, 1789. KÁLIDÁSA'S MEGHADUTA. THE MEGHADUTA: OR, CLOUD MESSENGER.... _Tr._ by H. H. Wilson, 1813. KÁLIDÁSA'S NALODAYA: OR, HISTORY OF KING NALA. _Tr._ by W. Yates, 1844. SAKOONATALÂ. _Tr._ by Monier Williams, 1854. VIKRAMORVASI. _Tr._ by E. B. Cowell, 1850. In this version the metrical portions of the original play were for the first time rendered into English verse. =KAMPE, J. H. German writer.= SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. _Tr._ H. B. Paull, 1888. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. _Tr._ 1799-1800. [For children.] ELEMENTARY DIALOGUES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CHILDREN. _Tr._ Mr. Seymour. 1792. THE NEW ROBINSON CRUSOE. _Tr._ 4 v., 1788. ROBINSON THE YOUNGER; or, THE NEW CRUSOE. _Tr._ [R. Hick] 1855. CORTES: or, THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. _Tr._ 1800. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. _Tr._ [1815?]. =KANT, IMMANUEL.= _b._ 1724, _d._ 1804. =German philosopher.= One of the profoundest meta-physicians that have ever lived. Founder of the Critical (popularly known as the Transcendental) school of philosophy. CRITICK; an Investigation of Pure Reason (1788). _Tr._ by Haywood, with notes, 1838. ELEMENTS OF THE CRITICAL PHILOSOPHY, containing a concise account of its origin and tendency; a view of the Works by its Founder, and a Glossary, with three Essays by J. C. Adelung. _Tr._ by A. F. M. Willich, 1798. ENQUIRY INTO THE PROOFS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD, AND INTO THE THEODICY. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1819. ESSAYS AND TREATISES ON MORAL, POLITICAL, AND VARIOUS PHILOSOPHICAL SUBJECTS. From the German. _Tr._ by William Richardson, 1798-9. LOGIC. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1819. METAPHYSICS OF MORALS. _Tr._ 1799. PROLEGOMENA TO EVERY FUTURE METAPHYSIC. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1819. RELIGION WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF PURE REASON. _Tr._ by Semple, 1838. The works of K. have had a very great effect upon English philosophy and thought. For an excellent popular notice of the influence exerted by Kant's philosophy the reader is referred to De Quincey's chapter on German literature in the volume of his works entitled 'Life and Manners'. Many interesting observations will also be found in Madame de Staël's 'Germany', Part III, Chap. VI. =KEMPIS, THOMAS À=. _b._ 1379, _d._ 1471. =German ascetic writer.= A DEVOUT AND GOSTELY TREATISE OF YA IMYTACION AND FOLOWYNGE OF CRYST (1415-24), compiled in Latin by J. Jerson. _Tr._ by Wyllyam Atkynson, 1502. =KIELLAND, A. L.= _b._ 1849. =Norwegian Author.= GARMAN AND WORSE. _Tr._ W. W. Kettlewell, 1884. SKIPPER WORSE. _Tr._ Earl of Ducie, 1885. NORSE TALES AND SKETCHES. _Tr._ R. L. Cassie, 1896. TALES OF TWO COUNTRIES. _Tr._ W. Archer, 1891. =KING HORN.= _C._ 1230-40. _Ed._ Bannatyne Club, 1845. _Ed._ Lumby, J. R., and G. H. McKnight, E.E.T.S. xiv. 1866. King Horn belongs to the Anglo-Danish cycle of romance, with also Guy of Warwick, and Colbrond the Dane. =KISFALUDY, SANDOR= (=ALEXANDER=). _b._ 1772, _d._ 1844. =Hungarian dramatist.= ILKA, THE CAPTIVE MAIDEN AND OTHER STORIES. [Adapted from the Hungarian of K. K. and others, by S. G.] 1892. =KLOPSTOCK, FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB.= _b._ 1724, _d._ 1803. =German poet.= THE MESSIAH, A POEM. xiv. books. _Tr._ into English prose by Mrs. and Mr. J. Collyer, 1763. =KNIGHT OF THE SWANNE, HISTORY OF HELYAS.= _Tr._ 1512. From French prose romance, printed 1504. Legend very old. Chevelere Assigne, an alliterative poem from a French romance of 30,000 verses. See also p. 37. =KORAN, or ALKORAN.= The sacred book of the Mohammedans, written about A.D. 610 by Mohammed, and published about 634 by his successor, Abu Bekr. Its contents are believed by Mohammedans to have been communicated to Mohammed by the Angel Gabriel during a period of twenty-three years. The book was first _translated_ by George Sale in 1734. A LYTELL TREATYSE OF THE TURKES LAWES CALLED ALCORAN; AND ALSO IT SPEAKS OF MAHOMET THE NYGROMANCER. Pr. W. de Worde. n.d. ALCORAN OF MAHOMET. (By Alex. Ross.) 1642. =KÖRNER, KARL T.= _b._ 1791, _d._ 1813. =German poet.= HARP, THE. _Tr._ 1826. HEDWIG; or, LOVE AND GRATITUDE. A drama. _Tr._ Mrs. B. Davenay, 1878. LIFE AND SELECTIONS FROM HIS POEMS, TALES AND DRAMAS. _Tr._ Richardson, 1827. LYRE AND THE SWORD. (1814.) _Tr._ 1834. ROSAMOND. (1812.) _Tr._ 1830. SONGS AND BALLADS. _Tr._ of Uhland, Körner, Bürger, etc. _Tr._ 1838. WOLDEMAR. _Tr._ 1805. =KRILOFF, I. A.= _b._ 1768, _d._ 1844. =Russian poet.= KRILOFF AND HIS FABLES. _Tr._ W. R. S. Ralston, 1869. =LA BRUYÈRE, JEAN DE.= _b._ 1639, _d._ 1696. =French writer and moralist.= THE MORAL CHARACTERS OF THEOPHRASTUS (1684). _Tr._ 1713. 'The Greek writer [Theophrastus] ... has been incomparably surpassed by his imitator'.--Hallam. =LA CALPRENÈDE.= _See_ =COSTES=. =LA FAYETTE, DE.= _Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier._ _b._ 1634, _d._ 1693. =French authoress.= PRINCESS OF CLEVES.... Written ... by the greatest wits of France, 1688. PRINCESS OF MONTPENSIER, 1666. ZAYDE [1670]; a Spanish History. Written by Monsieur Segrais [and the Countess de La Fayette], 1678. Her 'Zayde' and the 'Princess of Cleves' were the first French works of fiction that truly represented the manners of the upper classes. Her style was very closely followed by Richardson in 'Clarissa Harlowe'. =LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE.= _b._ 1621, _d._ 1695. =French fabulist and writer of 'Contes'.= FABLES AND TALES IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH, now first translated, with the Author's life (1668). 1734. 'It was primarily along the Greek channel that the fables were derived, if not all the matter, at least the inspiration; for the fables of La Fontaine, and the English fables of Gay, together with all the collection which have been printed, were all taken from the Greek'. Dryden, Gay and Prior were all greatly influenced by the works of La Fontaine. =LAI LE FREINE.= From the French of Marie de France. _Cir._ 14th century. _Ed._ Weber, Metrical Romances, 1810. =LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE.= _b._ 1792, _d._ 1869. =French poet, orator and historian.= HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION OF 1848. _Tr._ 1846. HISTORY OF THE GIRONDISTS, OR PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF THE PATRIOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION (1840). _Tr._ by H. T. Ryde, 1847. HISTORY OF THE RESTORATION OF MONARCHY IN FRANCE. _Tr._ by Captn. Rafter, 1851-3. POETICAL MEDITATIONS AND RELIGIOUS HARMONIES (1820). _Tr._ by the Rev. W. Pulling, with a biographical sketch, 1849. RAPHAEL, OR PAGES OF THE BOOK OF LIFE AT TWENTY. _Tr._ 1849. =LAMENNAIS, FÉLICITÉ ROBERT DE.= _b._ 1782, _d._ 1854. =French theologian and journalist.= ESSAY ON INDIFFERENCE TO RELIGION. 4 v. (1817-23.) _Tr._ Lord Stanley of A., 1895. WORDS OF A BELIEVER. _Tr._ 1834. MODERN SLAVERY. _Tr._ W. J. Linton, 1840. THE BOOK OF THE PEOPLE. _Tr._ J. H. Lorymer, 1838. =THE LAMENT OF DEOR=, or, =The Minstrel's Consolation=. _Ed. Tr._ from Cook and Tinker's Select _Tr._ from English Poetry, 1902. =LANCELOT OF THE LAIK.= _Cir._ 1500. _Ed._ Prf. W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1865. _Ed._ Stevenson, Maitland Club, 1839. _See also_ Weston, J. L. Legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac. Studies upon its Origin, Development and Position in the Arthurian Cycle, 1901. =LAND OF COCKAIGNE= [13th century]. _Ed._ F. J. Furnival--_in his_ Early English Poems and Lives of Saints, 1862. A satire on the corruptions of the Condt, painting a 'Land of the Kitchen', a fool's paradise. =LANGLAND, WILLIAM= (=OR LANGLEY=). BOOK OF PIERS PLOWMAN, 1362-1377. _Ed._ Skeat, in its three forms. E.E.T.S. 1867-69-73. RICHARD THE REDELESS. _Ed._ Skeat. E.E.T.S., 1873. 'The Vision of Piers Plowman' is a satire directed against the vices of the Clergy and other professions. =LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, FRANÇOIS, DUC DE.= _b._ 1613, _d._ 1680. =French maxim-writer.= MORAL MAXIMS AND REFLECTIONS (1665) ... now made English, 1694. =LASCO DE LA VEGA=, _See_ =Garcilasco de la Vega=, _Surnamed_ '=The Inca='. =LA TOUR LANDRY.= _Ab._ 1440. _Ed._ T. Wright. 1868. =LAWS OF INE= (=King of West Saxons, 688-726=). THE EARLIEST LAWS OF WESSEX. Reissued by King Alfred. _Ed._, B. Thorpe, 'Ancient Laws and Institutes of England', text and _tr._, 1840. =LAYAMON.= 1200. =English priest.= LAYAMON'S BRUT, OR CHRONICLE OF BRITAIN: a poetical semi-Saxon paraphrase of the Brut of Wace. [With a tr.] _Ed._ by F. Madden, 3 v., 1847. This work is important as the principal literary monument in the English language of that period. The poet 'thrummed' three books into one in his work, namely, Wace's 'Geste des Bretons' (1155), his chief source, Baeda's work in his own Latin, and Alfred's translation of the same. The author has the distinction of being the first to commemorate King Arthur in English verse. =LAZARILLO DE TORMES.= [1554.] THE PLEASAUNT HISTORIE OF LAZARILLO DE TORMES, A SPANIARDE ... draune out of Spanish by David Rowland ... 1586. 'This little work may be thought by some of a low and trifling nature: but it is the first of a race of comic romances. For wit, spirit and inexhaustible resources ... there is nothing like the Spanish rogue'. 'The first novela picaresca, or rogue story'. The appearance of this work (1554) marks the date at which such stories first took shape as a distinct branch of the novel, to be known as the 'picaroon' or 'picaresque'. From that time, for nearly a century, the 'Novelas de Picaros' are a chief product of Spanish writing. Chief among the progeny of 'Lazarillo' are 'Guzman de Alfarache' (1599), a sequel to 'L' itself by Luma (1620), and 'The Life of Buscon' by Quevedo (1626). All these were quickly translated into English. In England the effect of the picaresque novel first appears in the 'Jack Wilton' of Nash. In France the type passed through the hands of Scarron and Le Sage, whose 'Diable Boiteau' and 'Gil Blas' were destined to eclipse the fame of the Spanish originals. From the examples of France this species broke out in England with the 'Moll Flanders' and 'Colonel Jack' of Defoe, the 'Joseph Andrews' of Fielding, the 'Roderick Random' and 'Peregrine Pickle' of Smollett. In the nineteenth century it finds its congeners in the 'Three Musketeers' of Dumas and in the works of several minor English novelists. 'Mr. Jingle does not essentially differ from this type'. =LE BOVIER DE FONTENELLE.= _See_ =Fontenelle=. =LE FREINE.= _See_ =Lai Le Freine=. =LEIBNITZ, VON, GOTTFRIED WILHELM=, _Baron._ _b._ 1646, _d._ 1716. =German philosopher and mathematician.= A COLLECTION OF PAPERS WHICH PASSED BETWEEN ... LEIBNITZ AND DR. CLARKE ... RELATING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION, 1717. A SYSTEM OF THEOLOGY (1686).... _Tr._ with an introduction and notes by C. W. Russell. 'We may trace the thoughts of Pope's "Essay on Man" back through Bolingbroke's prose to the philosophic writings of Leibnitz'. Hallam says, 'No one can read without perceiving that of all the early geologists Leibnitz came nearest to the theories which are most received in the English school of this day'. =LEOPARDI, GIACOMO.= _b._ 1798, _d._ 1837. =Italian poet and essayist.= ESSAYS AND DIALOGUES.... _Tr._ by C. Edwardes, 1882. POEMS. _Tr._ by Townsend, 1888. =LERMONTOV= (_or_ =LERMONTOFF=), =MIKHAIL YUREVITCH.= _b._ 1814, _d._ 1841. =Russian poet.= THE CIRCASSIAN BOY. _Tr._ [into English verse] by S. S. Comart, 1875. THE DEMON, a poem. _Tr._ by A. C. Stephen, 1875. A HERO OF OUR TIME. (1839.) _Tr._ 1854. =LE SAGE, ALAIN RENÉ.= _b._ 1668, _d._ 1747. =French romancer and essayist.= THE BATCHELOR OF SALAMANCA (1736-8). _Tr._ by Mr. Lockman, 1737. THE DEVIL UPON TWO STICKS (Asmodeus). _Tr._ 1708. HISTORY OF GIL BLAS OF SANTILLANE (1715-35). _Tr._ 1732-7. Defoe, Fielding and Smollett were all influenced by Le Sage, whom they imitated. =LESSING, GOTTHOLD E.= _b._ 1729, _d._ 1781. =German writer.= Regarded as the father of the new era of German Literature. THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF G. E. LESSING. _Tr._ ... Edited by E. Bell, 1878. FABLES FROM THE GERMAN. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1773. EMILIA GALOTTÉ.... _Tr._ by B. Thompson, 1801. [1] LAOCOON; AN ESSAY, OR THE LIMITS OF POETRY AND PAINTING. _Tr._ by Wm. Ross, 1836. NATHAN THE WISE; a Dramatic Poem, 1779. _Tr._ by Wm. Taylor, 1791. SCHOOL OF HONOUR. _Tr._ 1799. THREE COMEDIES. _Tr._ by J. J. Holroyd, 1838. [1] 'Despite its errors and shortcomings, this famous treatise on the "Boundaries of Poetry and Painting", a work of criticism in the philosophy of the beautiful, has perhaps influenced more minds than any other work on æsthetics except those of Aristotle and Longinus'. To countless others besides Macaulay it has been their first illumination of the everlasting principles of beauty. =LEWIS OF GRENADA, F.= =Spanish writer.= OF PRAYER AND MEDITATION. _Tr._ by [Richard Hopkins] 1582. THE SINNER'S GUYDE. Digested into English by Francis Meres, 1598. GRANADA'S DEVOTIONS. Englished by F. Meres, 1598. A MOST FRAGRANT FLOWER; or, devoute Exposition of the Lord's Prayer. _Tr._ by J. G., 1598. A MEMORIAL OF A CHRISTIAN LIFE. _Tr._ [by Richard Hopkins], 1599. A SPIRITUAL DOCTRINE CONTAINING A RULE OF LIVE WEL, WITH DIVERS PRAIERS AND MEDITATIONS. _Tr._ [by Rich. Gibbons] 1599. =LIBANIUS SOPHISTA.= _b._ 314, _d._ 400. _See_ =Julian=. =LIE, JONAS L.= _b._ 1833. =Norwegian poet and novelist.= BARQUE FUTURE. _Tr._ 1876. COMMODORE'S DAUGHTER. _Tr._ 1892. LITTLE GREY, THE PONY OF NORDFJORD. _Tr._ Arbuthnott, 1873. NIOBE. _Tr._ 1890. NORSE LOVE STORY. _Tr._ 1876. PILOT AND HIS WIFE. (1874.) _Tr._ 1876. VISIONARY, THE. _Tr._ J. Muir, 1894. WEIRD TALES FROM THE NORTHERN SEAS. _Tr._ 1893. =LINNÆUS=, (_or_ =LINNÉ=) =CARL=. _b._ 1707, _d._ 1778. =Swedish botanist.= ANIMAL KINGDOM. _Translated_, with Additions, by R. Kerr, 1792. DISSERTATION ON THE SEXES OF PLANTS. _Tr._ by Sir J. E. Smith, 1786. FUNDAMENTA ENTOMOLOGIÆ; OR AN INTRODUCTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF INSECTS. _Tr._ by Wm. Curtis, 1772. GENERIC AND SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF BRITISH PLANTS. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED AN ENTOMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, AND A GLOSSARY. _Tr._ by J. Jenkinson, 1775. INSTITUTES OF BOTANY, containing descriptions of all the known genera of plants. _Tr._ by C. Milne, 1770. MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS RELATING TO NATURAL HISTORY, HUSBANDRY AND PHYSICK. _Tr._ from the Latin by B. Stillingfleet, 1759. PRINCIPIA BOTANICA: OR A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO THE SEXUAL BOTANY OF LINNÆUS. _Tr._ 1787. REFLECTIONS ON THE STUDY OF NATURE. _Tr._ [by J. E. Smith] 1785. =LISLE, C. J. ROUGET DE.= _b._ 1760, _d._ 1836. =French poet.= MARSEILLAISE. (1792.) _Tr._ 1793. =LIVY= (=TITUS LIVIUS=). _b._ 59 B.C., _d._ 17 A.D. =Roman historian.= THE HISTORIE OF ... ANNIBALL AND SCIPIO. _Tr._ out of T. Livius and other authoures, 1544. THE ORATOR: HANDLING A HUNDRED SEVERALL DISCOURSES, ETC. Some of the Arguments being drawne from T. Livius and other ancient writers, 1596. THE ROMANE HISTORIE. Also the Breviaries of L. Florus, with a chronologie of the whole Historie, and the Topographie of Rome in the Old Time. _Tr._ by P. Holland, 1600. =LONGUS.= 5th century. =Greek sophist.= DAPHNIS AND CHLOE. _Tr._ by Angel Day [1587]. 'This pastoral romance played no small part in the conception of the French sentimental romances of the seventeenth century, beginning with D'Urfé and carried on by Scudéry and La Calprenède. This work contains the new element of pastoral setting and description, and some novelty of simple sentiment'. _Tr. by Day from Amyot's tr._ =LOTI, PIERRE. Louis Marie Viaud.= _b._ 1850. MADAME CHRYSANTHÈME. _Tr._ L. Ensor, [1888]. RARAHU; or, THE MARRIAGE OF LOTI. _Tr._ C. Bell, 1890. MY BROTHER YRÈS. _Tr._ M. P. Fletcher, 1887. AN ICELAND FISHERMAN. _Tr._ 1888. CHILD ROMANCE. _Tr._ C. Bell, 1891. PHANTOM FROM THE EAST. _Tr._ J. E. Gordon, 1892. BOOK OF PITY AND DEATH. _Tr._ T. P. O'Connor, 1892. ROMANCE OF A SPAHI. _Tr._ M. L. Watkins, 1890. =LUCAN.= _b._ 39, _d._ 65. =Roman epic poet.= LUCAN'S FIRST BOOK OF THE CIVIL WAR BETWEEN POMPEY AND CÆSAR. _Translated_ line for line by Chas. Marlowe, 1600. PHARSALIA. Containing the Civill Warres between Cæsar and Pompey. =Tr.= into English verse by Sir Arthur Gorges, Kt.... 1614. Lucan and 'Stace' (Statius) formed the chief Latin reading of Chaucer's time. Addison's 'Campaign', and Drayton's 'Barons' War' are also clearly influenced by Lucan. =LUCIAN.= _b._ 125, _d._ 180. =Greek author.= CERTAIN SELECT DIALOGUES OF LUCIAN, TOGETHER WITH HIS TRUE HISTORIE. _Translated_ by F. Hicks. Also a Life of Lucian gathered out of his own writings. By F. H[ickes], 1634. NECROMANTIA: a Dialog of the Poet Lucyan for the Tantsaye Faymyd for a mery Pastyme. _Tr._ [1537]. PLEASANT DIALOGUES AND DRAMMA'S SELECTED OUT OF LUCIAN, ERASMUS, ETC. _Tr._ by Thos. Heywood, 1637. THE WORKS OF LUCIAN. _Tr._ by Ferrand Spence, 1684. Influenced Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels', 'Tale of a Tub' and 'The Battle of the Books' and the works of Sterne. Sterne is sometimes known as the 'English Lucian'. =LUCILIUS, GAIUS.= _b._ 148 B.C., _d._ 100 B.C. =Roman satiric poet.= THE FRAGMENTS OF LUCILIUS literally translated into English Prose ... by L. Evans, 1848. =LUCRETIUS= (=TITUS LUCRETIUS CARUS=). _b._ 95, _d._ 52 B.C. =Latin poet.= AN ESSAY ON THE FIRST BOOK OF T. LUCRETIUS CARUS, with a metrical Version and Notes, by John Evelyn, Esqre., 1656. LUCRETIUS DE RERUM NATURA, with a free prose English version, 1743. TITUS LUCRETIUS CARUS. _Tr._ into English verse by Thomas Creech, 1683. Influence of Lucretius seen in Pope's 'Essay on Man'. Formed favourite reading of Shelley, Wordsworth and Tennyson. Dyer's 'Fleece' and Akenside's 'Pleasures of the Imagination' are the outcome of the study of Lucretius and the 'Georgics' of Virgil. =LUTHER, MARTIN.= _b._ 1483, _d._ 1546. =Leader of the Reformation in Germany.= AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARTIN LUTHER, now first _tr._ from the original by Rev. J. P. Lawson, 1836. A BOKE MADE BY A CERTAYNE GREAT CLERKE AGAYNST THE NEW IDOLE AND OLDE DEVYLL, WHICH OF LATE TYME IN MISNIA SHOULD HAVE BEN CANONISED FOR A SAYNT, 1534. COLLOQUIA MENSALIA (TABLE TALK), OR DIVINE DISCOURSES AT HIS TABLE, ETC., collected first together by Dr. A. Lauterbach.... _Tr._ out of High German ... by Captn. Henrie Bell, 1652. A FRUITEFULL AND GODLY EXPOSITION AND DECLARACION OF THE KYNGDOM OF CHRIST. _Tr._ by [W. Lynne], 1548. M. LUTHER'S EXPOSITION OF THE 23RD PSALM. _Tr._ by Miles Coverdale, 1537. ON THE CHIEFE ARTICLES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAYTHE, ETC. _Tr._ 1548. THIRTIE-FOUR SPECIAL AND CHOSEN SERMONS, ETC., Englisshed by W. Gace, 1581. A TREATISE TOUCHING THE LIBERTIE OF A CHRISTIAN. _Tr._ by J. Bell, 1579. 'As a translator of the Bible into the Upper-Saxon dialect, and as having thus fixed the modern German language, he is of the greatest importance to Germany itself. To us his value is that of a thinker or moral force'. =LYSIAS.= 4th century B.C. =Greek orator.= ORATIONS OF LYSIAN AND ISOCRATES, WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THEIR LIVES, AND A DISCOURSE ON THE HISTORY, MANNERS, AND CHARACTERS OF THE GREEKS. _Tr._ John Gillies, 1778. =MABINOGION.= GUEST, LADY CHARLOTTE. _Ed._ and _Tr._, Mabinogion, fr. Llyfr Coch o Hergest and other MSS. 3 v. 1838-49. =MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLO DI BERNARDO DEI.= _b._ 1469, _d._ 1527. =Italian statesman, diplomatist and writer.= THE ARTE OF WARRE, set forth in English by Peter Whitehorne, with an addicion of other like Marcialle Feates and Experiments, 1560. A DISCOURSE UPON THE MEANES OF WEL GOVERNING AND MAINTAINING IN GOOD PEACE, A KINGDOME OR OTHER PRINCIPALITIE ... AGAINST N. MACHIAVELLL [By I. Gentillet]. _Tr._ by S. Patericke, 1602. THE FLORENTINE HISTORIE. _Tr._ by T(homas) B(edingfield), 1594. NICOLAS MACHIAVELL'S PRINCE. Also, THE LIFE OF CASTRUCCIO OF LUCCA. AND THE MEANES DUKE VALENTINE US'D TO PUT TO DEATH V. VITELLOZZO, ETC. _Tr._ by E(dward) D(acres), 1640. WORKS. _Tr._ by Henry Nevile, 1675. Of the works of M., 'The Prince' was the most widely read. =MAETERLINCK, MAURICE.= _b._ 1864. =Belgian dramatist.= ALLADINE AND PALOMIDES, INTERIOR, AND THE DEATH OF TINTAGILES. _Tr._ 1899. BURIED TEMPLE. _Tr._ by A. Sutro, 1902. THE DOUBLE GARDEN. _Tr._ by A. Teixeira de Mattos, 1904. JOYZELLE. _Tr._ by A. Teixeira de Mattos, 1906. LIFE AND FLOWERS. _Tr._ by A. Teixeira de Mattos, 1907. LIFE OF THE BEE. _Tr._ by A. Sutro, 1901. MAURICE AGLAVAINE AND SELYSETTE. A Drama. _Tr._ by A. Sutro, 1897. MONNA VANNA. _Tr._ by A. Sutro, 1904. MY DOG. _Tr._ by A. Teixeira de Mattos, 1906. OLD-FASHIONED FLOWERS, AND OTHER OPEN-AIR ESSAYS. _Tr._ by A. Teixeira de Mattos, 1906. PELLEAS AND MELISANDA. _Tr._ by Erving Winslow, 1893. PRINCESS MALEINE (1890) AND THE INTRUDER. _Tr._ by G. Harry, 1892. RUYSBROECK AND THE MYSTICS, WITH SELECTIONS. _Tr._ 1894. SIGHTLESS, THE. _Tr._ with Pelleas and Melisanda [_tr._ 1893]. 1895. SISTER BEATRICE, AND ARDIANE AND BARBE BLEUE. _Tr._ by B. Miall, 1901. TREASURE OF THE HUMBLE. _Tr._ by A. Sutro, 1897. WISDOM AND DESTINY. _Tr._ by A. Sutro, 1898. 'On the appearance of "The Princess Maleine" in 1890, the author, hitherto known only to a small circle of amateurs, at once sprang into fame on the continent.... As a brooding poet, a mystic, and a contemplative spectator of the comedy of death, whose work is couched, almost by a sort of accident, in dramatic form, Maeterlinck will probably find a place in literature'. =MAFFEI, FRANCISCO SCIPIONE.= _b._ 1675, _d._ 1755. =Italian scholar and author.= [1] COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT AMPHITHEATRES ... AND IN PARTICULAR THAT OF VERONA. 'Verona Illustra'. _Tr._ by A. Gordon, 1730. MEROPE: a tragedy (1713). _Tr._ by Mr. Ayre, 1740. [1] His principal work. Noted for its profound research, sound criticism and elegant style. =MAHABHARATA AND RÁMÁYANA. The two great epic poems of ancient India.= Many episodes as the Bhagavad-Gítá have been separately edited and translated. MAHABHARATA. The Story of Dooshivanta and Sakoontala, extracted from the Mahabharata (1. 2801-3121), a poem.... _Tr._ by C. Wilkins. Postscript containing part of the institutes of Manoo on transmigration and final beatitude. _Tr._ by Sir W. Jones, 1793. MAHABHARATA. A complete English prose translation by Hindus, of which up to 1890 fifty parts had appeared and were published and distributed, chiefly gratis, at Calcutta, under the auspices of Pratápachandra Roy, 1883 (in progress). THE RÁMÁYANA OF VALMEEKI, in the original Sanskrit; with an English prose translation and explanatory notes by W. Carey and J. Marshman, 1806, 8, 10. [This work was intended to form nine volumes, but only three appeared.] THE BHAGVAT-GEETA, or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon, in eighteen lectures, with notes translated from the original, in the Sanskreet, or ancient language of the Brahmans. By Chas. Wilkins, 1785. Mahabharata, the name of the great epic poem of the Hindoos, so called because it treats of the war waged among the descendants of Bharata. It is said to contain 200,000 lines, or 100,000 double verses, the compilation of many writers, living in different ages. =MAIMONIDES= (=RABBI BEN MAIMON=). _b._ 1135, _d._ 1204. =Jewish rabbi and philosopher.= GUIDE TO THE PERPLEXED (Moreh Nevochim). _Tr._ by Dr. M. Friedländer, 3 v., 1885. MAIN PRINCIPLES OF THE CREED AND ETHICS OF THE JEWS, EXHIBITED IN SELECTIONS FROM THE YAD HACKAZAKAH, WITH A LITERAL TRANSLATION, GLOSSARY, AND NOTES. 1832. THE REASONS OF THE LAWS OF MOSES FROM THE MOREH NEVOCHIM (DOCTOR PERPLEXORUM) OF MAIMONIDES, with notes, etc., and a Life of the author by James Townley, 1827. =MALEBRANCHE, NICHOLAS.= _b._ 1638, _d._ 1715. =French philosopher.= TREATISE ON MORALITY. (1684.) _Tr._ 1699. SEARCH AFTER TRUTH. _Tr._ R. Sault. 2 v. 1692-94. TREATISE OF NATURE AND GRACE. To which is added the Author's Idea of Providence.... _Tr._ 1695. CHRISTIAN CONFERENCES.... _Tr._ 1695. =MANTUANUSO.= _See_ =Spagnuoli=, =Baptista=. =Mantuanus.= =MANUEL, JUAN.= _d._ 1350. =Spanish author.= COUNT LUCANOV: FIFTY PLEASANT STORIES. _Tr._ James York. [1868]. =MANZONI, ALESSANDRO.= _b._ 1785, _d._ 1873. =Italian novelist and poet.= THE BETROTHED LOVERS. I Promessi Sposi (1825-7). _Tr._ [by C. Swan], 1828. =MANUEL, DON JUAN.= _d._ 1350. =Spanish prince and author.= THE COUNT LUCANOR. First done into English ... by James York [1868]. Shakespeare derived his 'Taming of the Shrew' indirectly through M. =MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS.= _b._ 121, _d._ 180. =Roman emperor and philosopher.= THE GOLDEN BOKE OF. _Translated_ out of the French. By John Bouchier, Knight, Lord Berners. [1534.] MEDITATIONS. With notes. _Tr._ by M. Casaubon, 1634. =MARGUERITE OF NAVARRE.= _b._ 1492, _d._ 1549. A GODLY MEDYTACION OF THE CHRISTEN SOWLE, CONCERNING A LOVE TOWARDES GOD AND HYS CHRYSTE, Etc. _Tr._ by the Lady Elizabeth, 1548. HEPTAMERON (1558). _Tr._ by R. Codrington, 1654. 1st _Tr._ 1597. A series of stories and novelettes in the style of the 'Decameron', largely erotic. =MARINI, GIAMBATTISTA.= _b._ 1569, _d._ 1625. =Italian poet.= A POEM ON THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS. _Tr._ by T. R., 1675. ECHO. [A sonnet. _Tr._ by T. Stanley], 1651. Famous for his fantastic style known as 'Marinism'. Marini's affected figures of speech, far-fetched comparisons, and tricks of verbiage, as illustrated particularly in his romantic 'Adone', characterized a generation of writers. =MARIVAUX, PIERRE CARLOT DE CHAMBLAIN DE.= _b._ 1688, _d._ 1763. =French novelist and dramatic writer.= THE AGREEABLE SURPRISE. _Tr._ 1766. PHARSAMOND: or, THE NEW KNIGHT ERRANT. In which is introduced the story of the Fair Anchoret, with that of Tarminia and her unfortunate daughter. _Tr._ by Mr. Lockman, 2 v., 1750. [1] THE VIRTUOUS ORPHAN, or THE LIFE OF MARIANNE COUNTESSE OF ... _Tr._ 4 v., 1784. [1] Among the first novels which delineated real life and manners. M. appears to have distinctly influenced Richardson, whose 'Pamela' bears a strange similarity to 'Marianne'. =MARMONTEL, JEAN FRANÇOIS.= _b._ 1723, _d._ 1799. =French dramatist and critic.= MORAL TALES. _Tr._ C. Dennis and R. Lloyd. 3 v. 1764. NEW MORAL TALES. _Tr._ 1792. THE INCAS, OR THE DESTRUCTION OF PERU. _Tr._ 1777. BELISARIUS. _Tr._ 1767. SELECT MORAL TALES. _Tr._ [R. Roberts] 1763. TALES OF AN EVENING. 4 v. _Tr._ 1792-94. MEMOIRS, WRITTEN BY HIMSELF: containing his literary and political life, and anecdotes of the principal characters of the eighteenth century. _Tr._ 1805. 4 v. =MAROT, CLEMENT.= _b._ 1495, _d._ 1544. =French poet.= Some translations from Clement Marot will be found in 'Ronsard and La Pléiade'. By G. Wyndham, 1906. Had a great influence upon the lyrics of Wyatt and Spenser. The latter copied Marot in his pastoral poems, or eclogues. The 'Style Marotique' was imitated by La Fontaine and other French writers. =MARTIAL= (=MARCUS VALERIUS MARTIALIS=). _b._ 43, _d._ 104. =Latin epigrammatic poet.= FLOWERS OF EPIGRAMS, FROM MARTIAL AND OTHERS. _Tr._ by T. Kendall, 1577. SALES EPIGRAMMATUM. Being the choycest disticks of Martials Fourteen books of epigrams. _Tr._ 1644. SELECT EPIGRAMS OF MARTIAL. _Tr._ by Tho. May, 1629. 'The modern conception of epigram is entirely taken from the Latin form. Martial is the one model'. 'It is Martial who has determined the form and matter of the epigram for modern Europe'. Jonson imitated Martial in his epigrams. =MASSILON, JEAN B.= _b._ 1663, _d._ 1742. =French preacher.= SERMONS. _Tr._ W. Dickson, 1798. SERMONS ON THE DUTIES OF THE GREAT. _Tr._ Wm. Dodd, 1769. THE CHARGES OF MASSILON: I, ON THE ART OF PREACHING. II, ON THE COMPOSITION OF A SERMON. _Tr._ T. St. John (the Rev. S. Clapham), 1805. AN EPISCOPAL CHARGE.... _Tr._ 1784. =MAUPASSANT, GUY DE.= _b._ 1850, _d._ 1893. =French poet.= AFLOAT. _Tr._ by L. Ensor, 1889. A LADIES' MAN (1887). _Tr._ 1888. MADAME TELLIER'S GIRLS.... THE INHERITANCE.... BUTTER-BALL. _Tr._ E. Ellis, 1897. MISS HARRIET. _Tr._ 1885. THE ODD NUMBER. THIRTEEN TALES. _Tr._ J. Sturges, 1891. ON THE RIVER. _Tr._ by J. Sturges, 1890. PIERRE AND JEAN (1888). _Tr._ by C. Bell, 1890. A WOMAN'S LIFE. _Tr._ 1885. =MAZZINI, GIUSEPPE.= _b._ 1805, _d._ 1872. =Italian patriot and writer.= THE DUTIES OF MAN (1858). _Tr._ 1862. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF JOSEPH MAZZINI. 6 v. _Tr._ 1864-70. THE ITALIAN QUESTION AND THE REPUBLICANS. _Tr._ 1861. =MEINHOLD, JOHANN WILHELM.= _b._ 1797, _d._ 1851. =German writer and divine.= [1] THE AMBER WITCH. _Tr._ by Lady Duff Gordon, 1844. SIDONIA THE SORCERESS. _Tr._ 1861. [1] Made a great sensation, and was regarded for some time as a true narrative. The English translation was characterized by a writer in the _Quarterly Review_ as a tale worthy of Defoe. =MELUSINE= (=JEAN D'ARRAS=). PROSE ROMANCE. _Ed._ A. K. Donald. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser. lxviii. _See also_ =Parthenon=, p. 111. =MENANDER.= _b._ 341 B.C. =Greek dramatic poet.= FRAGMENTS. Translations of some of the Fragments of Menander by Jos. Warton will be found in the Adventurer, No. 105. Also in Fawkes's Poems, 1761, and Colman's version of Terence. =MENDOZA, DIAGO DE.= _See_ =Lazarillo de Tormes=. =MERIMÉE, PROSPER.= _b._ 1803, _d._ 1870. =French novelist and historian.= CARMEN, (1845). _Tr._ 1845. COLOMBA: a Corsican story ... (1840). _Tr._ by A. R. Scoble, 1853. DEMETRIUS THE IMPOSTOR: an Episode in Russian History. _Tr._ by A. R. Scoble, 1853. =MERLIN=; or, =The Early History of King Arthur=. _C._ 1450-60. Ed. H. B. Wheatley. E.E.T.S. 1860-69. 'An early chapter in the mythical history of Arthurian Britain. _Tr._ from a French romance (13th century) that was based on a poem by Robert de Borron. Covers in more prolix fashion the first five books of Malory'. =METASTASIO, PIETRO TRAPASSI.= _b._ 1698, _d._ 1782. =Italian poet.= ADRIANO IN SIRIA; drama, etc. [Altered from M.; Italian and English]. 1735. ARTAXERXES; an opera. [Altered from M.]. _Tr._ 1734. DEATH OF ABEL. An Oratorio ... _Tr._ 1768. THE DESERT ISLAND; a dramatic poem. _Tr._ by A. Murphy, 1760. DIDONE. _Tr._ 1754. DRAMAS, AND OTHER POEMS. _Tr._ by John Hoole, 1800. ENDIMIONE; Serenata. _Tr._ 1758. THE PATRIOT; a tragedy. _Tr._ by Chas. Hamilton, 1784. WORKS. _Tr._ by J. Hoole, 1767. =MICHELET, JULES.= _b._ 1798, _d._ 1874. =French historian.= ROMAN HISTORY: THE REPUBLIC (1831). _Tr._ 1847. HISTORY OF FRANCE (1833). 4 v. _Tr._ D. K. Kelly, 1844-46. HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 7 v. (1847-53.) _Tr._ by C. Cocks. 1847. THE MARTYRS OF RUSSIA. _Tr._ 1851. FRANCE BEFORE EUROPE. _Tr._ 1871. LIFE OF LUTHER. _Tr._ W. Hazlitt, 1846. PRIESTS, WOMEN AND FAMILIES. _Tr._ C. Cocks, 1845. =MICKIEWICZ, ADAM.= _b._ 1798, _d._ 1855. =Polish poet.= CONRAD WALLENROD: an historical poem. _Tr._ by J. Jablonski, 1841. MASTER THADDEUS (PAN TADEUSZ); or, THE LAST FORAY IN LUTHANIA ... an historical epic poem. _Tr._ by N. A. Biggs, with a preface by W. R. Morfill, 1885. =MIRACLE PLAYS.= _See under_ Name of plays as Coventry, Digby, etc. =MOHAMMED.= _b._ 570, _d._ 632. THE KORAN OF MOHAMMED. Translated. With explanatory notes and a preliminary discourse by George Sale, 1734. THE ALCORAN OF MOHOMET, translated out of Aribique into French by Lieut. Du Ryer ... and newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (A needful Caveat, or Admonition for them who desire to know what use may be made of, or if there be danger in reading the Alcoran, by A. Ross, 1642.) =MOLIÈRE, JEAN B. P.= _b._ 1622, _d._ 1673. =French dramatist.= THE METAMORPHOSES; or, THE OLD LOVER OUTWITTED; a farce, (1669). _Tr._ by John Cory, 1704. THE MISER: a comedy [in five acts and in prose]. (1667.) _Tr._ by T. Shadwell, 1672. MONSIEUR DE POURCEAUGNAC; or, SQUIRE TRELOOBY. _Tr._ by J. Ozell, 1704. QUACKS; or, LOVE THE PHYSICIAN (1665). _Tr._ by Mr. Swinny, 1705. TARTUFFE; or THE FRENCH PURITAN; a comedy (1667). _Tr._ by M. Medburne, 1670. WORKS; The first collected works were translated by J. Ozell, 6 v. 1714. The writings of Molière were greatly influenced by the dramas of Plautus. His 'L'Avare' is from the 'Aulularia', and his 'Amphitryon' from 'Amphitruo'. Molière was also influenced by the writings of Terence, and his 'Ecole des Maris' is from the 'Adelphi', and his 'Les Fourberies de Scapin' from the 'Phormio' of Terence. The plays of M. were imitated by Wycherley and Farquhar and the post-Restoration dramatists. Meredith in his 'Essay on Comedy' admits his profound and salutary influence on English fiction. Molière was copied, adapted, translated by English writers, and that not merely for reading, but for acting purposes. Dryden translated 'L'Etourdi' as 'Sir Martin Mar-All'; Vanburgh turned 'Le Dépit Amoureux' into 'The Mistake'; Wycherley offered 'The Plain Dealer' as a version of 'Le Misanthrope'; Fielding's 'Mock-Doctor' is 'Le Médecin Malgré Lui', his 'Miser' is Molière's 'L'Avare'; Colley Cibber converted 'Tartuffe' into 'The Non-Juror'. =MONTAIGNE, MICHAEL E. DE.= _b._ 1533, _d._ 1589. =French philosopher and essayist.= THE ESSAYS, (ESSAIS) or, MORALL, POLITIKE AND MILLITARIE DISCOURSES OF LO: M. DE MONTAIGNE ... now done into English by J. Florio, 1603. The first model of the essay. To Elizabethan England the 'Essays' of M. were well-known either directly or through the translation of Florio. The 'Essays' of Bacon are clearly indebted to his example. How far his influence has extended is incalculable. =MONTALBAN, PEREZ DE.= THE SPANISH BAWDE. _Tr._ 1631. [Attached to Aleman's 'Spanish Rogue']. AURORA AND THE PRINCE [novela of 'Successosy Prodigios de Amor']. By Don J. Perez de M. _Tr._ T[homas] S[tanley], 1647. THE ILLUSTRIOUS SHEPHERDESS. _Tr._ 1656. =MONTALEMBERT, CHARLES FORBES DE.= _b._ 1810, _d._ 1870. =French historian and political writer.= THE CONVERSION OF ENGLAND, BEING A SEQUEL TO THE MONKS OF THE WEST. 3 v. _Tr._ 1867. THE POLITICAL FUTURE OF ENGLAND. (1855). _Tr._ H. Barrow, 1856. THE MONKS OF THE WEST. (1860). 7 v. _Tr._ 1861-79. =MONTEMAYOR, GEORGE.= _b._ 1520. =Portuguese poet and novelist.= DIANA. [With a second part of A. Perez and also a continuation: entitled, Enamoured Diana, by G. G. Polo.] _Tr._ by B. Yong, 1598. Spenser's 'Shepherd's Calendar' and Sidney's 'Arcadia' are both influenced by M. 'From the "Arcadia" of Sanazzaro on the one hand, and from the "libros de caballerias" on the other, the Portuguese-Spaniard Montemayor created his famous "Diana." This work, like Sidney's "Arcadia," is partly in prose and partly in verse, and, in such English development as arose from the pastoral, the influence of the Spaniard must be reckoned with that of the Neapolitan. It appears in Spenser's "Shepheard's Calendar", and incidentally, it may be observed, that before writing his "Two Gentlemen of Verona" Shakespeare would seem at least to have been told of the substance of Montemayor'. =MONTESQUIEU, CHARLES DE SECONDAT, BARON DE LA BRÉDE ET DE.= _b._ 1689, _d._ 1755. =French author.= CURIOUS THOUGHTS ON THE HISTORY OF MAN. _Tr._ 1789. MISCELLANEOUS PIECES. _Tr._ 1759. [1] PERSIAN LETTERS. (LETTRES PERSANES 1721.) _Tr._ by J. Ozell, 1730. REFLECTIONS ON THE RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. (Causes de la Grandeau des Romains et de leur Decadence 1734.) _Tr._ 1751. SPIRIT OF LAWS. (De l'Esprit des Lois, 1748). _Tr._ by Mrs. Nugent, 1752. THE TEMPLE OF GNIDUS: a poem. _Tr._ by John Sayer, 1765. WORKS. _Translated_, 1777. [1] 'A criticism of the social and religious conditions of contemporary France. The book is an expression of freethought, and the reaction against monarchical and ecclesiastical despotism expressed later in the "Esprit des Lois"'. =MONTI, VINCENZO.= _b._ 1754, _d._ 1828. =Italian poet.= THE PENANCE OF HUGO, a Vision on the French Revolution.... _Tr._ by Henry Boyd, 1805. ARISTODEMO. _Tr._ J. A. Favalli, 1809. DEATH OF BASSEVILLE. _Tr._ [A. Lodge] 1845. =MORTE ARTHUR.= (_In Stanzas._) _Ed._ Roxburghe Club, 1819. _Ed._ Furnivall, F. J., 1864. _Ed._ Bruce, J. D. E.E.T.S., _Ex. Ser._ lxxxviii. =MORTE ARTHURE=, probably by Huchown of the Awle Ryale, author of Swete Susan. See p. 76. (_Alliterative._) _C._ 1440. _Ed._ Halliwell, 1847. _Ed._ Perry and Brock, E.E.T.S., viii. 1865. =MOTTEVILLE, MADAME DE.= _b._ 1612, _d._ 1689. =French memoir writer.= MEMOIRS TOWARDS THE HISTORY OF ANNE OF AUSTRIA. 5 v. _Tr._ 1726. =MUNCH, A.= _b._ 1811, _d._ 1884. =Norwegian poet.= MAID OF NORWAY. _Tr._ Mrs. Birkbeck, 1877. LORD WILLIAM RUSSELL. A TRAGEDY _Tr._ J. Chapman, 1858. =MUNCHAUSEN, BARON.= _See_ =Baron Munchausen=. =MURGER, HENRY.= _b._ 1822, _d._ 1861. =French novelist.= BOHEMIANS OF THE LATIN QUARTER. _Tr._ 1887. (Scenes in Bohemian Life.) =MUSÆUS.= 5th century. =Greek poet.= THE DIVINE POEM OF MUSÆUS (HERO AND LEANDER). FIRST OF ALL BOOKES. _Tr._ Geo. Chapman, 1616. THE SECOND PART OF THE LOVES OF HERO AND LEANDER, by H. Petowe, 1598. MUSÆUS, OR THE LOVES OF HERO AND LEANDER. _Tr._ Sir Robert Stapylton, 1647. _See also under_ Anacreon. =MUSSET, LOUIS CHARLES ALFRED DE.= _b._ 1810, _d._ 1857. =French poet.= FANTASIO: a proverbe [in two acts]. _Tr._ 1852. A GOOD LITTLE WIFE. _Tr._ 1850. THE POET AND THE MUSE: (La Nuit de Mai etc. (1830) with an introduction by W. H. Pollock. _Tr._ 1880.) WORKS. (Comedies) _Tr._ and edited, with an introduction, by S. S. Gwynn, 1890. =NEPOS, CORNELIUS.= B.C. 690? =Roman historian and biographer.= LIFE AND DEATH OF POMPONIUS ATTICUS. _Tr._ 1677. LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS MEN, Done into English by several gentlemen of the University of Oxford, 1684. =NIBELUNGEN LIED.= 13th century. =Epic poem=, 'The Iliad of Germany'. Considered the most famous of the creations of mediæval Germany. Properly speaking the title is 'The Calamity of the Nibelungen'. THE FALL OF THE NIBELUNGERS: Otherwise the Book of the Kriemhild. _Tr._ by W. N. Lettsom, 1850. DAS NIBELUNGEN LIED, or, LAY OF THE LAST NIBELUNGEN. _Tr._ into English Verse after C. Lachmann's collated and corrected text by J. Birch, 1848. This has been translated in parts on several occasions, and has recently formed the subject of several story-books for children. =NICCOLINI, GIOVAMBATTISTA.= _b._ 1762, _d._ 1861. =Italian poet and dramatist.= ARNOLD OF BRESCIA. _Tr._ T. Garrow, 1846. =OEHLENSCHLÄGER, ADAM GOTTLOB.= _b._ 1779, _d._ 1850. =Danish poet.= THE ADVENTURER. _In_ German Romances. _Tr._ 1826. ALADDIN, or THE WONDERFUL LAMP. A dramatic poem. _Tr._ by Theodore Martin, 1857. ALI UND VALBORD; a tragedy. _Tr._ by R. M. Laing, 1841. THE GODS OF THE NORTH. _Tr._ by W. E. Frye, 1845. HAKON JARL: a tragedy [1807]. _Tr._ 1840. ROMANTIC BALLADS. _Tr._ by George Borrow, 1826. =OHNET, GEORGES.= _b._ 1848. =French novelist.= BATTLE OF LIFE. _Tr._ 1884. CLOUD AND SUNSHINE. _Tr._ H. Shott, 1887. COUNTESS SARAH. _Tr._ 1884. DR. RAMEAU. _Tr._ 1889. GREAT MARL-PIT. _Tr._ 1886. IRONMASTER, THE. _Tr._ 1884. LADY IN GREY. _Tr._ D. H. Fisher, 1896. LAST LOVE. _Tr._ 1890. LOVE'S DEPTHS. _Tr._ F. Rothwell, 1899. PRINCE SERGE PANINE. _Tr._ 1883. RIVAL ACTRESSES. _Tr._ 1889. WEIRD GIFT. _Tr._ A. D. Vandam, 1890. WILL. _Tr._ 1884. =OMAR KHAYYAM.= _b._ 1017, _d._ 1124. =Persian poet.= RUBÃIYAT OF. _Tr._ by Edward Fitzgerald, 1859. [First published in Paris in 1857.] Fitzgerald tr. only a small selection of the quatrains and read into them a philosophy of his own. =ORIGEN.= _b._ Alexandra, 185, _d._ 254. =Early Christian writer.= THE COMPLAYNT OF MARY MAGDALEYNE [from Origen. By J. Lydgate]. _In_ Chaucer's Boke of Fame. [1526]. AN HOMILIE OF MARYE MAGDALENE, DECLARING HER FERVENT LOVE AND ZELE TOWARDS CHRIST. _Tr._ 1565. ORIGEN AGAINST CELSUS. _Tr._ by James Bellamy, 1660. =OVID= (=OVIDUS NASO PUBLIUS=). _b._ 43 B.C., _d._ 18 A.D. =Latin poet.= ALL OVID'S ELEGIES: 3 books. _Tr._ by C.[hristopher] M.[arlow]. Epigrammes by J.[ohn] D.[avies] and C. M.[arlow], 1600. THE ART OF LOVE. The Flores of Ovid de arte amandi with theyr englysshe before them: and two alphabete tablys ... 1513. CERTAINE OF OVID'S ELEGIES. By C. Marlow. Epigrammes and Elegies by J. D.[avies] and C. M.[arlow], [1590.] DE PONTO, FOUR BOOKS OF. _Tr._ by Wye Saltonstall, 1639. FABLE OF OVID TRETING OF NARCISSUS. _Tr._ with a moral thereunto, very pleasant to rede. 1560. FESTIVALS [THE FASTI], or ROMANE CALENDAR. _Tr._ by J. Gower, 1640. THE XV BOOKES OF OVID, ENTYTLED METAMORPHOSES. _Tr._ by A. Golding, etc. 1567. HEROYCAL EPISTLES. In English Verse. _Tr._ by Geo. Turberville, 1567. IBIS. Invective against Ibis. _Tr._ by [Thos. Underdowne], 1567. OVID. HIS BOKE OF METAMORPHOSES. _Tr._ by Wm. Caxton. [1480.] THE TRISTIA; or, ELEGIES, etc. De Tristibus, the first three Bookes. _Tr._ by Thos. Churchyard, 1580. Largely influenced Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, Pope and Shakespeare. 'In and before the poems of Chaucer, the poems of Ovid upon love and its cure were much drawn upon by writers of romance and allegories. They were the direct inspiration of much of the troubadour poetry of Provence, and thence of the mediaeval lyric verse of Europe in general. Ovidian borrowings are manifest in the "Romance of the Rose". Chaucer himself was a student of Ovid, Lucan, Virgil, "Stace" and also Livy. From Ovid's "Metamorphoses," and love-elegies in particular, he took much matter. Spenser's "Faerie Queene" is full of borrowings from Ovid's "Metamorphoses". The effect of Ovid on Shakespeare is manifest in his "Venus and Adonis"'. =OWL AND THE NIGHTINGALE.= _C._ 1216. _Ed._ Stevenson. Roxburghe Club, 1838, and R. Morris. Specimens. Edited by T. Wright. Percy Soc., 1842. =PAINTER, WM.= _See under_ =Italian Anthologies, etc.= =PALMERIN D'OLIVA.= THE MIRROUR OF NOBILITIE AND WONDER OF CHIVALRY.... Turned into English by [Anthony] M[unday]. 1637. 1st pt. _Tr._ 1588. 'This work was condemned by the licentiate in Don Quixote to be torn to pieces and burnt'. =PALMERIN OF ENGLAND.= THE HISTORIE OF PRINCE PALMERIN OF ENGLAND, 3 v. _Tr._ by A[nthony] M[unday]. 1602-9. Third bk. _Tr._ (1595). 'Ordered to be preserved by the licentiate in Don Quixote and kept as a singular piece'. Southey remarks that Munday began 'Palmerin' with some care, but soon resigned the task to others. =PARIS, MATTHEW.= _d._ 1259. ENGLISH CHRONICLES (Chronica Majora). From the Creation to 1259, containing the History of England (now ascribed to Roger of Wendover) and from 1235 to 1273 (the portion written by M. Paris). _Tr._ by J. A. Giles, 1849-54. [M. P. is generally considered to be England's greatest mediæval historian.] =PARTHENAY, ROMANS OF, OR OF LUSIGNEN.= _Ed._ Prf. W. W. Skeat. E.E.T.S., 1866. A VISION OF 'MELUSINE'. See p. 193. =PASCAL, BLAISE.= _b._ 1623, _d._ 1662. =French philosopher and mathematician.= LES PROVINCALES: or, THE MYSTERIE OF JESUITISM. _Tr._ 1657. THOUGHTS ON RELIGION AND OTHER SUBJECTS. _Tr._ by J. Walker, 1688. WORKS. _Tr._ by George Pearce. 3 v. 1849-50. [Contains much that had never been translated before.] =PATERCULUS, VELLEIUS.= B.C. 18. =Roman historian.= ROMAN HISTORY. _Tr._ Sir Robert le Grys, 1632. =PAUSANIAS.= 150 to 200. =Greek traveller and author.= THE DESCRIPTION OF GREECE. _Tr._ Tom Taylor. 3 v. 1794. AN EXTRACT OF PAUSANIUS. Of the Statues, Pictures and Temples in Greece. _Tr._ 1758. =PEARL, THE.= _Ed._ R. Morris, E.E.T.S., 1869. _Tr._ by I. Gollancz 1891. 'Ranks among the most charming of old English poems, both in thought and delicacy of feeling'. =PELLICO, SILVIO.= _b._ 1788, _d._ 1854. =Italian poet.= ON THE DUTIES OF MAN. _Tr._ T. Roscoe, 1837. MY IMPRISONMENTS. _Tr._ [T. Roscoe], 1826. =PERCEVAL, SIR, OF GALLES.= _See_ =Sir Percival=. =PERRAULT, CHARLES.= _b._ 1628, _d._ 1703. =French author.= CHARACTERS OF THE GREATEST MEN IN FRANCE DURING THE 17TH CENTURY (1696-1700). (Hommes Illustres de Siècle de Louis XIV). _Tr._ by J. Ozell, 1704-5. FABLES IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH VERSE. _Tr._ 1741. FAIRY TALES. (Histoires ou Contes du Temps Passé, 1697.) =PERSIAN ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= MESNEVI, THE. _Tr._ J. W. Redhouse. (Oriental Ser.). 1881. PELLY, COL. SIR L. MIRACLE PLAYS OF HASAN AND HUSAIN. 2 v. 1879. From oral tradition. PHILLIPS, AMBROSE. _Tr._ PERSIAN TALES. 3 v. 1714-15. PERSIAN TALES: a new translation, by Edward Button, 1754. =PERSIUS= (=AULUS PERSIUS FLACCUS=). 50 A.D. =Latin satiric poet.= HIS SATIRES. _Tr._ into English [verse], by Barton Holyday, etc., 1616. =PETOFI, ALEX.= _b._ 1823-49. =Hungarian author.= TRANSLATIONS FROM. By Sir J. Bowring, 1866. SELECTIONS FROM THE POEMS OF P. _Tr._ H. Phillips, 1885. =PETRARCH= (=FRANCESCA PETRARCA=). _b._ 1304, _d._ 1374. =Italian poet.= COMPLAINTS. Containing Sundrie Small Poemes of the World's Vanities. _Tr._ by Ed. Sp.[enser], 1591. PETRARCHES VISIONS, [being a translation ... of the Canzone 'Standomi un giorno solo, alla fenestra']. _Tr._ by Ed. Sp.[enser], 1591. PHISICKE AGAINST FORTUNE. _Tr._ [by Thos. Twyne.] 1579. SONNETS [30] AND [3] ODES. _Tr._ 1777. A THEATRE WHERIN BE REPRESENTED THE MISERIES ... THAT FOLLOW THE VOLUPTUOUS WORLDLINGS, etc. [With Epigrams. _Tr._ from the Sonnets of Petrarch]. 1569. THE TRYUMPHES OF FRAUNCES PETRACKE. _Tr._ by Henry Parker Knight ... Lorde Morley, 1565. The form of the sonnets of Petrarch as introduced into England by Wyatt and Surrey became very popular in the time of Elizabeth. The following are amongst the more important writers of sonnets influenced by P.: Sidney, 'Astrophel and Stella'; Dryden, 'Idea'; Constable, 'Diana'; Daniel, 'Delia'; Watson, 'Teares of Fansie'; Spenser, 'Amoretta'; Shakespeare, 'Sonnets'; and Milton, 'Sonnets'; Tottel's 'Miscellany' (which as a collection of the Elizabethan poets) is markedly influenced by P. =PETRONIUS.= _c._ 50. =Latin satirist.= THE SATYR OF TITUS PETRONIUS ARBITER. _Tr._ by Wm. Burnaby and another Hand, 1694. THE SATYRICAL WORKS OF T. PETRONIUS, ARBITER IN PROSE AND VERSE ... made English by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Burnaby, Mr. Blount, Mr. Brown, etc.... To which is added The Charms of Liberty ... 1708. =PHAEDRUS.= _c._ 20. =Latin fabulist.= FABLES. [Book 1.] _Tr._ 1646. FABLES. _Tr._ by J. Davidson, 1745. FIFTY FABLES OF PHÆDRUS, in Latin, French and English. _Tr._ by D. Bellamy, 1734. 'Phaedrus put into verse the Greek fables--commonly fathered all alike on "Æsop"--which he could find current in his day. The collection is probably much the same as that of the Greek "Demetrius Phalereus" (300 B.C.). From the point of view of both morals and language, the book served admirably for schoolboys, and it is at least one of the main sources of the fables which found their way into England, first with Alfred, and, later, in more force with Caxton's "Æsop"'. =PILPAY= (=BÍDPÁÍ=). =Oriental fabulist.= [1] THE MORALL PHILOSOPHIE OF DONI--drawne out of Ancient Writers ... _Tr._ by Sir T. North, 1570. THE INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTERTAINING FABLES OF PILPAY made English (for the Duke of Gloucester), 1679. [1] [This celebrated Arabian fable-book, 'Calilah i Dumnah' (_q.v._) is better known in Europe as 'Pilpay's Fables'.] Several European fabulists, including Æsop, La Fontaine, have drawn largely from the fables of P. =PINDAR.= _b._ 522, _d._ 442 B.C. =Greek lyric poet.= ODES: Selected; with several other pieces in Prose and Verse by Gilbert West, 1749. THE ODES OF PINDAR ... _Tr._ ... including those of Mr. West. The whole completed by F. Lee, 1810. PINDARIQUES. B. R. Fleming. (A translation of four of the Odes of Pindar, etc.). 1691. Horace modelled his work on Pindar. Imitated by Cowley in 'Pindaric Odes', by Dryden in 'Song for St. Cecilia's Day', 'Alexander's Feast', by Pope, in 'Ode on St. Cecilia's Day', by Gray in 'Progress of Poesy', by Shelley in 'Ode to Liberty'. 'Milton's "Ode on the Morning of the Nativity" is intended to be Pindaric'. =PINEAU DUCLOS= (=CHARLES=). _See_ =Duclos=. =PLATO.= _b._ 427, _d._ 347 B.C. =Greek philosopher.= APOLOGY OF SOCRATES AND PHÆDO OF PLATO. _Tr._ 1675. AXIOCHUS: ON THE SHORTNESS AND UNCERTAINTY OF LIFE. _Tr._ 1592. DIALOGUES. _Tr._ by Flower Sydenham, 1767-80. ORATIONS OF PERICLES AND PLATO IN PRAISE OF THE ATHENIANS SLAIN IN BATTLE. _Tr._ by E. Bentham, 1759. REPUBLIC OF PLATO. _Tr._ by W. Spens, 1763. WORKS OF PLATO, abridg'd, with an account of his life, philosophy, morals and politics, together with a translation of his choicest dialogues. By M. Dacier. _Tr._ from the French, 1701. The 'Republic' is the model for all ideal commonwealths, e.g. More's 'Utopia', Bacon's 'New Atlantis', etc. Berkeley's 'Alciphron' is based on the 'Dialogues'. The philosophy of P. influenced the poetry of Shelley, and Wordsworth's 'Intimations of Immortality'. His philosophy has affected all subsequent philosophers. =PLAUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS.= _b._ 254, _d._ 184 B.C. =Roman comedian.= COMEDIES. Amphitryon, Epidicus and Rudens. _Tr._ by [Laurence Echard]. 1694. MENAECMI. A pleasant comœdie. Written in Englishe by W. W[arner], 1595. Formed type of Italian comedy of Renaissance. Shakespeare's 'Comedy of Errors' is an adaptation from Plautus's 'Menaechmi'. Dryden's 'Amphitryon' is adapted from Plautus through Molière. 'Sackville sought his comic models in Plautus'. =PLINY= (=GAIUS PLINIUS SECUNDUS=). _The elder._ _b._ 23, _d._ 79. =Latin writer.= THE HISTORIE OF THE WORLD, commonly called the Natural Historie of Pliny. _Tr._ by P. Holland, 1601. THE SECRETS AND WONDERS OF THE WORLD. A Booke ryght rare and Straunge, contayning many excellent properties given to Man, Beasts, Foules ... Trees and Plants. _Tr._ 1585. A SUMMARIE OF THE ANTIQUITIES AND WONDERS OF THE WORLDE, abstracted out of the sixtene first bookes of Pliny. _Tr._ by J. R. [1565]. An important source of our knowledge of early science. 'Doubtless Pliny's "Encyclopædia" is ultimately responsible for much of the confused natural history of the Middle Ages, and not only Chaucer, but also the sixteenth century Euphuists, with their egregious similitudes, are almost certainly in his debt'. =PLINY, CAIUS.= (=CAIUS PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS.=) _The younger._ _b._ 61 A.D., =Latin author and orator.= THE LETTERS OF PLINY THE CONSUL, with occasional remarks by Wm. Melmoth, 1746. The 'Letters of Pliny' are the most precious relics of Roman epistolary correspondence that have come down to us. The model for the modern letters of Horace Walpole and Pope. =PLUTARCH.= _b._ 50, _d._ 120. =Greek philosopher and moralist.= The greatest biographer of antiquity. THE EDUCATION or BRINGING UP OF CHILDREN. _Tr._ out of Plutarch. By Syr T. Eliot [1535]. THE GOVERNAÑCE OF GOOD HELTHE, by the most excellent phylosopher Plutarche [1530]. HOWE ONE MAY TAKE PROFITE OF HIS ENMYES, _translated_ out of Plutarche [by Sir T. Elyot] [1535]. THE LIVES OF THE MOST NOBLE GRECIANS AND ROMANS COMPARED TOGETHER BY PLUTARKE. _Tr._ [from the French of Amyot] by Thomas North, 1579. THE PHILOSOPHIE, COMMONLY CALLED THE MORALS. _Tr._ by P. Holland, 1603. A RIGHT NOBLE HISTORY OF THE SUCCESSORS OF ALEXANDER AND SOME OF THEIR LIVES. Written by ... P. etc., 1569. Shakespeare used North's tr. of Plutarch's 'Lives' freely for his plots as is seen in _Coriolanus_, _Julius Caesar_. P. also initiated the biographical essay, of whom we have the best exponent in Macaulay. Has formed a model for all later writers. =POEMA MORALE.= (Moral Ode.) _Ed._ Text and _Tr._ R. Morris, 'Old English Homilies', 1878. =POLISH ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS.= BOWRING, Sir JOHN. _Tr._ SPECIMENS OF THE POLISH POETS. 1827. =POLIZIANO, ANGELO= (=POLITIAN=). _b._ 1454, _d._ 1494. =Italian classical scholar and poet.= HISTORY OF HERODIAN. _Tr._ ... by N. Smyth. [1550.] ORFEO. Hallam says, 'Politian was placed in the chair of Greek and Latin eloquence at Florence. It is beyond controversy that he stands at the head of that class in the fifteenth century'. =POLO, MARCO.= _b._ 1254, _d._ 1324. =Venetian traveller.= THE MOST NOBLE AND FAMOUS TRAVELS OF MARCUS PAULUS ... INTO THE EAST PARTES OF THE WORLD. _Tr._ [by J. P. Frampton]. 1579. =POLYBIUS.= _b._ 205, _d._ 123 B.C. =Greek historian.= THE HYSTORIES OF ... POLYBIUS: DISCOURSING OF THE WARRES BETWIXT THE ROMANES AND THE CARTHAGINENSES. Englished by C. W.(atson) Whereunto is annexed an abstract compendiously coarsted out of the life and worthy acts, perpetrate by King Henry the fift. 1568. =PONSARD, F.= _b._ 1824, _d._ 1867. =French dramatist.= CHARLOTTE CORDAY (1850). LUCRECE (1843). _Tr._ [Sir A. Rumbold] 1848. A SON OF THE SOIL (Play). _Tr._ 1850. ULYSSES. _Tr._ H. B. Farnie. [1890.] =PONTOPIDDAN, H.= =Scandinavian writer.= THE APOTHECARY'S DAUGHTER. _Tr._ G. Nielsen, 1889. THE PROMISED LAND. _Tr._ Mrs. E. Lucas, 1896. EMANUEL; or, CHILDREN OF THE SOIL. _Tr._ Mrs. E. Lucas. [1896.] =PORTUGUESE ANTHOLOGIES.= _See_ =Spanish=. =PREVOST ABBÉ= (=ANTOINE FRANÇOIS PREVOST D'EXILES=). _b._ 1697, _d._ 1763. =French writer.= DEAN OF COLERAINE. A moral History.... _Tr._ 1752. HISTORY OF MARGARET OF ANJOU, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. 2 vols. _Tr._ 1755. THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF MR. CLEVELAND, NATURAL SON OF OLIVER CROMWELL, Etc. A romance, (1733-40.) 1734. MANON LESCAUT. (1733.) _Tr._ 1841. MEMOIRS OF A MAN OF QUALITY. (1728.) 1738. =PROPERTIUS= (=SEXTUS AURELIUS PROPERTIUS=). _b._ 48, _d._ 14 B.C. =Roman elegiac poet.= PROPERTII MONOBIBLOS: or THAT BOOK OF THE ELEGIES OF PROPERTIUS ENTITLED CYNTHIA. _Tr._ 1782. =PUSHKIN, ALEXANDER S.= _b._ 1799, _d._ 1837. =Russian poet.= THE CAPTAIN'S DAUGHTER.... _Tr._ ... by J. F. Hanstein, 1859. EUGENE ONEGIN: a novel in verse (1828). _Tr._ by Lieut-Col. Spalding, 1881. MARIE: a Story of Russian Love. _Tr._ 1877. POEMS. _Tr._ by Ivan Panin, 1889. PROSE TALES. _Tr._ by T. Keane, 1894. THE QUEEN OF SPADES, AND OTHER STORIES, 1892. RUSSIAN ROMANCES [consisting of Miscellaneous Tales]. _Tr._ by Mrs. J. Telfer, 1875. THE TALISMAN. [_Tr._ by G. Borrow], 1835. =QUEVEDO= (=QUEVEDO Y VILLEGAS DE=). _b._ 1580, _d._ 1645. =Spanish author and satirist.= [1] BUSCON THE WITTY SPANIARD, WITH THE PROVIDENT KNIGHT (1626). _Tr._ by J. D. 1657. HELL REFORMED; or A GLASSE OF FAVOURITES, IN A VISION. _Tr._ 1641. THE VISIONS OF QUEVEDO, made English by Sir R. L'Estrange. 1668. NOVELS, faithfully englished; with the Marriage of Belphegor. _Tr._ 1671. QUEVEDO'S FORTUNE IN HER WITS. _Tr._ by Stevens, 1697. QUEVEDO'S COMICAL WORKS. _Tr._ by Capt. Stevens, 1707. 'He is said to have resembled Voltaire in his talent for ridicule and his versatility. He suffered much political persecution'. [1] One of the 'picaresque or rogue' novels, of which 'Jack Wilton' by Nash was the first example in English. It was later followed by 'Moll Flanders' and 'Colonel Jack' by Defoe, the 'Joseph Andrews' of Fielding, the 'Roderick Random' and 'Peregrine Pickle' of Smollett. In the nineteenth century we find it imitated by Dumas in 'The Three Musketeers' and also in some of the later minor novelists. =QUINTILIAN.= _b._ 35, _d._ 100. =Roman critic and teacher of rhetoric.= HIS INSTITUTES OF ELOQUENCE.... With notes critical and Explanatory. By Wm. Guthrie, 1756. THE DECLAMATIONS OF QUINTILIAN. [_Tr._ by Mr. Warr.] 1686. =RABELAIS, FRANÇOIS.= _b._ 1483, _d._ 1553. =French satirist.= THE FIRST BOOK OF THE WORKS OF MR. F. RABELAIS ... containing five books of the Lives, etc., of Gargantua and his Sonne Pantagruel. _Tr._ by Sir T. Urquhart. 2 parts (1532). 1653. PANTAGRUEL'S PROGNOSTICATION, CERTAIN, TRUE AND INFALLIBLE. _Tr._ by Democritus Pseudomantis. [1620.] THE WHOLE WORKS OF F. RABELAIS. Done out of French by Sir T. Urchard, Knight, Mr. Motteau, etc. 2 vols., 1708. The precursor of Swift and Sterne, who imitated him. 'Rabelais is like no one else, but he contains elements which recall the broader, comic side of Shakespeare, and others which anticipate the scathing railleries of Swift. Sterne, apart from his natural affinities with the earlier ecclesiastic, draws upon him liberally'. =RACINE, JEAN.= _b._ 1639, _d._ 1699. =French dramatic poet.= ACHILLES; or IPHIGENIE IN AULIS. _Tr._ by Mr. Boyer, 1700. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. (1665.) _Tr._ [by Ozell], 1714. ANDROMACHE. A tragedy. (1667.) _Tr._ 1675. ATHALIAH. A tragedy. _Tr._ by Wm. Duncombe, 1726. BRITTANICUS. (1669.) _Tr._ [by Ozell], 1714. THE DISTREST MOTHER. A tragedy. Written by Mr. Phillips, 1712. ESTHER; or, FAITH TRIUMPHANT. (1689.) _Tr._ 1715. THE LITIGANTS. _Tr._ [by Ozell], 1715. THE SULTANESS: a tragedy. _Tr._ by Mr. Johnson, 1717. The dramas of Seneca served as type for tragedies of Racine, who vastly excelled him. The works of R. influenced the post-Restoration dramatists. =RANKE, LEOPOLD VON.= _b._ 1759, _d._ 1886. =German historian.= CIVIL WARS AND MONARCHY IN FRANCE IN SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES. _Tr._ 2 v., 1852. THE ECCLESIASTICAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE POPES OF ROME DURING THE 16th AND 17th CENTURIES. (1834-1837.) _Tr._ by S. Austin, 3 v. 1840. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, PRINCIPALLY IN THE 17th CENTURY. _Tr._ by C. W. Boase, etc. 6 vols. 1875. HISTORY OF SERVIA AND THE SERVIAN REVOLUTION. _Tr._ 1847. HISTORY OF THE LATIN AND TEUTONIC NATIONS. [1494-1514]. _Tr._ by P. A. Ashworth, 1887. HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY; _Tr._ by S. Austin, 1845-47. OTTOMAN AND SPANISH EMPIRE IN SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES. _Tr._ 1843. =RAUF COILYEAR, ROLAND, OTUEL=, etc. _Ed._ S. J. Herrtage. E.E.T.S., 1882. =REAL, CÉSARVICHARD, ABBÉ DE SAINT.= _b._ 1631, _d._ 1692. DON CARLOS. _Tr._ 1722. A CONSPIRACY OF THE SPANIARDS AGAINST THE STATE OF VENICE. _Tr._ 1675. =REINCKE FUCHS.= _c._ 1150. _See_ =Reynard the Fox=. =RENAN, JOSEPH ERNEST.= _b._ 1823, _d._ 1892. =French historian and critic.= ANTICHRIST. _Tr._ with an Introduction by W. G. Hutchison [1899]. CALIBAN. _Tr._ E. G. Vickery, 1896. FUTURE OF SCIENCE. (1890.) _Tr._ 1891. HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. _Tr._ C. B. Pitman and D. V. Bingham. 3 v. 1888-91. LECTURES ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE INSTITUTIONS, THOUGHTS AND CULTURE OF ROME ON CHRISTIANITY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. _Tr._ C. Beard, 1880. LIFE OF JESUS. _Tr._ 1867. POETRY OF THE CELTIC RACES, AND OTHER STUDIES. _Tr._ W. G. Hutchison, 1896. RECOLLECTIONS OF MY YOUTH. _Tr._ C. B. Pitman, and Revised by Madame Renan, 1883. STUDIES OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY AND CRITICISM. _Tr._ O. B. Frothingham, 1864. =RETZ, JEAN FRANÇOIS PAUL DE GONDI, CARDINAL DE.= _b._ 1614, _d._ 1679. =French memoir writer.= MEMOIRES OF THE CARDINAL DE RETZ, CONTAINING THE PARTICULARS OF HIS OWN LIFE.... 4 v. _Tr._ 1723. =REUTER, FRITZ.= _b._ 1810, _d._ 1874. =German poet.= IN THE YEAR 13: A TALE OF MECKLENBURG LIFE. _Tr._ C. L. Lewes. [1867.] SEEDTIME AND HARVEST; or, DURING MY APPRENTICESHIP. _Tr._ 1867. =REYNARD THE FOX.= THE HISTORYE OF REYNART THE FOXE, by me William Caxton, translated [from the Dutch] into Englyssh in th' Abbey of Westmestre. 1481. This prolonged beast-fable, which enjoyed an immense vogue throughout Europe, provoked countless imitations. =RICHARD COUR DE LION, ROMANCE OF.= Printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1509-28. The character of Richard Coeur de Lion, as portrayed in the romance, is happily compared by Ten Brink to John Bull. =RICHARD DE BURY= (=R. Aungervyle, of Bury=). _b._ 1287, _d._ 1345. PHILOBIBLION. Eng. _Tr._ J. B. Inglis. 1832. =RICHARD OF DEVIZES.= _C._ 1191. DE REBUS GESTUS RICARDI PRIMI. _Tr._ Chronicles of the Crusaders. _Ed._ J. Stevenson, 1838. _Tr._ and _Ed._ Dr. Giles, 1841. =RICHARD ROLLE.= THE PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE. _Ed._ Morris, 1863. =RICHTER, JEAN PAUL FRIEDRICH.= _b._ 1763, _d._ 1825. =German writer.= FLOWER, FRUIT AND THORN PIECES; (1796-97); or, the married life, death, and wedding of the advocate of the poor (Firmian Stanislaws Siebenkäs). _Tr._ by E. H. Noel, 2 vols., 1844. HESPERUS. _Tr._ in Carlyle's _Trs._ from German, 1827. LEVANA; a Treatise on Education (1807). _Tr._ 1848. TITAN. _Tr._ C. D. Brooks. 2 v. 1863. WILD OATS (Walt and Dalt) (1804-5). _Tr._ by Eliza Lee, 1846. =ROBERT DE LA MENNAIS, H. F.= _See_ =Lamennais, F. R. de=. =ROBERT MANNYNG OF BRUNNE.= 1260-1345. HANDLYNG SYNNE (1303). _Ed._ Furnivall, Roxburghe Club, 1862. E.E.T.S., 1901. =ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER.= _C._ 1300. RHYMED CHRONICLE. _Ed._ W. Aldis Wright. 2 v. Rolls Ser., 1887. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER'S CHRONICLE. 2 v. _Tr._ T. Hearne, 1724. 'Its value as an independent historical authority almost confined to incidents of Barons' Wars'. =ROGER OF HOVEDEN.= _d._ 1201. =English historian.= ANNALS OF ENGLISH HISTORY, comprising the History of England and of other countries of Europe from A.D. 732 to A.D. 1201. _Tr._ by H. T. Riley, 2 v. 1853. His 'History of England' is commended by Leland, Selden and others for its fidelity. It is mentioned here as one of the sources of our modern histories. =ROGER OF WENDOVER.= _d._ 1236. =English chronicler.= FLOWERS OF HISTORY (Flores Historiarum). Comprising the History of England from the Descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235 formerly ascribed to Matthew of Paris. 2 v. _Tr._ by J. A. Giles, 1849. =ROHAN, HENRI DE, DUKE DE ROHAN.= _b._ 1579, _d._ 1638. =French memoir writer.= MEMOIRS (1610 to 1629) OF THE DUKE OF ROHAN. _Tr._ G. Bridges, 1660. A DECLARATION OF THE DUKE OF ROHAN ... CONTAINING THE JUSTNES OF REASONS AND MOTIVES WHICH HAVE OBLIGED HIM TO IMPLORE THE ASSISTANCE OF THE KING OF GREAT BRITAINE.... _Tr._ 1628. A TREATISE OF THE INTEREST OF THE PRINCES AND STATES OF CHRISTENDOME.... _Tr._ H. H[unt], 1641. =ROLAND, SONG OF.= _Tr._ by J. O'Hagan, 1880. A hero celebrated in romances of chivalry, was supposed to have been a nephew of Charlemagne. He was killed at the Battle of Roncesvalles, 778. THE SONG OF ROLAND, AS CHANTED BEFORE THE BATTLE OF HASTINGS.... _Tr._ Mrs. Marsh, 1854. =ROLANDSLIED.= 12th century. =German poem.= ROLAND: THE HISTORIE OF ORLANDO FURIOSO ONE OF THE TWELUE PIERES OF FRANCE, as it was plaid.... In prose and verse, by R. Greene, 1594. =ROLLIN, CHARLES.= _b._ 1661, _d._ 1741. =French historian.= HISTORY OF ROME (1738). 16 v. _Tr._ 1739. ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE EGYPTIANS.... (1730-38). 12 v. _Tr._ 1734-38. NEW THOUGHTS CONCERNING EDUCATION. _Tr._ 1735. HISTORY OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES OF THE ANTIENTS. _Tr._ 1734. METHOD OF TEACHING AND STUDYING THE BELLES LETTRES. 4 v. 1734. _Tr._ 1740. =ROMANCE OF THE ROSE.= By Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meung. THE ROMAUNT OF THE ROSE. _Ed._ by Dr. Max Kaluza. [From the Glasgow MS. Published by the _Chaucer Soc._ The first 1704 lines are probably Chaucer's.] 1890. [This was translated by Chaucer and some of his predecessors, and the MS. of part of it is in existence.] Chaucer and Gower borrowed freely from the 'Roman de la Rose'. This romance was familiar in both France and England before Chaucer's time. Wace and Benoît de Sainte-More written by Anglo-Normans. It was the reading of this work that influenced the first efforts of Chaucer. During the epoch which is called the Chaucerian, authors known and nameless used the stock of mediaeval France as freely and as monotonously as the French themselves. =RONSARD, PIERRE DE.= _b._ 1524, _d._ 1585. =Eminent French poet.= Some translations from Ronsard will be found in 'Ronsard and La Pléiade', by G. Wyndham, 1906. Ronsard and Du Bellay are the two most important names of the 'Pléiade'. The followers of R., through the Italian school introduced the 'classical' style of verse into England. 'The English poets also read Du Bellay, who finally established the sonnet and at the same time served as a pattern for English writers. One writer of the Ronsardist School, Du Bartas, was a writer of real religious conviction, and his "Semaine" or "Week of Creation", translated by Sylvester, gained no small currency in England'. =ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES.= _b._ 1712, _d._ 1778. =Philosopher and eminent writer.= THE CONFESSIONS OF J. J. ROUSSEAU (Six books only) with the reverie of a solitary walker. (1766-). _Tr._ 1783. Complete Edition (12 books and letters). _Tr._ 1790. ELOISA: a series of original letters. (1760.) _Tr._ 1761. EMILIUS; or AN ESSAY ON EDUCATION. (1762.) _Tr._ by Mr. Nugent, 1763. A DISCOURSE TO WHICH THE PRIZE WAS ADJUDGED BY THE ACADEMY OF DIJON ... on this question ... whether the re-establishment of Arts and Sciences has contributed to purify our morals (1749). _Tr._ by R. Wynne, 1752. DISCOURSE ON THE ORIGIN AND FOUNDATIONS OF THE INEQUALITY OF MANKIND. (1753.) 1762. LETTERS ON THE ELEMENTS OF BOTANY. _Tr._ by Thos. Martyn. (1766.) 1785. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. _Tr._ 1767. PROJECT FOR PERPETUAL PEACE. _Tr._ 1761. THE SOCIAL CONTRACT. (1762). _Tr._ 1763. VARIOUS WORKS. Letter to D'Alembert on the Effects of Theatrical Entertainments on mankind. _Tr._ 1759. R., whether in a novel or in his 'Confessions', is the first writer in modern Europe to expatiate upon inanimate nature in connexion with the feelings. Affected English poetry in the early nineteenth century. 'How much of the "Nature Worship" of Wordsworth and his age may be due to this example can hardly be estimated, but the name of R. was a familiar one in England, and by him was sown much of the seed which our own revivalists watered'. 'The works of Rousseau have exercised a direct and uncommon influence upon English literature, which it is hard to define. There is no doubt he is the "Father of modern democracy"' (Prof. Lowell). =RUNEBERG, J. L.= _b._ 1804, _d._ 1877. =Swedish poet.= LYRICAL SONGS AND EPIGRAMS. _Tr._ Magnusson and Palmer, 1878. NADESCHDA. _Tr._ Marie A. Brown, 1889. =RUSSIAN ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS. Poetical, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, and Traditional Literature.= BAIN, ROBERT NISBET. _Tr._ COSSACK FAIRY TALES AND FOLK TALES. 1894. CHODSKO, ALEX. FAIRY TALES OF THE SLAV PEASANTS AND HERDSMEN. _Tr._ and illustrated by E. J. Harding, 1896. CURTIN, J. _Tr._ MYTHS AND FOLK TALES OF THE RUSSIANS, SLAVS AND MAGYARS. 1890. BOWRING, SIR J. _Tr._ SPECIMENS OF RUSSIAN POETS. 1821. POLEVOI, P. N. RUSSIAN FAIRY TALES. _Tr._ by R. N. Bain, 1893. RALSTON, WM. R. S. _Tr._ RUSSIAN FOLK TALES. 1873. RALSTON, W. R. S. _Tr._ SONGS OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE. 1872. WILSON, C. T. _Tr._ RUSSIAN LYRICS IN ENGLISH VERSE. 1887. =SADI= (=SHEIKH MUSLIH ADDIN=). _b._ 1184, _d._ 1292. THE GÛLISTÂN OF MUSLE-HADDEEN SHAIK SADY OF SHEERAZ. _Tr._ by Francis Gladwin, 1806. THE PERSIAN AND ARABICK WORKS OF SADÉE. _Ed._ by J. H. Harrington, 1791-5. SELECT FABLES FROM GÛLISTÂN, or THE RED OF ROSES. _Tr._ by S. Sulivan, 1774. =SAGAS.= 'The Icelandic Sagas'--the prose histories of the fortunes of the great Icelandic houses--are the last, and also the finest, expression and record of the spirit and the ideas belonging properly to the Germanic race in its own right, and not derived from Rome or Christendom'. An immense imaginative literature is growing up around the Sagas. To mention only a few prominent writers who have received their inspiration from these sources, we have, Baring-Gould in 'Grettir the Outlaw' (1889), the works of Henty and Ballantyne, R. Leighton's 'Olaf the Glorious' (1894), Du Chaillu's 'Olaf the Viking' (1893), Kingsley's 'Hereward', etc., Longfellow, W. Morris in 'Sigurd' and 'Earthly Paradise', and Arnold's 'Balder Dead', etc., etc. BANDED MEN, THE. _Tr._ by Wm. Morris and Eirikr Magnússon. Saga Library. 1890. EDDA SAEMUNDAR. _Tr._ by B. Thorpe, 1866. [Mallet's 'Northern Antiquities' contains a tr. of Edda Saemundar 1851.] EDDA SAEMUNDAR. Selections from. _Tr._ by Wm. Morris, 1877. [Some of the songs from the above are _tr._ by Morris in his 'Sigurd the Volsung' and 'Niblungs'.] EDDA STURLUSONART. [The Prose of Younger Edda.] _Tr._ by Sir G. W. Dasent, 1842. EGILS SKALLAGRIMSSON SAGA. [10th century.] _Tr._ by Rev. W. C. Green, 1893. [An Icelandic family history of the 9th and 10th centuries.] Ranks high among the sagas of action and adventure. Gives a lively account of the first settlers in Iceland. EYRBYGGJA SAGA. _Tr._ by Sir W. Scott. _Tr._ _in_ P. H. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. Tr. also by Wm. Morris and [1] Eirikr Magnússon (1892), who describe it as 'a mixture of a saga, or dramatically told tale, and a chronicle record of events outside its aim and purpose'. Period, 884-1031; principal events between 986-98. Written between 1230-60, according to Vigfússon. 'Unquestionably the oldest of all the sagas of Iceland'. [1] Includes also a _tr._ of Heiôarviga Saga, 'Story of the Heath-Slayings'. GISLI THE OUTLAW, STORY OF. _Tr._ by Sir G. W. Dasent, 1866. GRETTIR SAGA. _Tr._ by Eirikr Magnússon and Wm. Morris. 1869. HAMLET IN ICELAND. _Tr._ by I. Gollancz, 1898. 'Of importance chiefly on account of the use Shakespeare made of another version of the same story. The present version belongs to the 16th or the early 17th century, the major part of it having been derived from Saxo-Grammaticus, the Danish historiographer (late 12th century), and remodelled under the influence of popular folk tales, Carlovingian, and Arthurian romances, and the stories of Tamburlane'. HEIMSKRINGLA, or CHRONICLES OF THE KINGS OF NORWAY. _Tr._ from the Icelandic by S. Laing, 1842, new _Ed._ by Anderson, 1889, 4 v. _See also_ in the Saga Library by Morris _and_ Magnússon, 4 v. 1892-1906. [Consists chiefly of historical sagas, 12th cent. An abridgement is contained in Carlyle's 'Early Kings of Norway', 1875.] HEN THORIR. _Tr._ by Wm. Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. 1890. _Saga Library._ HOWARD THE HALT. _Tr._ by Wm. Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. 1890. _Saga Library._ KORMAKS SAGA: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald. _Tr._ by W. G. Collingwood and Stéfannson, 1902. LANDNAMA BÓC. [Book of the Taking of the Land.] _Tr._ by Thomas Ellwood, 1894. LAXDAELA SAGA. Probably first put together about 13th century. _Tr._ by Muriel A. C. Press [1900]. LILJA 'The Lily' [Religious poem of the 4th century.] _Ed._ and _Tr._ by Eirikr Magnusson, 1870. LUDBROC, DEATH SONG OF: _Tr._ with notes, 1887. NIALS SAGA. The Story of Burnt Njal. 970-1014. 2 v. _Tr._ by Sir G. W. Dasent, 1861. Southern Saga. Considered the greatest of the Sagas, whether in the national scope of its action, the beauty and distinction of the characters, or in the pathos and special grandeur of the narrative. OLAF TRYGGVASON. The Saga of, who reigned over Norway, A.D. 995 to A.D. 1000. _Tr._ by J. Sephton, 1898. Compiled about the middle of the 13th century. OLD NORSE SAGAS. _Tr._ by E. S. Cappel, 1882. ORKNEYINGA SAGA (History of the Men of Orkney). _Ed._ by J. Anderson. _Tr._ by J. A. Higaltalin, and G. Goudie, 1873. ORKNEYINGA SAGA. Magnus Saga; with additions from Flatey's Book. [xiv. century]. _Ed._ by G. Vigfusson, 1888. STURLA THE LAWMAN'S LIVES OF KING HACON AND MAGNUS. [xiii. century], with Glossaries. _Ed._ by G. Vigfusson, 1888. STURLA THE LAWMAN'S LIVES OF KING HACON AND MAGNUS, [xiii. century], with Glossaries, v. 3-4. _Tr._ by G. W. Dasent. THOMAS SAGA. 2 v. with _Tr._ notes and glossary, _Ed. and Tr._ by Eirikr Magnússon, 1875-84. THORSTEIN VIKING'S SON. _See_ Viking Tales of the North. _Tr._ by R. B. Anderson, 1877. THREE NORTHERN LOVE STORIES. _Tr._ by Eirikr Magnússon and Wm. Morris, 1875. THROND OF GATE. THE TALE OF. Commonly called Færeyinga Saga. _Tr._ by F. York Powell. Written probably about 1230. VIGA GLUM SAGA, 970-990, with notes. _Tr._ by Sir Ed. Head, 1866. [Northern Saga.] 'One of the earliest sagas'. VIKING TALES OF THE NORTH. _Tr._ by R. B. Anderson, 1877. [_Tr._ of the sagas of Thorstein Viking's son and Fridthiof the Bold; with G. W. Stevens' _tr._ of Tegnérs Fridthiofs saga.] VÖLSUNGA SAGA. _Tr._ by Eirikr Magnússon and Wm. Morris, 1876. =Sagas, Folk-Tales, etc., Anthologies, Collections.= ANDERSON, R. B. _Tr._ NORSE MYTHOLOGY the religion of our Forefathers, 1875. [Contains all the myths of the Eddas systematized and interpreted with notes and vocabulary.] ANDERSON, RASMUS B. THE FOLKLORE OF NORWAY. [1895.] ARNASON, Jon. _Ed._ ICELANDIC LEGENDS. _Tr._ Powell and Magnússon. 2 ser. 1862-65. ASBJORNSEN. POPULAR TALES FROM THE NORSE. _Translated_ by H. L. Brækstad. 1881. [_Trs._ from the "Norske Folkeeventyr" 1842. Collected by Asbjornsen and Mol. _Tr._ by G. W. Dasent, 1859.] ---- ROUND THE YULE LOG: Norwegian Folk and Fairy Tales. 1882. [A re-translation, by Brækstad, of the collection originally _tr._ by Dasent in 1859.] ---- TALES FROM THE FJELD. A record of popular tales from the Norse of P. C. Asbjörnsen, 1874. [From the Norske Huldreeventyr of Folkesagn, 1845-8; and Folkventyr, 1871.] BUCHANAN, R. _Tr._ BALLAD STORIES OF THE AFFECTIONS. 1866. BUSHBY, MRS. _Tr._ THE DANES SKETCHED BY THEMSELVES. A Series of popular stories by the best Danish authors. 3 v. 1864. CORPUS POETICUM BOREALE. _Ed._ by G. Vigfússon and F. York Powell, 2 v. 1883. [An admirable text and translation of the whole body of ancient Icelandic legends and lays, to the 13th cent.]. 'An epoch-making book'. DASENT, SIR G.W. POPULAR TALES FROM THE NORSE [_tr._ of Asbjörnsen]. _Ed._ 1859. _See above under_ Asbjörnsen. DASENT, Sir G. W. TALES FROM THE FJELD. _Tr._ 1874. EIVIND, R. _Ed. and Tr._ FINNISH LEGENDS, 1893. [_Tr_. of thirty-eight stories from the 'Kalevala'.] GRIMM, JACOB. TEUTONIC MYTHOLOGY. _Tr._ by J. S. Stallybras, 3 v. and suppl. 1-3, 1879-89. [The great standard work on Teutonic (Germ., Scan., and English) mythology, first published in 1835.] MURRAY, E. C. GRENVILLE. _Tr._ NATIONAL SONGS AND LEGENDS OF ROUMANIA. 1859. POWELL, F. Y. _and_ G. MAGNUSSON. _Tr._ ICELANDIC LEGENDS. _Ed._ by Ion Arnasson. 1864-66. PRIOR, R. C. _Tr._ ANCIENT DANISH BALLADS. 3. v. 1860. RALSTON, W. R. S. _Tr._ SONGS OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE. 1872. RINK, HENRY. _Tr._ TALES AND TRADITIONS OF THE ESKIMO. 1875. STEPHENS, G. _and_ H. CAVALLIUS. _Ed._ OLD NORSE FAIRY TALES. _Tr._ 1882. THORPE, BENJ. NORTHERN MYTHOLOGY. 3 v. 1852. VICARY, J. F. _Tr._ THE STORK'S NEST AND OTHER TALES. _Tr._ 1886. READINGS FROM THE DANE: SHORT STORIES. _Tr._ 1886. YULE-TIDE STORIES. Scandinavian and North German. 1853. =SAINT PIERRE, BERNARD DE.= _b._ 1737, _d._ 1814. =French writer.= THE INDIAN COTTAGE. _Tr._ by E. A. Kendal, 1791. PAUL AND VIRGINIA; an Indian story. 2 v. 1789. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. _Tr._ by H. M. Williams, 1796. STUDIES OF NATURE. _Tr._ by H. Hunter, 1796. 'Paul and Virginia' is pronounced by a French critic as not only the _chef d'œuvre_ of the author, but one of the _chefs d'œuvre_ of the language. Has been largely imitated by English writers. =ST. REAL.= _See_ =Real=. =ST. TERESA.= _See_ =Teresa, St.= =SAINT SIMON, LOUIS DE ROUVROY, DUKE DE.= _b._ 1675, _d._ 1755. =French memoir writer.= MÉMOIRES. ENGLISH VERSION BY BAYLE SAINT JOHN. 4 v. 1857. =SAINTE-BEUVE. C. A.= _b._ 1804, _d._ 1869. =French critic.= DARU (Causeries du Lundi, vol. 9). _Tr._ by G. Masson, 1878. ENGLISH PORTRAITS FROM THE C. DU L. _Tr._ 1875. MONDAY CHATS, selected and translated by W. Matthews, 1877. Matthew Arnold was an avowed disciple of S.-B. =SALLUST= (=CAIUS SALLUSTUS CRISPUS=). _b._ 86, _d._ 34 B.C. =Roman historian.= CONSPIRACY OF CATILINE, written by Constantius, Felicius, Durantinus, and _Tr._ by Thomas Paynell: with the Historye of Jugurth, written by the famous Roman Sallust, and _Tr._ by A. Barcklaye, 1557. THE FAMOUS CRONYCLE OF THE WARRE WHICH THE ROMAYNS HAD AGAYNST JUGURTH USURPER OF THE KYNGDOME OF NUMIDY. _Tr._ by Syr A. Barclay [1520]. THE TWO MOST WORTHY AND NOTABLE HISTORIES ... (viz.) the Conspiracie of Catiline, undertaken against the government of the Senate of Rome and the Warre which Jugurth for many years maintained against the same state. [_Tr._ from the Latin by T. Heywood]. 1608-9. =SAND, GEORGE= (=AMANTINE LUCILE AURORE DUPIN=, '=BARONNE' DUDEVANT=). _b._ 1804, _d._ 1876. ANTONIA. _Tr._ V. Vaughan, 1870. BAGPIPERS, THE. _Tr._ K. P. Wormeley, 1890. CESARINE DIETRICH. _Tr._ E. Stanwood, 1871. CONSUELO. (1842.) _Tr._ by F. G. Shaw, 1847. THE COUNTESS OF RUDOLSTADT. [Sequel.] (1843.) _Tr._ by F. G. Shaw, 1847. DEVIL'S POOL. _Tr._ 1861. ENCHANTED LAKE. _Tr._ 1850. FRANCIS THE WAIF. _Tr._ 1848. HAUNTED MARSH. _Tr._ 1847. IMPRESSIONS AND REMINISCENCES. _Tr._ H. K. Adams, 1877. INDIANA. (1832). _Tr._ 1850. JACQUES. _Tr._ A. Blackwell. 2 v. 1847. JEALOUSY, ETC. _Tr._ [1870]. THE JOURNEYMAN JOINER. (Le Compagnon du tour de France, 1841.) _Tr._ 1849. THE HAUNTED MARSH. (La Mare au Diable, 1846). _Tr._ 1848. LADY BLAKE'S LOVE LETTERS, etc. _Tr._ [from Lavinia] P. McCarthy, 1884. LETTERS. _Tr._ R. L. de Beaufort, 1885. LITTLE FADETTE. (La Petite Fadette, 1848.) _Tr._ 1849. MARQUIS DE VILLEMER. _Tr._ R. Keeler, 1871. MAUPRAT. (1837.) _Tr._ 1840. THE MILLER OF ANGIBAULT. (1845.) _Tr._ 1847. MOLIÈRE. _Tr._ 1867. MOSAIC WORKERS; THE ORCS. _Tr._ E. A. A., 1844. MY SISTER JÉANNIE. _Tr._ S. R. Croker, 1874. ROLLING STONE. _Tr._ 1871. SNOW MAN. _Tr._ V. Vaughan, 1871. TEVERINO. _Tr._ 1855. TOWER OF PERCEMONT. _Tr._ 1877. THE USCOQUE. _Tr._ J. Bauer. [1850.] WINGS OF COURAGE. CLOUD SPINNER. _Tr._ Mrs. Cockran. [1883.] WORKS. _Tr._ M. M. Hays, E. A. Ashurst and A. R. Larken. v. 1-6. 1847. =SANDEAU, LÉONARD S. JULES.= _b._ 1811, _d._ 1883. =French novelist and dramatist.= CATHERINE. _Tr._ W. Robson, 1860. MADELEINE. _Tr._ [1850]. THE HOUSE OF PENARVAN. _Tr._ Lady G. Fullerton, 1878. AWAKING. A Drama. _Tr._ [1873]. SEAGULL ROCK. _Tr._ R. Black, 1872. =SANNAZARO, GIACOMO.= _b._ 1458, _d._ 1530. =Italian poet.= ARCADIA (1504). (No translation.) Is said to be the original of Montemayor's dramas and of Sidney's 'Arcadia'. =SAPPHO.= 610 B.C. =Lyric poet.= ODE TO VENUS (Greek and English). _Tr._ 1799. HYMN TO VENUS, etc. _Tr._ 1748. WORKS OF SAPPHO. _Tr._ by F. Fawkes, 1813. Herrick and Suckling modelled their poems upon Sappho's verse. The French and Italian lyrists imitated Catullus and Horace, who were influenced by Sappho and Anacreon. _See also_ =Anacreon=. =SARDOU, VICTORIEN.= _b._ 1831, _d._ 1908. =French dramatist.= DORA. _Tr._ [1877]. FEDORA. _Tr._ [H. Merivale]. [1883]. FERNANDE. _Tr._ [1883]. FRIENDS OR FOES. _Tr._ _See_ in Lacy's Ed. of Plays, 1850. GEORGETTE. _Tr._ 1886. INHABITANTS OF PONTARCY. _Tr._ [1878]. LET US BE DIVORCED. [From Divorçons.] _Tr._ [1881]. MADAME SANS-GÊNE. _Tr._ [1894.] PROGRESS. _Tr._ [1893]. ROBESPIERRE. _Tr._ 1899. SCRAP OF PAPER. _Tr._ Lacy's Ed. of Plays, [1850]. THEODORA. _Tr._ 1885. =SAWLES WARDE.= _Anon._ _Ed._ text and _tr._ R. Morris, 'Old English Homilies'. E.E.T.S. =SCARRON, PAUL.= _b._ 1610, _d._ 1660. =French comic writer.= [1] COMICAL ROMANCE; or, A FACETIOUS HISTORY OF STROLLING STAGE PLAYERS (1651-7). 1676. TYPHON; or, THE GYANT'S WAR WITH THE GODS. (1664.) _Tr._ [by John Phillips], 1665. THE WHOLE COMICAL WORKS OF M. SCARRON. _Tr._ by Thos. Brown, Savage and others, 1700. [1] 'The earliest faithful picture of French provincial life, and, in its individual portraiture, a forerunner of the modern novel'. =SCANDINAVIAN ANTHOLOGIES.= _See_ =Sagas: Collections=. =SCHEFFEL, JOSEPH VICTOR.= _b._ 1826. =German poet.= EKKEHARD. _Tr._ 1872. MOUNTAIN PSALMS. _Tr._ Mrs. F. Brünnow, etc. 1882. THE TRUMPETER OF SÄKKINGEN. _Tr._ Mrs. F. Brünnow. [1884.] =SCHERER, EDMOND H. A.= _b._ 1815, _d._ 1889. =French critic.= ON THE PRESENT STATE OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN FRANCE. _Tr._ 1845. DEMOCRACY AND FRANCE. _Tr._ F. M. D. Mahony, 1884. ESSAYS ON ENGLISH LITERATURE. _Tr._ from 'Etudes critiques sur la littérature contemporaine', by G. Saintsbury, 1891. =SCHILLER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH F.= _b._ 1759, _d._ 1805. =The second of the two great national poets of Germany.= THE BRIDE OF MESSINA (1803). _Tr._ by G. Irvine, 1837. CABAL AND LOVE (1783). _Tr._ by C. Colombine, 1795. CORRESPONDENCE OF SCHILLER AND GOETHE, 1794-1805. _Tr._ by G. H. Calvert, 1849. DEATH OF WALLENSTEIN. _Tr._ by S. T. Coleridge, 1800. DEMETRIUS. _Tr._ by C. Hodges, 1836. DON CARLOS (1784-87). _Tr._ by Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee? 1798. FIESCO. (1783.) _Tr._ by G. H. N. and J. C. S. [Noehden and Stoddart], 1796. THE GHOST SEER, or APPARITIONIST. An interesting fragment found among the papers of Count O.... [Told by D. Boileau], 1795. HISTORY OF THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR. (1788-). _Tr._ by Captn. Blaquiere, 1799. MAID OF ORLEANS (1801). _Tr._ by J. E. Drinkwater, 1835. MARY STUART. (1800.) _Tr._ 1801. THE NEPHEW AS UNCLE. _Tr._ by G. S. Harris, 1856. PHILOSOPHICAL AND ÆSTHETIC LETTERS AND ESSAYS. _Tr._ by J. Weiss, 1845. POEMS AND BALLADS. _Tr._ by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, 1844. POEMS AND TRANSLATIONS FROM THE GERMAN, INCLUDING SCHILLER'S FIGHT WITH THE DRAGON, TRIP TO THE FORGE, SONG OF THE BELL, etc. [By Sir Wm. Gomme] 1821. POEMS FROM THE GERMAN. _Tr._ by G. T. Gallop, 1823. REVOLT OF THE NETHERLANDS. _Tr._ by Thos. Horne, 1807. THE ROBBERS. (1782.) _Tr._ by [A. C. Tytler, Lord Woodhouslee], 1792. SONG OF THE BELL. _Tr._ by Lord F. L. Gower, 1823. SEMELE. _Tr._ by C. Hodges, 1835. TURANDOT; PRINCESS OF INDIA. _Tr._ by A. T. Gurney, 1836. WALLENSTEIN. THE PICCOLOMINI, OR THE FIRST PART OF WALLENSTEIN (1798-9). _Tr._ by S. T. Coleridge. 1800. WILLIAM TELL. (1804.) _Tr._ 1825. =SCHLEGEL, CARL WILHELM VON.= _b._ 1767, _d._ 1845. =German scholar and writer.= AESTHETICS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. _Tr._ E. S. Millington. 1849. LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF LITERATURE: ANCIENT AND MODERN. _Tr._ Lockhart, 1818. PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY. _Tr._ 1835. THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE AND PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE IN A COURSE OF LECTURES. _Tr._ by A. J. W. Morrison, 1846. =SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR.= _b._ 1788, _d._ 1860. =German pessimist philosopher.= ON BOOKS AND READING--_in his_ Religion. _Tr._ 1889. SELECT ESSAYS. _Tr._ by G. Droppers and C. A. P. Dachsel, 1881. SELECTED ESSAYS. _Tr._ by E. B. Bax, 1891. TWO ESSAYS: (1) On the fourfold root of the principal of sufficient Reason. (2) On the Will in Nature. Told by J. Frauenstadt, 1852. THE WORLD AS WILL AND IDEA. (1819.) _Tr._ by Haldane and Kemp, 1883-6. SCHOPENHAUER SERIES. _Tr._ by T. Bailey Saunders. 5 vols. 1890-3. SCHOPENHAUER SERIES:-- 1. WISDOM OF LIFE. _Tr._ 1890. 2. COUNSELS AND MAXIMS. 1890. 3. RELIGION: A DIALOGUE. _Tr._ 1889. 4. STUDIES IN PESSIMISM. _Tr._ 1890. _Including the famous essay on women._ 5. ART OF LITERATURE, and other Essays. 1891. =SCRIBE, AUGUSTIN EUGÈNE.= _b._ 1791, _d._ 1861. =French comic dramatist.= ASMODEUS, THE LITTLE DEMON. Adapted [1850]. BLACK DOMINO; or, A NIGHT'S ADVENTURE (Le Domino Noir 1837). _Tr._ 1837. THE FAVOURITE OPERA ... THE CROWN DIAMONDS (Les Diamants de la Couronne, 1840). _Tr._ [1840]. THE HUGUENOTS. _Tr._ [1843]. MASANIELLO; or, THE DUMB GIRL OF PORTICI. _Tr._ 1843. A PECULIAR POSITION: A farce. _Tr._ by J. R. Planche, 1837. ROBERT THE DEVIL. (Robert le Diable.) _Tr._ [1832]. THE SOMNAMBULIST. (La Sonnambula 1831.) _Tr._ [1850]. =SCUDERY, MADELEINE DE.= _b._ 1607, _d._ 1701. =French writer and novelist.= [*] ALMAHIDE; or THE CAPTIVE QUEEN. _Tr._ by John Philips, 1677. [*] AMARYLLIS TO TITYRUS. A Witty and pleasant Novel. _Tr._ 1681. [*] ZELINDA. Englished by J. D. 1676. [*] These appeared originally under the name of her brother, G. de Scudery. ARTAMENES; or, THE GRAND CYRUS. _Tr._ by F. G. 5 vols. 1653-5. CLEILA. (1654-60.) _Tr._ by John Davies. 5 v. 1656-61. IBRAHIM; or, THE ILLUSTRIOUS BASSA. (1641.) _Tr._ by Henry Cogan, 1652. The interminable pseudo-romantic stories of M. de S.--the 'Grand Cyrus' or 'Clélie'--were exploited by Robert Boyle (Earl of Surrey), Sir Geo. Mackenzie, J. Crowne the dramatist, etc., as well as by Dryden and other post-Restoration dramatists. =SENECA, LUCIUS ANNÆUS.= _b._ 4 B.C., _d._ 65 A.D. =Roman stoic philosopher and dramatist.= THE EYGHT TRAGEDIES ... Entituled Agamemnon. _Tr._ by J. Studley, 1566. THE LAMENTABLE TRAGEDIE OF ŒDIPUS. _Tr._ by A. Nevyle. [In verse.] 1563. MORALS. _Tr._ by T. Lodge, 1614. THE REMEDYES AGAYNST ALL CASUALL CHAUNCES ... A dialogue between Sensualyte and Reason. _Tr._ by E. Wyttynton, 1547. THE SECONDE TRAGEDIE OF SENECA ENTITLED THYESTES. _Tr._ by J. Heywood. [In verse.] 1560. THE SEVENTH TRAGEDY OF S., ENTITLED MEDIA: _Tr._ by J. Studley, 1566. THE SIXT TRAGEDY OF L. A. S. ENTITULED TROAS [ ... In Verse]. _Tr._ by J. Heywood, 1559. SENECA, HIS TENNE TRAGEDIES. _Tr._ into English. [Hercules Furens, Thyestes, and Troas.] _Tr._ by J. Heywood; Œdipus, by A. Nevile; Hippolytus, Medea, Agamemnon and Hercules Oetaeus by J. Studley; Octavia by T. Nuce and Thebais by T. Newton, 1581. THE WORKS OF L. A. SENECA, CONCERNING BENFYTING, THAT IS TO SAY, THE DOING, RECYVING AND REQUYTING OF GOOD TURNES. _Tr._ by A. Golding, 1578. _Supposititious Works._ THE FORME AND RULE OF HONEST LYVYNGE. _Tr._ by R. Whyttynton, 1546. MYROUR OF GLASSE OF MANERS AND WYSEDOME. _Tr._ by R. Whyttynton, 1547. OCTAVIA. _Tr._ by T. Nuce, 1566. Addison's 'Cato' was largely influenced through French sources by Seneca. Sackville sought for tragic models in Seneca. Seneca had great influence on Early Elizabethan drama. The best imitation of his style is Addison's 'Cato'. Seneca's rhetorical plays were the model for the early Elizabethan dramatists, but Shakespearean superseded this influence. =SERVIAN ANTHOLOGIES.= _See_ =Anthologies, General=. =SEVYN SAGES OF ROME.= (Collection of Tales). _Cir._ 1300. _Ed._ Wright, Percy Soc. 1846. Weber, Metrical Romances, 1810. THE SEVIN SEAGES, translatit out of Prois in Scottis Meter be John Rolland, 1578. =SÉVIGNÉ, MARIE DE RABUTIN-CHANTAL, MARQUISE DE.= _b._ 1626, _d._ 1696. =French writer.= COURT SECRETS ... extracted from the Letters of M. de S. _Tr._ 1727. LETTERS FROM THE MARCHIONESS DE SÉVIGNÉ TO HER DAUGHTER, THE COUNTESS DE GRIGNAN. (1st ed. 1726.) 10 vols. 1764. M. de Sévigné has been pronounced the most admirable letter-writer that ever lived. Her style has been largely copied. =SHI KING=: or, =BOOK OF ODES=. =Chinese.= THE SHIH KING, or BOOK OF POETRY. (Told by J. Legge.) _The Sacred Books of the East_, vol. 3, 1879. =SIR BEVES OF HAMTOUN.= _Ed._ Turnbull, Maitland Club, 1838. E.E.T.S., 1885-94. =SIR FERUMBRAS.= 14th century. _Trs._ of Ferabras and other Chansons de Gestes and romans d'aventures. _Ed._ S. J. Herrtage. E.E.T.S., 1879. =SIR GAWAYNE AND THE GRENE KNIGHT.= _Ed._ F. Madden, Bannatyne Club, 1839. Morris, E.E.T.S., 1864. =SIR GOWTHER.= A VERSION OF THE LEGEND OF ROBERT THE DEVIL. 15th century. _Ed._ Utterson, 'Select Pieces of early Popular Poetry'. 1817. =SIR ISUMBRAS.= _Ed._ Ellis (Halliwell), 1897. HERE BEGYNNETH THE HISTORY OF THE VALYENT KNYGHT, SYR ISENBRAS. [In verse.] [1550?] THE ROMANCE OF SIR ISUMBRAS. (The Thornton Romances). 1844. An old English romance in verse. Consists of 130 six-lined stanzas. =SIR ORFEO.= (Orfeo and Heurodis.) _Ed._ Ritson, Ancient Metrical Romances. 1802. =SIR PERCEVAL OF GALLES.= 13th century. _Ed._ Halliwell, Thornton Romances. Camden Soc., 1844. =SIR TRIAMOUR, ROMANCE OF.= _Ed._ J. O. Halliwell [Phillips]. Percy Soc., 1846. =SIR TRISTREM.= _C._ 13th century. _Ed._ Fr. Michel. THE POETICAL ROMANCES OF TRISTAN. 3 v. 1835-39. SIR WALTER SCOTT, 1804. =SLAVONIC ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS, General.= _Slavonic._ NAAKE, JOHN T. SLAVONIC FAIRY TALES. Collected and _translated_ from the Russian, Polish, etc. 1874. WRATISLAW, A. H. _Tr._ SIXTY FOLK-TALES FROM SLAVONIC SOURCES. 1889. _Servian._ BOWRING, SIR JOHN. _Tr._ SERVIAN POETRY. [Historical, Traditional, and Religious], 1827. LYTTON, LORD ('OWEN MEREDITH'). _Tr._ Serbski Pesme: the National Songs of Servia. 1861. =SOCRATES.= _b._ 469, _d._ 399 B.C. =Greek philosopher.= _See_ PLATO'S DIALOGUES. _Tr._ by Floyer Sydenham, 1767-80. _Also_ XENOPHON'S MEMORABILIA. _Tr._ by E. Bysshe, 1712. =SOPHOCLES.= _b._ 496, _d._ 405 B.C. =Greek tragic dramatist.= AJAX. _Tr._ by Lewis Theobald, 1714. ELECTRA. (_Translated in Verse._) By C.(harles) W.(ase), 1649. ŒDIPUS, KING OF THEBES. _Tr._ with notes by Lewis Theobald, 1715. PHILOCTETES. _Tr._ by Thos. Sheridan. 1725. THE TRAGEDIES OF SOPHOCLES. _Tr._ with notes by Geo. Adams, 1729. Influenced Milton's 'Samson Agonistes', Addison's 'Cato', Swinburne's 'Atalanta in Calydon', Shelley's 'Prometheus Unbound', Byron's 'Cain' and 'Manfred'. Arnold's 'Merope' is an imitation of S. =SPAGNUOLI, BAPTISTA MANTUANUS.= _b._ 1448, _d._ 1516. =Italian poet.= A Carmelite Friar. Erasmus says that 'he would be placed by posterity not much below Virgil'. EGLOGS OF THE POET B. MANTUAN CARMELITAN, turned into English Verse ... by George Turbervile, Gent. 1567. THE BUCOLICKS OF B. M. IN TEN ECLOGUES. _Tr._ ... by Thos. Harvey, 1656. Copied by both Sanazzaro and Spenser ('Shepherd's Calendar'); also by Sidney. 'Readers of "Love's Labour's Lost" need hardly be told that "good old Mantuan" was a Latin school-book in Shakespeare's boyhood, and has also been imitated by Barclay'. =SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE ANTHOLOGIES: COLLECTIONS. Poetical, Fairy Tales, Folk-Tales and Traditional Literature.= BUSK, MISS R. H. _Tr._ PATRAÑAS, or SPANISH STORIES, LEGENDARY AND TRADITIONAL, 1870. COELHO, F. A. _Ed._ TALES OF OLD LUSITANIA. _Tr._ H. Monteiro, 1885. KENNEDY, J. _Tr._ MODERN POETS AND POETRY OF SPAIN. 1852. LEWIS, G. _Tr._ THE CID BALLADS. 1883. LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON. _Tr._ ANCIENT SPANISH BALLADS. Historical and Romantic. 1821. MEXIA, PEDRO (Silva de Varia Lecion) THE FORESTE, or COLLECTION OF HISTORIES NO LESSE PROFITABLE, THAN PLEASANT AND NECESSARIE, DOONE out of Frenche into Englishe, by Thomas Fortescue, 1571. [The genius of these tales may be discerned from their history. The book is said to have been written in Spanish by P. de M., thence tr. into Italian, thence into French by Claude Cruget, and lastly from French into Eng. by F.] MIDDLEMORE, MRS. S. G. _Tr._ SPANISH LEGENDARY TALES. 1885. MONTEIRO, MARIANA. _Tr._ GATHERED GEMS FROM SPANISH AUTHORS. 1878. LEGENDS AND POPULAR TALES FROM THE BASQUE PEOPLE. [1886.] MIDDLEMORE, S. G. _Tr._ SPANISH LEGENDARY TALES. 1885. ORMSBY, JOHN. _Tr._ POEMS OF THE CID. 1879. PEDROSO, Z. _Tr._ PORTUGUESE FOLK-TALES with introduction by Ralston, 1882. ROSCOE, THOS. _Tr._ SPANISH NOVELISTS. 3 v. 1832. SOUTHEY, R. _Tr._ AMADIS OF GAUL. 1872. SOUTHEY, R. _Tr._ CHRONICLES OF THE CID [Prose]. 1808. STRETTELL, ALMA. _Tr._ SPANISH AND ITALIAN FOLK-SONGS. 1887. =SPIELHAGEN, FRIEDRICH.= _b._ 1829, =German novelist.= BREAKING OF THE STORM. _Tr._ S. Stephenson. 3 vols. 1877. HOHENSTEIN. _Tr._ 1870. PROBLEMATIC CHARACTERS, _Tr._ S. de Vere, 1869. QUISISANA. _Tr._ 1880. SKELETON IN THE HOUSE. _Tr._ J. Marsden, 1881. THROUGH NIGHT TO LIGHT. _Tr._ 1870. [Sequel to Problematic Characters.] ULTIMO. _Tr._ [1874]. VILLAGE COQUETTE. _Tr._ J. L. Laird, 1875. =SPINOZA, BENEDICT DE.= _b._ 1632, _d._ 1677. =Pantheistic philosopher.= DISCOURSES TO PROVE THE LIBERTY OF PHILOSOPHIZING, etc. (Tractatus Theologico-politicus), 1689. THE ETHICS OF BENEDICTUS DE SPINOZA demonstrated after the method of geometers and divided into five parts. (Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata.) [_Tr._ by D. D. S.] 1876. MIRACLES NO VIOLATION OF THE LAW OF NATURE. _Tr._ 1683. [This is the 6th Chapter of the Tractatus.] SPINOZO REVIVED: or ... THE RIGHTS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 1709. Treatise partly Theological and partly Political. =STAAL, VON= (=MARGUERITE JEANNE CORDIER=) =BARONESS=. _b._ 1693, _d._ 1750. =French writer.= MEMOIRS OF MADAME DE STAHL (1755). _Tr._ 1759. =STAËL-HOLSTEIN, DE= (=ANNE LOUISE GERMAINE NECKER=) =BARONNE=, _commonly called Madame de Staël_. _b._ 1766, _d._ 1817. DELPHINE (1802). 4 v. _Tr._ 1803. CORINNE, or ITALY (1807). _Tr._ 1807. LETTERS ON THE WORKS AND CHARACTER OF J. ROUSSEAU. _Tr._ 1789. TREATISE ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE PASSIONS UPON THE HAPPINESS OF INDIVIDUALS AND OF NATIONS, ILLUSTRATED BY REFERENCE TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. _Tr._ 1798. TREATISE ON ANCIENT AND MODERN LITERATURE.... _Tr._ 1803. INFLUENCE OF LITERATURE UPON SOCIETY. 2 v. _Tr._ 1812. ZULMA: AND OTHER TALES. _Tr._ 1813. REFLECTIONS ON SUICIDE. _Tr._ 1813. GERMANY. 3 v. _Tr._ 1813. LETTERS AND REFLECTIONS OF PRINCE DE LIGNY. _Tr._ 1814. CONSIDERATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. _Tr._ 1819. TEN YEARS EXILE. _Tr._ 1821. =STATIUS, PUBLIUS PAPINIUS.= _b._ about 60 A.D., _d._ about 100 A.D. =Roman poet.= THEBAID. (Epic of Thebes and its heroes.) FIVE BOOKS OF THE THEBAIS OF P. STATIUS, translated by Thomas Stephens, 1648. ACHILLES. Howard, Sir R. Statius, his Achilleis with annotations.... 1660. SYLVÆ ET ACHILLEIS. _Tr._ by Stephens, 1648. Modern critics prefer his 'Sylvae' to the 'Thebaid', the latter being deficient in creative energy. 'Chaucer's "Knight's Tale" was derived from the "Thebaid" of S'. '=STEPNIAK='. _Pseud._ (=SERGIUS MICHAEL DRAGOMANOFF=). _b._ 1841, _d._ 1895. =Russian writer.= CAREER OF A NIHILIST. _Tr._ 1889. UNDERGROUND RUSSIA (1881). NIHILISM AS IT IS (1894). KING STORK AND KING LOG. 2 v. _Tr._ 1895. =STINDE, DR. JULIUS.= =German novelist.= BUCHHOLZ FAMILY. 4 v. _Tr._ 1886. THE BUCHHOLZES IN ITALY. _Tr._ H. F. Powell, 1887. WOODLAND TALES. _Tr._ E. Wright, 1887. =STRABO.= =Greek geographer.= _b._ 64 B.C., _d._ 21 A.D. THE GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO. Literally _translated_ by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer. With notes and a complete Index. 1854-56, 57. THE ITINERARY OF GREECE, with a commentary on Pausanius and S. 1810. =SUDERMANN, HERMANN.= _b._ 1857. =German writer.= DAME CLARA.... _Tr._ B. Overbeck, 1891. MAGDA (HEIMAT). _Tr._ C. E. A. Winslow, 1896. REGINE (DER KATZENSTEG). _Tr._ H. E. Miller, 1894. =SUE, MARIE-JOSEPH EUGÈNE.= _b._ 1804, _d._ 1859. =French novelist.= THE COMMANDER OF MALTA. _Tr._ by A Diosy, 1846. THE MARQUIS OF LETORIÈRE. _Tr._ [1851]. MARTIN THE FOUNDLING. (1846.) _Tr._ 1847. MATILDA ... (1841). _Tr._ by O. Rochford, 1845. THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS. (Mystères de Paris, 1842.) _Tr._ 1844. MYSTERIES OF THE PEOPLE. (Les Mystères du Peuple, 1849.) _Tr._ 1867. THE NEGRO'S REVENGE. _Tr._ 1841. THE PROTESTANT LEADER. (Jean Cavalier, 1840.) _Tr._ 1849. THE WANDERING JEW. (Le Juif Errant, 1844-5.) _Tr._ 3 vols. 1844-5. =SUETONIUS, CAIUS SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS.= _b._ _c._ 70. =Latin historian.= THE HISTORIE OF TWELVE CÆSARS, EMPEROURS OF ROME. _Tr._ by P. Holland. Together with a marginal glosse, and other brief annotations thereupon. 1606. LIVES OF THE EMINENT GRAMMARIANS. _Tr._ by Alex Thomson, 1796. LIVES OF THE EMINENT RHETORICIANS. _Tr._ by Alex. Thomson, 1796. =SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL.= _b._ 1688, _d._ 1772. =Swedish naturalist, mathematician and theosophist.= ANIMAL KINGDOM.... _Tr._ by J. G. Wilkinson, 1843-44. APOCALYPSE REVEALED. _Tr._ 1791. ARCANA CŒLESTIA; or HEAVENLY MYSTERIES (1749-56). _Tr._ 12 vols. 1784-1806. CONCERNING THE EARTHS IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, WHICH ARE CALLED PLANETS, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THEIR INHABITANTS. _Tr._ 1787. CONTINUATION OF THE LAST JUDGMENT AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. _Tr._ 1791. CORONIS. _Tr._ by R. Hindmarsh, 1811. DELIGHTS OF WISDOM, CONCERNING CONJUGAL LOVE.... _Tr._ 1790. DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM RESPECTING THE LORD. _Tr._ 1784. ECONOMY OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. _Tr._ by A. Clissold, 1845. THE HEAVENLY DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM. _Tr._ 1791. ON THE DIVINE LOVE AND THE DIVINE WISDOM. _Tr._ 1840. ON THE NEW JERUSALEM AND ITS HEAVENLY DOCTRINE, AS REVEALED FROM HEAVEN. _Tr._ 1784. ON THE WORSHIP AND LOVE OF GOD. [Part I.] _Tr._ 1816. PRINCIPIA, OR THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL THINGS. _Tr._ by A. Clissold. 1845-46. SKETCH OF THE DELIGHTS OF CONJUGAL LOVE. _Tr._ 1789. TREATISE CONCERNING HEAVEN AND HELL. _Tr._ 1778. TREATISE CONCERNING THE LAST JUDGEMENT. _Tr._ by R. Hindmarsh, 1810. TREATISE ON THE NATURE OF INFLUX. _Tr._ 1784. TRUE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, containing the Universal Theology of the New Church. _Tr._ 1786. WISDOM OF ANGELS CONCERNING DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. _Tr._ 1816. 'It cannot be denied that Swedenborg's theosophy has exerted an important influence upon many gifted minds who are far from accepting all the details of his extraordinary revelations'. =TACITUS, CAIUS CORNELIUS.= _b._ 55, _d._ 130. =Roman historian.= THE ANNALES: AND THE DESCRIPTION OF GERMANY. _Tr._ by Richard Grenaway, 1598. THE ENDE OF NERO AND BEGINNING OF GALBA, fower Bookes of the Histories of Cornelius Tacitus. The Life of Agricola. By Sir Henry Savile, 1581. WORKS OF TACITUS: To which are Prefixed Political Discourses upon that author [by Thos. Gordon.] 1728. =TAINE, HIPPOLYTE A.= _b._ 1828, _d._ 1893. =French littérateur.= HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. (Histoire de la Littérature Anglaise, 1863-64.) _Tr._ by H. van Laun, 1871. THE IDEAL IN ART ... _Tr._ by J. Durand, 1870. THE PHILOSOPHY OF ART. _Tr._ by J. Durand, 1865. =TALMUD, THE= (=Babylonian and Jerusalem=). Vol. 1. of the JERUSALEM TALMUD. The First English Translation by D. M. Schwab appeared in 1885. THE TRADITIONS OF THE JEWS, or THE DOCTRINES AND EXPOSITIONS CONTAINED IN THE TALMUD AND OTHER RABBINICAL WRITINGS. _Tr._ by Rev. John P. Stehelin, 1732-4. THE CRIMINAL CODE OF THE JEWS ACCORDING TO THE TALMUD. _Tr._ 1880. EXTRACTS FROM THE TALMUD.... _Tr._ by P. I. Herschon, 1860. =TASSO, TORQUATO.= _b._ 1544, _d._ 1595. =Italian epic poet.= THE COUNTESS OF PEMBROKES YVYCHURCH (Aminta), Conteyning the affectionate life ... of Phillis and Amyntes (1581). _Tr._ by A. Fraunce, 1591. GODFREY OF BULLOIGNE; or THE RECOVERIE OF HIERUSALEM.... _Tr._ into English by R. C.[arew] and now the first part containing five cantos. 1594. GODFREY OF BULLOIGNE; or THE RECOVRIE OF JERUSALEM. Done into English heroical verse by Edw. Fairfax, 1600. THE HOUSEHOLDER'S PHILOSOPHY. _Tr._ by T. K. 1588. Writings largely influenced by Virgil. Imitated by Spencer in his 'Faerie Queene'. Milton was also influenced by him. =TASSONI, ALESSANDRA.= _b._ 1565, _d._ 1635. =Italian critic and satirist.= LA SECCHIA RAPITA; or, THE RAPE OF THE BUCKET. _Tr._ by J. Atkinson, 1825. Published severe criticism on the poet Petrarch in 1609, which gave rise to much bitter controversy with several of that poet's admirers. Suggested to Pope his 'Rape of the Lock'. =TEGNÉR, ESAIAS.= _b._ 1782, _d._ 1846. =Swedish poet.= AXEL: a romance (1821). _Tr._ by R. Muckleton, 1864. AXEL AND SVEA. Poems ... _Tr._ by O. Baker, 1840. FRITHJOF'S SAGA (1825). _Tr._ by W. Strong [1833]. SONG OF THE SUN. _Tr._ 1817. =TELLEZ, FR. GABRIEL.= _b._ 1570, _d._ 1648. =Spanish writer.= TRAVELS OF THE JESUITS IN ETHIOPIA, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF KINGDOMS AND PROVINCES OF THE EMPIRE, THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE PEOPLE, etc. _Tr._ 1710. =TERENCE, PUBLIUS TERENTIUS.= _b._ _c._ 195 B.C., _d._ 159 B.C. =Roman comic poet.= ANDRIA THE FIRST COMEDIE OF TERENCE IN ENGLISH. _Tr._ by M. Kyffin, 1588. COMEDIES MADE ENGLISH ... By several Hands [L. Eachard, etc.]. 1694. FLOURES FOR LATINE SPEAKYING ... GATHERED OUTE OF TERENCE ... Translated into Englyshe, together with exposition and settyng foorth as well of suche latine wordes ... thought nedeful to be añoted, as also of diverse grammaticall rules ... compiled by N. Udall, 1553. THE SECOND COMEDIE OF P. T. CALLED EUNUCHUS ... English and Latine: claused for such as would write or speak the pure language of this Author ... _Tr._ by Dr. Webbe, 1629. TERENS IN ENGLYSH. [The translacyon out of Latin into Englysh of the fürst comedy of Tyrens called Andria.] [1520.] The dramas of Terence influenced English comedy of intrigue after the Restoration. =TERESA, SAINT.= _b._ 1515, _d._ 1582. =Spanish nun.= THE FLAMING HART; or, THE LIFE OF THE GLORIOUS S. TERESA. _Tr._ by M. T., 1642. =TERTULLIAN= (=QUINTUS SEPTIMIUS FLORENS TERTULLIANUS=). _b._ 160, _d._ 230. =Latin father of the Church.= ADDRESS OF TERTULLIAN TO SCAPULA TERTULLUS. _Tr._ by Sir D. Dalrymple, Lord Hailes, 1790. THE SECONDE BOOKE OF TERTULLIAN unto his Wyf. _Tr._ by John Hoper, 1550. TERTULLIAN'S APOLOGY, or DEFENCE OF THE CHRISTIANS ... _Tr._ by H. B.[rown] 1655. TERTULLIAN'S PRESCRIPTION AGAINST HERETICKS. _Tr._ by J. Betty, 1722. =THEOCRITUS.= _b._ 300, _d._ B.C. =One of the most famous pastoral poets of antiquity.= THE CYCLOPS. _Tr._ in English Verse by Francis Hryland, 1763. THE IDYLLIUMS OF THEOCRITUS ... _Tr._ [by T. Creech], 1684. THE SHEPHERD'S STARRE, NOW OF LATE SEENE ... [By T. Bradshaw], 1591. SIXE IDYLLIA. _Tr._ by E. D. 1588. Influenced Tennyson's 'Œnone' Spenser's 'Shepheard's Calendar', Sidney's 'Arcadia', Milton's 'Lycidas', Arnold's 'Thyrsis'. Shelley's 'Adonais' is an echo of Moschus' 'Lament for Bion'. =THEOGNIS.= _c._ 550 B.C. =Greek poet.= THEOGNIS RESTITUTUS, partly verse and partly prose. _Tr._ by John H. Frere, 1842. =THEOPHRASTUS.= _b._ 372, _d._ 286 B.C. =Greek philosopher.= THE CHARACTERS OF THEOPHRASTUS; together with the characters of the Age, by La Bruyère, 1700. THE CHARACTERS OF THEOPHRASTUS. _Tr._ by Eustace Budgell, 1713. EPICTETUS MANUALL. Theophrastus Characters. _Tr._ by J. Healey, 1616. The Characters of T. were imitated by La Bruyère in his 'Characters'; also by Hall, 'Characterismes of Virtues and Vices', Overbury, 'Characters ...'; and Earle, 'Microcosmography'. =THIERRY, JACQUES N. AUGUSTIN.= _b._ 1795, _d._ 1856. =French historian.= HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF ENGLAND BY THE NORMANS. 3 v. _Tr._ 1825. TEN YEARS OF HISTORICAL STUDIES (1834). _Tr._ 1845. NARRATIVES OF THE MEROVINGIAN TIMES PRECEDED BY CONSIDERATIONS ON THE HISTORY OF FRANCE (1840). _Tr._ [1845]. ESSAY ON THE HISTORY OF THE FORMATION OF THE THIRD ESTATE (1853). _Tr._ Rev. F. Wells, 1855. =THIERS, LOUIS ADOLPHE.= _b._ 1797, _d._ 1877. =French historian and littérateur.= HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 10 v. (1823-27). _Tr._ 1826? _Tr._ F. Shoberl. 5 v. 1838. HISTORY OF THE CONSULATE AND THE EMPIRE. 20 v. (1845-62). _Tr._ D. F. Campbell, 1845-62. HISTORICAL WORKS OF M. A. THIERS. _Tr._ T. W. Redhead. (Vol. 4 _tr._ H. Greenfield and others.) 4 v. 1845[-78.] THE RIGHTS OF PROPERTY, A REFUTATION OF COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM. _Tr._ 1848. =THE THREE KINGS OF COLOGNE.= _Ed._ C. Horstmann. E.E.T.S. 1886. =THUCYDIDES.= _c._ 471 B.C. =Greek historian.= THE HYSTORY WRITTONE BY THUCIDIDES THE ATHENYON OF THE WARRE, WHICH WAS BETWENE THE PELOPNESIANS AND THE ATHENYANS.... _Tr._ oute of Frenche by T. Nicolls, 1550. =TIBULLUS= (=ALBIUS=). _b._ 55 B.C., _d._ 18 B.C. =Roman elegiac poet.= THE ELEGIES OF TIBULLUS, translated into English, with some observations on the original Design of Elegiac Verse, with the Characters of the most celebrated Greek ... Poets. By Mr. Dart, 1720. =TIECK, JOHANN LUDWIG.= _b._ 1773, _d._ 1853. =German poet and novelist.= THE ELVES. _Tr._ by Thos. Carlyle, 1845. FAIR-HAIRED ECKBERT: etc. _Tr._ by Thos. Carlyle, 1874. FERMER THE GENIUS. _Tr._ by F. Marckwort, 1837. THE OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN.... _Tr._ 1860. THE PICTURES; THE BETROTHING. _Tr._ 1825. THE REBELLION IN THE CEVENNES. _Tr._ by Madame Burette, 1845. THE ROMAN MATRON. _Tr._ 1845. TALES FROM THE PHANTASUS (1812-17). _Tr._ by J. C. Hare, 1845. =TOLSTOI, LEO NIKOLAIEVITCH.= _b._ 1828. =Russian author and reformer.= ANNA KARENINA. (1878.) _Tr._ 1886. CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH. (1856.) _Tr._ 1862. THE COSSACKS. (1852.) _Tr._ 1878. FAMILY HAPPINESS (1889). _Tr._ 1890. FRUITS OF ENLIGHTENMENT. _Tr._ by E. J. Dillon, 1891. INVADERS, THE (1861). _Tr._ [1888]. IVAN ILYICH AND OTHER STORIES. (1884-6.) _Tr._ 1887. KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU. _Tr._ 1894. THE KREUTZER SONATA. (1889.) _Tr._ 1890 LIFE. _Tr._ [1889]. LONG EXILE. _Tr._ 1888. MY CONFESSION. _Tr._ [1890]. MY RELIGION. _Tr._ [1890]. NAPOLEON AND RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN. _Tr._ [1890]. POEMS IN PROSE. _Tr._ 1887. RESURRECTION. (1899.) _Tr._ 1900. RUSSIAN PROPRIETOR (1852-59). _Tr._ 1887. SEBASTOPOL. (1855.) _Tr._ 1887. TERRIBLE CZAR. _Tr._ 1892. 'A vivid romance of times of Ivan the Terrible'. TWO PILGRIMS. _Tr._ 1889. WAR AND PEACE, (1860.) _Tr._ 1886. WHAT IS ART.... _Tr._ ... A. Maude. [1899.] WHAT MEN LIVE BY. _Tr._ 1889. WHAT TO DO. _Tr._ [1890]. WHERE LOVE IS THERE GOD IS. _Tr._ 1889. WORK WHILE YE HAVE THE LIGHT. _Tr._ 1890. Tale of the Early Christians. =TOWNELEY MYSTERIES.= _Cir._ 15th century. _Ed._ for Surtees Soc., 1836. Pollard, E.E.T.S., 1897 =TRIAMOUR, SIR.= _See_ =Sir Triamour=. =TRISSINO, GIOVANNI GIORGIO.= _b._ 1478, _d._ 1550. =Italian littérateur and diplomatist.= SOFONISBA? Tragedy of 'Sofonisba' written in 1524. (No translation.) The author of a critical work entitled 'La Poetica', and number of poems in Italian. First example of blank verse borrowed by Surrey and used by Sackville in 'Gorboduc', and later by Marlowe for tragic drama. =TROY, ROMANCES OF.= FEVRE, RAOUL LE. RECUYELL OF THE HISTORYES OF TROYE. 1472. =TROY CYCLE.= THE GESTE HYSTORIALE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF TROY, THE TROY BOOK. _Ed._ Panton and Donaldson. E.E.T.S., 1869. Originally written in Northern dialect. The poem is probably founded on a French version of Guido d. Colonne. The editors assign it to the same author as that of 'Morte Arthur', viz., Huchown of the Awle Ryale. =TURGENIEF,= _or_ =TOURGUÉNIEF, IVAN SERGEEVICH= _b._ 1818, _d._ 1883. =Russian poet and novelist.= ANNALS OF A SPORTSMAN. _Tr._ 1885. AN NOUCHKA. _Tr._ 1884. ASS'YA. _Tr._ by Gersoni, 1887. DESPERATE CHARACTER; AND OTHER TALES. _Tr._ 1901. THE DIARY OF A SUPERFLUOUS MAN. _Tr._ 1884. DIMITRI ROUDINE. (Roudine, 1855.) _Tr._ 1873. DREAM TALES; AND PROSE POEMS. [1882, etc.]. _Tr._ 1897. FATHERS AND SONS. (1861.) _Tr._ by E. Schuyler, 1867. FIRST LOVE. _Tr._ by S. Jerrold, 1884. LIZA (Hélène, 1860). _Tr._ by W. Ralston, 1869. Also _Tr._ as HOUSE OF GENTLEFOLK. MUMU, AND DIARY OF A SUPERFLUOUS MAN. _Tr._ 1884. ON THE EVE. (1859.) _Tr._ by C. E. Turner, 1871. POEMS IN PROSE. _Tr._ 1883. RUSSIAN LIFE IN THE INTERIOR. (1846.) _Tr._ 1855. SMOKE, or LIFE AT BADEN (1867). _Tr._ 1868. SPRING FLOODS. _Tr._ 1874. UNFORTUNATE WOMAN. _Tr._ by Gersoni, 1887. VIRGIN SOIL. (1876.) _Tr._ by T. S. Perry, 1877. =TURGOT, A. R. J.= _b._ 1727, _d._ 1781. =French economist.= LIFE AND WRITINGS OF TURGOT. _Ed._ W. W. Stephens, 1895. REFLECTIONS ON THE FORMATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. _Tr._ 1793. =UHLAND, JOHANN LUDWIG.= _b._ 1787, _d._ 1862. =German lyric poet.= THE POEMS OF L. U., now first translated. By A. Platt, 1848. SONGS AND BALLADS. _Tr._ from Uhland, Körner, etc., 1838. =URFÉ, HONORE D'.= _b._ 1568, _d._ 1625. =French writer of romance.= ASTREA; a romance. (L'Astrée, 1608-26, 6 vols.) _Tr._ by a Person of Quality. 3 vols. 1657-58. =VALDES, FRANCISCO.= =Spanish author.= THE SERJEANT-MAJOR.... Englished by John Thorius, 1590. =VALERIUS MAXIMUS.= B.C. 1st century. =Roman historian.= ROMÆ ANTIQUÆ DESCRIPTIO; a view of the Religion, Laws, Manners, etc. of the Ancient Romans, from their Acts and Sayings. _Tr._ Samuel Speed, 1678. =VASARI, GIORGIO.= _b._ 1511, _d._ 1574. =Italian painter and writer upon art.= CHOICE OBSERVATIONS UPON PAINTING, together with Vasari's Lives of the most eminent Painters ... (1550). _Tr._ by Wm. Aglionby, 1719. =VEDAS.= 1400 B.C. THE BENGALA TRANSLATION OF THE VEDANT, [or rather an English Version by Rāmamohana Rāya ...], or Resolution of all the Veds ... 181[6?]. RIG VEDA-SANHITÂ, the sacred Hymns of the Brahmans.... Edited by Max Müller, etc. 6 v. 1849-74. RIKSAMHITÂ: based on the Native traditional interpretation by H. H. Wilson, completed by E. B. Cowell, 4 v. 1854-57-66. RIKSAMHITÂ: in metre, by Ralph Griffith. SAMA VEDA. Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda. By Rev. J. Stevenson, 1841. Vêdâ (English plural Vedas), i.e. 'knowledge', cognate with the old English _wit_. The name of the sacred books or scriptures of the Brahmins, supposed to contain the fountain and sum of all essential knowledge. They consist of four parts, the Rig-Vêda, Sama-Vêda, Yajur-Vêda and Atharva-Vêda. Of these the Rig-Vêda is the most important. It is composed of religious lyrics or hymns, and is confessedly the oldest extant portion of Sanscrit literature, dating perhaps from 1400 to 1800 B.C. =VEGA, CARPIO LOPE FELIX DE.= _b._ 1562, _d._ 1635. =Spanish poet and dramatist.= ROMEO AND JULIET. _Tr._ 1770. THE FATHER OUTWITTED: a Spanish Interlude. _Tr._ 1806. Originator of the 'Cloak and Sword' drama. Imitated by Jonson and Fletcher. Influenced English drama after the Restoration through French sources. 'Perhaps the most amazing thing in all Spanish literature is the miraculous fecundity of Lope, to whom are credited nearly two thousand plays.' =VERCELLI BOOK= (=CODEX VERCELLENSIS=). _Ed._ (with _tr._) J. M. Kemble, 1843-46. This is a large MS. volume of Anglo-Saxon homilies among which are interspersed six poems. Discovered in 1822 by Dr. Blum. The hand-writing is of the 11th century, and the poems contained in this MS. are: 1. The Andreas. 2. Fates of the Apostles. 3. Address of the Soul to the Body. 4. Falseness of Men (a fragment). 5. Dream of the Road. 6. Elene. =VERLAINE, PAUL.= _b._ 1844, _d._ 1896. =French poet.= POEMS. _Tr._ G. Hall, 1895. =VERNE, JULES.= _b._ 1828. =French author.= ADRIFT IN THE PACIFIC. _Tr._ 1889. ADVENTURES IN SOUTH AFRICA. _Tr._ [1891]. ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN HATTERAS. _See_ (1) English at the North Pole and (2) Field of Ice. AN ANTARCTIC MYSTERY. _Tr._ Mrs. C. Hoey. 1898. ARCHIPELAGO ON FIRE. _Tr._ 1886. AROUND THE MOON. _Tr._ 1875. AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. [1873.] _Tr._ 1873. BEGUM'S FORTUNE. _Tr._ W. H. G. Kingston. [1879.] BLOCKADE RUNNERS (1874). _Tr._ 1874. CAPTAIN ANTIFER. _Tr._ 1895. CASTLE OF THE CARPATHIANS (1893). _Tr._ 1893. CELEBRATED TRAVELS AND TRAVELLERS. The Exploration of the World [B.C. 505-A.D. 1700]. (The Great Navigators of the 18th century. The Great Explorers of the 19th century.) _Tr._ [by Dora Leigh, N. D'Anvers, etc]. 3 v. 1879-81. CHILD OF THE CAVERN. _Tr._ W. H. G. Kingston, 1877. CLIPPER OF THE CLOUDS. _Tr._ 1887. CRYPTOGRAM (1882). _Tr._ 1882. DICK SANDS. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer. [1878.] DR. OX'S EXPERIMENT. _Tr._ 1874. ENGLISH AT THE NORTH POLE. (1874.) _Tr._ [1874]. FAMILY WITHOUT A NAME. _Tr._ [1890]. FIELD OF ICE. _Tr._ 1876. FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON. (1870.) _Tr._ 1870. FLIGHT TO FRANCE. _Tr._ 1888. FLOATING CITY AND THE BLOCKADE RUNNERS. _Tr._ H. Frith, 1876. FOR THE FLAG. _Tr._ Mrs. C. Hoey, 1897. FOUNDLING MICK. _Tr._ 1895. FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON. (1873.) _Tr._ by L. Mercier and C. E. King, 1873. FUR COUNTRY. _Tr._ H. Frith, 1879. GIANT RAFT (1881). _Tr._ 1881. GODFREY MORGAN (1883). _Tr._ 1883. GREEN RAY. _Tr._ 1883. HECTOR SERVADOC. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer, 1878. JOURNEY INTO THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH (1872). _Tr._ [1872]. KERABAN THE INFLEXIBLE: _Part 1._ The Captain of the _Giudara_. _Part 2._ Scarpante the Spy. _Tr._ 1884-85. THE LOTTERY TICKET. _Tr._ 1887. MARTIN PAZ. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer, 1876. MATHIAS SANDORF. _Tr._ 1886. MERIDIANA: THE ADVENTURES OF THREE ENGLISHMEN AND THREE RUSSIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA. _Tr._ 1873. MICHAEL STROGOFF (1877). _Tr._ 1877. MISTRESS BRANICAN. _Tr._ 1892. THE MYSTERIOUS DOCUMENT. _Tr._ 1876. MYSTERIOUS ISLAND. (1875.) _Tr._ by W. H. G. Kingston, 1875. NORTH AGAINST SOUTH. _Tr._ 1888. THE PURCHASE OF THE NORTH POLE. Sequel to 'From the Earth to the Moon'. _Tr._ [1890]. ROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. _Tr._ H. Frith. [1890.] STEAM HOUSE. _Tr._ W. H. G. Kingston, 1881. SURVIVORS OF THE CHANCELLOR. _Tr._ E. Frewer, 1875. TRIBULATIONS OF A CHINAMAN. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer, 1880. TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA (1872). _Tr._ 1872. VANISHED DIAMOND. _Tr._ 1885. VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD. _Tr._ 3 v. 1876-77. WINTER AMID THE ICE, etc. _Tr._ 1876. THE WONDERFUL TRAVELLERS ... Containing 'A Journey into the Interior of the Earth' and 'Five Weeks in a Balloon'. _Tr._ by F. A. Malleson. [1877.] Many of our present-day writers have imitated the mock-scientific romances of Verne. =VIGNY, ALFRED DE.= _b._ 1799, _d._ 1864. =French poet and novelist.= CONSPIRATORS. _Tr._ W. Hazlitt, 1873. CINQ-MARS: or A CONSPIRACY UNDER LOUIS XIII (1826). _Tr._ 1846. CHATTERTON (1835). _Tr._ [1835]. LIGHTS AND SHADES OF MILITARY LIFE. _Tr._ 1840. =VILLARI, PASQUALE.= _b._ 1827. =Italian scholar.= SAVONAROLA AND HIS TIMES (1859-61). _Tr._ 1863. MACHIAVELLI AND HIS TIMES (1877). _Tr._ [1891]. FIRST TWO CENTURIES OF FLORENTINE HISTORY. _Tr._ 1894. =VILLON, FRANCOIS= (=FRANÇOIS DE MONTCORBIER=). _b._ 1431, _d._ 1485 (?). =French poet.= THE POEMS OF MASTER FRANÇOIS VILLON OF PARIS, now first done into English Verse by J. Payne, 1878. =VIRGIL= (=PUBLIUS VERGILIUS MARO=). _b._ 70, _d._ 19 B.C. =Latin poet.= THE BUCOLIKS OF PUBLIUS VIRGILIUS MARO ... together with his Georgics. _Tr._ into [blank] verse by A. F.[raunce or Fleming], 1589. THE ECLOGUES OF VIRGIL, with a commentary ... _Tr._ 1512. THE EPIGRAMS OF P. V. M. AND OTHERS. With the praises of him and his workes. Also his Epitaphs composed by divers illustrious persons. And lastly the arguments of his workes. Englished by J. P.[erkethman], 1624. Here fynyssheth the boke of Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, whiche hathe be translated oute of latyne in to frenshe, and oute of frenshe reduced in to Englysshe by me Wyll̃m Caxton, 1490. [This is not a translation, but rather a compendium or abstract of the Æneid, with some additions.] THE XIII BUKES OF ENEADOS OF THE FAMOUS POETE VIRGILL. Translated out of Latyne Verses into Scottish meter, bi ... Mayster G. Douglas ... Euery buke having hys perticular prologe. (1513.) [1553.] THE WHOLE XII BOOKES OF THE ÆNEIDOS OF VIRGILL. Whereof the first ix and part of the tenth were translated by T. Phaër ... and the residue supplied, and the whole worke together newly set forth, by T. Twyne ... There is added ... Virgil's life out of Donatus, 1573. =VISCHARD DE SAINT REAL, C.= _See_ =Réal=. =VITRUVIUS= (=MARCUS VITRUVIUS POLLIO=). B.C. 60? =Roman architect and writer.= DE ARCHITECTURA. _Tr._ R. Castell, 1730, and W. Newton, 1771-91. The only ancient treatise on the subject of architecture that has come down to us. Highly esteemed as a text book. =VOITURE, VINCENT DE.= _b._ 1598, _d._ 1648. =French poet and wit.= SELECT LETTERS OF VOITURE. The first translated by Mr. Dryden and the rest by Mr. Dennis, 1696. HISTORY OF ALEIDALIS AND ZELIDE ... _Tr._ 1678. WORKS OF M. VOITURE. _Tr._ ... Mr. Dryden, Mr. Dennis, Dr. Drake, 1736. LETTERS OF AFFAIRES, LOVE AND COURTSHIP. Englished by J. D(avies), 1657. FAMILIAR AND COURTLY LETTERS ... made English by Mr. Dryden, etc. With twelve Select Epistles, out of Aristænetus ... 1700. Served as a model to sundry writers after the Restoration as Dorset, Sedley. His letters and poems were considered by the critics of his own day as models of grace, but were marred by affectation. His style was greatly admired by Pope and Boileau. =VOLKSLIEDER.= (=People's Songs.=) 14th-16th century. Many of the Volkslieder have been translated in single poems in various anthologies. _See_ 'German Anthologies,' etc. =VOLTAIRE, AROUET DE, FRANÇOISE MARIE.= _b._ 1694, _d._ 1778. =French philosopher and writer.= ANNALS OF THE EMPIRE FROM THE TIME OF CHARLEMAGNE. _Tr._ by D. Williams, H. Dowman, etc. 1781. ANTI-MACHIAVEL. _Tr._ 1752. BABOUC; or, THE WORLD AS IT GOES. _Tr._ 1754. CANDIDUS; or, ALL FOR THE BEST. (1756.) _Tr._ 1759. _One of the 'Philosophical Romances'._ CRITICAL ESSAY ON DRAMATIC POETRY. _Tr._ 1760. DEFENCE OF LORD BOLINGBROKE'S LETTERS; ON THE STUDY AND USE OF HISTORY. _Tr._ 1753. ESSAY ON THE AGE OF LOUIS 14TH. _Tr._ by Mr. Lockman, 1739. ESSAY ON THE CIVIL WARS OF FRANCE, AND ALSO ON THE EPIC POETRY OF THE EUROPEAN NATIONS, FROM HOMER TO MILTON. With a Discourse on Tragedy, 1727. ESSAY ON UNIVERSAL HISTORY. _Tr._ 1754-57. HENRIADE: an Epick poem. _Tr._ 1732. HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE UNDER PETER THE GREAT. _Tr._ 1760-63. HISTORY OF THE WAR OF 1741. _Tr._ 1756. HISTORY OF THE AGE OF LOUIS 14TH. _Tr._ 1770. MAHOMET: A tragedy (1740). _Tr._ by Mr. Miller, 1744. _Philosophical Romance._ LETTERS CONCERNING THE ENGLISH NATION (1729). _Tr._ 1733. MEROPE. (1734-43.) _Tr._ by T. Theobald, 1744. THE METAPHYSICS OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON: or, A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE OPINIONS OF SIR I. N. AND MR. LEIBNITZ. _Tr._ by David E. Baker, 1747. WORKS. _Tr._ by Dr. Smollett and T. Franklin, 35 vols. 1761-9. [Smollett and Franklin were, for a valuable consideration induced by the booksellers to suffer their names to appear as the translators, but they had no further share in the matter.] Voltaire's influence upon our literature is hardly calculable. 'If Voltaire exercised a greater attractive influence on the mind of Europe than any other man of his age, it was because he felt more than any other the influence of the age upon himself'. =WALDERE. MS.=, 9th century. _Found 1860 in Royal Library, Copenhagen._ _Ed._ 'Two Leaves of King Waldere's Lay', _text_ and _tr._ G. Stephens, 1860. =WALTER OF COVENTRY.= MEMORIALE. _Ed._ W. Stubbs. Vols. i-ii. Rolls Ser. 1872-73. =WERNER, FRIEDRICH L. Z.= _b._ 1768, _d._ 1823. =German poet, dramatist and novelist.= AT THE ALTAR. _Tr._ 1878. BROKEN CHAINS. _Tr._ 1890. BEACON FIRES. _Tr._ 1891. FICKLE FORTUNE. _Tr._ 1881. GOOD LUCK. _Tr._ 1890. HERMANN. _Tr._ 1879. HERO OF THE PEN. _Tr._ 1878. NO SURRENDER. _Tr._ 1879. PARTNERS. _Tr._ 1882. RIVEN BONDS. _Tr._ 1877. SACRED VOWS. _Tr._ 1878. SUCCESS. _Tr._ 1876. UNDER A CHARM. _Tr._ 1877. =WIDSITH= (=Far traveller=). 'THE TRAVELLER'S SONG' or 'THE SCOP, OR SCALD'S TALE'. _Ed._, _Tr._ by H. Morley in Cook and Tinker's 'Select _Tr._ from Eng. Poetry', 1902. =WIELAND, CHRISTOPH MARTIN.= _b._ 1733, _d._ 1813. =German poet.= CRATES AND HIPPARCHIA. A Tale. _Tr._ by C. R. Cake, 1823. THE GRACES: a Classical allegory ... _Tr._ [by S. T., i.e. Sarah Taylor, afterwards Austin], 1823. HISTORY OF AGATHON. (1762-.) _Tr._ 1773. OBERON. (1784-87.) _Tr._ by Wm. Sotheby, 1798. PRIVATE HISTORY OF PEREGRINUS PORTEUS, THE PHILOSOPHER. _Tr._ 1796. REASON TRIUMPHANT OVER FANCY, exemplified in the Adventures of Don Silvio de Rosalva. (1762-6.) _Tr._ 1773. THE REPUBLIC OF FOOLS ... _Tr._ by H. Christmas, 1861. SELECT FAIRY TALES. _Tr._ 1796. SOCRATES OUT OF HIS SENSES. _Tr._ by Wintersted, 1771. SYMPATHY OF SOULS. _Tr._ 1795. =WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY.= _b._ 1095, _d._ 1142. THE HISTORY OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND (Gesta Regum), from the Arrival of the Saxons A.D. 449, to his own Times, A.D. 1143, by William of Malmesbury. Collected with authentic MSS., and _Tr._ from the original Latin by Rev. J. Sharpe. 1815. Mentioned here as highly prized for accuracy, veracity, and critical judgment. One of the sources of our modern historians. =WILLIAM OF PALERNE.= _Cir._ 14th century. [or, Wm. the Werwolf]. _Ed._ Prof. W. W. Skeat. Also _Ed._ Madden, Roxburghe Club, 1832. E.E.T.S., 1867. =WILLIBALD.= _b._ 700?, _d._ 786. Bishop of Eichstadt. _Ed._ EARLY TRAVELS IN PALESTINE. Notices of travels, dictated to and written down by author's kinswoman, a nun of Heidenheim. Bohn. Ant. Lib., 1847. =WINCKELMANN, JOHN= (=JOHANN JOACHIM=). _b._ 1717, _d._ 1768. =German critic and writer on art.= HISTORY OF ANCIENT ART. _Tr._ from the German by G. Henry Lodge, 2 v. 1849. REFLECTIONS ON THE PAINTING AND SCULPTURE OF THE GREEKS: with instructions for the Connoisseur and an Essay on Grace in Works of Art. _Tr._ by Henry Fuseli, 1765. =WYCLIF, JOHN.= _See_ =Bible=. =XENOPHON.= _b._ 435, _d._ 354 B.C. =Greek historian.= CYROPÆDIA: The Bookes of Xenophon, containing the Institution, Schole and Education of Cyrus. _Tr._ by William Bercker, 1567. The Bookes of X. containing the discipline ... _Tr._ [to the end of the sixth Book only]. By W. Barkar. [1560?]. ANABASIS. The Historie of Xenophon of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand, by John Bingham, 1623. HELLENICS. Xenophon's History of Greece. _Tr._ by John Newman, 1685. MEMORABILIA. The Banquet of X. done from the Greek ... with an introductory Essay concerning the Doctrine and Death of Socrates, by James Welwood, 1710. XENOPHONS TREATISE OF HOUSHOLDE ryght counnyngly trãslated ... by Gentian Heruet, 1532. =YORK MYSTERIES.= _Cir._ 1378. _Ed_. Lucy T. Smith, 1885. =ZAPPI, GIAMBATTISTA F.= _b._ 1667, _d._ 1719. =Italian poet and jurist.= SONNETS. _Tr._ T. H. Croker, 1755. =ZEND AVESTA.= 1200-800 B.C. _Translated_ by Arthur Henry Bleek. 3 volumes in 1. 1864. [Comprises the ancient sacred writings of the Parsees.] =ZOLA, ÉMILE.= _b._ 1840, _d._ 1902. =French novelist.= _The Rougon-Macquart Series._ (Les Rougon Macquart; histoire Naturelle et Sociale d'une famille sous le Second Empire. 1871-1893.) CLAUDE'S CONFESSION. _Tr._ by G. D. Cox, 1888. 1. THE FORTUNES OF THE ROUGONS. (La Fortune de Rougon). (1886.) _Tr._ 1871. 2. IN THE SWIM. (La Curée). _Tr._ 1887. 3. THE FAT AND THE THIN. (Le Ventre de Paris). (1888.) _Tr._ 1888. 4. THE CONQUEST OF PLASSONS. (La Conquête de Plassan). (1887.) _Tr._ 1887-8. 5. ABBÉ MOURET'S TRANSGRESSION. (Le Faute de l'Abbé Mouret). _Tr._ 1886-8. 6. HIS EXCELLENCY EUGÈNE ROUGON. _Tr._ 1887-90. 7. THE DRAM SHOP. (1885.) (L'Assommoir.) _Tr._ 1897. 8. A LOVE EPISODE. (Page d'amour). (1886.) _Tr._ 1886-9. 9. NANA. _Tr._ 1880. THE DOWNFALL (La Débâcle). (1892.) _Tr._ 1892. THE DREAM. (1888.) (Le Rêve.) _Tr._ 1893. FRUITFULNESS. (1899.) (Fécondité.) _Tr._ 1900. GERMINAL; or, MASTER AND MAN (1885). _Tr._ 1885-88. GIRL IN SCARLET. _Tr._ 1888. HIS MASTERPIECE. (L'Œuvre). _Tr._ 1886-88. HOW JOLLY LIFE IS! (Joie de vivre.) (1883.) _Tr._ 1886-88. LADIES' PARADISE. _Tr._ by F. Belmont. 3 v. LOURDES. (1894.) _Tr._ 1894. MADELINE FERAT. _Tr._ 1888-89. MONEY. (L'argent). (1891.) _Tr._ 1894. PARIS. (1897.) _Tr._ 1898. PIPING HOT. (Pot-Bouille). _Tr._ 1885-88. ROME. (1895.) _Tr._ 1896. RUSH FOR THE SPOIL. (Curée.) _Tr._ 1885. SOIL. (La Terre). _Tr._ 1888. SOLDIER'S HONOUR, AND OTHER STORIES. _Tr._ 1887. STORIES FROM NINON. (Contes à Ninon.) (1858-1874.) _Tr._ 1895. THÉRÈSE RAQUIN. _Tr._ 1885. WORK. (Travail.) (1901.) _Tr._ 1901. The naturalistic work of Zola has had, during recent years, a wide influence upon our modern novelists. TITLE-INDEX. PAGE Abbé Mouret's Transgression. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1886-88, 164 Abbé Réal, Historical Tales of the. _In_ Select Collection of Novels. _Ed._ by S. Croxall. 1720-22, 7 Accomplished Maid. By C. Goldoni. _Tr._ by E Toms, 1767, 67 Accounts of the Cinchona Forests of South America. By Humboldt. _Tr._ 1821, 77 Account of the Destruction of the Jesuits in France. By J. d'Alambert. _Tr._ 1766, 3 Achilles. By Statius. _Tr._ 1660, 144 Achilles; or, Iphigenie in Aulus. By J. Racine. _Tr._ by Mr. Boyer, 1700, 120 Address of Tertullian to Scapula Tertullus. _Tr._ by _Sir_ W. Dalrymple, Lord Hailes, 1790, 149 Admirable and Memorable Histories, containing the Wonders of Our Time. _Ed._ by S. Goulart. _Tr._ by E. Grimstone, 1607, 8 Adolphe.... By B. Constant. _Tr._ [A. Walker] 1816, 42 Adriano in Siria. By P. T. Metastasio. _Tr._ 1735, 103 Adrift in the Pacific. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1889, 156 Adventurer, The. By A. G. Oehlenschläger. _Tr._ 1826, 109 Adventures in South Africa. By J. Verne. _Tr._ [1891], 156 Adventures of Capt. Hatteras. By J. Verne. _See_ (1) English at the North Pole and (2) Field of Ice, 156 Adventures of Catullus, and History of His Amours with Lesbia. _Tr._ 1707, 33 Adventures of Telemachus. By F. Fénelon. _Tr._ 1703, 56 Aenéid. Here fynyssheth the Boke of Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, whiche hathe be translated ... By Wyllm Caxton, 1490, 159 Aesthetic and Miscellaneous Works. By C. Schlegel. _Tr._ 1849, 136 Æthiopian Historie. By Heliodorus. _Tr._ by T. Underdoune. 1587, 72 Afloat. By G. de Maupassant. _Tr._ by L. Ensor. 1889, 102 After Dinner Stories. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1885, 18 Agreeable Surprise, The. By P. C. de C. de Marivaux. _Tr._ 1766, 100 Air Built Castles. By F. Caballero. _Tr._ 1887, 30 Ajax. By Sophocles. _Tr._ L. Theobald, 1714, 141 Aladdin, or The Wonderful Lamp. By A. G. Oehlenschläger. _Tr._ by T. Martin, 1857, 109 Alcoran of Mahomet. (By Alex. Ross), 1642, 87 Aleidalis and Zelide, History of. By V. de Voiture. _Tr._ 1678, 159 Alexander, Romances of, 3 Alexander the Great. By J. Racine. _Tr._ by [Ozell] 1714, 120 Ali und Valbord. By A. G. Oehlenschläger. _Tr._ by R. M. Laing, 1841, 109 Alisaunder. _Ed._ Skeat, 3 Alladine and Palomides, Interior, and the Dead of Tintagiles. By M. Maeterlinck, _Tr._ 1899, 97 Almahide; or, The Captive Queen. By M. De Scudery. _Tr._ by J. Philips 1677, 137 Alsacian Schoolmaster. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1872], 53 Alvareda Family. By F. Caballero. _Tr._ Viscount Pollington, 1872, 30 Amadis of Gaul. _Tr._ by R. Southey, 1872, 4, 142 Amaryllis to Tityrus. By M. de Scudery. _Tr._ 1681, 137 Amaury. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1845, 50 Amber Witch. By J. W. Meinhold. _Tr._ by Lady Duff Gordon. 1844, 102 Amelia Mansfield. By Mme. Cottin. _Tr._ 1803, 44 Aminta. Countess of Pembroke's Yuychurch. By T. Tasso. _Tr._ by A. Fraunce, 1591, 148 Amis and Amiloun. 13 _c._ _Ed._ Weber, Morris, 5 Amorous Orontus. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by J. Bulteel, 1665, 43 Anabasis: The Historie of Xenophon of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand. _Tr._ by J. Bingham, 1623, 143 Anacreon, Bion, Moschus.... _Tr._ T. Stanley, 1651, 5 Ancient English Metrical Romances. _Ed._ I. Ritson, 3 v. 1802, 9 Ancient History and Exquisite Chronicle of the Roman Warres. By Appian. _Tr._ 1578, 11 Ancient Hist. of the Egyptians. By C. Rollin. _Tr._ 1734-38, 124 Ancient Metrical Tales. _Ed._ C. H. Hartshorne, 1829, 8 Ancient Proverbs and Maxims from Burma. _Tr._ J. Gray. (Oriental Ser.) 1887, 79 Ancient Spanish Ballads. _Tr._ by J. G. Lockhart, 1823, 142 Ancren Riwle. _Ed._ J. Morton, Camden Soc. 1853, 5 Andreas, and Fates of the Apostles. By Cynewulf. _Ed._ W. M. Baskervill. Albion Series, 45 Andria the first Comedie of Terence in English. _Tr._ by M. Kyffin. 1588. Also _Tr._ [1520], 149 Andromache. By J. Racine. _Tr._ 1675, 120 Anglo-Saxon Anthologies: Collections, 7 Animal Kingdom. By C. Linnæus. _Tr._ by R. Kerr. 1792, 93 Animal Kingdom.... By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ by J. G. Wilkinson. 1843-44, 146 Anna Karénina. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1886, 152 Annales, The. The Description of Germany. By Tacitus. _Tr._ by R. Grenaway. 1598, 147 Annals of a Sportsman. By I. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1885, 153 Annals of the Empire from the Time of Charlemagne. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ by W. Williams, H. Dowman, etc. 1781, 160 Annouchka. By I. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1884, 153 Antarctic Mystery. By J. Verne. _Tr._ Mrs. C. Hoey 1898, 156 Antichrist. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ W. G. Hutchison [1899], 121 Anti-Machiavel. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1752, 160 Antonia. By G. Sand. _Tr._ V. Vaughan, 1870, 132 Apocalypse Revealed. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1791, 146 Apology of Socrates and Phædo of Plato. _Tr._ 1675, 115 Apology, Tertullian's; or, Defence of the Christians. _Tr._ by H. B[rown], 1655, 149 Apophthegmes. By D. Erasmus. _Tr._ by N. Udal [1542], 52 Apothecary's Daughter. By H. Pontopiddan. _Tr._ G. Nielsen, 1889, 117 Appeal to Conservatives. By A. Comte. _Tr._ T. C. Donkin and R. Congreve, 1889, 41 Arabian Nights Entertainment. _Ed._ M. Galland, 1704. _Tr._ [1710], 12 Arabian Poetry for English Readers. _Tr._ W. A. Clouston, 1881, 11 Arachne: a historical romance. By G. Ebers. _Tr._ M. S. Safford, 2 v. [1898], 52 Arcadia. By G. Sannazaro, 133 Arcana Cœlestia; or, Heavenly Mysteries. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1784-1806, 146 Archidamus, or the Councell of Warre, being 2,000 Years old. By Isocrates. _Tr._ T. Barnes, 1624, 81 Archipelago on Fire. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1886, 156 Argenis; or, The Loves of Poliarchus and Argenis. By J. Barclay. _Tr._ 1611, 19 Argonautics, in four Books. By Apollonius Rhodius. _Tr._ F. Fawkes, 1780, 11 Argument of the Declamacyon. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by [J. Tiptoft] 1481, 38 Arguments of the Emperor Julian against the Christians. By Julian. _Tr._ T. Taylor. 1809, 83 Aristodemo. By V. Monti. By J. A. Favalli, 1809, 107 Arne. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ A. Plesner and S. Rugeley-Powers, 1866, 24 Arnold of Brescia. By G. Niccolini. _Tr._ T. Garrow, 1846, 108 Around the Moon. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1875, 156 Around the World in Eighty Days. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1873, 156 Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition.... By John Rooke, Arrian's Indian History.... _Tr._ 1729, 14 Art of Literature. By A. Schopenhauer. _Tr._ 1891, 137 Art of Logic. By Aristotle. _Tr._ 1626, 13 Art of Love. By Ovid. _Tr._ 1513, 110 Art of Poetry. By Aristotle. _Tr._ 1705, 13 Art of Poetry [1674]. By N. Boileau. _Tr._ 1683, 26 Artamenes; or, The Grand Cyrus. By M. de Scudery. _Tr._ by F. G., 1653-55, 138 Artaxerxes. By P. T. Metastasio. _Tr._ 1734, 103 Arte of Poetrie, Pistles and Satyrs. By Horace. _Tr._ by T. Drant, 1567, 75 Arte of Warre, The. By N. Di B. Machiavelli. _Tr._ by Peter Whitehorne, 1560, 96 Arthour and Merlin. _Ed._ Turnbull, Abbotsford Club, 1838. _Ed._ Wheatley, E.E.T.S., 1869-99, 15 Arthur [Romance of]. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7 Arthur, 14th cent. _Ed._ Furnivall, E.E.T.S., 1864, 15 Arthur of Little Britain. _Tr._ by J. Bouchier, 1493, 15 Arthur Romances. _Tr._ by Syr Thomas Malory, and Wm. Caxton, 1485, 14 Artists' Wives. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1889, 46 Asmodeus, The Little Demon. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ [1850], 137 Ass'ya. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ by Gersoni. 1887, 153 Astrea. By H. D'Urfe. _Tr._ 1657-58, 154 At the Altar. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1878, 161 Atala, or The Love and Constancy of Two Savages in the Desert. By F. R. V. de Chateaubriand. _Tr._ by C. Bingham, 1802, 37 Athaliah. By J. Racine. _Tr._ by W. Duncombe, 1726, 120 Attic Nights. By Aulus Gellius. _Tr._ Rev. W. Beloe, 3 v. 1795, 62 Aurora and the Prince. By P. de Montalban. _Tr._ T[homas] S[tanley] 1647, 105 Autobiography of Goethe. _Tr._ by P. Godwin, 1847, 65 Autobiography of Martin Luther. _Tr._ by Rev. J. P. Lawson, 1836, 95 Avesta, Zend. _Tr._ by A. Henry Bleck, 1864, 164 Awaking. By L. S. J. Sandeau. _Tr._ [1873], 133 Axel. By E. Tegner. _Tr._ by R. Muckelton. 1864, 148 Axel and Svea. By E. Tegner. _Tr._ by O. Baker, 1840, 148 Axiochus: On the Shortness and Uncertainty of Life. By Plato. _Tr._ 1592, 115 Babilon. By Du Bartas. _Tr._ by W. L'isle, 1596, 49 Babouc; or, The World as It Goes. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1754, 160 Bagh-o-Bahar ["Tales of the Four Darweshes"], 1851. _Tr._ D. Forbes, 79 Bagpipers, The. By G. Sand. _Tr._ K. P. Wormeley, 1890, 132 Baital Pachisi. _Text and Tr._ _Tr._ E. B. Eastwick, 1855, 79 Ballad Stories of the Affections. _Tr._ R. Buchanan, 1866, 130 Banded Men, The. By W. Morris and E. Magnússon, 1890, 127 Banished, The. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1839, 71 Barbara Blomberg. By G. Ebers. _Tr._ M. J. Safford, 2 v., 1897, 52 Barbarossa and other tales. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ L. C. S., 1867, 74 Barber of Seville, The; or, The Useless Precaution. By P. A. C. Beaumarchais (1775). _Tr._ by [E. Griffith], 1776, 20 Barefooted Maiden. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ C. H. Wehnert, 1857, 15 Barque Future. By J. Lie. _Tr._ 1876, 92 Bartas, his divine Weekes and Workes. By G. S. Du Bartus. _Tr._ J. Sylvester, 1605-7, 49 Batchelor of Salamanca. By A. R. Le Sage. _Tr._ by Mr. Lockman, 1737, 91 Battle of Finnsburg. Fragment only. Text with _Tr._ by Thorpe, 1855, 19 Battle of Life. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1884, 109 Beacon Fires. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1891, 161 Begum's Fortune. By J. Verne. _Tr._ W. H. G. Kingston [1879], 156 Belisarius. By J. F. Marmontel. _Tr._ 1767, 101 Belle Nivernaise. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1888, 46 Bells, The. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1872, 53 Beowulf [Romance of]. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7, 21 Betrothed Lovers, The. By A. Manzoni. _Tr._ (by C. Swan), 1828, 100 Betrothing, The. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ 1825, 151 Bevis [Romance of]. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7 Bhagvat-Geeta. _Tr._ by Chas. Wilkins, 1785, 99 Bible, The. For a tabular view of the Evolution of the English Bible, _see_ p. 23. Bird of Truth. By F. Caballero. _Tr._ 1881, 30 Birds The. By Aristophanes. _Tr._ by H. P. Cookesley, 1834, 13 Birth of the War God. A poem by K. _Tr._ by R. T. H. Griffith, 1853, 84 Black Diamonds. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1896, 82 Black Domino; or, A Night's Adventure. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ 1837, 137 Black Forest Tales. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ by J. E. Taylor, 1849, 15 Black Tulip. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1851, 50 Blanchardin and Eglantine. The Historye of Kynge Blanchardyn and Queen Eglantyne. Impr. by Wm. Caxton, 1485. _Ed._ by Dr. Leon Kellner, E.E.T.S., 1889, 25 Blessed are the Poor. By F. Coppie. _Tr._ 1894, 43 Blockade. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1869, 53 Blockade Runners. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1874, 156 Blue-Eyed Meta Holdenis, and a Stroke of Diplomacy. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ 1881, 37 Boke Made by a Certayne Great Clerke Agaynst the new Idole and Olde Devyll, Which of Late Tyme in Misnia Should have Ben Canonised For a Soynt. By M. Luther. _Tr._ 1534, 96 Book of Pity and Death. By P. Loti. _Tr._ T. P. O'Connor, 1892, 94 Book of the People. By F. R. de Lamennais. _Tr._ J. H. Lorymer, 1838, 89 Booke of Christian Questions and Answers. By T. Bèze. _Tr._ by A. Golding, 1574, 22 Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux. _Tr._ by _Sir_ John Bourchier, 1534, 77 Boke of Friendship. By Cicero, 38 Boke of Tulle of Olde Age. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by [W. Worcester], 1481, 38 Book of the Dead (Per Em-Hru.) _Tr._ by E. A. W. Budge [1890], 27 Bôsalam. By G. Flaubert. _Tr._ by M. F. Sheldon, 1886, 58 Bouvard and Pecuchet. By G. Flaubert. _Tr._ 1896, 58 Brand. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by Wm. Wilson, 1891, 78 Breaking of the Storm. _Tr._ S. Stephenson. By F. Spielhagen, 3 v., 1877, 142 Bridal March. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson, 1882, 24 Bride of Messina. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by G. Irvine, 1837, 135 Bride of Roervig. By W. G. Bergsoe. _Tr._ N. Francis, 1877, 21 Bride of the Nile. By G. Ebers. _Tr._ by C. Bell, 2 v., 1887, 51 Briefe and Pithie Summe of the Christian Faith, made in Forme of a Confession. By T. Bèze. _Tr._ by R[obert] F[yll], 1565, 22 Briefe Chronicle of the Romaine Wele Publique, etc. By F. Eutropius. Englished by Nicholas Hawarde, 1564, 55 Briefe Declaration of the Chief Poyntes of the Christian Religion. By T. Bèze. _Tr._ 1556, 22 Brigadier Frederic. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ F. Mallecon, 1875, 54 Brigitta. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ C. Bell, 1880, 15 British History. By Geoffrey of Monmouth. _Tr._ by A. Thomson, 1718, 63 Brittanicus. By J. Racine. _Tr._ by [Ozell], 1714, 120 Broken Chains. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1890, 167 Brothers and Sisters. By F. Bremer. _Tr._ 1848, 29 Brother's Bet. By B. F. Careen. _Tr._ 1867, 33 Brothers Rantzau. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1873], 54 Bruce, The. By S. Barbour. _Ed._ Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1870-77, 19 Brut. Layamon's Brut, or Chronicles of Britain. _Ed._ by F. Madden, 1847, 90 Buchholz Family. By J. Stinde. _Tr._ 1886, 144 Buchholzes in Italy. By J. Stinde. _Tr._ H. F. Powell, 1887, 144 Bucolicks of B. M. in Ten Eclogues. _Tr._ by T. Harvey, 1656, 141 Bucoliks of Virgil. _Tr._ by A. F[raunce or Fleming] 1589, 159 Buik of the most Noble and Vailzeand Conquerour. Bannatyne Club, 1834, 3 Bureaucracy. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ by K. P. Wormeley, 1889, 18 Burgomaster's Wife. By J. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1882, 51 Buried Alive. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1881, 49 Buried Temple. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. Sutro. _Tr._ 1902, 97 Burnt Njal. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7 Buscon the Witty Spaniard, with the Provident Knight. By Quevedo. _Tr._ by J. D., 1657, 118 By Order of the King. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ [Mrs. A. C. Steele], 1870, 76 Cabal and Love. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by C. Colombine, 1795, 135 Caliban. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ E. G. Vickery, 1896, 121 Calilah I. Dumnah. _Tr._ by _Sir_ T. North, 1570, 31 Caesar Bittoreau. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ by J. H. Simpson, 1860, 18 Camors. By O. Feuillett. _Tr._ 1868, 57 Candidus; or, All for the Best. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1759, 160 Canticle of the Victory obtained by the French King Henrie the fourth. At Yvry. By Du Bartus. _Tr._ by J. S. Marchant, 1590, 49 Capital Punishment. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ D. Pyrke, 1865, 76 Captain Antifer. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1895, 156 Captain Fricasse. By T. Gautier. _Tr._ 1888, 62 Captain Mansana. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson, 1882, 24 Captain Paul (The Sicilian Bandit). By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1859, 50 Captain's Daughter. By A. Pushkin. _Tr._ by J. F. Hanstein, 1859, 118 Captive Queen, The. By G. de Scudery. _Tr._ by J. Philips, 1677, 137 Caravan, The. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ [1862], 71 Career of a Nihilist. By "Stepniak." _Tr._ 1889, 144 Carmen. By P. Merimée. _Tr._ 1887, 103 Cartigiano, the Book of the Courtier. By B. Castiglione. _Tr._ 1861, 33 Cassandra, The Fam'd Romance. By G. de Costes. _Tr._ by _Sir_ R. Cotterell, 1652, 43 Castle and the Cottage in Spain. By F. Caballero. _Tr._ Lady Wallace, 1861, 30 Castell of Labour. By P. Gringoire. _Tr._ [P. G.], [1506], 68 Castle of the Carpathians. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1893, 156 Catherine. By L. S. J. Sandeau. _Tr._ W. Robson, 1860, 133 Catholic Homilies. By Aelfric. _Ed._ with _Tr._ B. Thorpe, 1844-46, 1 Cathon. Here Begynneth the Prologue or Prohemye of the Book called Cathon. By W. Cato. _Tr._ by W. Caxton, 1483, 33 Causeries du Lundi. By Ste.-Beuve. _Tr._ 1877, 131 Celebrated Travels and Travellers. The Exploration of the World [B.C. 505-A.D. 1700] (The Great Navigators of the 18th c.--The Great Explorers of the 19th c.). By J. Verne. _Tr._ [by Dora Leigh, N. D'Anvers, etc.], 3 v., 1879-81, 156 Certain Discourses. By M. Bandello. _Tr._ by G. Fenton, 1567, 18 Certain Select Dialogues of Lucian, together with his true Historie. _Tr._ by F. Hicks, 1634, 95 Celestina. The Spanish Bawd Represented by Celestina: or the Tragic Comedy of Calisto and Melibea. _Tr._ by [J. Mabbe], 1631, 34 Celestina the Fair.... Daughter to the King of Thessalie. _Tr._ by [W. Barley?], 1596, 34 Cesarine Dietrich. By G. Sand. _Tr._ E. Stanwood, 1871, 132 Characters of the Greatest Men in France during the 17th Century, By C. Perrault. _Tr._ by J. Ozell, 1704-5, 112 Characters of Theophrastus. _Tr._ by E. Budgell, 1713, 150 Charges of Massilon.... _Tr._ T. St. John (the Rev. S. Clapham), 1805, 102 Charlotte Corday. By F. Ponsard. _Tr._ [1850], 117 Chartreuse of Parma (1839). By M. H. Beyle. _Tr._ 1895, 22 Chase, The, and William and Helen. By G. A. Burger. _Tr._ by [_Sir_ W. Scott], 1796, 30 Chatterton. By A. de Vigny. _Tr._ [1835], 158 Chester Mysteries, _cir._ 1268. _Ed._ Thomas Wright, Shakespeare Soc., 1843-47. T. H. Markland, Roxburghe Club, 1818 (two plays), 37 Chevalere Assigne. _Ed._ Utterson, Roxburghe Club, 1820, and Lord Aldenham, E.E.T.S., Ex. Ser. vi, 37 Chevalier de Maison Rouge. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1846, 50 Chief Justice. By K. Franzos. _Tr._ M. Corbet, 1890, 60 Child and the Hermit. By F. W. Carové. _Tr._ [1840?], 33 Child of the Cavern. By J. Verne. _Tr._ W. H. G. Kingston, 1877, 156 Child Romance. By P. Loti. _Tr._ C. Bell, 1891, 94 Childhood and Youth. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1862, 152 Children of the World. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ 1882, 74 Chinese Nights' Entertainments. _Tr._ by A. W. Fielde, 1893, 38 Chinese Novels. _Tr._ from the Originals by _Sir_ J. F. Davis, 1822, 37 Chinese Stories. _Tr._ by R. K. Douglas, 1892, 38 Choice Observations upon Painting. By G. Vasari. _Tr._ by Wm. Aglionby, 1719, 155 Chosen Eloquent Orations for the Poet Archais. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ 1571, 39 Chouans, The. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1893, 18 Christ, The. By Cynewulf. _Tr._ and _Ed._ I. Gollancz, 1892, 45 Christ at the Vatican. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ G. Schlatter, 1875, 76 Christian Conferences.... By N. Malebranche. _Tr._ 1695, 99 Christian Gellert. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1858, 16 Chronicle Conteyning the Lives of the Ten Emperors of Rome. By A. de Guevara. _Tr._ by E. Hellowes, 1577, 69 Chronicles of Englande, Scotlande and Ireland. By R. Holinshed, 1577, 74 Chronicles, Anglo-Saxon (849-1154). _Ed._ by E. Gibson, 1692; _ed._ by J. Ingram, 1823; _ed._ by B. Thorpe, 1861. _Tr._ by J. A. Giles and J. Stevenson, 1853, 6 Chronicles: Chronicles of England. _Tr._ by W. Caxton, 1480, 34 Chronicles: Froissart, J. Here begynneth the First Volum of Sir J. Froissart.... _Tr._ by J. Bouchier, Knight, Lord Berners, 1523-25, 61 Chronicles: Roger of Wendover, 123 Chronicles: William of Malmesbury, 162 Chronicles of the Cid. _Tr._ by R. Southey, 1872, 40 Cid, The. By J. Herder. _Tr._ 1828, 73 Cid Ballads. _Tr._ J. Y. Gibson. _Ed._ M. D. Gibson, 2 v., 1887, 40 Cid Ballads. _Tr._ by G. Lewis, 1883, 40 Cid, Chronicles of the. _Tr._ by R. Southey, 1808, 40 Cid, Poems of the. _Tr._ by J. Ormsby, 1879, 40 Cid, The. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by J. Rutter, Pt. I., 1637, 43 Cinderella of the Black Forest. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1861, 15 Cinq-Mars. By A. de Vigny. _Tr._ 1846, 158 Circassian Boy. By M. Y. Lermontov. _Tr._ by S. S. Comart, 1875, 91 Citizen Bonaparte. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1874], 53 City of God. By St. Augustine. _Tr._ by J. Healey, 1610, 16 Civil Wars and Monarchy in France in the 16th and 17th Centuries. By L. von Ranke. _Tr._ 1852, 120 Clara. By Mme. Cottin. _Tr._ 1808, 44 Claude's Confession. By E. Zola. _Tr._ by G. D. Cox, 1888, 164 Cleila. By M. de Scudery. _Tr._ by J. Davies, 1656-61, 138 Cleitophon and Leucippe. By Achilles Tatius. _Tr._ by Rev. R. Smith, 1855, 1 Cleopatra. By G. de Costes. _Tr._ by R. Loveday, 1652, 43 Cleopatra. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1894, 51 Clipper of the Clouds. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1887, 156 Clockmaker. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ Lady Wallace, 1861, 16 Clouds, The (423). By Aristophanes. _Tr._ by Mr. Theobald, 1715, 13 Cloud and Sunshine. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ H. Shott, 1887, 109 Codex Exoniensis: Collection of Ang.-Sax. Poetry. _Ed._ Benj. Thorpe, with _tr._, 1842, 40 Codex Vercellensis, Anglo-Saxon Poetry of the. _Ed._ J. M. Kemble, 2 pts., with _tr._, 1843-56, 40 Cold Heart, The. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1844, 71 Collection of English Miracle Plays. _Ed._ Dr. W. Marriott, 8 Collection of Papers which Passed Between Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke. Relating to the Principles of Natural Philosophy and Religion. _Tr._ 1717, 91 Colomba. By P. Merimée. _Tr._ by A. R. Scoble, 1853, 103 Colonel Fougas' Mistake. By E. About. _Tr._ J. E. Maitland, 2 v., 1878, 1 Colonies of Bartas, with the Commentary of S. G. S. _Tr._ by R. F., 1598, 49 Coltivazione, La [Didactic poem on Agriculture]. By Alamanni, Luigi (1546), 2 Comedy of Human Life. By H. Balzac. _Tr._ by K. P. Wormeley, 1885, 18 Comical History.... By Bergerac. _Tr._ 1687, 21 Comical Romance; or, A Facetious History of Strolling Stage Players. By P. Scarron. _Tr._ 1676, 134 Commander of Malta. By M.-J. E. Sue. _Tr._ by A. Diosy, 1846, 145 Commentaries, Newly Translatyd owte of Latin in to Englysshe. By C. J. Caesar. _Tr._ by J. Tiptoft, 1530, 31 Commentary of J[ohn] C[alvin] upon the First Epistle of St. Jhon and upon the Epistle of Jude. _Tr._ [1560], 31 Commentary of J. Calvine upon the Prophet Daniell. _Tr._ by A. Golding, 1570, 32 Commodore's Daughter. By J. Lie. _Tr._ 1892, 92 Companion for the Sincere Penitent. By St. J. Chrysostom. _Tr._ by J. Veneer, 1728, 38 The Company of Jehu. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ K. P. Wormeley, 2 v., 1895, 50 Compendium of Music. By R. Descartes. _Tr._ 1653, 47 Complaynt of Mary Magdaleyne. By Origen. _Tr._ by J. Lydgate [1526], 109 Complaints. By D. Diderot. _Tr._ by Ed. Sp[enser], 1591, 48 Complaints. By Petrarch. _Tr._ by Ed. Sp[enser], 1591, 113 Complete History of the Ancient Amphitheatres ... and in Particular that of Verona. By F. S. Maffei. _Tr._ by A. Gordon, 1730, 98 Concerning the Earths in Our Solar System, which are called Planets, with an account of their Inhabitants. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1787, 146 Confessions of a Clarionet Player. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1874], 53 Confessions of J. J. Rousseau. _Tr._ 1783, 125 Confessions of ... St. Augustine (397). _Tr._ by [_Sir_ T. Matthew], 1620, 16 Conquest of Plassons. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1887-88, 164 Conrad Wallenrod. By A. Mickiewicz. _Tr._ by J. Jablowski, 1841, 104 Conscript, The. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1865, 53 Considerations of the Principle Events of the French Revolution. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1819, 144 Consolation of Philosophy. Boke of Consolacion of Philosophie. By Boethius. _Tr._ by G. Chaucer [1490], 26 Conspiracy of Cataline, written by Constantius, Felicius, Durantinus, and _tr._ by Thomas Paynell: with the Historye of Jugurth, written by the famous Roman Sallust, and _tr._ by A. Barcklaye, 1557, 131 Conspiracy of the Spaniards against the State of Venice. By C. V. Real. _Tr._ 1675, 121 Conspirators. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1847, 50 Conspirators. By A. de Vigny. _Tr._ W. Hazlitt, 1873, 158 Constant Lover. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ J. Nisbet, 1893, 71 Consuelo. By G. Sand. _Tr._ by F. G. Shaw, 1847, 132 Continuation of the Last Judgement and the Spiritual World. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1791, 146 Conversations [of Goethe] with Eckermann. _Tr._ by J. Oxenford, 1850, 65 Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ [W. Gardiner], 1715, 58 Conversion of England, being a sequel to The Monks of the West. 3 v. By C. F. de Montalembert. _Tr._ 1867, 106 Corinne. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1807, 143 Corneille and His Times. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ 1852, 69 Coronis. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ by R. Hindmarsh, 1811, 146 Corpus Poeticum Boreale. _Ed._ by G. Vigfusson and F. York Powell, 1883, 130 Correspondence of Schiller with Goethe, 1794-1805. _Tr._ by G. H. Calvert, 1849, 135 Cortes: or, The Discovery of America. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ 1800, 85 Cosmos. By Humboldt. _Tr._ by Mrs. Sabine, 1845-6, 77 Cossack Tales. By N. V. Gogol. _Tr._ 1860, 67 Cossacks. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1878, 152 Counsels and Maxims. By A. Schopenhauer. _Tr._ 1890, 137 Count Hugo of Craenhove. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1867, 42 Count of Lucanor, The. By D. J. Manuel. _Tr._ by James York [1868], 99 Count of Monte Christo. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1846, 50 Countess De Charny. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1858, 50 Countess of Rudolstadt. By G. Sand. _Tr._ by F. G. Shaw, 1847, 132 Countess Sarah. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1884, 109 Country Doctor. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1887, 18 Country House on the Rhine. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1870, 16 Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. By A. W. von Schlegel. _Tr._ by J. Black, 1815, 136 Course of The History of Modern Philosophy. By V. Cousin. _Tr._ G. W. Wight, 2 v., 1852, 44 Court Secrets. By M. De Sevigne. _Tr._ 1727, 139 Cousin Pons. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1885, 18 Coventry Mysteries, _cir._ 1392. _Ed._ Halliwell, Shakespeare Soc., 1841, 44 Crates and Hipparchia. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ by C. R. Coke, 1823, 162 Crime and Punishment. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1886, 48 Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. By A. France. _Tr._ L. Hearn, 1891, 60 Criminal Code of the Jews According to the Talmud. _Tr._ 1880, 147 Critical Essay on Dramatic Poetry. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1760, 160 Critical Philosophy. By J. Kant. _Tr._ by A. F. M. Willich, 1798, 85 Critick. By I. Kant. _Tr._ by Haywood, 1838, 85 Cruel Enigma. By P. Bourget. _Tr._ J. Cray, 1887, 28 Cryptogram. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1882, 156 Cupid and Psyche, Fable of. By Apuleus. _Tr._ by T. Taylor, 1795, 11 Cure of Old Age and Preservation of Youth. By R. Bacon. _Tr._ 1683, 17 Curious Thoughts on the History of Man. By Montesquieu. _Tr._ 1789, 106 Cursor Mundi. A non-religious poem. _Ed._ R. Morris, E.E.T.S., 1874-91, 44 Cyclops, The. By Theocritus. _Tr._ by F. Hoyland, 1763, 149 Cynthia. Propertii Monobiblos: or, That Book of the Elegies of P. entitled Cynthia. _Tr._ 1782, 118 Cypres Crown. By F. Fouqué. _Tr._ 1820, 59 Cyropædia: The Bookes of Xenophon, containing the Institution, Schole, and Education of Cyrus. _Tr._ by W. Bercker, 1567. The Bookes of X., containing the Discipline.... _Tr._ by W. Barker [1560], 163 Dame Clara. By H. Sudermann. _Tr._ B. Overbeck, 1891, 145 Danish Fairy Legends and Tales. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ 1846, 6 Daphnis and Chloe. By Longus. _Tr._ by Angel Day [1587], 94 Daru. By C. A. Ste.-Beuve. _Tr._ by G. Masson, 1878, 131 De Anima. The History of Animals and Treatise on Physiognomy. By Aristotle. _Tr._ 1809. The Same. With notes and _tr._ by E. Wallace, 1882, 13 De Architectura. By Vitruvius. _Tr._ R. Castell, 1730, 159 De Consolatione Philosophiæ. By Boethius. _Ed._ Fox, 1864, 4, 26 De Oratore. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by G. P[arry], 1723, 39 De Ponto, four Books of [Ovid]. _Tr._ by Wye Saltonstall, 1639, 110 De Rebus Gestus Ricardi Primi. _Tr._ Chronicles of the Crusaders. _Ed._ J. Stevenson, 1838. _Tr._ and _Ed._ Dr. Giles, 1841, 122 De Republica. Scipio's Dream, or the Statesman's Extasie.... By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by [E. G. S.], 1627, 39 De Rerum Natura. By T. L. C. Lucretius. _Tr._ 1743, 95 Dead Lake. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ M. Wilson, 1867, 74 Dean of Coleraine. By Prevost. _Tr._ 1752, 118 Death of Abel. By P. T. Metastasio. _Tr._ 1768, 103 Death of Basseville. By V. Conti. _Tr._ [L. Lodge], 1845, 107 Death of Wallenstein. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by S. T. Coleridge, 1800, 135 Debit and Credit. By G. Freytag. _Tr._ by Mrs. Malcolm, 1857, 61 Debts of Honour. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ by A. B. Yolland, 1900, 82 Decameron, The (1358). By G. Boccaccio. _Tr._ 1625, 25 Declamations of Quintilian. _Tr._ by [Mr. Warr], 1686, 119 Declaration of the Duke of Rohan.... Containing the Justnes of Reasons and Motives which have obliged him to implore the Assistance of the King of Great Britaine.... _Tr._ 1628, 123 Defence of Lord Bolingbroke's Letters: On the Study and Use of History. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1753, 160 Delights of Wisdom, concerning Conjugal Love.... By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1790, 146 Delphine. By Madame De Staël. _Tr._ 1803, 143 Demetrius. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by C. Hodges, 1836, 135 Demitrius the Imposter. By P. Merimée. _Tr._ A. R. Scoble, 1853, 103 Democracy and France. By E. Scherer. _Tr._ F. Mahony, 1884, 135 Democracy in France. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ 1849, 69 Demon, The. By M. Y. Lermontov. _Tr._ by A. C. Stephen, 1875, 91 Demon of Gold. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1857, 42 Demonstrations of the Existence of God Deduced from the Knowledge of Nature. By F. Fénelon. _Tr._ 1754, 56 Descent into Hell. By Cynewulf. _Ed._ W. H. Hulme, with The Christ. Belles Lettres Ser, 45 Description of Greece. By Pausanias. _Tr._ T. Taylor, 1794, 112 Desert Island. By P. T. Metastasio. _Tr._ by A. Murphy, 1760, 103 Desperate Character, and other tales. By I. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1901, 153 Destination of Man. By J. G. Fichte. _Tr._ by P. Sinnett, 1846, 57 Devil upon Two Sticks. By A. R. Le Sage. _Tr._ 1708, 91 Devil's Elixir. By E. T. W. Hoffmann. _Tr._ 1824, 74 Devil's Pool. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1861, 132 Diall of Princes. By A. de Guevara. _Tr._ by T. North, 1557, 69 Dialogues. By Plato. _Tr._ by F. Sydenham, 1767-80, 115 Dialogues Concerning Eloquence in General. By F. Fénelon. _Tr._ by W. Stevenson, 1722, 56 Dialogues of the Dead. By F. Fénelon. _Tr._ 1757, 56 Dialogues of the Dead. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ J. Hughes, 1754, 59 Diana. By G. Montemayor. _Tr._ by B. Yong, 1598, 106 Diary of a Superfluous Man. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1884, 153 Dick Sands. By J. Verne. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer [1878], 156 Didone. By P. T. Metastasio. _Tr._ 1754, 103 Digby Miracle Plays. _Ed._ W. Sharpe 1835, 49 Dimitri Roudine. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1873, 153 Discourse of a Method for the Well Guiding of Reason and the Discovery of Truth in the Sciences. By R. Descartes. _Tr._ 1649, 47 Discourse of M. T. de Beza, containing the Life and Death of M. John Calvin. _Tr._ by J. S. [1570], 22 Discourse of Satires Arraigning Persons by Name. By N. Boileau. _Tr._ 1730, 26 Discourse on the History of the Whole World ... Explicating the Continuance of Religion with the Changes of States and Empires, from the Creation till the Reign of Charles the Great, 1679. By J. B. Bossuet. _Tr._ 1686, 27 Discourse on the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality of Mankind. By J. J. Rousseau. _Tr._ 1762, 125 Discourse to which the Prize was Adjudged by the Academy of Dijon. By J. Rousseau. _Tr._ by R. Wynne, 1752, 125 Discourse upon the Meanes of Well Governing and Maintaining in Good Peace a Kingdome or Other Principalities ... Against N. Machiavelli [by J. Gentillet]. _Tr._ by S. Patericke, 1602, 97 Discourses to Prove the Liberty of Philosophizing. By B. de Spinoza, 1689, 143 Discovery of America. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ 1799-1800, 85 Discovery of the Miracles of Art and Nature, and Magic. By R. Bacon. _Tr._ 1597, 17 Disguised Nobleman. By O. Feuillet. _Tr._ 1860, 57 Dispraise of the Life of a Courtier. By A. de Guevara. _Tr._ by _Sir_ F. Bryan, 1548, 69 Dissertation, historical and political, on the Ancient Republics of Italy. By C. Denina. _Tr._ John Langhorne, 1773, 48 Dissertation on the Sensible and Irritable Parts of Animals. By A. von Haller. _Tr._ 1755, 70 Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants. By C. Linnæus. _Tr._ by _Sir_ J. E. Smith, 1786, 93 Distrest Mother. By J. Racine. _Tr._ 1712, 120 Divina Commedia. By Dante. _Tr._ by H. Boyd, 1802, 45 Divine Comedy: Inferno. By Dante. _Tr._ by J. A. Carlyle [_Prose tr._] 1849, 45 Doctor Dumany's Wife. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1898, 83 Doctor Mattheus. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1868, 53 Dr. Ox's Experiment. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1874, 156 Doctor Perplexorum. By Maimonides. _See_ Moreh Nevochim, 99 Dr. Rameau. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1889, 109 The Doctrine of Princes. By Isocrates. _Tr._ Syr Thomas Eliot [1534], 81 Doctrine of the new Jerusalem respecting the Lord. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1784, 146 Doll's House. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by W. Archer, 1879, 78 Don Carlos. By C. V. Real. _Tr._ 1722, 121 Don Carlos. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by Tytler, Lord Wood Houslee? 1798, 135 Don Quixote (1605). By M. de Cervantes Saavedra. _Tr._ by T. Shelton, 1612-20, 35 Doni (Calilah I Dumnah). _Tr._ by _Sir_ T. North, 1570, 31 Dora. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ [1877], 133 Dorval, or the Test of Virtue. By D. Diderot. _Tr._ 1767, 48 Double Garden. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. Teixeira de Mattos, 1904, 97 Downfall, The. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1892, 164 Dram Shop, The. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1874-77, 164 Dream, The. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1893, 164 Dream of the Holy Rood. By Caedmon. _Tr._ by J. M. Kemble, 1843-46, 30 Dream of the Rude. By Cynewulf: or, Vision of the Cross. _Ed._ A. S. Cook, 1905, 45 Dream Tales; and Prose Poems. By I. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1897, 153 Duchesse de Langlais. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1885, 18 Duke Rowland and Sir Otuell. _Ed._ S. J. Herrtage, E.E.T.S., 1885, 50 Duties of Man. By G. Mazzini. _Tr._ 1862, 102 Dwarf, The. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1844, 71 Early English Metrical Poems. _c._ 1360. _Ed._ Dr. H. Morris, 1864, 9 Early Prose Romances. _Ed._ Prof. H. Morley, 9 Early Prose Romances. _Ed._ W. J. Thoms, 3 v., 1828, 10 Early Scottish Metrical Tales. _Ed._ D. Laing, 1826, 35 Early Travels in Palestine. By Willibald. _Tr._ 1847, 163 Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome, During the 16th and 17th Centuries. By L. von Ranke. _Tr._ by S. Austin, 1840, 120 Echo. By G. Mazzini. _Tr._ by T. Stanley, 1651, 100 Echoes from the French Poets. An Anthology from Baudelaire, etc. _Tr._ 1870, 19 Eclogues of Virgil. _Tr._ 1512, 159 Economy of the Animal Kingdom. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ by A. Clissold, 1845, 146 Edda Saemundar. _Tr._ by B. Thorpe, 1866, 127 Edda Slurlusonar. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Dasent, 1842, 127 Edelweiss. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1869, 16 Education or Bringing Up of Children. By Plutarch. _Tr._ by Syr T. Eliot [1535], 116 Egils Skaldagrimssova Saga. _Tr._ by _Rev._ W. C. Green, 1893, 127 Eglogs of the Poet B. Mantuan Carmelitan. _Tr._ by G. Turbervile, 1567, 141 Egypt: Historical and Picturesque. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ by C. Bell, 1881-7, 51 Egyptian Princess. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1870, 51 Eyght Bookes of Caius Julius Cæsar, Conteyning his Martial Exploytes in the Realm of Gallia.... _Tr._ by A. Goldinge, 1565, 31 Elder Edda. _Tr._ by E. B. Anderson [1896], 127 Electra. By Sophocles. _Tr._ by C.(harles) W.(ase), 1649, 141 Elementary Dialogues for the Improvement of Children. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ Mr. Seymour, 1792, 85 Elementary Spirit. By E. J. W. Hoffmann. _Tr._ by J. Oxenford, 1844, 74 Elements of Geometry. By Euclid. _Tr._ by H. Billingsley, 1570, 54 Elements of Psychology. By V. Cousin. _Tr._ 1834, 44 Elements of the Critical Philosophy. By I. Kant. _Tr._ A. F. M. Willich, 1798, 85 Elene, by Cynewulf. _In_ Codex Vercellensis. _Ed._ by J. M. Kemble, _Aelfric Soc._, 1843-56, 45 Elia.... By F. Caballero. _Tr._ 1868, 30 Elixir, and other Tales. By G. Ebers. _Tr._ Mrs. E. H. Bell, 1890, 52 Elizabeth: or, the Exiles of Siberia. By Mme. Cottin. _Tr._ 1809, 44 Eloisa. By J. J. Rousseau. _Tr._ 1761, 125 Elves, The. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ by T. Carlyle, 1845, 151 Emanuel; or, Children of the Soil. By H. Pontopiddan. _Tr._ Mrs. E. Lucas [1896], 117 Emare. _Ed._ Ritson; Gough, A. B. Old and Middle English Texts, 1901, 52 Emilia Galotté. By G. Lessing. _Tr._ by B. Thompson, 1801, 92 Emilius: or, An Essay on Education. By J. J. Rousseau. _Tr._ by Mr. Nugent, 1763, 125 Eminent Authors of the 19th Century. By G. M. C. Brandes. _Tr._ by R. B. Anderson, 1886, 28 Emperor, The. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1882, 51 Emperor and the Galilean. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by C. Ray, 1876, 78 Enchanted Lake. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1850, 132 Enchanted Lake of the Fairy Morgana. By F. Berni. _Tr._ 1806, 22 Enchiridion. Boke called in Latin Enchiridion Militis Christiani and in English the Manuall of the Christian Knight.... By D. Erasmus. _Tr._ by [Tyndale] [1533], 52 Ende of Nero and Beginning of Galba. By Tacitus. _Tr._ by _Sir_ H. Savile, 1581, 147 Endimione. By P. T. Metastasio. _Tr._ 1758, 103 Enemy of the People. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by Mrs. E. Marx-Aveling, 1897, 78 English and Scottish Popular Ballads. _Tr._ F. A. Child, 5 v., 1882, 7 English at the North Pole. By J. Verne. _Tr._ [1874], 156 English Chronicles. By M. Paris. _Tr._ by J. A. Giles, 1849-54, 111 English Portraits from the C. du L. By Ste.-Beuve. _Tr._ 1875, 131 English Revolution of 1640. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ by W. Hazlitt, 1845, 70 Enquiry into the proofs for the Existence of God. By I. Kant. _Tr._ J. Richardson, 1819, 85 Epictetus Manuall. By Theophrastus. _Tr._ by J. Healey, 1616, 150 Epigrams of P.V.M. [Virgil] and Others. _Tr._ by I. P.[erkethman], 1624, 159 Episcopal Charge.... By J. B. Massilon. _Tr._ 1784, 102 Epistle of Jhon Calvyne. _Tr._ [1549], 32 Essay of Three Tales. By F. Fouqué. _Tr._ 1820, 59 Essay on Blindness. By D. Diderot. _Tr._ [1750], 48 Essay on Indifference to Religion. By F. R. de Lamennais. _Tr._ 1895, 89 Essay on the Age of Louis XIV. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ by Mr. Lockman, 1739, 160 Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington in the Revolution of the U.S.A. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ [G. S. Hillard], 1840, 70 Essay on the Civil Wars of France, and also on the Epic Poetry of the European nations from Homer to Milton. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1727, 160 Essay on the First Book of T. Lucretius Carus. By J. Evelyn, 1656, 95 Essay on the History of the Formation of the Third Estate. By J. N. A. Thierry. _Tr._ F. Wells, 1855, 150 Essay on the Learning, Genius and Abilities of the Fair Sex. By B. J. Feyjoo. _Tr._ 1774, 57 Essay on the Love, the Poetry and Character of Petrarch. By U. Foscolo. Comprising numerous translations by the Author's Friends, Lady Barberina Dacre, and others, 1823, 59 Essay on the Origin of Human Knowledge. Being a supplement to Mr. Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding. By E. Condillac. _Tr._ by Thos. Nugent, 1756, 41 Essay on the Revolutions of Literature. By C. Denina. _Tr._ J. Murdock [1771], 47 Essay on Universal History. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1754-57, 160 Essays, The; or, Morall Politike and Millitarie Discourses of Lo. By M. E. de Montaigne. _Tr._ by J. Florio, 1603, 105 Essays and Dialogues. By G. Leopardi. _Tr._ by C. Edwarde, 1882, 91 Essays and Treatises on Moral, Political, and Various Philosophical Subjects. By I. Kant. _Tr._ by W. Richardson, 1798-9, 85 Essays on English Literature. By E. Scherer. _Tr._ G. Saintsbury, 1891, 135 Essays of Schopenhauer. _Tr._ by G. Droppers and C. A. Dachsel, 1881, 137 Essays on Art. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by S. G. Wood [1840], 65 Essays or Discourses (29). By B. J. Feyjoo. _Tr._ [J. Brett], 1777, 57 Esther; or, Faith Triumphant. By J. Racine. _Tr._ 1715, 120 Ethics of Aristotle: That is to Saye, Precepts of Good Behavioure, and Perfighte Honestie. _Tr._ [by J. Wilkinson], 1547, 14 Ethics of B. de Spinoza. _Tr._ by D. D. S., 1876, 143 Eugéne Grandet. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1886, 18 Eugene Onegin. By A. Pushkin. _Tr._ by Lieut.-Col. Spalding, 1881, 118 Eunuchus. By P. T. Terence. _Tr._ by Dr. Webbe, 1629, 149 European Civilization, Lectures on. By F. P. G. Guizot. _Tr._ by P. M. Beckwith, 1837, 70 Evangelist; or, Port Salvation. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1885, 46 Exemplary Novels. By Cervantes. _In_ Select Collection of Novels. _Tr._ by S. Croxail, 1720-2, 36, 7 Exeter Book. _Ed._ with _Tr._ B. Thorpe, 1842. _Ed._ with _Tr._ I. Gallancz. Poems i to viii, E.E.T.S., 1895, 55 Exhortation; or, Familiar Discourses of D. Erasmus. _Tr._ by [W. Roy], 1529, 52 Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholique Church, in the Points of Controversie with those of the Pretended Reformation. By J. B. Bossuet. _Tr._ by W. M[ontague], 1672, 27 Exposition of the Psalm. By M. Luther. _Tr._ by Miles Coverdale, 1537, 96 Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast. By G. Bruno. _Tr._ by Wm. Morehead, 1713, 29 Extract of Pausanius of the Statues, Pictures and Temples in Greece. _Tr._ 1758, 112 Extravagant Shepherd. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by T. R., 1654, 43 Eyes Like the Sea. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1893, 83 Eyrbyggia Saga. _Tr._ by _Sir_ W. Scott, 1847, 127 Fable of Cupid and Psyche. By Apuleius. _Tr._ T. Taylor, 1795, 11 Fable of Ovid treting of Narcissus. _Tr._ with a moral thereunto, very pleasant to rede, 1560, 110 Fables and Tales in French and English. By J. De La Fontaine. _Tr._ 1734, 88 Fables from the German. By G. Lessing. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1773, 92 Fables in English and French Verse. By C. Perrault. _Tr._ 1741, 112 Fables of Æsop. _Tr._ by W. Caxton, 1484, 2 Fables of Phaedrus. _Tr._ Bk. 1, 1646. J. Davidson, 1745. D. Bellamy, 1734, 114 Fabliaux: or, Tales from the French. _Tr._ by G. L. Way and G. Ellis. 3 v., 1796-1800, 61 Fair-Haired Eckbert. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ by T. Carlyle, 1874, 151 Fairy Lady, The. By Calderon. _Tr._ by Lord Holland, 1807, 31 Fairy Tales. Andersen, Hans C. _Tr._ 1846, 5 Fairy Tales. Aulnoy, Mme. D'. _Tr._ by Miss Lee and A. Macdonald, 1891. _Tr._ by J. R. Planché, 1855, 60 Fairy Tales from B. By C. Brentano. _Tr._ K. F. Krocker [1884], 29 Fairy Tales. The Fairy Book. _Tr._ by D. M. Mulock, 1863, 9 Fairy Tales. Fairy Legends and Traditions of Ireland. _Ed._ by T. C. Croker, 1825, 34 Fairy Tales of All Nations. By E. R. L. Laboulaye. _Tr._ 1867, 8 Fairy Tales. Last Fairy Tales. By E. R. L. Laboulaye. _Tr._ by L. M. Booth, 1884, 8 Faithfull Shepheard. By G. B. Guarini. _Tr._ by [Dymock], 1602, 69 Fall of Princes. Booke Called De John Bochas Descriuinge the Falle of Princis, Princessis and Other Nobles. By G. Boccaccio. _Tr._ by John Lydgate, 1494, 25 False Prince. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1846, 71 Familiar and Courtly Letters. By V. de Voiture. _Tr._ by Mr. Dryden, 1657, 160 Familiar Discourses of D. Erasmus. _Tr._ by [W. Roy], 1529, 52 Familiar Epistles. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by J. Webbe, 1570, 39 Familiar Epistles of A. Guevara. _Tr._ by E. Hellowes [1574], 69 Family Happiness. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1890, 152 Family Picture. By D. Diderot. _Tr._ 1781, 48 Family Without a Name. By J. Verne. _Tr._ [1890], 156 Famous Historie of Fryer Bacon. By R. Bacon, 17 Famous Hystory of Herodotus. Conteyning the Discourses of Dyvers Countreys. _Tr._ by [B. R. _i.e._ Barnaby Rich], 1584, 73 Fantasio. By A. De Musset. _Tr._ 1832, 108 Fasti, The. By Ovid. _Tr._ by J. Gower, 1640, 110 Fat and the Thin. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1887, 164 Fathers and Sons. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ by E. Schuyler, 1867, 154 Father Outwitted. By L. F. de Vega. _Tr._ 1806, 155 Faust. The Historie of the Damnable Life and Deserved Death of Doctor John Faustus. _Tr._ by P. F. Gent, 1592, 56 Faust. Second Report of Doctor John Faustus, Conteyning His Appearances and the Deeds of Wagner. _Tr._ 1594, 56 Faustus. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ 1821, 66 Favourite Opera, The.... The Crown of Diamonds. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ [1840], 137 Faythful and moste Godly Treatyse Concernynge the Most Sacred Sacrament of the Blessed Body and Bloude of Our Saviour Christ. By J. Calvine. _Tr._ by N. Coverdale, 1550, 32 Fedora. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ [H. Merivale], 1883, 134 Fellah, The. By C. About. _Tr._ Sir R. Roberts, 1870, 1 Fermer the Genius. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ F. Marckwort, 1837, 151 Fernande. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ [1883], 134 Ferumbras. _See_ Sir Ferumbras, 139 Fickle-Fortune. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1881, 161 Field of Ice. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1876, 157 Fiesco. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by G. H. N. and J. C. S. [Noehden and Stoddart], 1796, 135 First Day of the World's Creation. By Wm. Bartas. _Tr._ by J. Jackson, 1596, 49 First Lines of Physiology. By A. von Haller. _Tr._ 1779, 70 First Love. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ by S. Jerrold, 1884, 154 First Two Centuries of Florentine History. By P. Villari. _Tr._ 1894, 158 Fisher Maiden. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ M. E. Niles, 1869, 24 Five Weeks in a Balloon. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1870, 157 Flaming Hart, or the Life of the Glorious S. Teresa. _Tr._ by M. T. 1642, 149 Flight to France. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1888, 157 Floating City and the Blockade Runners. By J. Verne. _Tr._ H. Frith, 1876, 157 Florentine Historie. By N. Machiavelli. _Tr._ by T[homas] B[edingfield], 1594, 97 Florian and Cresceny. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ M. Taylor, 1853, 16 Florizand Blauncheflur _cir._ 1250. _Ed._ J. R. Lumby, E.E.T.S., 1866. _Ed._ Hartshorne, Laing, Abbotsford Club, 1857, 58 Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces. By J. P. F. Richter. _Tr._ by E. H. Noel, 1844, 122 Floures for Latine Speakying. By P. T. Terence. _Tr._ by N. Udall, 1560, 149 Flowers of Epigrams, from Martial and others. _Tr._ by T. Kendall, 1577, 101 Flowers of History. By Roger of Wendover. _Tr._ by J. A. Giles, 1849, 123 Folk-Songs of Southern India. _Tr._ C. E. Gover, 1872, 79 Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro. By P. A. C. Beaumarchais (1784). _Tr._ by T. Holcroft, 1785, 20 For the Crown. By F. Coppée. _Tr._ 1896, 43 For the Flag. By J. Verne. _Tr._ Mrs. C. Hoey, 1897, 157 Forme and Rule of Honest Lyvyng. By L. A. Seneca. _Tr._ by R. Whyttynton, 1847. _Supposititious Work_, 138 Fortunate Fool. By Barbadillo. _Tr._ P. Ayres, 1670, 19 Fortunatus. The Right Pleasant and Variable Tragical History of Fortunatus. _Tr._ by [T. Churchyard], 1612, 59 Fortune in Her Wits. By Quevedo. _Tr._ by Stevens, 1697, 119 Fortune Mends. By Calderon. _Tr._ by F. Holcroft, 1805, 31 Fortunes of the Rougons. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1871, 164 Forty-Five Guardsmen. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1848, 50 Foundling Mick. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1895, 157 Four Ancient Bookes of Wales. _Ed._ by W. F. Skene. 2 v., 1868, 10 Four Sons of Aymon, 1490-91. By Caxton. _Ed._ [Miss] O. Richardson, 2 pts., E.E.T.S., 1884, 59 Fox and the Wolf. _Ed._ T. Wright and Halliwell, 1841, 59 Fragments of Lucilius, The. By G. Lucilius. _Tr._ by L. Evans, 1848, 95 Fragments of the Greek Comic Poets. _Tr._ Dr. F. A. Paley, 1888, 68 France Before Europe. By J. Michelet. _Tr._ 1871, 104 France, History of. From Pharamond to Charles IX. By J. B. Bossuet. _Tr._ 1762, 27 France under Louis Philippe. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ 1841-47, 70 Francis the Waif. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1848, 132 Fridthiof's Saga. _Tr._ by G. W. Steven, 1877, 127 Friend Fritz. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1873], 54 Friend of the Family. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1887, 49 Friends or Foes. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ 1850, 134 Fritheof [Story of]. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7, 127 Frogs, The. By Aristophanes. _Tr._ by C. Dunster [1780], 13 Frogs and Mice. By Homer. _Tr._ by W. F[owldes], 1603, 75 From the Earth to the Moon. By J. Verne. _Tr._ by L. Mercier and C. E. King, 1873, 157 Fruitefull and Godly Exposition and Declaracion of the Kyngdom of Christ. By M. Luther. _Tr._ by [W. Lynne], 1548, 96 Fruitfulness. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1900, 164 Fruits of Enlightenment. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ by E. J. Willon, 1891, 152 Fryer Bacon, Famous Historie of, L. 16 cent., 17 Fulk Fitz Warine, _c._ 1320. _Tr._ T. Wright, 1855, 62 Fundamenta Entomologiæ. By C. Linnæus. _Tr._ by Wm. Curtis, 1772, 93 Fur Country. By J. Verne. _Tr._ H. Frith, 1879, 157 Future of Science. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ 1891, 121 Gambler, The. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1887, 49 Gamelyn, Tale of. _Ed._ W. W. Skeat, 1893, 62 Garden of Epicurus. By A. France. _Tr._ A. Allinson, 1908, 60 Gardens, The. By J. Delille. _Tr._ 1789, 47 Gargantua and Pantagruel. Pantagruel's Prognostication. By F. Rabelais. _Tr._ 1620, 74 Garman and Worse. By A. L. Kielland. _Tr._ W. W. Kettlewell, 1884, 86 Gate of Tongues Unlocked and Opened.... By J. A. Comenius. _Tr._ by J. Anchoran, 1639, 40 Gellert the Stepmother. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1882, 16 Gems from Petofi and Other Hungarian Poets. _Ed._ by W. N. Loew, 1881, 17 Gems of Chinese Literature. _Tr._ by H. A. Giles, 1884, 38 Generic and specific Description of British Plants. To which is added an Entomological Dictionary, and a Glossary. By C. Linnæus. _Tr._ by J. Jenkinson, 1775, 93 Generides _cir._ 1440. _Ed._ F. J. Furnival, Roxburghe Club, 1865. _Ed._ A. Wright, E.E.T.S., lv, lxxx, 1873, 63 Geoffrey of Monmouth. British History. _Tr._ A. Thompson, 1718, 63 Geography of Strabo. _Tr._ by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer, 1854-56, 57, 145 Georgette. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ 1886, 134 Georgics of Hesiod. _Tr._ by G. Chapman, 1618, 73 German Popular Stories. By J. L. C. Grimm, 1823-26, 68 Germany. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1813, 144 Germinal; or, Master and Man. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1885-8, 164 Germinic Lacerteux. By J. de and E. de Goncourt. _Tr._ 1887, 67 Gervase, Monk of Canterbury, _c._ 1188. Chron. of the reigns of Stephen, Hy. II., and Rich. I. _Ed._ by Stubbs, v I-II. Rolls Ser., 1879-80, 64 Gesta Romanorum, _c._ 1440, 64 Ghost Seer; or, Apparitionist. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ 1795, 135 Ghosts. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by Miss F. Lord, 1890, 78 Giant Raft. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1881, 157 Gil Blas of Santillane, History of. By A. R. Le Sage. _Tr._ 1732-7, 91 Giraldus De Barri, 65 Girl in Scarlet. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1888, 164 Gisli the Outlaw, Story of. _Tr._ _Sir_ G. W. Dasent, 1866, 127 Gli Hecatomiti (or the Hundred Novels). By C. G. Giraldi, 65 Godfrey Morgan. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1883, 157 Godfrey of Bulloigne. By T. Tasso. _Tr._ by Edw. Fairfax, 1600, 148 Godfrey of Bulloigne.... _Tr._ by R. C[arew], 1594, 148 Godly Medytacion of the Christen Sowle, Concerning a Love Towardes God and Hys Chryste. By Marguerite of Navarre. _Tr._ by the _Lady_ Elizabeth, 1548, 100 Godrun [Story of]. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones 1871-2, 7 Gods of the North. By A. G. Oehlenschäger. _Tr._ by W. E. Frye, 1845, 109 Goetz of Berlichingen with the Iron Hand. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by R. D'Aguilar, 1795, 66 Golden Ass. The XI Bookes of the Golden Asse. Conteininge the Metamorphoses of L. A. By Apuleius. _Tr._ by W. Adlington, 1566, 11 Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, The. _Tr._ by John Bouchier Knight, _Lord_ Berners [1534], 100 Golden Book of St. Chrysostom Concerning the Education of Children. _Tr._ by J. E[velyn], 1659, 38 Golden Epistles [of A De Guevara]. _Tr._ 1577, 69 Golden Pot. By E. T. W. Hoffmann. _Tr._ by T. Carlyle, 1827, 74 Good Admonishion of the Sage Isocrates.... _Tr._ R. Nuttall, 1585, 81 Good Hour. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ H. W. Dulcken [1876], 16 Good Lady Bertha's Honey Broth. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1846, 50 Good Little Wife. By A. De Musset. _Tr._ 1850, 108 Good Luck. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1890, 161 Good Mother. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1852, 42 Governance of Good Healthe. By Plutarch. _Tr._ 1530, 116 Graces, The. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ by S. T., 1823, 162 Granada's Devotions. By Lewis of Grenada. _Tr._ F. Meres, 1598, 92 Grand Cyrus, The. Artamenes. By M. de Scudery. _Tr._ by F. G. 1653-55, 138 Great Invasion of 1813-14. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1870], 54 Great Marl-Pit. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1886, 109 Great Men of the Provinces. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1893, 18 Greek Anthology. _Ed._ Ld. Neaves, _Tr._ 1874, 68 Greek Lays, Idylls and Legends. _Tr._ E. M. Edmonds, 1886, 67 Green Book; Freedom under the Snow. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1897, 83 Green Ray. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1883, 157 Gregory's Cura Pastoralis. _Ed. Text_ and _Tr._ H. Sweet, 1871-2, 4 Grettir Saga. _Tr._ by E. Magnússon and W. Morris, 1869, 127 Grotius of the Authority of the Highest Powers About Sacred Things; or, The Right of the State in the Church. _Tr._ by [C. Barksdale], 1651, 68 Group of Eastern Romances and Stories. _Tr._ W. A. Clouston, 1889, 7 Guardian. By B. F. Carlen. _Tr._ 1865, 33 Guide to the Perplexed. By Maimonides. _Tr._ by Dr. M. Friedländer, 1885, 99 Gûlistân of Musle-Haddeen Shaik Sady of Sheeraz. _Tr._ by F Gladwin, 1806, 126 Gulliver Revisited; or, the Singular Travels, Campaigns, Voyages, and Adventures of Baron Munikhousen, commonly called Munckhausen. _Tr._ 1786, 19 Guthlac. By Cynewulf. _Ed._ C. W. Goodwin, 1848, 45 Guy [Romance of] _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7, 70 Guy of Warwick. _Ed._ Turnbull, Abbotsford Club, 1840. _Ed._ E.E.T.S., 1883-91, 70 Guy of Warwick. _In_ The Romances of Chivalry. _Ed._ by John Ashton, 1886-89, 7 H-- Family (1833). By F. Bremer. _Tr._ 1844, 29 Hakon Jarl. By A. G. Oehlenschläger. _Tr._ 1840, 109 Half Brothers. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ by L. Lawford, 1858, 50 Half-Hours with French Novelists. _Tr._ by H. Zimmern, 2 v., 1880, 61 Halil the Pedlar. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1901, 83 Hamlet in Iceland. _Tr._ by I. Gollancz, 1898, 127 Handlyng Synne (1303). By Robert Mannyng of Brunne. _Ed._ Furnivall, Roxburghe Club, 1862, E.E.T.S., 1901, 123 Hans of Iceland. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ 1825, 76 Happiness of Being Rich. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1888, 42 Happy Boy. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ H. R. G., 1870, 24 Harp, The. By K. T. Körner. _Tr._ 1826, 87 Harrowing of Hell. By Cynewulf. Pt. of Codex Exon. _Tr._ 1842, 45 Haunted Marsh. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1847, 132 Havelok, _cir_ 1280. Ed. Prof. W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1868, 71 Heavenly Doctrine of the New Jerusalem. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1791, 146 Hebrew Tales, 72 Hector Servadoc. By J. Verne. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer, 1878, 157 Hedda Gabler. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by E. Gosse, 1891, 78 Hedwig, by K. T. Körner. _Tr._ Mrs. B. Davenay, 1878, 87 Heimskringla, or Chronicles of the Kings of Norway. _Tr._ by S. Laing, 1842, 127 Hell Reformed: or, A Glasse of Favourites, in a Vision. By Quevedo. _Tr._ 1641, 119 Hellenics. Xenophon's History of Greece. _Tr._ by J. Newman, 1685, 163 Hen Thorir. _Tr._ by W. Morris and E. Magnússon, 1890, 128 Henriade. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1732, 160 Heptameron. By Marguerite of Navarre. _Tr._ by R. Codrington, 1654, 100 Heraclius. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by L. Carlell, 1664, 43 Heritage of the Kurts. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ C. Fairfax, 1892, 24 Hermann. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1879, 161 Herman and Dorothea. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by T. Holcroft, 1801, 66 Hernani. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ 1830, 76 Hero of our Time. By M. Y. Lermontov. _Tr._ 1854, 91 Hero of the Pen. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1878, 161 Heroycal Epistles. By Ovid. _Tr._ by G. Turberville, 1567, 110 Hesperus. By S. Richter. _Tr._ T. Carlyle 1827, 122 Hey for Honesty, Down with Knavery. By Aristophanes. _Tr._ by T. Randorph, 1651, 13 His Excellency Eugene Rougon. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1887-90, 164 His Masterpiece. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1886-8, 164 His Six Books Concerning the Priesthood. By St. J. Chrysostom. _Tr._ by H. Hollier [1728], 38 Historia Ecclesiastica, Baeda's. _Ed._ Miller, 1890, 4 Historical and Critical Dictionary. By P. Bayle (1696), 4 v. _Tr._ 1710, 20 Historie of ... Anniball and Scipio, The. By L. T. Livy. _Tr._ out of T. Livius, 1544, 93 Historie of Guicciardini (Storia d'Italia). _Tr._ by G. Fenton, 1579, 69 Historie of Judith. By Du Bartas. _Tr._ by T. Hudson, 1584, 49 The Historie of Quintius Curtius, containing the actes of the greate Alexander. _Tr._ John Brende, 1561, 45 Historie of the World. By Pliny. _Tr._ by P. Holland, 1601, 115 Historie of Twelve Cæsars. By Suetonius. _Tr._ by P. Holland, 1606, 145 History and Antiquities of the Jews. By F. Josephus. _Tr._ by T. Lodge, 1602, 83 History of a Crime. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ T. H. Joyce and A. Locker, 4 v. 1877-78, 76 History of Agathon. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ 1773, 162 History of Ancient Art. By J. Wincklemann. _Tr._ by C. H. Lodge, 1849, 163 History of Civilization in Europe, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. By F. P. G. Guizot. _Tr._ 1837, 70 History of England, Principally in the 17th Century. By L. von Ranke. _Tr._ by C. W. Boase, 1875, 120 History of England to Accession of Queen Victoria. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ 1877-80, 70 History of France. By J. Michelet. _Tr._ W. K. Kelly, 1844-46, 104 History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. _Tr._ 1512, 87 History of Herodian. By A. Poliziano. _Tr._ [1550], 117 History of Italy during the Consulate.... By C. Botta. _Tr._ 1828, 28 History of Louis XI. King of France, 2 v. By C. P. Duclos. _Tr._ 1746, 50 History of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England. By Prevost. _Tr._ 1755, 118 History of Naples. By P. Giannone. Translated ... by Capt. James Ogilvie, 2 v., 1729-31, 65 History of Oracles. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ 1688, 58 Hystories of ... Polybius: Discoursing of the Warres Betwixt the Romanes and the Carthaginenses. _Tr._ by C. W[atson], 1568, 117 Historie of Prince Palmerin of England. _Tr._ by A[nthony] M[unday], 1602-9, 111 History of Rome. By C. Rollin. _Tr._ 1739, 124 History of Servia and the Servian Revolution. By L. von Ranke. _Tr._ 1847, 120 History of the Age of Louis XV. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1770, 161 History of the Arts and Sciences of the Antients. By C. Rollin. _Tr._ 1734, 124 History of the Conquest of England by the Normans, 3 v. By J. N. A. Thierry. _Tr._ 1825, 150 History of the Consulate and the Empire. By L. A. Thiers. _Tr._ D. F. Campbell, 1845-61, 151 History of the Famous Preacher, Friar Gerund de Campanzas. By J. Isla. _Tr._ [T. Nugent], 1772, 81 History of the French Revolution. By A. P. De Lamartine. _Tr._ 1846, 88 History of the French Revolution. By J. Michelet. _Tr._ C. Cocks, 1847, 104 History of the French Revolution. By L. A. Thiers. _Tr._ F. Shoberl, 1838, 150 History of the Girondists.... By A. P. de Lamartine. _Tr._ by H. T. Ryde, 1847, 88 History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations. By L. von Ranke. _Tr._ by P. A. Ashworth, 1887, 120 History of the Life of the Squire Marcos de Obregon. By V. Espinel. _Tr._ A. Langton, 1618, 54 History of the People of Israel. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ C. B. Pitman and D. V. Bingham, 3 v., 1888-91, 121 History of the Popes of Rome, Ecclesiastical and Political. By L. von Ranke. _Tr._ by S. Austin, 1840, 120 History of the Reformation in Germany. By L. von Ranke. _Tr._ by S. Austin, 1845-47, 120 History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. By A. P. de Lamartine. _Tr._ by Captn. Raften, 1851-3, 88 History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1760-63, 160 History of the Successors of Alexander.... By Diodorus. _Tr._ T. Stocker, 1569, 48 History of the Thirty Years' War. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by Capt. Blaquiere, 1799, 135 History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches, 2 v. By J. B. Bossuet. _Tr._ 1742, 27 History of the War of 1741. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1746, 160 History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. By C. Botta. _Tr._ G. A. Otis, 1820-21, 27 History of the World.... By Bergerac. _Tr._ T. St. Serf, 1659, 29 History of the World. By Diodorus. _Tr._ G. Booth, 1700, 48 Hitopadesa. _Ed. Tr._ F. Max Müller, 1864-65, 80 Hohenstein. By F. Spielhagen. _Tr._ S. Stephenson, 1877, 142 Holy Grail, _cir_ 1450. Eng. _Tr._ [from de Borron] by Lonelich, pts. i-iv. _Ed._ F. J. Furnivall, E.E.T.S., 1874-77. _Ed._ F. J. Furnivall, Roxburghe Club, 1861-3, 74 Holy Rood, Dream of the. By Caedmon. _Ed._ J. M. Kemble, 1843-56, 30 Home Life in Russia. By N. V. Gogol. _Tr._ 1854, 67 Homilie of Mary Magdalene.... By Origen. _Tr._ 1565, 110 Homilie of Saint Chrysostom upon the Sayings of St Paul.... [Part of] The Fift Homelie Agaynst the Jews. _Tr._ by T. Chaloner [1574], 38 Homo Sum. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1878, 51 Honor. By C. Brentano. _Tr._ 1847, 29 Honour and Advantage of Agriculture. By B. J. Feyjoo. _Tr._ 1764, 57 Honour Before Wealth. By O. Feuillet. _Tr._ [1850], 57 Horatius. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by W. Lower, 1656, 43 Horn, King. _See_ King Horn, 86 House of Claes. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1887, 18 House of Penarvan. By L. S. J. Sandeau. _Tr._ Lady G. Fullerton, 1878, 133 Householder's Philosophy. By T. Tasso. _Tr._ by T. K., 1588, 148 How Jolly Life Is! By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1886-8, 165 Howe One May Take Profite of His Enmyes. By Plutarch. _Tr._ by [Syr T. Elyot, 1535], 116 Howard the Halt. _Tr._ by W. Morris and E. Magnusson, 1890, 128 Huchown Pystyl (Epistle) of Swete Susan. _Ed._ Armours, Scottish Allit. Verse, 1897, 76 Huguenots, The. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ [1843], 137 Human Comedy. By H. Balzac. _Tr._ E. Sedgwick, etc., 1895, 18 Hunch-Back of Notre-Dame. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ F. Schoberl, 1831, 76 Hungarian Nabob. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1898, 83 Huon of Burdeux, done into English by Lord Berners. _Ed._ S. L. Lee, pts. i-iii, E.E.T.S., 1882-87, 78 Huon of Bordeaux. Here begynneth the Boke of duke Huon of Bordeuxe, and of them that issuyd fro hym. (_Tr._ by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners), 1534, 77 Hyak Nin Fs'shim. _Tr._ by F. V. Wickens, 1888, 82 Hymn in Praise of the Creator. By Caedmon. _Ed._ Napier, 1889, 30 Hymn to Venus. By Sappho. _Tr._ 1748, 133 Hymns of the Rig-Veda. _Tr._ by R. T. H. Griffith, 4 v., 1889-92, 79 Hystory written by Thucidides.... _Tr._ by T. Nicholls, 1550, 151 Ibis. By Ovid. _Tr._ by T. Underdowne, 1567, 110 Ibrahim; or The Illustrious Bassa. By M. de Scudery. _Tr._ H. Cogan, 1652, 138 Iceland Fisherman. By P. Loti. _Tr._ 1888, 94 Icelandic Legends. _Tr._ Powell and Magnússon, 2 ser, 1862-5, 129 Ideals in Art. By H. A. Taine. _Tr._ J. Durand, 1870, 147 Idiot, The. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1887, 48 Idylliums of Theocritus. _Tr._ by [T. Creech], 1684, 150 Illustrious Shepherdess. By P. de Montalban. _Tr._ 1656, 105 Il Pastor Fido: or, The Faithfull Shepheard. By G. B. Guarini. _Tr._ by [Dymock], 1602, 69 Ilka: The Captive Maiden and Other Stories. By S. Kisfaludy. _Tr._ 1892, 86 Illiad of Homer. Ten Bookes of Homer's Iliades. _Tr._ by A. Hall, 1581, 75 Illustrated Book of French Songs. _Tr._ by J. Oxenford, 1855, 60 Illustrations of Northern Antiquities from the Earliest Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances. _Tr._ etc., by H. W. Jamieson and _Sir_ W. Scott, 1811, 10 Illustrious Hugo Grotius of the Law of Warre and Peace. _Tr._ by [C. Barksdale], 1654, 68 Imitation of Christ. Devout and Gostely Treatise of Ya Imytacion and Folowynge of Cryst. By T. A. Kempis. _Tr._ by W. Atkynson, 1502, 86 Impressions and Reminiscences. By G. Sand. _Tr._ H. K. Adams, 1877, 132 Impressions of Russia. By G. M. C. Brandes. _Tr._ by S. C. Eastman, 1889, 28 Improvisatore: or Life in Italy. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ M. Howitt, 1845, 6 In the Blue Pike. By G. Ebers. _Tr._ M. J. Safford [1896], 52 In the Fire of the Forge. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1895, 51 In the Swim. By E. Zola. _Tr._ by J. Stirling, 1887, 165 In the Year '13.... By F. Reuter. _Tr._ C. L. Lewes [1867], 121 Incas, The. By J. F. Marmontel. _Tr._ 1777, 101 Incurable. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ Mrs. H. W. Eve, 1890, 74 Indian Cottage, The. By B. de St. Pierre. _Tr._ by E. A. Kendal, 1791, 131 Indian Fables. _Tr._ Raju Ramasurini, 1888, 80 Indiana. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1850, 132 Inferno, The. By Dante. _Tr._ by C. Rogers, 1782, 46 Inferno of Dante. _Tr._ by Henry Cary, 1806, 46 Influence of Literature upon Society. By Madame de Staël, 1812, 144 Ingo and Ingraben. By G. Freytag. _Tr._ 1874, 61 Inhabitants of Pontarcy. _Tr._ [1878], 134 Inn of the Spessart. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1886, 71 Injury and Insult. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1886, 48 Innocent's Adultery. By Scarron. _In_ Select Collection of Novels. _Ed._ by S. Croxall, 1720-2, 7 Inspector: A Comedy. By N. V. Gogol. _Tr._ T. Hart-Davies, 1890, 67 Institutes of Botany. By C. Linnæus. _Tr._ by C. Milne, 1771, 93 Institutes of Eloquence. By Quintilian. _Tr._ by Wm. Guthrie, 1756, 119 Institution of Christian Religion. By J. Calvin. _Tr._ by T. Norton, 1561, 32 Introduction to the History of Philosophy. By V. Cousin. _Tr._ H. G. Linberg, 1832, 44 Invaders. By L. Tolstoi, _Tr._ 1888, 152 Iphigenia in Tauris. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by W. Taylor, 1793, 66 Iphigenie in Aulus. By J. Racine. _Tr._ by Mr. Boyer, 1700, 120 Iron Tomb. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1889, 42 Ironmaster, The. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1884, 109 Isabel, etc. By Garcilasco De La Vega. _Tr._ by [R. Walpole], 1805, 62 Isumbras. _See_ Sir Isumbras, 140 Italian Question and the Republicans. By G. Mazzini. _Tr._ 1861, 102 Itinerary of Greece. By Strabo. _Tr._ 1810, 145 Ivan Ilyitch, and Other Stories. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1887, 152 Jade Chaplet, in 24 Beads. _Tr._ by G. C. Stent, 1874, 38 Jargal. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ C. E. Wilbour, 1866, 76 Jacques. By G. Sand. _Tr._ A. Blackwell, 2 v., 1847, 132 Jealousy, etc. By G. Sand. _Tr._ [1870], 132 Jerusalem Talmud. _Tr._ by D. M. Schwab [1885], 147 Jews of Barnow. By K. Franzos. _Tr._ M. W. Macdowall, 1882, 60 Jocasta. By Euripides. _Tr._ by G. Gascoygne and F. Kinwelmershe [1575], 54 John Gabriel Borkman. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by W. Archer, 1897, 78 Joseph in the Snow and the Clockmaker. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ Lady Wallace, 3 v., 1861, 16 Joseph of Arimathie. Alliterative Romance of, or Holy Grail. By Yolydal De Crébillon. _Ed._ Prf. W. W. Skeat, 1871, 83 Josephine, or The Beggar of the Pont Des Arts. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1844, 71 Journal in Time. By H. F. Amiel. _Tr._ Mrs. H. Ward, 2 v., 1885, 5 Journal of a Woman. By O. Feuillet. _Tr._ [1885], 57 Journey into the Interior of the Earth. By J. Verne. _Tr._ [1872], 157 Journeyman Joiner. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1849, 132 Joyzelle. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. T. de Mattos, 1906, 97 Judith. By Caedmon. _Ed._ Prf. A. S. Cook. _Tr._ Lib. Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 1888, 30 Judith Trachtenberg. By K. Franzos. _Tr._ Mr. L. P. and C. T. Lewis, 1891, 60 Juliana. By Cynewulf. _Ed._ W. Strunk. Belles Lettres Series, 45 Juliana, St., Legend of. By Cynewulf. Pt. of Codex Exon. _Tr._ 1842, 45 Justice and Charity. By V. Cousin. _Tr._ W. Hazlitt 1848, 44 Justinia. By Calderon. _Tr._ by F. Holcroft, 1805, 31 Kālidāsa Meghaduta. _Tr._ by H. H. Wilson, 1813, 84 Kālidāsa Nalodaya. _Tr._ by W. Yates, 1844, 84 Kālidāsa Sakimtala. _Tr._ by W. Jones, 1789, 84 Kébaban the Inflexible: Pt. 1. The Captain of the Guidara. Pt. 2. Scarpante the Spy. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1884-85, 157 King Alexander, 3 King Horn, _c._ 1230-40. _Ed._ Bannatyne Club, 1845. _Ed._ Lumby, J. R., and G. H. McKnight, E.E.T.S., xiv, 1866, 86 King of the Mountains. By E. About. _Tr._ L. Wraxall, 1862, 1 King of the Swans. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1846, 71 King Rene's Daughter. By H. Hertz. _Tr._ [Sir] T. Martin, 1850, 73 King Stork and King Log. By Stepniak, 2 v. _Tr._ 1895, 144 Kingdom of God is Within You. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1894, 152 King's Fool, The. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ [H. T. Haley], 1842, 76 Kings in Exile. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1896, 46 Knight de la Tour Landry. _Ed._ T. Wright, 1868, 90 Knight of the Swanne, History of Helyas. _Tr._ 1512, 87 Koran, Eng. _Tr._ By G. Sale. 1734 _Also_ Alcoran. _Tr._ [A. Ross], 1642, 87 Kormaks Saga. _Tr._ by W. G. Collingwood and Stéfannson, 1902, 128 Kreutzer Sonata. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1890, 152 Kriloff and His Fables. _Tr._ W. R. S. Ralston, 1869, 87 Kynge Appolyn of Thyre. _Tr._ by R. Copland, 1510, 10 La Tour Landry. _Ed._ T. Wright, 1868, 90 Labyrinth, The: or the Fatal Embarrassment. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ 1776, 43 Ladies Man, A. By G. de Maupassant. _Tr._ 1888, 102 Ladies Paradise. By E. Zola. _Tr._ by F. Belmont, 1883, 165 Lady Blake's Love Letters, etc. By G. Sand. _Tr._ [from Lavinia] P. McCarthy, 1884, 132 Lady from the Sea. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by Mrs. E. Marx-Aveling, 1889, 79 Lady in Grey. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ D. H. Fisher, 1896, 109 Lai la Freine. From the French of Marie de France, _cir._ 14th cent. _Ed._ Weber, Metrical Romances, 1810, 88 Lament of Deor, or, The Minstrel's Consolation. _Ed. Tr._ by Cook and Tinker's Select Tr. from Eng. Poetry, 1902, 89 Lancelot of the Laik, _cir._ 1500. _Ed._ Prf. W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1865. _Ed._ Stevenson, Maitland Club, 1839, 89 Land of Promise. By P. Bourget. _Tr._ 1895, 28 Landnama Bóc. _Tr._ by T. Ellwood, 1894, 128 Last Day of a Condemned. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ G. W. M. Reynolds, 1840, 76 Last Days of the Reign of Louis Philippe. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ 1867, 70 Last Love. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1890, 109 Laughing Man. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ 1889. Les Orientales; or, "Eastern Lyrics." Fr. and Eng. Version, by S. N. Fazakerley, 1879, 76 Laxdaela Saga. _Tr._ by M. A. C. Press [1900], 128 Laocoon. An Essay, or The Limits of Poetry and Painting. By G. Lessing. _Tr._ by Wm. Ross, 1836, 92 Laws [Alfred]. _Ed._ M. H. Turk, 1893, 4 Laws of Ine (King of W. Saxons, 688-726). The Earliest Laws of Wessex. Re-issued by King Alfred. _Ed._ B. Thorpe, "Ancient Laws and Institutes of England," text and tr. 1840, 90 Lawyer's Nose. By E. About. _Tr._ J. E. Maitland, 1878, 1 Lay of the Himyarites. _Tr._ W. F. Prideaux, 1879, 12 Lays of Ancient India. _Tr._ by R. C. Dutt, 1894, 79 Lazarillo De Tormes. The Pleasaunt Historie of Lazarillo De Tormes. _Tr._ by D. Rowland, 1586, 90 League of Youth. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by W. Archer, 1890, 78 Lectures on the History of Literature. By A. W. von Schlegel. _Tr._ by J. G. Lockhart, 1838, 136 Lectures on the History of Philosophy. By G. Hegel, 3 v. _Tr._ E. S. Haldane, 1892-96, 72 Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thoughts and culture of Rome on Christianity and the Development of the Catholic Church. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ C. Beard, 1880, 121 Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Together with a work on the proofs of the existence of God.... By G. Hegel. _Tr._ E. B. Speirs, and J. B. Sanderson, 3 v., 1895, 72 Legend of St. Andrew. _In_ Codex Vercellensis. _Ed._ by J. M. Kemble, _Aelfric Soc._, 1843-56, 40 Legend of the Wondrous Hunt. By John Arany. _Tr._ E. D. Butler, 1881, 12 Legendary Tales of Ancient Britons. _Tr._ by L. Menzies, 1864, 35 Legends of Number Nip. _Tr._ Mark Lemon, 1872, 64 Leonora. By G. A. Burger. _Tr._ by W. R. Spencer, 1796, 30 Les Provincales: or, The Mysterie of Jesuitism. By B. Pascal. _Tr._ 1657, 111 Let us be Divorced [Divorçons]. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ 1881, 134 Letters: Selections. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by T. W., 1575, 39 Letters. By G. Sand. _Tr._ R. L. de Beaufort, 1885, 132 Letters and Reflections of Prince de Ligny. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1814, 144 Letters Concerning the English Nation. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ 1733, 161 Letters from the Marchioness de M. By C. Crébillon. _Tr._ 1737, 44 Letters from the Marchioness de Sevigné to her Daughter, the Countess de Grignan. _Tr._ 1764, 139 Letters of Affaires, Love and Courtship. By V. de Voiture. _Tr._ by J. D[avies], 1657, 159 Letters of Pliny the Consul. _Tr._ by W. Melmoth, 1746, 116 Letters on the Elements of Botany. By J. J. Rousseau. _Tr._ by T. Martyn, 1785, 125 Letters on the Works and Character of J. Rousseau. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1789, 143 Lettres Persones. By Montesquieu. _Tr._ by J. Ozell, 1730, 106 Levana. By J. P. Richter. _Tr._ 1848, 122 Library of Romance. _Ed._ by L. Ritchie, 15 v., 1833-35, 9 Lichtenstein. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ F. Woodley and W. Lander, 1846, 71 Life. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ [1889], 152 Life and Adventures of Mr. Cleveland, Natural Son of Oliver Cromwell. By Prevost. _Tr._ 1734, 118 Life and Advs. of Robinson Crusoe. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ [1815], 85 Life and Death of Pomponius Atticus. By C. Nepos. _Tr._ 1677, 108 Life and Flowers. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. T. de Mattos, 1907, 97 Life by the Fells and Fiords. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ 1879, 24 Life in Italy. By L. C. Andersen. _Tr._ M. Howitt, 6 Life of Guzman d'Alfarache, or, the Spanish Rogue. By M. Aleman. _Tr._ 1623, 2 Life of Jesus. By Renan. _Tr._ 1867, 121 Life of the Bee. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. Sutro. _Tr._ 1901, 97 Lights and Shades of Military Life. By A. de Vigny. _Tr._ 1840, 158 Lilja. "The Lily." Ed. and _Tr._ by E. Magnússon, 1870, 128 Lion of Flanders. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1855, 42 Lion of Janina. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1897, 83 Lion's Skin. By C. Bernard. _Tr._ 1853, 22 Litigants, The. By J. Racine. _Tr._ by [Ozell], 1715, 120 Little Barefoot. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1872, 16 Little Demon, The, Asmodeus. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ [1850], 137 Little Eyolf. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ W. Archer, 1894, 78 Little Fadette. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1850, 132 Little Glass Man. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1893, 71 Little Grey: the Pony of Nordfjord. By J. Lie. _Tr._ 1873, 93 Lives of Illustrious Men. By C. Nepos. _Tr._ 1684, 108 Lives of Saints. By Aelfric. _Ed. w. Tr._ W. W. Skeat, 1881, 1 Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. By F. Fénelon. _Tr._ 1803, 56 Lives of the Eminent Rhetoricians. By Suetonius. _Tr._ by A. Thomson, 1796, 146 Lives of the Eminent Grammarians. By Suetonius. _Tr._ by A. Thomson, 1796, 145 Lives of the Most Noble Grecians and Romans Compared Together by Plutarke. _Tr._ by T. North, 1601, 116 Living Lie. By P. Bourget. _Tr._ J. de Villiers, 1896, 28 Liza. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ by W. Ralston, 1869, 153 Logic. By I. Kant. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1819, 85 Lonely Ones. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ 1870, 74 Long Exile. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1888, 152 Long Nose, the Dwarf and Other Tales. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1881, 71 Looking Glass for the Court. By A. De Guevara. _Tr._ _Sir_ F. Briant, 1575, 69 Lord Beaconsfield. By G. M. C. Brandes. _Tr._ by Mrs. G. Sturge, 1880, 28 Lord Byron and His Works. By C. Cantù. _Tr._ [1883], 33 Lord William Russell. By A. Munch. _Tr._ J. Chapman, 1858, 107 Lost Manuscript. By G. Freytag. _Tr._ 1865, 61 The Lottery Ticket. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1887, 157 Louis Lambert. By H. Balzac. _Tr._ by K. P. Wormeley, 1889, 18 Lourdes. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1894, 165 Love and Life in Norway. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ A. Bethell and A. Plesner [1870], 24 Love Crime. By P. Bourget. _Tr._ [1887], 28 Love Episode. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1886-89, 165 Lover and the Husband. By C. Bernard. _Tr._ 1841, 22 Love's Comedy. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ C. H. Herford, 1900, 78 Love's Depths. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ F. Rothwell, 1899, 109 Low-Born Lover's Revenge. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ 1881, 37 Lucan's First Book of the Civil War Between Pompey and Cæsar. _Tr._ by Chas. Marlowe, 1600, 94 Lucrece. By F. Ponsard. _Tr._ [Sir A. Rumbold], 1848, 117 Lucretia Borgia. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ W. T. Haley, 1842, 76 Ludbroc, Death Song of. _Tr._ 1887, 128 Lusiads, or Portugalls Historicall Poem. By L. de Camoens. _Tr._ by R. Fanshaw, 1655, 32 Luther, Life of. By J. Michelet. _Tr._ W. Hazlitt, 1846, 104 Lutrin. By N. Boileau. _Tr._ by N. O., 1682, 26 Lyf of the Noble and Crysten Prince Charles the Grete. _Tr._ by W. Caxton, 1485, 36 Lyre and Sword. By K. T. Körner. _Tr._ 1834, 87 Lyrical Poems. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by E. A. Bowring, 1853, 66 Lyrical Songs and Epigrams. By J. L. Runeberg. _Tr._ Magnússon and Palmer, 1878, 126 Lyttle Booke of Good Manners for Chyldren. By D. Erasmus. _Tr._ by R. Whytynton, 1522, 53 Mabinogion. Guest, Lady Chorl. _Ed._ and _Tr._ Mabinogion, fr. Llyfr Coch o Hergest and other MSS., 3 v., 1838-49, 96 Machiavelli and His Times. By P. Villari. _Tr._ [1891], 158 Madame Bovary. By G. Flaubert. _Tr._ 1886, 58 Madame Chrysanthème. By P. Loti. _Tr._ L. Ensor [1888], 94 Madame Sans-Gêne. By V. Sandou. _Tr._ 1894, 134 Madame Tellier's Girls.... The Inheritance.... Butter-Ball. By G. de Maupassant. _Tr._ E. Ellis, 1897, 102 Madame Thérèse. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1868, 53 Madeleine. By L. S. J. Sandeau. _Tr._ [1850], 133 Madeline Ferat. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1888-9, 165 Mdlle de Maupin. By T. Gautier. _Tr._ 1887, 62 Magda (Heimat). By H. Sudermann. _Tr._ C. E. A. Winslow, 1896, 145 Magic Ring. By F. Fouqué. _Tr._ 1825, 59 Magic Skin. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1888, 18 Magnhild. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson. 1883, 24 Mahabharata. _Tr._ by C. Wilkins. Postscript _tr._ by Sir W. Jones, 1793, 98 Mahomet. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ by M. Miller, 1744, 161 Maid of Norway. By A. Munch. _Tr._ Mrs. Birkbeck, 1877, 107 Maid of Orleans. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ J. E. Drinkwater, 1835, 135 Main Currents of Nineteenth Century Literature. By G. M. C. Brandes. _Tr._ 1890, 28 Main Principles of the Creed and Ethics of the Jews, exhibited in selections from the Yad Hackazakah. By Maimonides. With a literal translation, glossary and Notes, 1832, 99 Malvina. By Mme. Cottin. _Tr._ 1810, 44 Man of the People. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1871, 54 Man with the Broken Ear. By E. About. _Tr._ H. Holt, 1867, 1 Manon Lescaut. By Prevost. _Tr._ 1841, 118 Manual of the History of French Literature. By F. Brunetière. _Tr._ R. Derechef, 1898, 29 Manuell of Epictetus. _Tr._ ... by J. Sanford, 1567, 52 Märchen. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1876, 71 Marchesa. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ ... J. Philips, 1887, 74 Margery: Tale of Old Nuremberg. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ by C. Bell, 1889, 51 Marguerite de Valois. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1846, 50 Marie. By A. Pushkin. _Tr._ 1877, 118 Marquis de Villemer. By G. Sand. _Tr._ R. Keeler, 1871, 132 Marquis of Letorière. By M. J. E. Sue. _Tr._ [1851], 145 Marriage of Belphegor. By Machiavelli. _In_ Select Collection of Novels. _Ed._ by S. Croxall, 1720-2, 7 Marriage of Belphegor. By Quevedo. _Tr._ 1671, 119 Marriage of Figaro. By P. A. C. Beaumarchais. _Tr._ by T. Holcroft, 1785, 20 Marseillaise. By C. J. R. de Lisle (1792). _Tr._ 1793, 93 Martin Paz. By J. Verne. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer, 1876, 157 Martin the Foundling. By M.-J.-E. Sue. _Tr._ 1847, 145 Martyrology [Alfred]. _Ed._ J. Herzfeld, 1835, 4 Martyrs of Russia. By J. Michelet. _Tr._ 1851, 104 Mary Stuart. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ 1801, 135 Masaniello; or, The Dumb Girl of Portici. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ 1843, 137 Master Builder. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by E. Gosse and W. Archer, 1893, 78 Master Flea. By E. T. W. Hoffmann. _Tr._ by G, 74 Master of the Forges. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1884, 109 Master Thaddeus. By A. Mickiewicz. _Tr._ by N. A. Biggs, 1885, 104 Mathias Sandorf. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1886, 157 Matilda and Malek Adhel. By Mme. Cottin. _Tr._ 1833, 44 Mauprat. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1870, 132 Maurice Aglavaine and Selysette. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. Sutro. _Tr._ 1897, 97 Maximian. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by S. Burrell, 1800, 43 Medicinable Morale. By Horace. _Tr._ by T. Drant, 1566, 75 Meditations. By Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. _Tr._ by M. Casaubon, 1634, 100 Meditations of St. Thomas on the Purgative, Illuminative and Unitive Ways for a Retreat of Ten Days. By Thomas Aquinas. _Tr._ 1869, 11 Melite. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ 1776, 43 Melusine. By J. d'Arras. _Tr._ A. K. Donald, E.E.T.S., 1895, 82 Memoirs and Travels ..., 2 v., By M. Benyovszky. _Tr._ [W. Nicholson], 1789, 20 Mémoires. By St. Simon. English Version by Bayle Saint John, 4 v., 1857, 131 Mémoires of the Cardinal de Retz.... _Tr._ 1723, 121 Memoirs of J. F. Marmontel: containing his literary and political life, and anecdotes of the principal characters of the eighteenth century. _Tr._ 1805, 101 Memoirs of a Man of Quality. By Prevost. _Tr._ 1738, 118 Memoirs of a Physician. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1846, 51 Memoirs of John Lord de Joinville ... containing a history of part of the life of Louis IX.... _Tr._ F. Johnes, 2 v., 1807, 82 Memoirs of Madame de Stahl. _Tr._ 1759, 143 Memoirs of the Duke of Rohan. _Tr._ G. Bridges, 1660, 123 Memoirs towards the History of Anne of Austria, 5 v. By M. de Motteville. _Tr._ 1726, 107 Memorabilia. The Banquet of X. done into Greek ... with an introductory Essay concerning the Doctrine and Death of Socrates. _Tr._ by J. Welwood, 1710, 141, 163 Memoranda of Angelical Doctrine. By Thomas Aquinas. _Tr._ by W. Humphrey, 1866, 11 Memorial of a Christian Life. By Lewis of Grenada. _Tr._ [R. Hopkins], 1599, 92 Menaecmi. By T. M. Plautus. _Tr._ by W. W[arner], 1595, 115 Meridiana: the Advs. of three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1873, 157 Merlin; or, The Early History of King Arthur (1450-60). _Ed._ H. B. Wheatley, E.E.T.S., 1865, 103 Merlin [Romance of]. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox, and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7 Merope. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ by T. Theobald, 1744, 161 Merope. By F. S. Maffei. _Tr._ by Mr. Ayre, 1740, 98 Mesnevi, The. _Tr._ J. W. Redhouse (Oriental Ser.), 1881, 112 Messiah, The. A Poem. By F. G. Klopstock. _Tr._ by Mrs. and Mr. J. Collyer, 1763, 87 Metamorphosie of L. A. By Apuleius. _Tr._ by W. Adlington, 1566, 11 Metamorphoses, Ovid His Boke of. _Tr._ by W. Caxton [1480?], 110 Metamorphoses, The, or, The Old Lover Outwitted. By J. B. P. Molière. _Tr._ by J. Cory, 1704, 104 Metamorphosis. The XV Bookes of Ovid.... _Tr._ by A. Golding, 1567, 110 Metaphysics of Morals. By I. Kant. _Tr._ 1799, 86 Metaphysics of Sir I. Newton; or, A Comparison between the Opinions of _Sir_ I. N. and Mr. Leibnitz. By A. de F. M. Voltaire. _Tr._ by D. E. Baker, 1747, 161 Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres. By C. Rollin. _Tr._ 1740, 124 Metrical Paraphrase of Scripture. By Caedmon. _Tr._ by B. Thorpe, 1832, 31 Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries, 3 v. _Tr._ 1810, 10 Michael Strogoff. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1877, 157 Midst the Wild Carpathians. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1894, 83 Miller of Angibault. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1878, 132 Minstrel Love. By F. Fouqué. _Tr._ by G. Soane, 1821, 59 Miracle of the Peace in France. By Du Bartus. _Tr._ by J. Sylvester, 1599, 49 Miracle Plays of Hasan and Husain, 2 v. _Tr._ by Col. Sir L. Pelly, 1879, 112 Miracles no Violation of the Law of Nature. By B. de Spinoza. _Tr._ 1683, 143 Mirror of Alchemy. By R. Bacon. _Tr._ 1597, 17 Mirrour of Nobilitie and Wonder of Chivalry. By Palmerin D'Oliva. _Tr._ by A[nthony] M[unday], 1637, 111 Miscellaneous Pieces in Lit. Hist, and Philosophy. By J. d'Alembert. _Tr._ 1746, 3 Miser, The. By J. B. P. Moliere. _Tr._ by T. Shadwell, 1672, 105 Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Natural History, Husbandry and Physick. By C. Linnæus. _Tr._ from the Latin by B. Stillingfleet, 1759, 93 Misérables, Les. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ by _Sir_ F. C. L. Wroxall, 1862, 76 Miss Harriet. By G. de Maupassant. _Tr._ 1885, 102 Miss Rovel. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ 1875, 37 Mistress Branican. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1892, 157 Moderate Monarchy. By A. von Haller. _Tr._ 1849, 70 Modern Greek Folklore. _Tr._ E. M. Geldart, 1883, 68 Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain. _Tr._ J. Kennedy, 1852, 142 Modern Slavery. By F. R. de Lamennais. _Tr._ W. T. Linton, 1840, 89 Modeste Mignon. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1888, 18 Molière. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1867, 133 Monday Chats. By C. A. Sainte-Beuve. _Tr._ 1877, 131 Money. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1894, 165 Monks of the West. By C. F. de Montalembert. _Tr._ 1861-79, 106 Monna Vanna. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. Sutro. _Tr._ 1904, 97 Monsieur De Pourceaugnac: or Squire Trelooby. By J. B. P. Molière. _Tr._ by J. Ozell, 1704, 105 Moral Characters of Theophrastus. By J. De La Bruyère. _Tr._ 1713, 150 Moral Maxims and Reflections. By F. Duc De La Rochefoucauld. _Tr._ 1694, 90 Morall Philosophie of Doni. By Pilpay. _Tr._ by Sir T. North, 1570, 114 Moral Tales. By J. F. Marmontel. _Tr._ C. Dennis and R. Lloyd, 1764, 101 Morals. By L. A. Seneca. _Tr._ by T. Lodge, 1614, 138 Morals of Confucius. _Tr._ 1691, 42 Morals of Epicurus. _Tr._ J. Wigby, 1712, also _tr._ W. Charlton, 1656 (Collection), 52 More Old Wives Fables. By R. L. Laboulaye. _Tr._ [1884], 8 Moreh Nevochim. Reasons of the Laws of Moses. From the Moreh Nevochim (Doctor Perplexorum) of Maimonides. By J. Townley, 1827, 99 Mort Arthur (Stanza form). _Ed._ Roxburghe Club, 1819. _Ed._ Furnivall, F. J., 1864. _Ed._ Bruce, J.D., E.E.T.S. _Ex. Ser._ lxxxviii, 107 Morte Arthure (Alliterative). _c._ 1440. _Ed._ Halliwell, 1847. _Ed._ Perry and Brock, E.E.T.S., viii., 1865, 107 Mosaic Workers: The Orcs. By G. Sand. _Tr._ E. A. A., 1844, 133 Most Fragrant Flowers.... By Lewis of Grenada. _Tr._ J. G., 1598, 92 Most Lamentable and Tragical Historic which a Spanish gentlewoman named Violenta executed upon Her Lover Didaco. By M. Bandello. _Tr._ by T. A. [Thomas Achelry], 1576, 18 Most Noble and Famous Travels of Marcus Paulus [Marco Polo].... Into the East Partes of the World. _Tr._ by [J. P. Frampton], 1579, 117 Mother and Daughter: or, La Marana. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1842, 18 Mount of Calvarie. By A. De Guevara. _Tr._ 1595, 69 Mother of Pearl. By A. France. _Tr._ T. Chapman, 1908, 60 Mountain Psalms. By J. V. Scheffel. _Tr._ Mrs. F. Brunnow, 1882, 134 Mumu, and Diary of a Superfluous Man. By I. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1884, 154 Munchausen, Baron. _Tr._ 1785, 19 Musæus, or the Loves of Hero and Leander. _Tr._ Sir Robert Stapylton, 1647, 108 My Brother Jack. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ by L. Ford, 1877, 46 My Brother Yves. By P. Loti. _Tr._ M. P. Fletcher, 1887, 94 My Confession. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ [1890], 152 My Dog. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. T. de Mattos, 1906, 97 My Little Jeanie. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1889, 133 My Imprisonments. By S. Pellico. _Tr._ [T. Roscoe] 1826, 112 My Religion. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ [1890], 152 My Sister Jeanie. By G. Sand. _Tr._ S. R. Croker, 1874, 133 Mynde of Jhon Calvyne. _Tr._ by R. G., 1548, 32 Myrour of Glasse of Maners and Wysedome. By L. A. Seneca. _Tr._ by R. Whyttynton. _Supposititious Work_, 139 Myrrour of the Church, made by Saynt Austyn of Abyndon. _Tr._ 1521, 16 Mysterious Document. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1876, 157 Mysterious Island. By J. Verne. _Tr._ by W. H. G. Kingston, 1875, 157 Myths and Folklore of Ireland. _Tr._ by J. Curtin, 1890, 34 Myths of Hellas. _Tr._ C. Witt, 1883, 68 Myths of the Rhine. _Ed._ X. B. Santine. _Tr._ 1840, 64 Nabob, The. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ by E. Clarequin, 1878, 46 Nadeschda. By J. L. Runeberg. _Tr._ M. A. Brown, 1889, 126 Nameless Castle. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1898, 83 Nana. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1880, 164 Napoleon and Russian Campaign. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ [1890], 152 Napoleon the Little. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ 1852, 76 Narcissus. By Ovid. _Tr._ 1560, 110 Narrative of the Events illustrating the Vicissitudes and the Cession of Parga and the Ionian Islands. By U. Foscolo. _Tr._ 1820, 59 Narratives of the Merovingian Times Preceded by Considerations on the History of France. By J. N. A. Thierry. _Tr._ [1845], 150 Narrenschiff. (Ship of Fools) (1494). By S. Brandt. _Tr._ by A. B. Preste [Barclay], 1509, 28 Nathan the Wise. By G. Lessing. _Tr._ by Wm. Taylor, 1791, 92 National Songs and Legends of Roumania. _Tr._ E. C. G. Murray, 1859, 130 Natural History: General and Particular. By G. Bruno. _Tr._ by W. Smellie, 1781, 29 Naturall Philosophie Reformed by Divine Light; or, a Synopsis of Physics. By J. A. Comenius. _Tr._ 1651, 40 Nature of the Gods [De Natura Deorum]. Tully's Three Bookes Touching the Nature of the Gods. _Tr._ 1683, 39 Necromantia. By Lucian. _Tr._ 1537, 95 Neighbours (1837). By F. Bremer. _Tr._ 1842, 29 Nephew as Uncle, The. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by G. S. Harris, 1856, 135 New Dialogues of the Dead. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ 1692, 59 New Don Quixote; or, The Wonderful Adventures of Tartarin of Tarascon. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ by C. Roland, 1875, 46 New Lease of Life. By E. About. _Tr._ 1860, 1 New Moral Tales. By J. F. Marmontel. _Tr._ 1792, 101 New Robinson Crusoe. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ 1788, 85 New Thoughts concerning Education. By C. Rollin. _Tr._ 1735, 124 New Voyage to the World of Cartesius. By R. Descartes. _Tr._ by T. Taylor, 1692, 48 Newly Married Couple. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ S. and E. Hjerleid, 1869, 25 Newspaper Woman. By F. Coppie. _Tr._ T. L. Oxley, 1880, 43 Nials Saga. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Dasent, 1861, 128 Nibelungen Lied, 108 Nibelungs. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7, 108 Nicomede. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by J. Dancer, 1671, 43 Nightingale and Other Tales. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ C. Boner, 1846, 6 Nihilism as it is. By Stepniak. _Tr._ [1894], 144 Ninety-Three. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ F. L. Benedict and J. H. Friswell, 3 v., 1874, 76 Ninon, Stories from. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1895, 165 Niobe. By J. Lie. _Tr._ 1890, 93 No Surrender. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1879, 161 Noble Rival; or, the Prince of the Congo. By V. Hugo. [A _tr._ of the Bug-Jargal] [1845], 76 Nora. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ T. Weber, 1880, 78 Norse Love Story. By J. Lie. _Tr._ 1876, 93 Norse Tales. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ R. B. Anderson, 1883, 25 Norse Tales and Sketches. By A. L. Kielland. _Tr._ R. L. Cassie, 1896, 86 North against South. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1888, 157 Northern Worthies; or the Lives of Peter the Great. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ 1730, 58 Nose, The. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1844, 71 Notre Dame de Paris. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ W. Hazlitt, 3 v., 1833, 76 Novelle. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ 1837, 66 Numa Roumestan; or, Joy Abroad and Grief at Home. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1884-6, 46 O. T., or, Life in Denmark. By Hans C. Andersen. _Tr._ by Howitt, 1845, 5 Oberon. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ by W. Sotheby, 1798, 162 Observations of Things Most Remarkable. By Garcilasco De La Vega. _Tr._ 1625, 62 Observations and Trigonometrical and Barometrical Measurements. By Humboldt. _Tr._ by J. Black, 1811-2, 77 Octavia. By L. A. Seneca. _Tr._ by T. Nuce, 1566. _Supposititious Work_, 139 Odd Number, The. Thirteen Tales. By G. de Maupassant. _Tr._ J. Sturges, 1891, 102 Ode to Venus. By Sappho. _Tr._ 1799, 133 Odes of Horace. _Tr._ by H. Rider, 1638. _Tr._ by [J. Ashmore], 1621. _Tr._ by T. H[awkins], 1625, 75 Œdipus. By Sophocles. _Tr._ by L. Theobald, 1715, 141 Of Prayer and Meditation. By Lewis of Grenada. _Tr._ [R. Hopkins], 1582, 92 Of the Life or Conversation of a Christian Man. By J. Calvin. _Tr._ by T. Brooke [1549], 32 Of the Vertue of Perseverance to Thend. By St. Augustine. _Tr._ by N. Lesse, 1550, 16 Of Wisdome. By P. Charron. _Tr._ S. Lennard [1615], 37 Off to California. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ by J. F. Cobb, 1884, 42 Offyces, The Three Bookes of Tullyes. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by R. T. Whytinton, 1534, 39 Olaf Tryggvason. _Tr._ by J. Sephton, 1898, 128 Old-Bamboo-Hewer's Story. _Tr._ by F. V. Dickens, 1888, 82 Old Celtic Romances. [Eng. _Tr._ from Celtic MSS.] _Tr._ P. W. Joyce, 1879, 8, 34 Old Deccan Days. _Tr._ by M. Frere, 1868, 79 Old English Miscellany. _Ed._ Dr. R. Morris, E.E.T.S., 1872, 9 Old English Texts. _Ed._ H. Sweet, E.E.T.S., 1885, 10 Old-Fashioned Flowers. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. T. de Mattos, 1906, 97 Old French Romances. _Tr._ by Wm. Morris, 1896, 60 Old Man of the Mountain. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ 1860, 151 Old Norse Sagas. _Tr._ E. S. Cappel, 1882, 128 Old Welsh Texts. _Tr._ by J. Rhys and J. G. Evans, 1887, 35 Old Wives' Fables. By E. R. L. Laboulaye. _Tr._ [1883], 8 On Books and Reading. By A. Schopenhauer. _In his_ Religion. _Tr._ 1889, 136 On the Chief Articles of the Christian Faythe, etc. By M. Luther. _Tr._ 1548, 96 On the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom. By Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1840, 146 On the Duties of Man. By S. Pellico. _Tr._ T. Roscoe, 1837, 112 On the Eve. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ by C. R. Turner, 1869, 154 On the Heights. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1867, 16 On the New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine, as revealed from Heaven. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1784, 146 On the Political Doctrine calculated to Unite parties in France. By B. Constant. _Tr._ T. E. Darby, 1817, 42 On the Present State of the Reformed Church in France. By E. Scherer. _Tr._ 1845, 135 On the River. By G. de Maupassant. _Tr._ by J. Sturges, 1890, 102 On the State of Education in Holland. By V. Cousin. _Tr._ 1838, 44 On the Worship and Love of God. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1816, 146 On Wisdom. By P. Charron. _Tr._ G. Stanhope, 1697, 37 One of the Forty (L'Immortel). By A. Daudet. _Tr._ by Verrall, 1888, 46 Only a Fiddler. By Hans C. Andersen. _Tr._ by Howitt, 1845, 5 Only a Word. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1883, 52 Oration made by Master T. de Beza.... Accompanied with xi. other Ministers and xx. Deputies of the Refourmed Churches of the Realm of Fraunce. _Tr._ 1562, 22 Orations [Three] of Demosthenes in Favour of the Olythians. _Tr._ by T. Wylson, 1570, 47 Orations (21) and Epistles (9) of Isocrates. _Tr._ Jos. Dinsdale. Revised by Rev. Mr. Young, 1752, 81 Orations of Aeschines against Ctesiphon and Demosthenes de Corona. _Tr._ with notes, Andrew Portal, 1755, 2 Orations of Lycian and Isocrates, with some account of their lives, and a discourse on the History, Manners and Characters of the Greeks. _Tr._ John Gillies, 1778, 96 Orations of M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ 1745-52, 39 Orations of Pericles and Plato in Praise of the Athenians in Battle. _Tr._ by E. Bentham, 1759, 115 Orations.... Pro M. Marcello. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ 1555, 39 Orator, The: Handling a Hundred Severall Discourses. By L. T. Livy. _Tr._ 1596, 94 Orbecche. Story of the Moor of Venice. By C. G. Giraldi. _Tr._ by G. B. G. C., 1795, 65 Orfeo. By A. Poliziano, 117 Oriental Dialogues. By J. G. Herder. _Tr._ 1801, 73 Origen against Celsus. _Tr._ by J. Bellamy, 1660, 110 Orkneyinga Saga. _Tr._ by J. A. Higaltalin and G. Goudie, 1873, 128 Orkneyinga Saga. _Ed._ by G. Vigfusson, 1888, 128 Orlando Furioso. By L. Ariosto. _Tr._ by J. Harrington, 1591, 12 Orlando Innamorato. By F. Berni. _Tr._ W. Rose, 1823, 22 Orlando Innamorato (1480). By M. M. Boiardo. _Tr._ by R[obert] T[ofte], 1598, 26 Orosii Historia. _Ed._ H. Sweet, 1883, 4 Ottoman and Spanish Empire in xvi. and xvii. Centuries. By L. von Ranke, 1843, 120 Our Forefathers. By G. Freytag. _Tr._ 1873, 61 Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man. By J. G. Herder. _Tr._ by T. Churchill, 1800, 73 Outre-Mer. By P. Bourget. _Tr._ 1895, 28 Ovind. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ E. Hjerleid, 1689, 25 Owl and the Nightingale (1216). _Ed._ Stevenson. Roxburghe Club, 1838, and R. Morris, Specimens. _Ed._ by T. Wright, Percy Soc., 1842, 111 Palace of Pleasure. By W. Painter, 1566-69, 9, 81 Pan Tadeusz (Master Thaddeus). By A. Mickiewicz. _Tr._ by N. A. Biggs, 1885, 104 Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the New Testament. _Tr._ 1548, 53 Paris. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1898, 165 Parisian Romance. By O. Feuillet. _Tr._ 1883, 57 Parthenay, Romans of, or of Lusignen. _Ed._ Prf. W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1866, 111 Partners. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1882, 162 Pascal Bruno. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1846, 51 Passer-By. By F. Coppée. _Tr._ 1885, 43 Passions of the Soule. By R. Descartes. _Tr._ 1650, 48 Patrañas, or Spanish Stories, legendary and traditional. _Tr._ Miss R. H. Busk, 1870, 141 Patriot, The. By P. T. Metastasio. _Tr._ by C. Hamilton, 1784, 103 Patterne of Universall Knowledge, in a Plaine and True Draught. By J. A. Comenius. _Tr._ by J. Collier, 1651, 41 Paul and Virginia. By B. de St. Pierre. _Tr._ 1789, 131 Pearl. Ed. R. Morris, E.E.T.S., 1869. _Tr._ I. Gollancz. 1891, 112 Peculiar Position, A. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ by J. R. Planche, 1837, 137 Peer Gynt. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by W. and C. Archer, 1893, 78 Pelleas and Melisanda. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by Erving Winslow, 1893, 97 Penance of Hugo. By V. Monti. _Tr._ H. Boyd, 1805, 107 Pensées of Joubert. _Tr._ H. Attwell, 1877. (_Ed._ by Chateaubriand.), 83 Per Aspera. By G. Ebers. _Tr._ C. Bell, 2 v., 1892, 51 Pere Goriot. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1860, 18 Perfite Looking Glasse.... By Isocrates. _Tr._ [T. Forrest], 1580, 81 Permanent Husband. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1888, 49 Persian Poetry, Specimens of, or Odes of Hafiz. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1774, 70 Persian Letters. By Montesquieu. _Tr._ by J. Ozell, 1730, 106 Persian Tales. _Tr._ by E. Button, 1754, 113 Phædo of Plato and Apology of Socrates. _Tr._ 1675, 115 Phantom from the East. By P. Loti. _Tr._ J. E. Gordon, 1892, 94 Pharamond, or The History of France. By G. de Costes. _Tr._ by J. Phillips, 1677, 44 Pharsalia. By Lucan. _Tr._ by _Sir_ Arthur Gorges, Kt., 1614, 94 Pharsamond: or The New Knight Errant. By P. C. de C. de. Marivaux. _Tr._ by Mr. Lockman, 1750, 100 Phidian Horse. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ E. H. B. Roberts, 1893, 37 Philobiblion. By R. de Bury. _Tr._ J. B. Inglis, 1832, 122 Philoctetes. By Sophocles. _Tr._ by T. Sheridan, 141 Philosophical and Æsthetical Letters and Essays. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by J. Weiss, 1845, 135 Philosophie, Commonly Called, The Morals. By Plutarch. _Tr._ by P. Holland, 1603, 116 Philosophy of Art. By G. W. F. Hegel. _Tr._ by W. Hastie, 1886, 72 Philosophy of Art. By H. A. Taine. _Tr._ by J. Durand, 1865, 147 Philosophy of History. By A. W. von Schlegel. _Tr._ 1835, 136 Philosophy of Life and Philosophy of Language. By A. W. von Schlegel. _Tr._ by A. J. W. Morrison, 1846, 136 Philosophy of Mathematics. By A. Comte. _Tr._ by W. M. Gillespie, 1851, 41 Philosophy of Right. By G. W. F. Hegel. _Tr._ by T. C. Sanders, 1855, 72 Philosophy of the Beautiful. By V. Cousin. _Tr._ J. C. Daniel, 1848, 44 Philosophy of the Sciences. By A. Comte. _Tr._ by G. H. Lewes, 1847, 41 Phisicke Against Fortune. By Petrarch. _Tr._ by [T. Twyne]. _Tr._ 1579, 113 Phœnix. By Cynewulf. Pt. of Codex. Exon. _Tr._ 1842, 45 Physiology. By A. von Haller. _Tr._ S. Mihlis, 1754, 70 Pictures, The. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ 1825, 151 Pictures of German Life. By G. Freytag. _Tr._ 1862-63, 61 Pictures of Travel in Sweden. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ 1871, 6 Pierre and Jean. By Guy de Maupassant. _Tr._ by C. Bell, 1890, 102 Piers Plowman. By Wm. Langland. _Ed._ Skeat, in 1867-69-73, 89 Pillars of Society. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by W. Archer, 1890, 78 Pilot and His Wife. By J. Lie. _Tr._ 1876, 93 Piping Hot. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1885-8, 165 Playne and Goodly Exposition or Declaratiõ of the Cõmume Crede.... By D. Erasmus. _Tr._ [1533], 52 Pleasant Comedy Entitled Hey for Honesty, Down with Knavery. By Aristophanes. _Tr._ by T. Randorph, 1651, 13 Plurality of Worlds. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ Mr. Glanvil, 1695, 58 Poem on the Slaughter of the Innocents. By G. Marini. _Tr._ by T. R., 1675, 100 Poema Morale. (Moral Ode.) _Ed._ Text and _Tr._ R. Morris, "Old English Homilies," 1878, 116 Poems and Translations from the German; including Schiller's Fight with the Dragon, Trip to the Forge, Song of the Bell, etc. [By _Sir_ W. M. Gomme], 1821, 136 Poems in Prose. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1887, 152 Poems in Prose. By I. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1883, 154 Poet and the Muse. By A. De Musset. _Tr._ 1880, 108 Poetical Meditations and Religious Harmonies. By A. P. De Lamartine. _Tr._ W. Pulling, 1849, 89 Poetical Paraphrase of Parts of Scripture. By Caedmon. _Ed._ Thorpe, 1832, 30 Poetry of the Afghans. _Tr._ H. Raverty, 1863, 80 Poetry of the Celtic Races, and other Studies. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ 1896, 121 Poets and Poetry of Europe. With Intro. and Biographical Notes, 1838. _Ed. and Tr._ H. W. Longfellow, 8 Polish Jew. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1870, 53 Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. By Humboldt. _Tr._ by J. Black, 1811, 77 Political Future of England. By. C. F. de Montalembert. _Tr._ H. Barrow, 1856, 106 Political Poems. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ E[dwin] A[rnold], 1868, 77 Politiques of Aristotle. _Tr._ 1597, 14 Polychronicon. By R. Higden. With _Tr._ by J. Trevisa. _Ed._ v. 1-2 by C. Babington; v. 3-9 by J. R. Lumby, 1865-85, 74 Pompey. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by C. Philips, 1663, 43 Poor Folk. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ L. Milman, 1894, 49 Popular Epics of the Middle Ages of the Norse-German and Carlovingian Cycles. 2 v. _Tr._ by J. M. Ludlow, 1865, 8 Popular Tales and Fictions. _Tr._ Clouston, W.A., 2 v., 1887, 7 Popular Tales from the Norse [_tr._ of Asbjornsen]. _Ed._ 1859, 130 Popular Tales of the West Highlands. 4 v. (1860-62). _Ed._ and _Tr._ by J. F. Campbell, 1890-91, 34 Port Tarascon. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1890, 46 Positivist Library (in the nineteenth century) of Auguste Comte. _Tr._ and _Ed._ F. Harrison, 1886, 41 Praise of Folie. By D. Erasmus. _Tr._ _Sir_ T. Chaloner, 1549, 53 Preparation to Death. By D. Erasmus. _Tr._ 1543, 53 Prescription Against Hereticks. By Tertullian. _Tr._ by J. Betty, 1722, 149 President's Daughter. By F. Bremer. _Tr._ 1843, 29 Pretty Michal. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1892, 83 Pricke of Conscience. By R. Rolle. _Ed._ Morris, 1863, 122 Priests, Women and Families. By J. Michelet. _Tr._ C. Cocks, 1845, 104 Prince, The. Also, The Life of Castruccio of Lucca, and the Meanes Duke Valentine Us'd to Put to Death V. Vitellozzo, Etc. By N. Machiavelli. _Tr._ by E[dward] D[acres], 1640, 97 Prince Serge Panine. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1883, 109 Princess Maleine (1890) and The Intruder. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by G. Harry, 1892, 97 Princess of Cleves. By M. J. De La Fayette. _Tr._ 1688, 88 Princess of Montpensier. By M. J. De La Fayette. _Tr._ 1666, 88 Principia Botanica; or, a concise Introduction to the sexual Botany of Linnæus. _Tr._ 1787, 93 Principia, or the First Principles of Natural Things. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ by A. Clissold, 1845-6, 146 Private History of Peregrinus Porteous, the Philosopher. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ 1796, 162 Prize of Wisdom. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ 1713, 59 Problematic Characters. By F. Spielhagen. _Tr._ S. de Vere, 1869, 142 Problems of Aristotle, with other Philosophers and Phisitions. _Tr._ 1597, 14 Professor's Wife. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1851, 16 Progress. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ [1893], 134 Progress of a Painter. By W. Conscience. _Tr._ 1852, 42 Project for Perpetual Peace. By J. J. Rousseau. _Tr._ 1761, 125 Prolegomena to Every Future Metaphysic. By I. Kant. _Tr._ by J. Richardson, 1819, 86 Promised Land. By H. Pontopiddan. _Tr._ Mrs. E. Lucas, 1896, 117 Propositions and Principles of Devinitie .... By T. Bèze. _Tr._ by John Penry, 1591, 22 Prose Version of Psalms. _Ed._ Thorpe, 1835, 4 Provincales, Les. By B. Pascal. _Tr._ 1657, 111 Purchase of the North Pole. Sequel to "From the Earth to the Moon." By J. Verne. _Tr._ [1890], 157 Quacks: or Love the Physician. By J. B. P. Molière. _Tr._ by Mr. Swinney, 1705, 105 Quakerism A-La-Mode: or, History of Quietism. By J. B. Bossuet. _Tr._ 1698, 27 Queen of Spades and Other Stories. By A. Pushkin. _Tr._ 1892, 118 Queen's Necklace. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1847, 51 Quisisana. By F. Spielhagen. _Tr._ 1880, 143 Railroad and the Churchyard. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ C. Larsen, 1870, 25 Rámáyana of Valmeeki, The. _Tr._ by W. Carey and J. Marshman, 1806-8-10, 98 Rameau's Nephew. By D. Diderot. _Tr._ by S. M. Hill, 1897, 48 Rape of the Bucket. By A. Tassoni. _Tr._ by J. Atkinson, 1825, 148 Raphael, or Pages of the Book of Life at Twenty. By A. P. De Lamartine. _Tr._ 1849, 89 Rarahu. By P. Loti. _Tr._ C. Bell, 1890, 94 Rauf Coilyear, Roland, Otuel, etc. _Ed._ S. J. Herrtage, E.E.T.S., 1882, 121 Readings from the Dane. _Tr._ J. F. Vicary, 1886, 130 Reason Triumphant Over Fancy. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ 1773, 162 Rebellion in the Cevennes. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ by Mme. Burette, 1845, 151 Recollections of a Literary Man. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ by Ensor, 1889, 46 Recollections of my Youth. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ C. B. Pitman, and Revised by Madame Renan, 1883, 121 Red and Black (1830). By M. H. Beyle. _Tr._ 1899, 22 Red Lily. By A. France. _Tr._ W. Stephens, 1908, 60 Red Mantle. By F. Fouqué. _Tr._ 1845, 59 Reflections on Suicide. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1813, 144 Reflections on the English Revolution 1688, and that of 10 August 1792. _Tr._ 1792, 42 Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth. By A. R. J. Turgot. _Tr._ 1793, 154 Reflections on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks. By J. Wincklemann. _Tr._ by H. Fuseli, 1765, 163 Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. By Montesquieu. _Tr._ 1751, 106 Reflections on the Study of Nature. By C. Linnæus. _Tr._ [J. E. Smith], 1785, 93 Reformation in Europe. By C. Cantù. _Tr._ F. Prandi, 1847, 33 Reformation of Schooles. By J. A. Comenius. _Tr._ by S. Hartlibb, 1642, 41 Regent's Daughter. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1844, 51 Regine (Der Katzensteg). By H. Sudermann. _Tr._ H. E. Miller, 1894, 145 Religion: a Dialogue. By A. Schopenhauer. _Tr._ 1889, 137 Religion of Humanity.... Subjective Synthesis, or universal state of humanity, etc. By A. Comte. [_Tr._ R. Congreve], v. 1, 1891, 41 Religion within the Boundary of Pure Reason. By I. Kant. _Tr._ by Semple, 1838, 86 Remedyes Agaynst all Casuall Chaunces. By L. A. Seneca. _Tr._ by E. Wyttynton, 1547, 138 Rene: a tale. By F. R. v. De Chateaubriand. _Tr._ 1813, 37 Renée Mauperin. By J. de and E. de Goncourt. _Tr._ 1888, 67 Republic of Fools. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ by H. N. Christmas, 1861, 162 Republic of Plato. _Tr._ by W. Spens, 1763, 115 Resurrection. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1900, 152 Retreat of the Ten Thousand. Anabasis: The Historie of Xenophon. _Tr._ by J. Bingham, 1623, 163 Revolt of the Netherlands. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ T. Horne, 1807, 136 Reynard the Fox. _Tr._ by W. Caxton, 1481, 122 Rhymed Chronicle. By Robert of Gloucester. _Ed._ W. Aldis Wright, 1887, 123 Richard Cour de Lion, Romance of. Printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1509-28, 122 Richard the Redeless. By Wm. Langland. _Ed._ Skeat, E.E.T.S., 1873, 89 Riddles. By Cynewulf. Pt. of Codex Exon. _Tr._ 1842, 45 Riddles of Heraclitus and Democritus. _Tr._ 1598, 73 Rig Vida-Sanhitâ. _Tr._ 1849-74, 155 Right Noble History of the Successors of Alexander and Some of Their Lives. By Plutarch. _Tr._ by P., etc., 1569, 116 Right Pleasant and Goodly History of the Four Sonnes of Aymon. _Tr._ by W. Caxton. _Ed._ Miss Richardson, 1849, 59 Rights of Property, a Refutation of Communism and Socialism. By L. A. Thiers, _Tr._ 1848, 151 Riksamhitâ: based on the Native traditional interpretation by H. H. Wilson, completed by E. B. Cowell, 4 v., 1854-57-66, 155 Rival Actresses. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1889, 109 Riven Bonds. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1877, 162 Robert Helmont: Diary of a Recluse. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1888, 46 Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle. _Tr._ T. Hearne, 1724, 123 Robert the Devil. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ 1832, 137 Robespierre. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ 1899, 134 Robinson Crusoe. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ [1815], 85 Robinson the Younger: or, the New Crusoe. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ [R. Hick], 1855, 85 Rodogune, or The Rival Brothers. By P. Corneille. _Tr._ by [S. Aspinall], 1765, 43 Rogue; or, the life of Guzman de Alfarache. By M. Aleman. [_Tr._ I. Mabbe], 1623, 2 Roland [Romance of]. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7, 123 Roland: The Historie of Orlando Furioso, one of the Twelve Pieres of France. _Tr._ by R. Greene, 1594, 124 Roland, Song of. _Tr._ by J. O'Hagan, 1880, 123 Rolling Stone. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1871, 133 Romæ Antiquæ Descriptio; a View of the Religion, Laws, Manners, etc., of the Ancient Romans, from their Acts and Sayings. By M. Valerius. _Tr._ Samuel Speed, 1678, 154 Roman Historie. By M. Ammianus. _Tr._ Philemon Holland, 1609, 5 Roman History. By J. Michelet. _Tr._ 1847, 104 Roman History. By V. Paterculus. _Tr._ Sir Robert le Grys, 1632, 112 Roman Histories. By L. A. Florus. _Tr._ (Edmund Bolton), 1618, 58 Roman Matron. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ 1845, 151 Roman Question. By E. About. _Tr._ H. C. Coape, 1859, 1 Roman State from 1815-50, v. 1-3. By L. C. Farini. _Tr._ W. E. Gladstone, v. 4. _Tr._ by a Lady, 1851-4, 55 Romance of a Canoness. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ J. M. Percival, 1888, 74 Romance of a Mummy. By T. Gautier. _Tr._ 1886, 62 Romance of a Poor Young Man. By O. Feuillet. _Tr._ 1888, 57 Romance of a Spahi. By P. Loti. _Tr._ M. L. Watkins, 1890, 94 Romance of the Rose, 124 Romane Historie, The. By L. T. Livy. _Tr._ by P. Holland, 1600, 94 Romantic Ballads. By A. G. Oehlenschläger. _Tr._ by G. Borrow, 1826, 109 Romantic School. By H. Heine. _Tr._ 1882, 72 Rome. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1896, 165 Romeo and Juliet. By Lope F. de Vega. _Tr._ 1770, 155 Romeo and Juliet, Tragical Historye of. By M. Bandello. _Tr._ by A. Br[oke], 1562, 18 Romersholm. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ L. N. Parker, 1889, 79 Rosamond. By K. T. Körner. _Tr._ 1830, 87 Rose and Ninette. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1892, 46 Round of Wrong. By E. About. _Tr._ L. Wraxall, 1861, 1 Round the World in Eighty Days. By J. Verne. _Tr._ H. Frith [1890], 157 Round the Yule Log. _Tr._ 1882, 129 Royal Commentaries of Peru. By Garcilasco De La Vega. _Tr._ by _Sir_ P. Rycaut, 1688, 62 Rubãiyat of Omar Khayyam. _Tr._ by E. Fitzgerald, 1859, 109 Rule of St. Augustine. _Tr._ by R. Whytforde, 1525, 16 Rules for Preserving Health. By B. J. Feyjoo. _Tr._ [1800], 57 Rural Philosopher. By J. Delille. _Tr._ J. Maunde, 1801, 47 Rush for the Spoil. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1885, 165 Russian Life in the Interior. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1855, 154 Russian Proprietor. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1887, 152 Russian Romances. By A. Pushkin. _Tr._ by Mrs. J. Telfer, 1875, 118 Ruthwell Cross. By Caedmon. _Ed._ H. Sweet, 1885, 30 Ruy Blas. By V. Hugo. Adapted by E. O'Rouke, 1850, 77 Ruysbroeck and the Mystics, with Selections. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ 1894, 98 Ryght Frutefull Epystle ... in Laude and Prayse of Matrymony. By D. Erasmus. _Tr._ by R. Tavenour [1530], 53 Sacred Vows. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1878, 162 Sagas, 126 Saint and Others. By P. Bourget. _Tr._ J. Gray, 1892, 28 St. Andrew, Legend of. _In_ Codex Vercellensis. _Ed._ by J. M. Kemble. _Aelfric Soc._, 1843-56, 40 St. Augustine of the Citie of God. _Tr._ by J. Healey, 1610, 16 Sakoontalâ. _Tr._ by M. Williams, 1856, 85 Sales Epigrammatum. By M. V. M. Martial. _Tr._ 1644, 101 Sama Veda. Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda. By J. Stevenson, 1841, 155 Sandman, The. By E. T. W. Hoffmann. _Tr._ by J. Oxenford, 1844, 74 Sappho. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ by J. and R. Maxwell, 1886, 47 Satires of Juvenal, 84 Satires. By Persius. _Tr._ by B. Holyday, 1616, 113 Satyr of T. Petronius Arbiter. _Tr._ by W. Burnaby, 1694, 114 Satyres in Seven Famous Discourses. By L. Ariosto. _Tr._ by G. Gascoygne [R. T[ofte]], 1608, 12 Satyrical Characters and Handsome Descriptions in Letters. By Bergerac. _Tr._ from the French, by a Person of Honour, 1658, 21 Saving a Daughter's Dowry. By E. About. _Tr._ 1860, 1 Savonarola and His Times. By P. Villari. _Tr._ 1863, 158 Sawles Warde. _Anon. Ed._ Text and _Tr._ R. Morris, "Old English Homilies," E.E.T.S, 134 School Endeavours, Continuation of J. A. Comenius. _Tr._ by S. Hartlibb, 1648, 40 School for Rakes. By P. A. C. Beaumarchais. _Tr._ by E. Griffith, 1769, 20 School of Honour. By G. Lessing. _Tr._ 1799, 92 Scrap of Paper. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ [1850], 134 Sea Gull. By F. Caballero. _Tr._ A. Bethell, 1867, 30 Seagull Rock. By L. S. J. Sandeau. _Tr._ R. Black, 1872, 133 Search for Truth. By N. Malebranche. _Tr._ R. Sault, 1692-4, 99 Seasonable Vindication of the Supream Authority and Jurisdiction of Christian Kings, Lords, Parliaments as Well as Over Possessions. By J. Huss. _Tr._ by J. Prynne, 1660, 78 Sebastopol. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1887, 152 Secchia Rapita; or, The Rape of the Bucket. By A. Tassoni. _Tr._ by J. Atkinson, 1825, 148 Second Day of the First week of Will. de Saluste Lord of Bartas, in English heroical verse. By Tho. Winter, 1603, 49 Seconde Weeke, or the Childhood of the World. By Du Bartas. _Tr._ by J. Sylvester, 1598, 49 Secrets and Wonders of the World. By Pliny. _Tr._ 1585, 115 Seedtime and Harvest; or, During my Apprenticeship. By F. Reuter. _Tr._ 1867, 121 Select Epigrams of Martial. _Tr._ by Tho. May, 1629, 101 Select Letters of Voiture. _Tr._ by Mr. Dennis, 1696, 159 Select Moral Tales. By J. F. Marmontel. _Tr._ [R. Roberts], 1763, 101 Select Pieces of Early English Popular Poetry. _Ed._ R. Utterson, 2 v., 1817, 10 Select Remains of the Ancient Popular Poetry of Scotland. _Ed._ D. Laing, 1822, 34 Semele. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by C. Hodge, 1835, 136 Seraphita. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ by G. F. Parsons, 1889, 18 Serapis. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1885, 52 Serbski Pesme. _Tr._ Owen Meredith [Ld. Lytton], 1861, 9 Serjeant Major.... By F. Valdes. Englished by John Thorius, 1590, 154 Sermon of St. Chrysostome wherein ... He wonderfully Proveth that no Man is Hurted but of Hym Selfe. _Tr._ by T. Supsette, 1542, 38 Servian Poetry. _Tr._ _Sir_ J. Bowring, 1827, 7 Severed Hand, The. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1844, 71 Sevyn Sages of Rome (Collection of Tales) _cir._ 1300. _Ed._ Wright, Percy Soc., 1846. Weber, Metrical Romances, 1810, 139 Sevin Seages, translatit out of Prois in Scottis Meter be John Rolland, 1578, 139 Shadowless man: or, the Wonderful History of Peter Schlemihl. By A. von Chamisso. _Tr._ [1845], 36 Shah Náma. By Firdusi. _Tr._ by J Atkinson, 1832, 58 Shakespeare. By G. M. C. Brandes. _Tr._ by W. Archer, M. Morison and D. White, 1898, 28 Shakspeare and His Times. By F. Guizot. _Tr._ 1852, 70 Sheik of Alexandria. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1886, 71 Shepherd's Starre Now of Late Seene. By Theocritus. _Tr._ by [T. Bradshaw], 1591, 150 Shi King, or Book of Poetry. _Tr._ 1879, 139 Shoes of Fortune. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ 1847, 6 Shyp of Folys of the Worlde (Narrenschiff, 1494). By S. Brandt. _Tr._ by A. B. Preste [Barclay], 1509, 28 Sidonia the Sorceress. By J. W. Meinhold. _Tr._ 1894, 102 Sightless, The. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ 1895, 98 Sigurd Slembe. By B. Björnson. _Tr._ W. M. Payne, 1888, 25 Silence in Life.... By F. Caballero. _Tr._ J. J. Kelly, 1883, 30 Silva Gadelica. _Ed._ and _Tr._ by S. H. O'Grady, 1892, 35 Sinners Guide. By Lewis of Grenada. _Tr._ F. Meres, 1598, 92 Sintram and His Companions. By F. Fouqué. _Tr._ by [J. E. Hare], 1820, 59 Sir Beves of Hamtoun. _Ed._ Turnbull, Maitland Club, 1838, E.E.T.S., 1885-94, 139 Sir Bevis. _In_ The Romances of Chivalry. _Ed._ by John Ashton, 1886-89, 7 Sir Degore. _In_ The Romances of Chivalry. _Ed._ by John Ashton, 1886-89, 7 Sir Ferumbras, 14th c. _Ed._ S. J. Herrtage, E.E.T.S., 1879, 139 Sir Gavayne and the Grene Knight. _Ed._ F. Madden, Bannatyne Club, 1839. Morris, E.E.T.S., 1864, 139 Sir Gowther. A Version of the legend of Robert the Devil. 15th cent. _Ed._ Utterson, "Select Pieces of early Popular Poetry," 1817, 140 Sir Isumbras. _In_ The Romances of Chivalry. _Ed._ by John Ashton, 1886-9, 7 Sir Isumbras. _Ed._ Ellis (Halliwell), 1897. Here begynneth the history of the Valyent Knyght, Syr Isenbras. [In verse] [1550?] The Romance of Sir Isumbras. (The Thornton Romances) 1844, 140 Sir Orfeo (Orfeo and Heurodis). _Ed._ Ritson, Anc. Metrical Romances, 1802, 140 Sir Perceval of Galles, 13th cent. _Ed._ Halliwell, Thornton Romances, Camden Soc., 1844, 140 Sir Triamour. Romance of. _Ed._ J. O. Halliwell. [Phillips] Percy Soc., 1846, 140 Sir Tristram. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by Sir G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7 Sir Tristrem, _c._ 13th cent. _Ed._ Fr. Michel. The Poetical Romances of Tristan, 3 v., 1835-39. Sir Walter Scott, 1804, 140 Sister Beatrice, and Ardiane and Barbe Bleue. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ 1901, 98 Six Bookes of a Common Weale ... By J. Bodin. _Tr._ R. Knolles, 1606, 26 Skeleton in the House. By F. Spielhagen. _Tr._ J. Marsden, 1881, 143 Sketch on the Delights of Conjugal Love. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1789, 146 Sketches from Flemish Life. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1846, 42 Skimmer, The. By C. Crébillon. _Tr._ 1735, 44 Skipper Worse. By A. L. Kielland. _Tr._ Earl of Ducie, 1885, 86 Slave-King, The, from the Bug-Jargal of V. Hugo. _Tr._ 1833, 77 Smoke; or, Life at Baden. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1868, 154 Snow Man. By G. Sand. _Tr._ by Vaughan, 1871, 133 Socrates Out of His Senses. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ by Wintersted, 1771, 162 Sofonisba. By G. G. Trissino, 153 Soil. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1888, 165 Soldier Lover. By E. About. _Tr._ E. Locke, 1886, 1 Soldier's Honour. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1887, 165 Somnambulist, The. By A. E. Scribe. _Tr._ [1850], 137 Son of the Soil. By F. Ponsard. _Tr._ 1850, 117 Song of Roland. _Tr._ by J. O'Hagan, 1882, 60 Song of Roland, as chanted before the Battle of Hastings.... _Tr._ Mrs. Marsh, 1854, 124 Song of the Bell. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by Lord F. L. Gower, 1823, 136 Song of the Sun. By E. Tegner. _Tr._ 1817, 148 Songs and Ballads. _Tr._ fr. Uhland, Körner, Burger. 1838, 87 Songs of the Russian People. _Tr._ W. R. S. Ralston, 1872, 126, 130 Songs of Twilight. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ G. W. H. Reynolds, 1836, 77 Sonnets of Petrarch, _Tr._ 1777, 113 Sopha, The. By C. Crébillon. _Tr._ 1781, 44 Sorrows of Werther. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ 1780, 66 Spanish and Italian Folk Songs. _Tr._ A. Strettell. 1887, 82, 142 Spanish Bawde. By P. de Montalban. _Tr._ 1631, 105 Spanish Legendary Tales. _Tr._ Mrs. S. G. Middemore, 1885, 142 Spanish Letters: Historical, Satyrical and Moral. By A. De Guevara. _Tr._ by Mr. Savage, 1697, 69 Spanish Rhodomontades. By P. Brantôme. _Tr._ M. Ozell, 1741, 29 Specimens of Early Eng. Metrical Romances. _Ed._ G. Ellis, 1805, 7 Speeches of Isaeus in Causes concerning the Laws of Succession to Property at Athens ... _Tr._ Sir W. Jones, 1779, 80 Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. By J. G. Herder. _Tr._ by J. Marsh, 1833, 73 Spirit of Laws. By J. d'Alembert. _Tr._ 1846, 3 Spirit of Laws. By Montesquieu. _Tr._ by Mrs. Nugent, 1752, 106 Spiritual Doctrine conteining a Rule of Live wel, with divers Praiers and Meditations. By Lewis of Grenada. _Tr._ by [Rich. Gibbons], 1599, 92 Spring Floods. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ 1874, 154 Squyr of Lowe Degree. _In_ The Romances of Chivalry. _Ed._ by John Ashton, 1886-89, 7 Steam House. By J. Verne. _Tr._ W. H. G. Kingston, 1881, 157 Stella. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by B. Thompson, 1801, 66 Stories from Ninon. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1895, 165 Storks, The. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1875, 71 Stork's Nest and other Tales. By J. F. Vicary. _Tr._ 1886, 130 Story of a Manikin. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1845, 71 Story of a Peasant. By Erckmann. _Tr._ [1871], 54 Story of Gottfried and Beata. By F. W. Carové _Tr._ A. Moline, 1844, 33 Story of My Life. By G. Ebers. _Tr._ M. J. Safford, 1893, 52 Story of the Moor of Venice. By C. G. Giraldi. _Tr._ by G. B. G. C., 1795, 65 Story of the Plébiscite. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1872, 53 Story Without an End. By F. W. Carové. _Tr._ S. Austen, 1834, 33 Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. 2 v. _Tr._ by H. A. Giles, 1880, 38 Strange, Wonderfull and Bloody Battel Between Frogs and Mice. By Homer. _Tr._ by W. F[owldes], 1603, 75 Strategems, Sleyghtes, and Policies of Warre. By S. J. Frontinus. _Tr._ Rycharde Morysine, 1539, 61 Stroke of Diplomacy. By C. L. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ 1881, 37 Studies in Pessimism. By A. Schopenhauer. _Tr._ 1890, 137 Studies of Nature. By B. de St. Pierre. _Tr._ by H. Hunter, 1796, 131 Studies of Religious History and Criticism. By J. E. Renan. _Tr._ O. B. Frothingham, 1864, 121 Sturila the Lawman's Lives of King Hacon and Magnus. _Ed._ by G. Vigfusson, 1888, 128 Success. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1876, 162 Sultaness, The. By J. Racine. _Tr._ by Mr. Johnson, 1717, 120 Summa Theologia. By Thomas Aquinas. _Tr._ by E. O'Donnell, 1859, 11 Summarie of the Antiquities and Wonders of the Worlde. By Pliny. _Tr._ by J. R. [1565], 116 Summer Legends. By R. Baumbach. _Tr._ 1889, 20 Supposes (I Suppositi). By L. Ariosto. _Tr._ by G. Gascoygne, 1572, 12 Survivors of the Chancellor. By J. Verne. _Tr._ E. Frewer, 1875, 158 Swiss Family Robinson. By J. H. Kampe. _Tr._ Mrs. H. B. Paull, 1888, 85 Sylvæ et Achilleis. By Statius. _Tr._ by Stephens, 1648, 144 Sympathy of Souls. By C. M. Wieland. _Tr._ 1795, 162 System of Theology. By G. W. von Leibnitz. _Tr._ by C. W. Russell, 91 Table Talk. Colloquia Mensalia, or Divine Discourses at His Table. By M. Luther. _Tr._ by Captn. Henrie Bell, 1652, 96 Taking the Bastile; or, Six Years Later. By A. Dumas, 1847, 51 Tale, The. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by T. Carlyle, 1877, 66 Tales and Legends of Saxony and Lusatia. _Tr._ W. Westall, 1877, 64 Tales and Romances of the Middle Ages. By W. Wagner, 1883, 10 Tales from the Fjeld. _Tr._ by Sir G. W. Dasent, 1874, 129 Tales from the Phantasus. By J. L. Tieck. _Tr._ by J. C. Hare, 1845, 151 Tales from Wonderland. By R. Baumbach. _Tr._ Mrs. H. B. Dole [1890], 20 Tales of an Evening. By J. F. Marmontel. _Tr._ 1792-94, 101 Tales of Bengal. _Tr._ L. B. Day, 1883, 79 Tales of Old Lusitania. _Ed._ F. A. Coelho. _Tr._ H. Monteiro, 1885, 141 Tales of the Black Forest. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ 1890, 16 Tales of the East. 3 v. _Tr._ 1811, 10 Tales of Two Countries. By A. L. Kielland. _Tr._ W. Archer, 1891, 86 Tales of Wonder; or, The Inn in the Black Forest. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1861, 71 Tales. Selected. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ 1875, 6 Taliesin. _Tr._ by W. W. Nash, 1857, 35 Talisman. By A. Pushkin. _Tr._ by G. Borrow, 1835, 118 Talmud, The, 147 Taras Bulba. By N. V. Gogol. _Tr._ 1887, 66 Tartarin in the Alps. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1886, 47 Tartarin of Tarascon. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ by C. Roland, 1875, 47 Tartuffe; or, The French Puritan. By J. B. P. Molière. _Tr._ by M. Medburne, 1670, 105 Tchitchikoff's Journeys: or, Dead Souls. By N. V. Gogol. _Tr._ J. F. Hapgood, 1886, 67 Telemachus, Adventures of. By F. Fénelon. _Tr._ 1703, 56 Temple of Guidas. By Montesquieu. _Tr._ by J. Sayer, 1765, 106 Temptations of Saint Anthony. By G. Flaubert. _Tr._ D. F. Hannigan, 1895, 58 Ten Tales. By F. Coppée. _Tr._ W. Learned, 1892, 43 Ten Years Exile. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1821, 144 Ten Years of Historical Studies. By J. N. A. Thierry. _Tr._ 1845, 150 Terrible Czar. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1892, 152 Teverino. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1855, 133 Theater of Honour and Knighthood. By A. Favine. _Tr._ 1623, 56 Theatre Wherein be Represented the Miseries ... That Follow the Voluptuous Worldlings. By Petrarch. _Tr._ 1569, 113 Thebaid. By Statius. _Tr._ by T. Stephens, 1648, 144 Theodora. By V. Sardou. _Tr._ 1885, 134 Theognis Restitutus. By Theognis. _Tr._ by J. H. Frere, 1842, 150 Theory of Colours. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by C. L. Eastlake, 1840, 66 Theory or System of Several new Inhabited Worlds. By B. Fontenelle. _Tr._ Mrs. Behn, 1700, 58 Thérèse Raquin. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1885, 165 Things Seen. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ 2 v., 1887, 77 Third Dayes Creation. By Du Bartas. _Tr._ by T. Winter, 1604, 49 Thirtie-Four Special and Chosen Sermons. By M. Luther. _Tr._ by W. Gace, 1581, 96 Thirty Years of Paris and of My Literary Life. By A. Daudet. _Tr._ 1888, 47 Thomas Saga. _Ed._ and _Tr._ by E. Magnússon, 1875-84, 129 Thornton Romances. _Tr._ Halliwell, J. O. Camden Soc., 1844, 8 Thorstein Viking's Son. _Tr._ by R. B. Anderson, 1877, 129 Those Fyue Questions which Marke Tullye Cicero Disputed in His Manor at Tusculanum. _Tr._ by J. Dolman, 1561, 39 Thoughts on Art and Style. By D. Diderot. _Tr._ 1893, 48 Thoughts on Religion and Other Subjects. By B. Pascal. _Tr._ by J. Walker, 1688, 111 Three Bookes of Tullyes Offyces. _Tr._ by R. Whytinton, 1534, 39 Three Early English Metrical Romances. _Ed._ J. Robson, 1842, 9 Three Kings of Cologne. _Ed._ C. Horstmann. E.E.T.S., 1886, 151 Three Musketeers. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1846, 51 Three Northern Love Stories. _Tr._ by E. Magnússon and W. Morris, 1875, 129 Thrond of Gate. _Tr._ by F. York Powell, 129 Through Night to Light. By F. Spielhagen. _Tr._ 1870, 143 Tibetan Tales derived from Indian Sources. _Tr._ W. R. S. Ralston. _Tr._ A. Schiefner, 1882, 80 Timar's Two Worlds. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1888, 83 Titan. By J. P. Richter. _Tr._ by C. D. Brown. _Tr._ 1863, 122 To Be or Not To Be. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ Mrs. Bushby, 1857, 6 Toilers of the Sea. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ W. M. Thomas, 3 v., 1866, 77 Tolla: a Tale of Modern Rome. By E. About. _Tr._ 1854, 1 Toniotto and Maria. By C. Balbo. _Tr._ [1872], 17 Tower of Dago. By M. Jokai. _Tr._ 1899, 83 Tower of Percemont. By G. Sand. _Tr._ 1877, 133 Towneley Mysteries. _Cir._ 15th c. _Ed._ for Surtees Soc., 1836. Pollard, E.E.T.S., 1897, 153 Tractatus Theologico-politicus. By B. De Spinoza. _Tr._ 1689, 143 Traditions of the Jews. _Tr._ by J. P. Stehelin, 1732-34, 147 Tragic Idyll. By P. Bourget. _Tr._ 1896, 28 Translations from the Norse (from Ibsen and Dass). _Tr._ by A.B.S.S., 1879, 79 Translations of Ancient Arabian Poetry, with an introduction and Notes. By Sir C. J. Lyall, 1885, 11 Travel Pictures. By H. Heine. _Tr._ by F. Storr, 1846, 72 Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary. By F. R. V. De Chateaubriand. _Tr._ by F. Shobert, 1811, 37 Travels in Italy. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ A. J. Morrison, 1846, 66 Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia, containing an account of Kingdoms and Provinces of the Empire, the Manners and Customs of the People, etc. By G. Tellez. _Tr._ 1710, 148 Treasure, The. By F. Coppée. _Tr._ 1895, 43 Treasure of the Humble. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. Sutro, 1897, 98 Treasure of Trueth. By T. Bèze. _Tr._ by J. Stockwood, 1576, 22 Treatise of Nature and Grace. By N. Malebranche. _Tr._ 1695, 99 Treatise Concerning Heaven and Hell. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ by T. Hartley, 1784, 146 Treatise Concerning the Last Judgement. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ by R. Hindmarsh, 1810, 147 Treatise of Horsholde. By Xenophon. _Tr._ by G. Heruet, 1532, 163 Treatise of the Interest of the Princes and States of Christendome. By H. de Rohan, 132 Treatise on Ancient and Modern Literature. By Madame de Staël, 1803, 144 Treatise on Government. By Aristotle. _Tr._ by W. Ellis, 1776, 14 Treatise on Morality. By N. Malebranche. _Tr._ 1699, 99 Treatise on the Education of Daughters. By F. Fénelon. _Tr._ by T. F. Dibdin, 1805, 56 Treatise on the Influence of the Passions.... By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1798, 143 Treatise on the Nature of Influx. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ by [T. Hartley], 1798, 147 Treatise Touching the Libertie of a Christian. By M. Luther. _Tr._ by J. Bell, 1579, 96 Treatise Wherein he Represented ... the Miseries.... That Follow the Voluptuous Worldlings. By J. Du Bellay. _Tr._ 1569, 49 Trials of Jetta Malaubert. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ 1886, 37 Tribulations of a Chinaman. By J. Verne. _Tr._ E. E. Frewer, 1880, 158 Triamour, Sir. _See_ Sir Triamour, 153 Tristia; or, The Elegies, etc. By Ovid. _Tr._ by T. Churchyard, 1580, 110 Triumph of Faith. The Sacrifice of Isaac. The Ship-wracke of Jonas. With a Song of Victorie obtained by the French King at Yvry. By Du Bartus. _Tr._ by J. S. Marchant, 1590, 49 Troy, Gest Hystoriall of the Destruction of. _Ed._ Donaldson, D. and G. A. Panton, E.E.T.S., xxxix, lvi, 1869, 153 Troy, Romances of. Fevre, Raoul le. Recuyell of the Historye of Troye, 1472, 153 True Christian Religion. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1786, 147 True Religion Explained and Defended Against Ye Archenemies Thereof, etc. By H. De Grotius. _Tr._ 1632, 68 True Story of My Life. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ M. Howit, 1847, 6 Trumpeter of Sakkingen. By J. V. Scheffel. _Tr._ Mrs. F. Brunnow [1884], 134 Tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarch. _Tr._ by H. P Knight ... Lorde Morley, 1565, 113 Tullius De Amicicia. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by [J. Tiptoft], Earl of Worcester, 1481, 39 Tully's Five Books De Finibus. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ by S. P. Gent. (Saml. Parker), 1702, 39 Tully's Three Books Touching the Nature of the Gods. By M. T. Cicero. _Tr._ 1683, 39 Turandot; Princess of India. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by A. T. Gurney, 1836, 136 Tutor's Secret. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ [P. Derecheff], 1893, 37 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1872, 158 Twenty Years After. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1845, 51 Two Baronesses. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ 1848, 6 Two Brothers. By H. de Balzac. _Tr._ 1888, 18 Two Discourses. By H. De Grotius. _Tr._ by [C. Barksdale], 1653, 68 Two Pilgrims. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1889, 152 Two Prisoners. By P. Heyse. _Tr._ 1893, 74 Two Stories. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ [1869], 16 Typhon; or, The Gyant's War with the Gods. By P. Sallust. _Tr._ by [J. Phillips], 1665, 134 Uarda. By G. M. Ebers. _Tr._ 1877, 52 Ugly Duck. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ 1851, 6 Ulric the Farm Servant. By J. Gotthelf. _Tr._ J. Firth, 1886, 67 Ultimo. By F. Spielhagen. _Tr._ [1874], 143 Ulysses. By F. Ponsard. _Tr._ H. B. Farnie [1890], 117 Uncle's Dream and Permanent Husband. By F. Dostoieffsky. _Tr._ 1888, 48 Under a Charm. By F. Werner. _Tr._ 1877, 162 Under Sentence of Death. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ Sir G. Campbell [1886], 77 Underground Russia. By "Stepniak." _Tr._ [1881], 144 Undine, By F. Fouqué. _Tr._ 1818, 59 Unfortunate Woman. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ by Gersoni, 1887, 154 Uscoque. By G. Sand. _Tr._ J. Bauer [1850], 133 Valentine and Orton. _In_ The Romances of Chivalry. _Ed._ by John Ashton, 1886-89, 7 Vanished Diamond. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1885, 158 Vedas, 155 Vercelli Book [Codex Vercellensis]. _Ed. with Tr._ J. M. Kemble, 1843-46, 155 Very Profitable Treatise.... Declarynge what Great Profit might come to al Christendome, Yf There Were a Regester Made. By J. Calvin. _Tr._ by [S. Wythers], 1561, 32 Veva: or, The War of the Peasants. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1855, 42 Vicomte de Bragelonne. By A. Dumas. _Tr._ 1868, 51 View of Universal History. By J. B. Bossuet. _Tr._ by J. Elphinstone, 1778, 27 Viga Glum Saga. _Tr._ by _Sir_ E. Head, 1866, 129 Viking Tales of the North. _Tr._ by R. B. Anderson, 1877, 129 Vikram and the Vampire: tales of Hindu devilry. _Tr._ by R. F. Burton, 1870, 79 Vikramorvasi. _Tr._ by E B. Cowell, 1850, 85, 155 Village Coquette. By F. Spielhagen. _Tr._ J. L. Laird, 1875, 143 Village Innkeeper. By H. Conscience. _Tr._ 1867, 42 Village Notary. By J. F. Eötvös. _Tr._ 1850, 52 Village Tales. By B. Auerbach. _Tr._ M. Taylor. 2 v., 1846-47, 16 Virgin Soul. By I. S. Turgenief. _Tr._ by T. S. Perry, 1877, 154 Virtuous Orphan, The; or The Life of Marianne Countesse of. By P. C. de C. de Marivaux. _Tr._ 1748, 101 Vision of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante. _Tr._ by H. Cary 1814, 46 Visionary. By J. Lie. _Tr._ J. Muir, 1894, 93 Visions of Petrarch. _Tr._ by Ed. Sp[enser]. _Tr._ 1591, 113 Visions of Quevedo. _Tr._ by _Sir_ R. L'Estrange, 1668, 119 [Vita Nuova] Canzoniere. By Dante. _Tr._ by C. Lyall, 1835, 46 Vocation of Man. By J. G. Fichte. _Tr._ by W. Smith, 1844, 57 Volkslieder. (People's Songs), 160 Völsunge Saga. _Tr._ by E. Magnússon and W. Morris, 1876, 129 Volsungs. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7 Voyage Round the World. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 3 v., 1876, 77, 158 Voyage to the Moon.... By Bergerac. _Tr._ S. Derrick, 1753, 21 Waif, The. By F. Coppée. _Tr._ 1880, 43 Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition, 1889, 35 Waldere. M.S., 9th c. Found 1860 in Royal Library, Copenhagen. _Ed._ "Two Leaves of King Waldere's Lay," _text_ and _tr._ G. Stephens, 1860, 161 Wallenstein. The Piccolomini, or the First Part of Wallenstein. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by S. T. Coleridge, 1800, 136 Walter of Aquitaine. _In_ Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. _Tr._ by _Sir_ G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones, 1871-2, 7 Walter of Coventry. Memoriale. _Ed._ W. Stubbs, vols. I-II. Rolls Ser., 1872-73, 161 Wanderings of the Heart and Mind. By C. Crébillon. _Tr._ M. Clancy, 1751, 44 War. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ H. L. Williams [1872], 54 War and Peace. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1886, 152 Wars of Alexander. _Ed._ Stevenson, 1849, 3 Waterloo. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ 1865, 53 Wealth and Welfare. By J. Gotthelf. _Tr._ 1866, 67 Weird Gift. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ A. D. Vandam, 1890, 109 Weird Tales from the Northern Seas. By J. Lie. _Tr._ 1893, 93 What is Art.... By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._... A. Maude [1899], 152 What Men Live By. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1889, 152 What To Do. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ [1890], 152 When We Dead Awaken. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ W. Archer, 1900, 79 Where Love Is There God Is. By L. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1889, 152 White Swans. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ [1863], 6 Widsith (Far traveller). "The Traveller's Song" or "The Scop, or Scald's Tale." _Ed._, _Tr._ by H. Morley in Cook and Tinker's "Select _Tr._ from Eng. Poetry," 1902, 162 Wild Duck. By H. Ibsen. _Tr._ by Mrs. F. Archer, 1890, 79 Wild Huntsman. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1877], 53 Wild Oats. By J. P. Richter. _Tr._ by Eliza Lee, 1846, 122 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by T. Carlyle, 1824, 66 Wilhelm Meister's Travels. By J. W. Goethe. _Tr._ by T. Carlyle, 1827, 66 Will. By G. Ohnet. _Tr._ 1884, 109 Will o' the Wisp, etc. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ H. W. Dulcken [1867], 6 William and Helen. By G. A. Burger. _Tr._ by [_Sir_ W. Scott], 1796, 30 William of Palerne. _Cir._ 14th Cent, [or, Wm. the Werwolf]. _Ed._ Prf. W. W. Skeat. [Also _Ed._ Madden, Roxb. Club, 1832], E.E.T.S., 1867, 163 William Shakespeare. By V. Hugo. _Tr._ 1864. [An Essay on His works.], 77 William Tell. By J. C. F. Schiller. _Tr._ by E. Massie, 1878, 136 Wine-Ghosts of Bremen. By W. Hauff. _Tr._ 1889, 71 Wings of Courage. Cloud Spinner. By G. Sand. _Tr._ Mrs. Cockran [1883], 133 Winter Amid the Ice., etc. By J. Verne. _Tr._ 1876, 158 Wisdom and Destiny. By M. Maeterlinck. _Tr._ by A. Sutro. _Tr._ 1898, 98 Wisdom of Angels concerning Divine Love and Wisdom. By E. Swedenborg. _Tr._ 1816, 147 Wisdom of Life. By A. Schopenhauer. _Tr._ 1890, 137 Wish of His Wife. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ 1878, 37 With Fortune Made. By C. V. Cherbuliez. _Tr._ M. L. Simkins, 1896, 37 Woldemar. By K. T. Körner. _Tr._ 1805, 87 Woman's Diary. By O. Feuillet. _Tr._ 1881, 57 Woman's Life, A. By G. de Maupassant. _Tr._ 1885, 102 Wonder-World Stories from the Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindoostani, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Russian, Swedish and Turkish. _Tr._ by M. Pabke and M. J. Pitman, 1877, 9 Wonderful Stories for Children. By H. C. Andersen. _Tr._ M. Howitt, 1846, 6 Wonderful Travellers, The. By J. Verne. _Tr._ by F. A. Malleson [1877], 158 Wondrous Tale of Cocky, Clucky and Cackle. By C. Brentano. _Tr._ C. W. Heckethorn [1889], 29 Woodland Tales. By J. Stinde. _Tr._ E. Wright, 1887, 144 Words of a Believer. By F. R. de Lamennais. _Tr._ 1834, 89 Work. By E. Zola. _Tr._ 1901, 165 Work While ye have the Light. By L. N. Tolstoi. _Tr._ 1890, 152 Worke of the Predestination of Saints. By St. Augustine. _Tr._ by N. Lesse, 1550, 16 Works and Days. By Hesiod. _Tr._ Geo. Chapman, 1618, 73 World as Will and Idea. By A. Schopenhauer. _Tr._ by Haldane and Kemp, 1883-6, 137 World's Idol; or, Plutus the God of Wealth. By Aristophanes. _Tr._ by H. H. B., 1659, 13 Year One of the Republic. By Erckmann and Chatrian. _Tr._ [1873], 53 York Mysteries. Cir. 1378. _Ed._ Lucy T. Smith, 1885, 163 Zaydi. By M. J. De La Fayette. _Tr._ 1678, 88 Zelinda. By M. de Scudery. _Tr._ by T. D., 1676, 137 Zend Avesta. _Tr._ by A. Henry, 1864, 164 Zulma. By Madame de Staël. _Tr._ 1813, 144 TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Italic text is denoted by _underscores_. Bold text is denoted by =equal signs=. Superscripts are denoted by ^ eg S^r. E.E.T.S. stands for Early English Text Society. Footnotes are all positioned within a specific section as in the original text. One section uses [*] to denote a multiple-reference footnote. All other footnotes are denoted by (1) in the original, and are denoted here by [1] for clarity. Obvious punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Except for those changes noted below, all misspelling in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example: folk-tales, folk tales; Caesar, Cæsar; mediaeval, mediæval, medieval. Pg 2. 'Historie' replaced by 'Historyes'. Pg 16. 'THEND' replaced by 'THE END'. Pg 18. 'Bandell' replaced by 'Bandello'. Pg 19. 'Novelle' replaced by 'Novello'. Pg 25. 'in 1358-48' replaced by 'in 1348-58'. Pg 33. 'Enlgysshe' replaced by 'Englysshe'. Pg 38. 'J. Vencer' replaced by 'J. Veneer'. Pg 40. 'Anglo-Saxon Poetry of the.' Original text retained; missing words unknown. Pg 41. 'DE PHILIPPE' replaced by 'PHILIPPE DE'. Pg 42. 'Desertation' replaced by 'Dissertation'. Pg 56. 'Inprinted' replaced by 'Printed'. Pg 59. 'Monfauban' replaced by 'Montauban'. Pg 61. Dates for FROISSART, JEAN are incorrect, but retained. Pg 62. 'paraphase' replaced by 'paraphrase'. Pg 68. 'TOMLINSON' retained; probably should be 'TOMSON'. Pg 71. 'in Bremen' replaced by 'im Bremer'. Pg 74. 'GOLDON' replaced by 'GOLDEN'. Pg 88. 'La Fontaigne' replaced by 'La Fontaine'. Pg 105. 'MONSIEU' replaced by 'MONSIEUR'. Pg 110. 'Inuective' replaced by 'Invective'. Pg 117. 'Mrs. C. Lucas,' replaced by 'Mrs. E. Lucas,'. Pg 121. 'RUAF' replaced by 'RAUF'. Pg 127. 'Prose or' replaced by 'Prose of'. Pg 129. 'Brækstade' replaced by 'Brækstad'. Pg 133. 'JÉANIE' replaced by 'JÉANNIE'. Pg 134. 'SCHEFFEL, JULES' replaced by 'SCHEFFEL, JOSEPH'. Pg 137. 'La Somnambula' replaced by 'La Sonnambula'. Pg 143. 'and party' replaced by 'and partly'. Pg 148. 'YUYCHURCH' replaced by 'YVYCHURCH'. Pg 148. 'FRITHIOF'S' replaced by 'FRITHJOF'S'. Pg 152. 'ILYITCH' replaced by 'ILYICH'. Pg 153. 'SERGEITCH' replaced by 'SERGEEVICH'. Index: 'Ancien' replaced by 'Ancren'. (Companion:) 'Vencer' replaced by 'Veneer'. (Manual:) 'Derechy' replaced by 'Derechef'. (Marriage:) 'Holcraft' replaced by 'Holcroft'. (Marseillaise:) 'L'Isle' replaced by 'Lisle'. (Memoirs:) 'Dake' replaced by 'Duke'. 'Memoriall' replaced by 'Memorial'. (Pan:) 'Micklewicz' replaced by 'Mickiewicz'. 'Ramayuna' replaced by 'Rámáyana'. 'Ruysbraeck' replaced by 'Ruysbroeck'. (Sir Bevis:) '7, 139' replaced by '7'. 'Sir Degori' replaced by 'Sir Degore'. (Weird:) 'Vandom' replaced by 'Vandam'. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The First Printed Translations into English of the Great Foreign Classi, by William J. 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