* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/4.1/actuar.Rcheck' * using R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'actuar/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'actuar' version '3.3-2' * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'actuar' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking 'build' directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * loading checks for arch 'i386' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK ** checking use of S3 registration ... OK * loading checks for arch 'x64' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK ** checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [16s] OK * checking Rd files ... [2s] OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of 'data' directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking LazyData ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK * checking compilation flags in Makevars ... OK * checking for GNU extensions in Makefiles ... OK * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK * checking use of PKG_*FLAGS in Makefiles ... OK * checking include directives in Makefiles ... OK * checking pragmas in C/C++ headers and code ... OK * checking compiled code ... OK * checking sizes of PDF files under 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking installed files from 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking files in 'vignettes' ... OK * checking examples ... ** running examples for arch 'i386' ... [6s] OK ** running examples for arch 'x64' ... [6s] OK * checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK * checking tests ... ** running tests for arch 'i386' ... [54s] OK Running 'betaint-tests.R' [1s] Running 'dpqr-tests.R' [52s] Running 'rcompound-tests.R' [0s] Running 'rmixture-tests.R' [0s] ** running tests for arch 'x64' ... [56s] OK Running 'betaint-tests.R' [1s] Running 'dpqr-tests.R' [54s] Running 'rcompound-tests.R' [0s] Running 'rmixture-tests.R' [0s] * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [81s] WARNING Error(s) in re-building vignettes: --- re-building 'actuar.Rnw' using Sweave --- finished re-building 'actuar.Rnw' --- re-building 'coverage.Rnw' using Sweave Attaching package: 'actuar' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': sd, var The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices': cm --- finished re-building 'coverage.Rnw' --- re-building 'credibility.Rnw' using Sweave Attaching package: 'actuar' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': sd, var The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices': cm --- finished re-building 'credibility.Rnw' --- re-building 'distributions.Rnw' using Sweave --- finished re-building 'distributions.Rnw' --- re-building 'modeling.Rnw' using Sweave Attaching package: 'actuar' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': sd, var The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices': cm --- finished re-building 'modeling.Rnw' --- re-building 'risk.Rnw' using Sweave Attaching package: 'actuar' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': sd, var The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices': cm --- finished re-building 'risk.Rnw' --- re-building 'simulation.Rnw' using Sweave Attaching package: 'actuar' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': sd, var The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices': cm --- finished re-building 'simulation.Rnw' make[1]: Entering directory '/d/RCompile/CRANpkg/local/4.1/actuar.Rcheck/vign_test/actuar/vignettes' LATEX=xelatex TEXINDY=makeindex texi2dvi -b 'actuar.tex' This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99992 (MiKTeX 2.9) entering extended mode LaTeX2e <2016/02/01> Babel <3.9n> and hyphenation patterns for 69 languages loaded. (actuar.tex (share/preamble.tex (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\article.cls Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\size11.clo)) (C:\Users\CRAN\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\tex\latex\amsmath\amsmath.sty For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option. (C:\Users\CRAN\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\tex\latex\amsmath\amstext.sty (C:\Users\CRAN\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\tex\latex\amsmath\amsgen.sty)) (C:\Users\CRAN\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\tex\latex\amsmath\amsbsy.sty) (C:\Users\CRAN\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\tex\latex\amsmath\amsopn.sty)) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\amscls\amsthm.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\natbib\natbib.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\generic\babel\babel.sty ************************************* * Local config file bblopts.cfg used * (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\00miktex\bblopts.cfg) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\babel-english\english.ldf (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\generic\babel\babel.def (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\generic\babel\xebabel.def)))) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\numprint\numprint.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\tools\array.sty) No configuration file `numprint.cfg' found.) (\RCompile\recent\R-4.1.3\share\texmf\tex\latex\Sweave.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\ifthen.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\graphicx.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\keyval.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\graphics.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\00miktex\graphics.cfg) (C:\Users\CRAN\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\tex\xelatex\xetex-def\xetex.def))) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\fancyvrb\fancyvrb.sty Style option: `fancyvrb' v2.7a, with DG/SPQR fixes, and firstline=lastline fix <2008/02/07> (tvz)) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\textcomp.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\ts1enc.def))) (framed.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\booktabs\booktabs.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\enumitem\enumitem.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\fontenc.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\unicode-math\unicode-math.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\generic\ifxetex\ifxetex.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifluatex.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\l3kernel\expl3.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\l3kernel\expl3-code.tex) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\l3kernel\l3xdvipdfmx.def)) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\ucharcat\ucharcat.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\l3packages\xparse\xparse.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\l3packages\l3keys2e\l3keys2e.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\fontspec\fontspec.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\fontspec\fontspec-xetex.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\fontenc.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\euenc\eu1enc.def) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\euenc\eu1lmr.fd)) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\xelatex\xunicode\xunicode.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\tipa\t3enc.def (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\euenc\eu1lmss.fd))) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\fontspec\fontspec.cfg))) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\fix-cm.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\base\ts1enc.def)) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\filehook\filehook.sty) (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\unicode-math\unicode-math-xetex.sty (D:\Compiler\texmf\tex\latex\unicode-math\unicode-math-table.tex)))Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The BI source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) `BI' can't be a subfont created by hbf2gf Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font BI. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Making B.tfm from D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\levy-font\B.mf... Running miktex-mf.exe... This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818 (MiKTeX 2.9) (D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\levy-font\B.mf >> readfrom ! Isolated expression. ( l.26 if unknown gen_sigma : readfrom( "gen_sigma") fi ! Extra tokens will be flushed. ( l.26 if unknown gen_sigma : readfrom( "gen_sigma") fi >> cmchar ! Isolated expression. "Lowercase beta" l.73 cmchar "Lowercase beta" ; ! Extra tokens will be flushed. "Lowercase beta" l.73 cmchar "Lowercase beta" ; ! Missing argument to beginchar. ; l.74 beginchar("b",dims); ! Missing argument to beginchar. ; l.74 beginchar("b",dims); >> dims ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... ; l.74 beginchar("b",dims); >> this_letter ! Isolated expression. ; l.75 this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15); endchar; [98] >> cmchar ! Isolated expression. "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" l.79 cmchar "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" ; ! Extra tokens will be flushed. "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" l.79 cmchar "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" ; >> begindoublechar ! Isolated expression. ( l.80 begindoublechar( oct"002",dim_sigma); ! Extra tokens will be flushed. ( l.80 begindoublechar( oct"002",dim_sigma); >> mid_sigma ! Isolated expression. ; l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar; >> middoublechar ! Isolated expression. ( l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar( dims); this_letter; endchar; ! Extra tokens will be flushed. ( l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar( dims); this_letter; endchar; >> this_letter ! Isolated expression. ; l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar; [98] ! Extra `endgroup'. endchar->...makebox(screenrule);showit;fi.endgroup l.81 ... middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar ; ) ! Emergency stop. <*> \mode:=cx;nonstopmode;input B Output written on B.2602gf (2 characters, 392 bytes). Transcript written on B.log. Sorry, but maketfm did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Making I.tfm from D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\croatian\I.mf... Running miktex-mf.exe... This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818 (MiKTeX 2.9) (D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\croatian\I.mf >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.3 beginchar(oct"000",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jaje"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.3 beginchar(oct"000",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jaje"; The letter jaje >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.4 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.4 ... pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> curve_sidebar ! Not implemented: floor(unknown numeric). endgroup - good.x->begingroup.hround((EXPR2)+pen_lft)- pen_lft.endgroup ; l.7 x1=w- x2=w-x3=good.x curve_sidebar; x6=x7=.2w; x9=.2[x7,x8]; >> x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} l.11 draw z7--z6{down}..z1-- z2--z23{up}..controls z3..{left}z4--z6; >> -x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} l.11 draw z7--z6{down}..z1--z2-- z23{up}..controls z3..{left}z4--z6; >> -x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { l.11 draw z7--z6{down}..z1--z2--z23{ up}..controls z3..{left}z4--z6; >> -x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. l.11 ...--z6{down}..z1--z2--z23{up}..controls z3.. {left}z4--z6; >> -0.5x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} l.12 draw z10-- z5; draw z7--z9..controls z8..z84--z4; >> -0.5x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; l.12 draw z10--z5; draw z7--z9..controls z8..z84--z4; [0] >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.17 beginchar(oct"001",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ju"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.17 beginchar(oct"001",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ju"; The letter ju >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.18 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.18 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> curve_sidebar ! Not implemented: floor(unknown numeric). endgroup - good.x->begingroup.hround((EXPR2)+pen_lft)- pen_lft.endgroup ; l.19 x1=x6=w- x3=w-x4=good.x curve_sidebar; x2=x5=.5w; >> %CAPSULE4089 >> (-2curve_sidebar-1,0) ! Not implemented: (unknown numeric)*(unknown pair). ] l.21 z0=whatever[z1,z3] ; [1] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.27 beginchar(oct"002",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ml"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.27 beginchar(oct"002",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ml"; The letter ml >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.28 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.28 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [2] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.49 beginchar(oct"003",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ili"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.49 beginchar(oct"003",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ili"; The letter ili >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.50 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.50 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [3] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.70 beginchar(oct"004",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tv"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.70 beginchar(oct"004",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tv"; The letter tv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.71 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.71 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [4] >> 0.85em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.86 beginchar(oct"005",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.86 beginchar(oct"005",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pr"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.86 beginchar(oct"005",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pr"; The letter pr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.87 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.87 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [5] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.97 beginchar(oct"006",1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ti"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.97 beginchar(oct"006",1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ti"; The letter ti >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.98 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.98 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [6] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.118 beginchar(oct"007",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter it"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.118 beginchar(oct"007",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter it"; The letter it >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.121 addto currentpicture also ti transformed t; [7] >> 0.8em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.126 beginchar(oct"010",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.126 beginchar(oct"010",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bo"; The letter bo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.127 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.127 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [8] >> 0.8em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.143 beginchar(oct"011",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter br"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.143 beginchar(oct"011",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter br"; The letter br >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.144 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.144 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [9] >> 1.31em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.164 beginchar(oct"012",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lju"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.164 beginchar(oct"012",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lju"; The letter lju >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.165 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.165 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [10] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.184 beginchar(oct"013",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter li"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.184 beginchar(oct"013",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter li"; The letter li >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.185 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.185 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [11] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.205 beginchar(oct"014",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter il"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.205 beginchar(oct"014",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter il"; The letter il >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.206 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.206 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [12] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.227 beginchar(oct"015",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.227 beginchar(oct"015",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tr"; The letter tr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.228 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.228 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [13] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.243 beginchar(oct"016",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter to"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.243 beginchar(oct"016",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter to"; The letter to >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.244 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.244 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [14] >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.258 beginchar(oct"017",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jur"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.258 beginchar(oct"017",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jur"; The letter jur >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.259 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.259 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [15] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.271 beginchar(oct"020",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ol"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.271 beginchar(oct"020",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ol"; The letter ol >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.272 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.272 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [16] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.288 beginchar(oct"021",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lo"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.288 beginchar(oct"021",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lo"; The letter lo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.289 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.289 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [17] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.305 beginchar(oct"022",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.305 beginchar(oct"022",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vo"; The letter vo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.306 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.306 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [18] >> 0.85em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.324 beginchar(oct"023",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter po"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.324 beginchar(oct"023",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter po"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.324 beginchar(oct"023",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter po"; The letter po >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.325 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.325 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [19] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.344 beginchar(oct"024",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter oli"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.344 beginchar(oct"024",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter oli"; The letter oli >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.345 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.345 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [20] >> 1.31em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.367 beginchar(oct"025",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter olju"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.367 beginchar(oct"025",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter olju"; The letter olju >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.368 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.368 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [21] >> 1.8em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.391 beginchar(oct"026",1.8em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ljud"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.391 beginchar(oct"026",1.8em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ljud"; The letter ljud >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.392 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.392 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [22] >> 1.26em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.414 beginchar(oct"027",1.8*0.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bl"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.414 beginchar(oct"027",1.8*0.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bl"; The letter bl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.415 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.415 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [23] >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.428 beginchar(oct"030",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter mo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.428 beginchar(oct"030",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter mo"; The letter mo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.429 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.429 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [24] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.441 beginchar(oct"031",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.441 beginchar(oct"031",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vr"; The letter vr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.442 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.442 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [25] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.459 beginchar(oct"032",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.459 beginchar(oct"032",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvo"; The letter tvo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.460 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.460 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [26] >> 0.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.479 beginchar(oct"033",.6em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter no"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.479 beginchar(oct"033",.6em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter no"; The letter no >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.480 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.480 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [27] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.494 beginchar(oct"034",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.494 beginchar(oct"034",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.494 beginchar(oct"034",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; The letter pov >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.495 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.495 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [28] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.516 beginchar(oct"035",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter poto"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.516 beginchar(oct"035",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter poto"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.516 beginchar(oct"035",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter poto"; The letter poto >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.517 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.517 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [29] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.541 beginchar(oct"036",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter povr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.541 beginchar(oct"036",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter povr"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.541 beginchar(oct"036",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter povr"; The letter povr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.542 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.542 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [30] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.567 beginchar(oct"037",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter potr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.567 beginchar(oct"037",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter potr"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.567 beginchar(oct"037",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter potr"; The letter potr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.568 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.568 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [31] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.591 beginchar(oct"040",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pt"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.591 beginchar(oct"040",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pt"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.591 beginchar(oct"040",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pt"; The letter pt >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.592 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.592 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [32] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.609 beginchar(oct"041",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pot"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.609 beginchar(oct"041",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pot"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.609 beginchar(oct"041",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pot"; The letter pot >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.610 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.610 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [33] >> 1.36em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.631 beginchar(oct"042",1.7*.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jutr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.631 beginchar(oct"042",1.7*.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jutr"; The letter jutr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.632 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.632 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [34] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.647 beginchar(oct"043",1.6*em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vd"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.647 beginchar(oct"043",1.6*em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vd"; The letter vd >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.648 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.648 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [35] >> 1.44em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.669 beginchar(oct"044",1.6*.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vod"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.669 beginchar(oct"044",1.6*.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vod"; The letter vod >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.670 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.670 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [36] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.693 beginchar(oct"045",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.693 beginchar(oct"045",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvr"; The letter tvr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.694 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.694 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [37] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.711 beginchar(oct"046",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter thita"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.711 beginchar(oct"046",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter thita"; The letter thita >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.712 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.712 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [38] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.722 beginchar(oct"047",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izica"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.722 beginchar(oct"047",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izica"; The letter izica >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.723 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.723 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [39] >> 1.67201em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.742 beginchar(oct"050",1.52*1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zl"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.742 beginchar(oct"050",1.52*1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zl"; The letter zl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.743 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.743 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x5r-1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -x5r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; [40] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.772 beginchar(oct"051",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.772 beginchar(oct"051",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zo"; The letter zo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.773 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.773 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x5r-1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -x5r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; [41] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.800 beginchar(oct"052",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.800 beginchar(oct"052",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zr"; The letter zr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.801 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.801 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x5r-1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -x5r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; [42] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.828 beginchar(oct"053",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pv"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.828 beginchar(oct"053",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pv"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.828 beginchar(oct"053",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pv"; The letter pv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.829 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.829 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [43] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.850 beginchar(oct"054",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.850 beginchar(oct"054",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.850 beginchar(oct"054",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; The letter pov >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.851 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.851 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [44] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.872 beginchar(oct"055",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter prv"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.872 beginchar(oct"055",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter prv"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.872 beginchar(oct"055",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter prv"; The letter prv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.873 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.873 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [45] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.894 beginchar(oct"056",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pl"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.894 beginchar(oct"056",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pl"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.894 beginchar(oct"056",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pl"; The letter pl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.895 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.895 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [46] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.917 beginchar(oct"057",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pod"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.917 beginchar(oct"057",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pod"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.917 beginchar(oct"057",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pod"; The letter pod >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.918 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.918 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [47] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.940 beginchar(oct"060",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mlc"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.940 beginchar(oct"060",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mlc"; The letter mlc >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.941 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.941 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x222r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)-- z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> -x222r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)--z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r-0.25002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)-- z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r-0.25002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)--z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> -x222r+0.25003 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)-- z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> -x222r+0.25003 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)--z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)-- z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)--z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; [48] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.969 beginchar(oct"061",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lv"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.969 beginchar(oct"061",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lv"; The letter lv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.970 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.970 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [49] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.987 beginchar(oct"062",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vl"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.987 beginchar(oct"062",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vl"; The letter vl >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.990 addto currentpicture also lv transformed t; [50] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.995 beginchar(oct"063",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lt"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.995 beginchar(oct"063",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lt"; The letter lt >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.996 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.996 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [51] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1013 beginchar(oct"064",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter tl"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1013 beginchar(oct"064",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter tl"; The letter tl >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1016 addto currentpicture also lv transformed t; [52] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1022 beginchar(oct"065",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vt"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1022 beginchar(oct"065",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vt"; The letter vt >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1025 addto currentpicture also tv transformed t; [53] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1030 beginchar(oct"066",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mc"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1030 beginchar(oct"066",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mc"; The letter mc >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1031 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1031 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [54] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1056 beginchar(oct"067",em#,1.02cap#,0) ; "The letter so"; >> 1.02cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1056 beginchar(oct"067",em#,1.02cap#,0) ; "The letter so"; The letter so >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1057 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1057 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [55] >> 1.62em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1071 beginchar(oct"070",1.8*.9em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter am"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1071 beginchar(oct"070",1.8*.9em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter am"; The letter am >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1077 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1077 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [56] >> 0.7em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1098 beginchar(oct"071",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ko"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1098 beginchar(oct"071",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ko"; The letter ko >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1099 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1099 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [57] >> 0.7em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1112 beginchar(oct"072",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ot"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1112 beginchar(oct"072",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ot"; The letter ot >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1113 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1113 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,0.3thin,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1117 pickup pencircle scaled .3thin; [58] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1126 beginchar(oct"073",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ms"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1126 beginchar(oct"073",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ms"; The letter ms >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1127 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1127 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [59] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1158 beginchar(oct"074",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "dvokatni uglasti m"; % \mm >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1158 beginchar(oct"074",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "dvokatni uglasti m"; % \mm dvokatni uglasti m >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1159 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1159 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [60] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1174 beginchar(oct"075",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jeje"; % \ee >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1174 beginchar(oct"075",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jeje"; % \ee The letter jeje >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1175 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1175 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; [61] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1188 beginchar(oct"076",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izze"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1188 beginchar(oct"076",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izze"; The letter izze >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1189 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1189 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1.2thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1209 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1209 ...circle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; [62] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1214 beginchar(oct"077",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jezze"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1214 beginchar(oct"077",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jezze"; The letter jezze >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1215 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1215 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1.2thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1238 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1238 ...circle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; [63] >> 0.85em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1244 beginchar(oct"100",.85em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter krizz"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1244 beginchar(oct"100",.85em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter krizz"; The letter krizz >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1245 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1245 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> -y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0).. z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> -0.5y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. ..._(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0).. z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> -y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0).. z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> 0.5y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. ..._(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0).. z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; [64] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1258 beginchar(oct"101",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jazze"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1258 beginchar(oct"101",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jazze"; The letter jazze >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1259 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1259 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; [65] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1293 beginchar(oct"102",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter komentar"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1293 beginchar(oct"102",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter komentar"; The letter komentar >> (0,0,1.5thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1294 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.5thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1294 ...ncircle xscaled 1.5thick yscaled .3thin; ! The paths don't intersect. ; intersectionpoint->...The paths don't intersect"); origin.else:0.5[point.x_.o... ; l.1300 z4= kr intersectionpoint (z44--z88); ! The paths don't intersect. ; intersectionpoint->...The paths don't intersect"); origin.else:0.5[point.x_.o... ; l.1301 z2= kr intersectionpoint (z22--z88); >> (0,0,thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1302 pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thick; >> (0,0,1,0,0,thick) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1302 ...p pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thick; >> -0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> -0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> -0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> -0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> (0,0,thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1306 pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1306 ... pencircle xscaled thick yscaled .3thin; [66] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1313 beginchar(oct"103",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter go"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1313 beginchar(oct"103",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter go"; The letter go >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1314 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1314 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> -x666r+0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r-0.26248 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> (0,0,2x666r-0.99998,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1336 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1336 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [67] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1342 beginchar(oct"104",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter gr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1342 beginchar(oct"104",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter gr"; The letter gr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1343 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1343 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> -x66r+0.7375 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.2625 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.26251 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> -x66r+0.475 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> (0,0,2x66r-0.47499,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1362 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1362 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [68] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1366 beginchar(oct"105",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter hr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1366 beginchar(oct"105",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter hr"; The letter hr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1367 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1367 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> -x66r+0.475 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> -x66r+0.7375 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.2625 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.26251 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> (0,0,2x66r-0.47499,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1383 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1383 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [69] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1388 beginchar(oct"106",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ho"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1388 beginchar(oct"106",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ho"; The letter ho >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1389 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1389 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x666r+0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r-0.26248 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> (0,0,2x666r-0.99998,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1409 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1409 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [70] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1413 beginchar(oct"107",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter myl"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1413 beginchar(oct"107",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter myl"; The letter myl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1414 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1414 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [71] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1439 beginchar(oct"110",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ly"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1439 beginchar(oct"110",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ly"; The letter ly >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1440 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1440 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; [72]) ! Emergency stop. <*> \mode:=cx;nonstopmode;input I Output written on I.2602gf (73 characters, 14404 bytes). Transcript written on I.log. Sorry, but maketfm did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The BI source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) `BI' can't be a subfont created by hbf2gf Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font BI. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Making B.tfm from D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\levy-font\B.mf... Running miktex-mf.exe... This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818 (MiKTeX 2.9) (D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\levy-font\B.mf >> readfrom ! Isolated expression. ( l.26 if unknown gen_sigma : readfrom( "gen_sigma") fi ! Extra tokens will be flushed. ( l.26 if unknown gen_sigma : readfrom( "gen_sigma") fi >> cmchar ! Isolated expression. "Lowercase beta" l.73 cmchar "Lowercase beta" ; ! Extra tokens will be flushed. "Lowercase beta" l.73 cmchar "Lowercase beta" ; ! Missing argument to beginchar. ; l.74 beginchar("b",dims); ! Missing argument to beginchar. ; l.74 beginchar("b",dims); >> dims ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... ; l.74 beginchar("b",dims); >> this_letter ! Isolated expression. ; l.75 this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15); endchar; [98] >> cmchar ! Isolated expression. "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" l.79 cmchar "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" ; ! Extra tokens will be flushed. "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" l.79 cmchar "Lowercase sigma followed by beta" ; >> begindoublechar ! Isolated expression. ( l.80 begindoublechar( oct"002",dim_sigma); ! Extra tokens will be flushed. ( l.80 begindoublechar( oct"002",dim_sigma); >> mid_sigma ! Isolated expression. ; l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar; >> middoublechar ! Isolated expression. ( l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar( dims); this_letter; endchar; ! Extra tokens will be flushed. ( l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar( dims); this_letter; endchar; >> this_letter ! Isolated expression. ; l.81 mid_sigma; middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar; [98] ! Extra `endgroup'. endchar->...makebox(screenrule);showit;fi.endgroup l.81 ... middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar ; ) ! Emergency stop. <*> \mode:=cx;nonstopmode;input B Output written on B.2602gf (2 characters, 392 bytes). Transcript written on B.log. Sorry, but maketfm did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Making I.tfm from D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\croatian\I.mf... Running miktex-mf.exe... This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818 (MiKTeX 2.9) (D:\Compiler\texmf\fonts\source\public\croatian\I.mf >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.3 beginchar(oct"000",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jaje"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.3 beginchar(oct"000",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jaje"; The letter jaje >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.4 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.4 ... pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> curve_sidebar ! Not implemented: floor(unknown numeric). endgroup - good.x->begingroup.hround((EXPR2)+pen_lft)- pen_lft.endgroup ; l.7 x1=w- x2=w-x3=good.x curve_sidebar; x6=x7=.2w; x9=.2[x7,x8]; >> x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} l.11 draw z7--z6{down}..z1-- z2--z23{up}..controls z3..{left}z4--z6; >> -x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} l.11 draw z7--z6{down}..z1--z2-- z23{up}..controls z3..{left}z4--z6; >> -x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { l.11 draw z7--z6{down}..z1--z2--z23{ up}..controls z3..{left}z4--z6; >> -x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. l.11 ...--z6{down}..z1--z2--z23{up}..controls z3.. {left}z4--z6; >> -0.5x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} l.12 draw z10-- z5; draw z7--z9..controls z8..z84--z4; >> -0.5x1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; l.12 draw z10--z5; draw z7--z9..controls z8..z84--z4; [0] >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.17 beginchar(oct"001",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ju"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.17 beginchar(oct"001",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ju"; The letter ju >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.18 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.18 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> curve_sidebar ! Not implemented: floor(unknown numeric). endgroup - good.x->begingroup.hround((EXPR2)+pen_lft)- pen_lft.endgroup ; l.19 x1=x6=w- x3=w-x4=good.x curve_sidebar; x2=x5=.5w; >> %CAPSULE4089 >> (-2curve_sidebar-1,0) ! Not implemented: (unknown numeric)*(unknown pair). ] l.21 z0=whatever[z1,z3] ; [1] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.27 beginchar(oct"002",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ml"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.27 beginchar(oct"002",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ml"; The letter ml >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.28 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.28 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [2] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.49 beginchar(oct"003",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ili"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.49 beginchar(oct"003",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ili"; The letter ili >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.50 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.50 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [3] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.70 beginchar(oct"004",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tv"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.70 beginchar(oct"004",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tv"; The letter tv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.71 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.71 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [4] >> 0.85em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.86 beginchar(oct"005",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.86 beginchar(oct"005",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pr"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.86 beginchar(oct"005",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pr"; The letter pr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.87 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.87 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [5] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.97 beginchar(oct"006",1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ti"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.97 beginchar(oct"006",1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ti"; The letter ti >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.98 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.98 ...pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [6] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.118 beginchar(oct"007",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter it"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.118 beginchar(oct"007",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter it"; The letter it >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.121 addto currentpicture also ti transformed t; [7] >> 0.8em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.126 beginchar(oct"010",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.126 beginchar(oct"010",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bo"; The letter bo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.127 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.127 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [8] >> 0.8em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.143 beginchar(oct"011",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter br"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.143 beginchar(oct"011",0.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter br"; The letter br >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.144 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.144 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [9] >> 1.31em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.164 beginchar(oct"012",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lju"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.164 beginchar(oct"012",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lju"; The letter lju >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.165 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.165 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [10] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.184 beginchar(oct"013",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter li"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.184 beginchar(oct"013",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter li"; The letter li >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.185 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.185 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [11] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.205 beginchar(oct"014",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter il"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.205 beginchar(oct"014",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter il"; The letter il >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.206 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.206 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [12] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.227 beginchar(oct"015",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.227 beginchar(oct"015",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tr"; The letter tr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.228 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.228 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [13] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.243 beginchar(oct"016",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter to"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.243 beginchar(oct"016",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter to"; The letter to >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.244 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.244 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [14] >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.258 beginchar(oct"017",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jur"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.258 beginchar(oct"017",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jur"; The letter jur >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.259 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.259 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [15] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.271 beginchar(oct"020",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ol"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.271 beginchar(oct"020",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ol"; The letter ol >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.272 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.272 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [16] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.288 beginchar(oct"021",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lo"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.288 beginchar(oct"021",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lo"; The letter lo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.289 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.289 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [17] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.305 beginchar(oct"022",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.305 beginchar(oct"022",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vo"; The letter vo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.306 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.306 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [18] >> 0.85em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.324 beginchar(oct"023",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter po"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.324 beginchar(oct"023",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter po"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.324 beginchar(oct"023",.85em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter po"; The letter po >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.325 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.325 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [19] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.344 beginchar(oct"024",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter oli"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.344 beginchar(oct"024",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter oli"; The letter oli >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.345 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.345 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [20] >> 1.31em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.367 beginchar(oct"025",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter olju"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.367 beginchar(oct"025",1.31em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter olju"; The letter olju >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.368 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.368 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [21] >> 1.8em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.391 beginchar(oct"026",1.8em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ljud"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.391 beginchar(oct"026",1.8em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ljud"; The letter ljud >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.392 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.392 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [22] >> 1.26em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.414 beginchar(oct"027",1.8*0.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bl"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.414 beginchar(oct"027",1.8*0.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter bl"; The letter bl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.415 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.415 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [23] >> 0.9em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.428 beginchar(oct"030",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter mo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.428 beginchar(oct"030",.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter mo"; The letter mo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.429 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.429 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [24] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.441 beginchar(oct"031",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.441 beginchar(oct"031",em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vr"; The letter vr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.442 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.442 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [25] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.459 beginchar(oct"032",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.459 beginchar(oct"032",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvo"; The letter tvo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.460 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.460 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [26] >> 0.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.479 beginchar(oct"033",.6em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter no"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.479 beginchar(oct"033",.6em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter no"; The letter no >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.480 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.480 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [27] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.494 beginchar(oct"034",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.494 beginchar(oct"034",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.494 beginchar(oct"034",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; The letter pov >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.495 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.495 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [28] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.516 beginchar(oct"035",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter poto"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.516 beginchar(oct"035",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter poto"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.516 beginchar(oct"035",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter poto"; The letter poto >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.517 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.517 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [29] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.541 beginchar(oct"036",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter povr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.541 beginchar(oct"036",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter povr"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.541 beginchar(oct"036",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter povr"; The letter povr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.542 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.542 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [30] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.567 beginchar(oct"037",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter potr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.567 beginchar(oct"037",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter potr"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.567 beginchar(oct"037",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter potr"; The letter potr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.568 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.568 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [31] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.591 beginchar(oct"040",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pt"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.591 beginchar(oct"040",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pt"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.591 beginchar(oct"040",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pt"; The letter pt >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.592 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.592 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [32] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.609 beginchar(oct"041",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pot"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.609 beginchar(oct"041",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pot"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.609 beginchar(oct"041",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pot"; The letter pot >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.610 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.610 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [33] >> 1.36em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.631 beginchar(oct"042",1.7*.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jutr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.631 beginchar(oct"042",1.7*.8em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jutr"; The letter jutr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.632 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.632 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [34] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.647 beginchar(oct"043",1.6*em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vd"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.647 beginchar(oct"043",1.6*em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vd"; The letter vd >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.648 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.648 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [35] >> 1.44em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.669 beginchar(oct"044",1.6*.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vod"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.669 beginchar(oct"044",1.6*.9em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter vod"; The letter vod >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.670 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.670 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [36] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.693 beginchar(oct"045",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.693 beginchar(oct"045",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter tvr"; The letter tvr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.694 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.694 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [37] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.711 beginchar(oct"046",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter thita"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.711 beginchar(oct"046",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter thita"; The letter thita >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.712 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.712 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [38] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.722 beginchar(oct"047",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izica"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.722 beginchar(oct"047",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izica"; The letter izica >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.723 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.723 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [39] >> 1.67201em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.742 beginchar(oct"050",1.52*1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zl"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.742 beginchar(oct"050",1.52*1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zl"; The letter zl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.743 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.743 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x5r-1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.763 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -x5r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.764 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; [40] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.772 beginchar(oct"051",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zo"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.772 beginchar(oct"051",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zo"; The letter zo >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.773 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.773 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x5r-1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.790 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -x5r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.791 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; [41] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.800 beginchar(oct"052",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.800 beginchar(oct"052",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter zr"; The letter zr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.801 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.801 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x5r-1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z1(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.818 penstroke z5e--z1e; >> -x5r-0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -0.17633x5r-0.08815 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> -x5r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r-0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> 0.17633x5r+0.08817 ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0){ dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; >> x5r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...=z1(SUFFIX0){dir14}..{up}z23(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.819 penstroke z1e{dir14}..{up}z23e; [42] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.828 beginchar(oct"053",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pv"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.828 beginchar(oct"053",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pv"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.828 beginchar(oct"053",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pv"; The letter pv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.829 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.829 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [43] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.850 beginchar(oct"054",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.850 beginchar(oct"054",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.850 beginchar(oct"054",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pov"; The letter pov >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.851 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.851 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [44] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.872 beginchar(oct"055",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter prv"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.872 beginchar(oct"055",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter prv"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.872 beginchar(oct"055",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter prv"; The letter prv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.873 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.873 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [45] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.894 beginchar(oct"056",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pl"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.894 beginchar(oct"056",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pl"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.894 beginchar(oct"056",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pl"; The letter pl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.895 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.895 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [46] >> 1.275em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.917 beginchar(oct"057",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pod"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.917 beginchar(oct"057",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pod"; >> -0.3cap# ! Internal quantity `chardp' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...R1);charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(EXPR3); w:=hround(charwd*hppp);h:=... l.917 beginchar(oct"057",1.7*.75em#,cap#,-.3cap#) ; "The letter pod"; The letter pod >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.918 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.918 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [47] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.940 beginchar(oct"060",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mlc"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.940 beginchar(oct"060",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mlc"; The letter mlc >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.941 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.941 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> -x222r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)-- z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> -x222r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)--z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r-0.25002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)-- z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r-0.25002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z21(SUFFIX0)--z211(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 penstroke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> -x222r+0.25003 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)-- z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> -x222r+0.25003 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)--z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)-- z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; >> x222r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...SUFFIX0):=z22(SUFFIX0)--z222(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.964 ...troke z21e--z211e; penstroke z22e--z222e; [48] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.969 beginchar(oct"061",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lv"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.969 beginchar(oct"061",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lv"; The letter lv >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.970 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.970 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [49] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.987 beginchar(oct"062",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vl"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.987 beginchar(oct"062",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vl"; The letter vl >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.990 addto currentpicture also lv transformed t; [50] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.995 beginchar(oct"063",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lt"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.995 beginchar(oct"063",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter lt"; The letter lt >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.996 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.996 ...encircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [51] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1013 beginchar(oct"064",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter tl"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1013 beginchar(oct"064",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter tl"; The letter tl >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1016 addto currentpicture also lv transformed t; [52] >> 1.43em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1022 beginchar(oct"065",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vt"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1022 beginchar(oct"065",1.43em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter vt"; The letter vt >> (0,0,-yypart t,yxpart t,yxpart t,yypart t) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1025 addto currentpicture also tv transformed t; [53] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1030 beginchar(oct"066",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mc"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1030 beginchar(oct"066",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter mc"; The letter mc >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1031 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1031 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [54] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1056 beginchar(oct"067",em#,1.02cap#,0) ; "The letter so"; >> 1.02cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1056 beginchar(oct"067",em#,1.02cap#,0) ; "The letter so"; The letter so >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1057 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1057 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [55] >> 1.62em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1071 beginchar(oct"070",1.8*.9em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter am"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1071 beginchar(oct"070",1.8*.9em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter am"; The letter am >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1077 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1077 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [56] >> 0.7em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1098 beginchar(oct"071",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ko"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1098 beginchar(oct"071",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ko"; The letter ko >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1099 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1099 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [57] >> 0.7em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1112 beginchar(oct"072",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ot"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1112 beginchar(oct"072",.7em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ot"; The letter ot >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1113 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1113 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,0.3thin,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1117 pickup pencircle scaled .3thin; [58] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1126 beginchar(oct"073",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ms"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1126 beginchar(oct"073",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ms"; The letter ms >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1127 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1127 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [59] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1158 beginchar(oct"074",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "dvokatni uglasti m"; % \mm >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1158 beginchar(oct"074",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "dvokatni uglasti m"; % \mm dvokatni uglasti m >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1159 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1159 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [60] >> 1.1em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1174 beginchar(oct"075",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jeje"; % \ee >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1174 beginchar(oct"075",1.1em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jeje"; % \ee The letter jeje >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1175 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1175 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; [61] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1188 beginchar(oct"076",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izze"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1188 beginchar(oct"076",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter izze"; The letter izze >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1189 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1189 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1.2thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1209 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1209 ...circle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; [62] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1214 beginchar(oct"077",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jezze"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1214 beginchar(oct"077",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jezze"; The letter jezze >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1215 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1215 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1.2thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1238 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1238 ...circle xscaled 1.2thick yscaled .25thin; [63] >> 0.85em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1244 beginchar(oct"100",.85em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter krizz"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1244 beginchar(oct"100",.85em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter krizz"; The letter krizz >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1245 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1245 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> -y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0).. z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> -0.5y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. ..._(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0).. z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> -y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. path_(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0).. z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> 0.5y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. .. ..._(SUFFIX0):=z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0).. z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; >> y2r ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...z1(SUFFIX0)..z3(SUFFIX0)..z2(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1252 penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; [64] >> 1.5em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1258 beginchar(oct"101",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jazze"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1258 beginchar(oct"101",1.5em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter jazze"; The letter jazze >> (0,0,1.3thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1259 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.25thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1259 ...circle xscaled 1.3thick yscaled .25thin; [65] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1293 beginchar(oct"102",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter komentar"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1293 beginchar(oct"102",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter komentar"; The letter komentar >> (0,0,1.5thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1294 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.5thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1294 ...ncircle xscaled 1.5thick yscaled .3thin; ! The paths don't intersect. ; intersectionpoint->...The paths don't intersect"); origin.else:0.5[point.x_.o... ; l.1300 z4= kr intersectionpoint (z44--z88); ! The paths don't intersect. ; intersectionpoint->...The paths don't intersect"); origin.else:0.5[point.x_.o... ; l.1301 z2= kr intersectionpoint (z22--z88); >> (0,0,thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1302 pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thick; >> (0,0,1,0,0,thick) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1302 ...p pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thick; >> -0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> -0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> -0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)-- z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> 0.46985thick ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> -0.17102thick ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0)--z4(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1305 penstroke z2e--z4e; >> (0,0,thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1306 pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1306 ... pencircle xscaled thick yscaled .3thin; [66] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1313 beginchar(oct"103",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter go"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1313 beginchar(oct"103",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter go"; The letter go >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1314 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1314 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1328 z3e; >> -x666r+0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r-0.26248 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1331 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> (0,0,2x666r-0.99998,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1336 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1336 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [67] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1342 beginchar(oct"104",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter gr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1342 beginchar(oct"104",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter gr"; The letter gr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1343 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1343 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0);... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...ir(kut1+7)}..{dir(kut1-7)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1357 z3e; >> -x66r+0.7375 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.2625 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.26251 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1360 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> -x66r+0.475 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1361 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> (0,0,2x66r-0.47499,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1362 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1362 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [68] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1366 beginchar(oct"105",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter hr"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1366 beginchar(oct"105",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter hr"; The letter hr >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1367 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1367 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1378 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> -x66r+0.475 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)-- z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> x66r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ..._(SUFFIX0):=z6(SUFFIX0)--z66(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1381 penstroke z6e--z66e; draw z66--z666; >> -x66r+0.7375 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.2625 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)-- z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.26251 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; path_(SUFFIX0):=z4(SUFFIX0)--z5(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 penstroke z4e--z5e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x66r+0.47499 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x66r+0.7341 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x66r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1382 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> (0,0,2x66r-0.47499,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1383 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1383 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [69] >> 1.2em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1388 beginchar(oct"106",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ho"; >> cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1388 beginchar(oct"106",1.2em#,cap#,0) ; "The letter ho"; The letter ho >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1389 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1389 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> -x4r+0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x4r+0.24998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.49998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z2(SUFFIX0){ dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0... penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> x4r-0.74998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1400 ...ke z2e{dir(kut1+10)}..{dir(kut1-10)}z3e; >> -x666r+0.99998 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+1 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r+0.00002 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { --->{ curl1}..{curl1} path_(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)-- z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...(SUFFIX0):=z5(SUFFIX0)--z666(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 penstroke z5e--z666e; penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -x666r+0.73749 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> -0.98572x666r+0.99284 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> 0.3thin ! Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0. { path_(SUFFIX0):=z55(SUFFIX0){ left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> x666r-0.26248 ! Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0. ; ...FIX0){left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6(SUFFIX0); ENDFOR penstroke->...ffixes.e=l,r:path_.e:=(TEXT0);endfor .if.cycle.path_.l:cyclestr... ; l.1405 ... penstroke z55e{left}..{dir(90+kut)}z6e; >> (0,0,2x666r-0.99998,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1409 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin rotated kut; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. rotated l.1409 ...e xscaled 1.4thick yscaled.3thin rotated kut; [70] >> 1.6em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1413 beginchar(oct"107",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter myl"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1413 beginchar(oct"107",1.6em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter myl"; The letter myl >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1414 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.2thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1414 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .2thin; [71] >> em# ! Internal quantity `charwd' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...byte(EXPR0)else:0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1); charht:=(EXPR2);chardp:=(E... l.1439 beginchar(oct"110",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ly"; >> 1.33333cap# ! Internal quantity `charht' must receive a known value. ; beginchar->...0fi;charwd:=(EXPR1);charht:=(EXPR2); chardp:=(EXPR3);w:=hround(... l.1439 beginchar(oct"110",em#,4/3cap#,0) ; "The letter ly"; The letter ly >> (0,0,1.4thick,0,0,1) ! Transform components aren't all known. yscaled l.1440 pickup pencircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; >> (0,0,1,0,0,0.3thin) ! Transform components aren't all known. ; l.1440 ...ncircle xscaled 1.4thick yscaled .3thin; [72]) ! Emergency stop. <*> \mode:=cx;nonstopmode;input I Output written on I.2602gf (73 characters, 14404 bytes). Transcript written on I.log. Sorry, but maketfm did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running miktex-makemf.exe... Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason: The STIXTwoText source file could not be found. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-makemf.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. Running hbf2gf.exe... hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4) Couldn't find `STIXTwoTe.cfg' Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed for the following reason: No creation rule for font STIXTwoText. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/miktex-maketfm.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. TFM file C:\Users\CRAN\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\fonts/tfm/public/othello\OT.tfm already exists. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! ! The font "STIXTwoText" cannot be found. ! ! See the fontspec documentation for further information. ! ! For immediate help type H . !............................................... l.14 \setmainfont{STIXTwoText} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! ! The font "STIXTwoText" cannot be found. ! ! See the fontspec documentation for further information. ! ! For immediate help type H . !............................................... l.14 \setmainfont{STIXTwoText} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! ! The font "STIXTwoText" cannot be found. ! ! See the fontspec documentation for further information. ! ! For immediate help type H . !............................................... l.14 \setmainfont{STIXTwoText} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! ! The font "STIXTwoText" cannot be found. ! ! See the fontspec documentation for further information. ! ! For immediate help type H . !............................................... l.14 \setmainfont{STIXTwoText} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! ! The font "STIXTwoText" cannot be found. ! ! See the fontspec documentation for further information. ! ! For immediate help type H . !............................................... l.14 \setmainfont{STIXTwoText} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! ! The font "STIXTwoText" cannot be found. ! ! See the fontspec documentation for further information. ! ! For immediate help type H . !............................................... l.14 \setmainfont{STIXTwoText} ! Font EU1/STIXTwoText(0)/m/n/10.95=STIXTwoText:mapping=tex-text; at 10.95pt no t loadable: Metric (TFM) file or installed font not found. relax l.14 \setmainfont{STIXTwoText} ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.15 [ Sorry, but D:\compiler\texmf\miktex\bin\xelatex.exe did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:/Users/CRAN/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/log/xelatex.log You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help. /usr/bin/texi2dvi: xelatex exited with bad status, quitting. make[1]: *** [Makefile:18: actuar.pdf] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/d/RCompile/CRANpkg/local/4.1/actuar.Rcheck/vign_test/actuar/vignettes' Error in tools:::buildVignettes(dir = "d:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/4.1/actuar.Rcheck/vign_test/actuar", : running 'make' failed Execution halted * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 1 WARNING