This file is a rough list of known issues with the 1.4.1xxx release of OpenAFS on Windows. This list is not complete. There are probably other issues which can be found in the RT database or on the mailing list. (1) File/Directory access is not integrated with windows security (3) SMB LANA list is static. (3a) IP address changes cause the service to terminate due to an assertion in smb_Listener() thread. (3b) New IP addresses do not get bound to the SMB server (3c) Loopback adapter hack: (i) prevents use of AFS Gateway (ii) requires installation of loopback adapter (iii) the list of hack adapters is incomplete (VMWare, MS TV/Video, ...) (iv) incompatible with Windows 2000 and earlier (9) Convert to IFS!!!!!! (10) Kerberos 5 integration: (10f) allow arbitrary cell to realm mappings (10g) modify UI to allow user to choose whether to authenticate using Kerberos or AFS (10h) modify UI to allow user to select an existing principal to be used to request AFS tokens (10i) modify UI to display Kerberos 5 ticket info (principal, ticket lifetimes, etc) (11) Default cell is system global just like everything else. Different users logging in via Integrated Logon or using afscreds.exe cannot be automatically prompted for different cells (12) AFS Integrated Logon: (12c) If network is not available must store the username and password somewhere until such time as the network starts. (13) If a drive mapping is "in use", then afscreds cannot be used to Modify or Delete the Mapping. If a map to "H:" to \afs\cell\foo" with description "home" is modified to point to \afs\cell\bar, then the description must be unique. "home" cannot be reused. We need a way to remove "home" from the submount list. [Actually, an end user should not be able to modify the submount list] (14) No support for Unicode CIFS/SMB data structures. OEM Code Pages prevent the use of interoperable file names; force the use of paths no longer than 256 characters; force share names to be no longer than 13 characters; restrict authentication to ASCII only names and passwords; etc. (15) No auto-restart on service failure (16) Better EventLog handling (17) Named Pipes Support [requires modifications to AFS servers to support] (18) Memory Mapped File support (19) Large file support [both SMB/CIFS and AFS] (20) NSIS Installer issues (a) integration with KFW install script (b) Optional removal of AFS Server volumes (21) The User Interface needs to be re-designed to separate the per-user and per-machine settings. All of the new registry items need to be added to the UI (22) CIFS Remote Administration Protocol implementation is incomplete. Notifications are not made to requestors when the view of a file or folder changes due to token acquisition; token expiration; or token destruction. (23) Remove submount creation as a side effect of AFS drive mapping. The AFS Submount is effectively a server side alias for a path located in the AFS space. This alias is exported by the AFS SMB/CIFS Server to the Windows SMB/CIFS client as a Share name. This makes the AFS Submount a system global setting which should only be modified by a member of the "AFS Client Admin" group. afs_creds.exe and afs_config.exe should be modified to no longer use submount names when creating drive maps. Drive maps should simply use the full AFS path name. Submounts should not be created as a side effect of a drive mapping. The creation of submounts should only be possible via afsshare.exe or by the new AFS Client Service Administration tool when executed by an authorized user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of unfunded projects: 1. No longer use AFS Client Service "cell" as the default cell for individual users 2. Prevent panic situation when the root.afs volume is not reachable and the AFS Client Server is not using Freelance mode 3. Prevent panic situation when the IP address to which the SMB server is bound is removed from the local machine's network configuration 4. Add support for Named Pipes within the afs filesystem (This is not currently a supported feature of AFS; it will require changes to the servers as well as the clients.) 5. Re-write afscreds.exe to support: 1. choosing between Kerberos 5 and Kerberos 4 on a per principal basis 2. providing users with the ability to map multiple cells to a single principal 3. providing change password functionality on a per principal basis 4. no longer include drive mapping 5. configuration of afscreds startup options in shortcut 6. Re-write afs_config.exe to be only "per user" functionality which does not require admin privileges 1. default cell and principal for the user 2. drive mappings but no submounts 3. visibility of afs creds and setting of afs creds startup options 7. Create new afs_admin.exe tool to be installed in the administrator folder (or use MMS) which contains 1. afs client service cell name 2. integrated logon configuration 3. Gateway configuration 4. start/stop service 5. global drive mapping 6. submount management 7. file/volume server preferences 8. afs cells 9. cache configuration 10. diagnostics 11. network configuration 12. miscellaneous 13. need to add support for all of the new registry values since 1.2.8 8. Identify why 16-bit DOS applications executed out of AFS fail 9. Add support for configurable Icon file representing AFS folders within the Explorer Shell 10. Documentation Documentation Documentation 11. Large File support (> 2GB) in SMB/CIFS client 12. Integrate KFW installation into the NSIS and MSI installers 13. Add support for byte range locking to AFS (requires changes to the servers) 14. Unicode enable the SMB/CIFS server. OEM Code Pages: 1. prevent the use of interoperable file names 2. force the use of paths no longer than 256 characters 3. force share names to be no longer than 13 characters 4. restrict authentication to ASCII only names and passwords 15. Complete implementation of CIFS Remote Administration Protocol 16. Add support for SMB/CIFS Digital Signatures 17. Development of afsmap.exe tool to provide AFS aware NET USE functionality afsmap.exe <drive> <afs-path> [/PERSISTENT] afsmap.exe <drive> <unc-path> [/PERSISTENT] afsmap.exe <drive> /DELETE 18. Missing SMB/CIFS functions: Find FindUnique FindClose ReadBulk WriteBulk WriteBulkData Tran2::SessionSetup 19. StoreBehind mode is not implemented. Or more correctly, all data is written directly to the server and is not cached. Writes invalidate the local cache entries which are then read back from the server. 20. Develop an optional Installable File System replacement for the SMB/CIFS Server. 21. Add support for storing Extended Attributes on files 22. Add support for storing Windows ACLs on files 23. Remove submount creation as a side effect of drive creation 24. Finish conversion from string.h to strsafe.h for VS.NET 2005 25. Implement RX Connection Pools in the Cache Manager allowing more than four simultaneous requests to a single server to be processed at a time for a single user