#!/usr/bin/perl # calc-0.1 # # The ultimate command line calculation program :-^ # You now have full Perl calculating power at your # fingertips (say: commandline or scripts). # You optionally can format your output using printf formatting # instructions (shell scripts!). # Building floating point tables in shell scripts # with spaces and indentation is real fun now. # Usage calc [] # # Input is a string like (10+3)/7 or "(10 + 3) / 7" # Optional second block of input is considered formatting string. # # Take care that # a) there are no spaces between the stuff to calculate or enclose into () # b) to multiply you have to escape '*' as '\*' # # Samples: # calc 10+3 # calc ( 10 + 3 ) # calc 100/7 # calc 12\*7 # calc sqrt(100) # calc sqrt( 2 + .1 ) %d # calc 10/3 %3.3f # Comments/improvements to: # Hans Zoebelein # Enjoy! # Hans