FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory

3,364 packages indexed

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Autotable - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-08-05
Automates maintaining a set of SQL tables
Averist - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-07-14
Adds an authentication layer to any CGI application written in Perl
CGI:IRC - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-11
Lets you access IRC from a Web browser
cgipaf - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-13
Package of three CGI programs for user authentication
cgipplib - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-13
Support classes for building CGI applications
cgixx - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-02-09
C++ CGI class library
CGI_UTILS - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-03-25
C++ classes
CRAM - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-07-29
CGI scripts that rotate content
cssutils - [LGPL] - 2004-05-08
A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets.
FastCGI - [OpenMarket] - 2004-02-02
Performance enhancing extension to CGI
FAUS - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-02-20
Perl CGI script that user administer through a Web interface
Flate - [LGPL] - 2003-03-07
Library to work with HTML code in CGI applications
guestbook - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-02
Processes input from a Web guestbook form
HTML::Defaultify - [Perl] - 2002-06-17
Specifies default values for HTML forms
info2html - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-11-19
Converts GNU .info files to HTML
libhtmlTemplate - [LGPLv2.1orlater] - 2003-08-19
Library for developing CGI applications
LibTPT - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-02-09
Template scripting language
Mkcgi - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-02-02
Helps generate form processing CGI scripts
Mod_python - [The Apache License] - 2004-01-13
Embeds Python within an Apache server
Monolith - [LGPL] - 2002-11-27
Framework for writing CGI applications
My Voting Script - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-12-11
Polling mechanism for a Web page
Perl webmail - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-12-01
CGI script that interfaces with a POP mail server
read4me - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-07-09
Decides how likely it is that you will like a given RSS feed
rws - [LGPL] - 2002-08-23
Small, fast webserver
SandSurfer - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-08
SimpleForm - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-09-15
Simple, quick, usable form processor
Spyce - [The Apache License] - 2003-04-28
Python-based Web scripting
swfw - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-06-21
Perl CGI Web page generator
Symbio - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-22
Commenting system for Web sites and blogs
tree.pl - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-01-22
Creates sitemaps
yawk - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-06-22
Wiki clone written in gawk

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