Top > System administration > Configuration > FAI

FAI - Automatically installes Debian onto a PC cluster

FAI installs a Debian GNU/Linux operating system on a PC cluster. You take one or more virgin PCs, turn on the power, and the program installs, configures and runs Linux on the whole cluster without any interaction necessary.

FAI uses the Debian distribution and a collection of shell- and Perl-scripts for the installation process. Cfengine, shell, and Perl scripts make changes to the configuration files of the operating system. Using FAI, a fully automatic installation of a Linux cluster which consists of 16 dual Pentium PC's was performed.

FAI's target group are system administrators who must install Debian onto one or even hundreds of computers. Because it's a general purpose installation tool, it can be used for installing a beowulf cluster, a rendering farm or a linux laboratory or a classroom. Also, large-scale linux networks with different hardware and different installation requirements are easy to establish using FAI.


Web page
Source tarball
Version 2.4.1 (stable) released on 2003-04-02
Licensed under The GNU General Public License, Version 2.
This is not a GNU package.

User guide available in ASCII, HTML, PDF, and PostScript formats from
Support contacts

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Bug List<>

Project contacts


Related information

Source repositorycvs -d login password fai
Source languagesShell script, Perl
Use requirementsPerl, cfengine, Debian distribution

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <> on 2000-12-12
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <>


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